Bee Swarm Simulator: How To Easily Craft Gummy Mask Guide - Item Level Gaming (2025)

in Guides

You’ll need a lot of materials for this one!

byJon Suan

Gathering materials in video games to craft your favorite items can be daunting especially if you don’t know where to start. Some games have a lot of crafting recipes and ingredients and you’ll need to know where to find them!

In Bee Swarm Simulator, you can craft yourself a Gummy Mask, which can help you a lot in the game with its stats. You’ll need to gather all the necessary ingredients to craft it though, and that’s where the challenge is!

In this guide, we’ll show you how you can easily craft the Gummy Mask in the game. We’ll go through all of the ingredients and what are the easiest ways to get them. Now let’s craft this amazing item for our character!

How To Easily Craft Gummy Mask Guide

There are a lot of items that you can get in Bee Swarm Simulator that can give you all sorts of bonuses. One of the best ones you can get is the Gummy Mask, since it has tons of bonuses they give to the player. To get it through you’ll need to craft it and that requires grinding for some materials!

Here are the steps we’ll be taking to get the materials for the Gummy Mask:

  1. Get Glue from the Glue Dispenser, Candy Planters in Stump Field, etc.
  2. Get Oil from the Retro Challenge, Tacky Planters in Sunflower Field, etc.
  3. Obtain Enzymes from the Retro Challenge, Killing Mantises, etc.
  4. Obtain Glitter from the Memory Match, Killing Tunnel Bear, etc.
  5. Get a Satisfying Vial from Dapper Bear, or Planters in Sunflower Field, etc.

This article continues with a detailed walkthrough down below!

Obtaining The Materials

To get the Gummy Mask in Bee Swarm Simulator, you’ll need to first gather the materials for it. It’s going to be a long grind, since you’ll need a lot of them to make this item. Here are the stuff that you’ll need to make the mask:

  • 5,000,000,000 Honey
  • 250 Glue
  • 100 Enzymes
  • 100 Oil
  • 100 Glitter
  • 1 Satisfying Vial

The honey is fairly easy to get since all you need to do is grind for it, the other materials though can be a bit challenging. Here are some ways you can easily get them for the mask!

Bee Swarm Simulator: How To Easily Craft Gummy Mask Guide - Item Level Gaming (2)

Obtaining Glue

If you need to get a lot of glue easily, then the best way to farm this material is through the Glue Dispenser. It can give you 2-5 Glue depending on your Glue Badge. If you have a Candy Planter, you can place it in the Stump Field to get 10 Glue every three times.

Bee Swarm Simulator: How To Easily Craft Gummy Mask Guide - Item Level Gaming (3)

You can also do Spout Parties and if you’re lucky, you’ll get the Gummy Spout which drops around 4 glues. If you want a lot of glue, then you’ll want to defeat the Stump Snail which can drop anywhere around 8 to 100 Glues.

Obtaining Enzymes

When you need to farm enzymes in the game, the best way to do it is in the Retro Challenge. When you reach above wave 12, you’ll have a chance of obtaining around 10 enzymes. If you don’t want to play with RNG, you can kill mobs like Mantises, King Beetle, or Tunnel Bear which all give enzymes.

Bee Swarm Simulator: How To Easily Craft Gummy Mask Guide - Item Level Gaming (4)

Obtaining Oil

If you need oil, then the easiest way to get it is through the Retro Challenge. Bring a couple of friends and then get to above Wave 12 to get a chance of being rewarded with around 10 Oils. Another great way to plant the Tacky Planter in the Sunflower Field as it drops 1-3 Oils at full growth.

Bee Swarm Simulator: How To Easily Craft Gummy Mask Guide - Item Level Gaming (5)

Obtaining Glitter

If you need to get a lot of glitter, the easiest way to get it is through the Memory Match game. Killing certain mobs like Tunnel Bear, King Beetle, and Coconut Crab can give you glitter as well. You can also pop Moon Sprouts to get Moon charms to craft glitter as well.

Bee Swarm Simulator: How To Easily Craft Gummy Mask Guide - Item Level Gaming (6)

Obtaining a Satisfying Vial

For the last material for the Gummy Mask, you’ll want to get the Satisfying Vial from the Dapper Bear. The quest line from him will give you at least 3 of them and you’ll need only 1 for the mask. You can also get one through condensing nectar by just leaving 3 planters in Sunflower, Pineapple, and Pumpkin Field.

Bee Swarm Simulator: How To Easily Craft Gummy Mask Guide - Item Level Gaming (7)

Why Craft The Gummy Mask?

That’s a lot of materials to farm and it can take hours to do it even with the easy or fast ways. Is it worth it just to craft the Gummy Mask? Well, this item can give you a lot of bonuses. Here are all of the buffs you’ll get when you use the Gummy Mask:

  • +75% Goo
  • +10% Instant Goo Conversion
  • x1.25 White Pollen
  • +25% Pollen
  • x1.5 Capacity
  • x1.5 White Field Capacity
  • +30% Defense
  • +20% Bee Ability Rate
  • Passive: Coin Scatter (With Honey Mask)
  • Passive: Gummy Morph

As you can see, those are a lot of bonuses and buffs so it’s well worth it! That’s how you can easily craft the Gummy Mask in Bee Swarm Simulator by obtaining all of these materials. Now go out there and try it out yourself! Are you just starting in the game? Check out our Early Game guide for more details!

Bee Swarm Simulator: How To Easily Craft Gummy Mask Guide - Item Level Gaming (2025)
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