Can Acne Be Caused By Allergies? Causes And Treatment – Femhealth Cares (2024)

Can acne be caused by allergies? You are not alone if you are wondering about the answer to this. Let’s take a look.

Can Acne Be Caused By Allergies: Acne Vs Allergies

Before we get into how these two conditions may be related, let’s take a look at what they are.


Acne is a common skin condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It often appears as breakouts, involving inflamed and clogged pores, leading to the development of pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads. Although various factors contribute to the occurrence of acne, such as genetics, hormonal changes and lifestyle, the question of whether allergies can cause acne has been a topic of interest for many.

Allergic Reactions

Allergic reactions can trigger an inflammatory response in the body, leading to skin irritation and inflammation. This raises the possibility that allergies might contribute to acne breakouts. Examining the relationship between allergies and acne may provide a better understanding of the skin condition and reveal potential treatment methods for individuals struggling with persistent breakouts.

Relationship Between Allergies And Acne

While allergies are not a direct cause of acne, they can influence its development by triggering an inflammatory response and creating a favorable environment for acne to thrive.

  • Skin Inflammation: Allergies can trigger inflammatory responses within the body, leading to skin inflammation and potentially worsening acne.
  • Overproduction Of Sebum: As a result of the inflammatory response, the skin may produce more sebum, which can clog pores and contribute to the formation of acne.

Symptoms Of Contact Dermatitis

The symptoms of allergic contact dermatitis may look like acne, but technically it is not acne. Here are some symptoms of contact dermatitis:

  • Red skin: Allergic reactions can cause increased blood flow to the skin, resulting in redness and warmth.
  • Itchy skin: Histamines released during an allergic reaction can cause itchiness on the skin’s surface. Scratching these areas may further exacerbate acne breakouts.
  • Red bumps: Allergic reactions can cause the appearance of red bumps or hives on the skin, which may resemble acne.

Cystic Acne Vs Irritant Contact Dermatitis

Cystic acne is severe acne with deep, painful cysts caused by hormonal imbalances and bacterial overgrowth. Irritant contact dermatitis results from exposure to irritants like chemicals, causing redness and inflammation. While cystic acne stems from internal factors, irritant contact dermatitis is triggered externally.

Can Acne Be Caused By Allergies: Food Allergy

The relationship between diet and acne has been a subject of research for many years. Allergies can play an indirect role in causing acne by triggering an inflammatory response in the body.

Food sensitivities, in particular, may worsen acne in some individuals. When the body reacts to certain foods, it may set off an inflammatory response, leading to skin inflammation. This inflammation can manifest as redness, itchiness, and even the formation of red bumps on the skin.

Also, the response could lead to the overproduction of sebum. Sebum is an oily substance that can clog pores and contribute to acne development.

Dairy Products

Dairy products, such as milk, cheese, and yogurt, have been linked to acne. They contain hormones that can stimulate oil production, leading to acne. However, this type of food intolerance would not specifically be classified as an allergy because the immune system is not being activated.

Allergic reactions occur when the immune system mistakenly identifies a harmless substance (allergen) as a threat and produces an immune response to it. This immune response involves the release of various chemicals, including histamine, from specialized cells called mast cells and basophils.

High Glycemic Index Foods

A food with a high glycemic index (GI) is one that causes a rapid and significant increase in blood glucose levels after consumption. The glycemic index is a numerical scale that ranks carbohydrate-containing foods based on how quickly they raise blood sugar levels compared to pure glucose (which has a GI of 100).

Foods with a high GI are typically those that are rapidly digested and absorbed, leading to a quick spike in blood sugar levels.

Can Acne Be Caused By Allergies: Contact Allergy

In the context of acne, certain substances can trigger allergy symptoms, which may lead to inflammation and worsen the condition2.

Skin Care Products

For instance, some individuals might be allergic to ingredients in skincare products or makeup, causing an inflammatory response that exacerbates acne symptoms. Moreover, allergens like pollen, pet dander, or dust could provoke an immune response that aggravates the skin, making acne-prone individuals more susceptible to breakouts.


This type of food allergy occurs when a person physically comes into contact with the food. You may notice this on a young baby who is eating pasta and the pasta sauce touches their cheek. Later the cheek may appear red and inflamed. If someone has a contact allergy to a certain food, it may or may not also translate to a food allergy.

Chemical Irritants

There are many chemical irritants that may cause atopic dermatitis. This can present as red and inflamed skin, but it is uncommon to see something like cystic acne from a contact allergy.

Can Acne Be Caused By Allergies: Diagnosis

If you think that an allergic reaction is an acne trigger for you, then determining what you are allergic to can be helpful.

Allergy Testing

Allergy testing can be done by visiting an allergist. This is often done with skin testing, but there are also blood tests that can help determine if certain common allergens are causing skin reactions.

Food allergies are more likely to cause skin issues compared to seasonal allergies. However, different people react differently and what may routinely trigger acne in one person, may not cause acne in another.


It is also important to keep track of which triggers may be leading to excess sebum production. The best way is to keep a journal of how your skin reacts after using certain products or eating certain foods.

Elimination Diet

In some cases, if you can not figure out what the underlying causes are, you can try an elimination diet. To perform an elimination diet, start by removing potential trigger foods known to cause adverse reactions, such as dairy, gluten, soy, eggs, and nuts, from your diet for a period of several weeks.

Gradually reintroduce each eliminated food group one at a time while closely monitoring your body’s response to identify any symptoms or reactions. This will help you to pinpoint specific food intolerances or sensitivities.

Can Acne Be Caused By Allergies: Management

Once you have figured out which allergen is affecting the health of your skin, there are a few different ways to manage it.

Allergen Avoidance

This is the most simple thing to do so it is a good idea to start here. If you know that your body’s immune system reacts a certain way to a product or a certain high glycemic food, then doing your best to avoid that can help improve symptoms.

Remember to do your best to choose gentle, fragrance-free skincare products. Try to buy hypoallergenic laundry detergents, and avoid overuse of harsh cleaning agents on the skin.

Dietary Considerations

A healthy diet plays a significant role in managing allergic acne. Consuming foods rich in essential fatty acids, such as omega-3 and omega-6, can help regulate inflammation and improve skin health.

Additionally, avoid high-glycemic foods such as white bread, white rice, and pasta, as these can trigger inflammation and contribute to acne development.

Include the following food groups in your diet:

  • Protein: lean meats, fish, poultry, eggs, beans, and legumes
  • Fruits and vegetables: apples, oranges, leafy greens, and tomatoes
  • Whole grains: brown rice, whole wheat bread, and whole grain pasta
  • Healthy fats: nuts, seeds, avocados, and olive oil

Over The Counter Remedies

There are many OTC products that you can try. The best treatment will be the one that works for you.

Salicylic Acid And Benzoyl Peroxide

Incorporate products containing active ingredients such as salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide to help unclog pores, reduce inflammation and prevent the formation of new blemishes. However, if you have sensitive skin or are allergic to any of these ingredients, consult your dermatologist for alternative options.

See A Doctor

If you suspect that your acne is triggered by an allergy, it is crucial to seek professional medical advice as soon as possible. A healthcare professional will review your symptoms, perform a physical examination, and may recommend certain tests to help identify the root causes of your skin condition. These tests can include patch testing, in which small amounts of potential allergens are applied to the skin, or blood tests that measure the levels of allergy-related antibodies in your body.


Your dermatologist may recommend prescription medications such as topical creams, oral medications, or even steroids for severe cases.


Seeing an allergist can also be helpful as part of your treatment plan. Your allergist can work with your dermatologist to help figure out if your skin changes are symptoms of an allergic reaction.

Can Acne Be Caused By Allergies: Summary

Acne can stem from various factors, including allergic reactions that trigger inflammatory responses within the body. While allergies themselves may not directly cause acne, they can contribute to its development by exacerbating inflammation in the skin. This inflammation can lead to increased sensitivity and reactivity, making the skin more prone to breakouts.

Additionally, allergic reactions may disrupt the skin’s natural balance, affecting the function of sebaceous glands and the production of natural oils. Factors such as dry skin, dead skin cells, and hormonal changes further complicate matters, creating an environment where acne can flourish. Moreover, food sensitivities, seasonal changes, and exposure to allergens like dust mites or certain foods can exacerbate acne symptoms.

Incorporating a comprehensive skincare routine, avoiding common food allergens, and addressing underlying issues like leaky gut or hormone imbalances can be vital steps in managing adult acne caused or worsened by allergic reactions. Consulting with a dermatologist and exploring treatments tailored to your individual needs may be needed

Can Acne Be Caused By Allergies? Causes And Treatment – Femhealth Cares (2024)


Can acne be caused by allergies? ›

How Do Allergies Cause Acne? While allergies don't cause acne as a direct symptom, they can in a secondary way. Allergies cause inflammation in the body, which can lead to swelling and skin irritation. This inflammation may then trigger an immune response, resulting in the release of hormones that can worsen acne.

Can allergy medicine cause acne? ›

Corticosteroids (steroids) are often used for conditions like asthma, allergies, and autoimmune conditions. Common oral steroids include prednisone and dexamethasone. They help lower inflammation in the lungs, and other places in the body. However, they can also cause or worsen acne.

What can acne be triggered by? ›

Some things that may trigger acne include: Hormonal changes that make the skin oilier. These may be related to puberty, menstrual periods, pregnancy, birth control pills, or stress. Greasy or oily cosmetic and hair products.

What is the main cause of acne? ›

Acne develops when sebum — an oily substance that lubricates your hair and skin — and dead skin cells plug hair follicles. Bacteria can trigger inflammation and infection resulting in more severe acne. Four main factors cause acne: Excess oil (sebum) production.

Can you be allergic to acne treatments? ›

Certain over-the-counter (OTC) acne products may cause rare and life-threatening allergic reactions. Check with your doctor right away if you have hives, itching, trouble breathing, swelling of the eyes, face, lips, or tongue, tightness in the throat, or feeling faint while using these acne products.

How do you know if it's acne or allergies? ›

Since the skin may develop the same symptoms from allergies and other problems such as acne, it can be difficult to tell which ailment you are suffering from. If your skin suddenly breaks out at random, if you have chronic dry patches, or if you develop red or itchy patches on your skin, the culprit may be allergies.

How to get rid of allergy acne? ›

Steps to Manage Acne Treatment Allergies
  1. Discontinue use of the product causing the reaction.
  2. Apply cool compresses to alleviate irritation.
  3. Use over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream.
  4. Take antihistamines to reduce allergic symptoms.
  5. Consult a dermatologist for further advice.

Why is my skincare giving me acne? ›

Some makeup, along with many skin and hair care products, contain oil or other ingredients that can cause acne breakouts. If you continue to use them, you may continue to see blemishes. What to do instead: Use only makeup, sunscreen, skin, and hair-care products that are labeled “non-comedogenic” or “won't clog pores.”

Can vitamin B12 cause acne? ›

No one is quite sure why, but taking high-doses of vitamin B6 and B12 (more than 5 mg to 10 mg per week) has been shown to cause acne breakouts or worsen existing acne. One theory is the metabolism of Cutibacterium acnes (C. acnes) — the bacteria linked to acne — needs B12.

What kills acne bacteria fast? ›

Benzoyl peroxide.

This ingredient kills bacteria that cause acne, helps remove excess oil from the skin and removes dead skin cells, which can clog pores. Benzoyl peroxide products that you can buy without a prescription are available in strengths from 2.5% to 10%.

What age is acne the worst? ›

Adolescence: The Expected Peak

According to numerous studies, including one published in the Journal of American Academy of Dermatology, acne predominantly affects adolescents between 12-24 years. Over 85% of teenagers in this age bracket experience some form of acne.

Does diet cause acne? ›

You're more likely to have acne if your diet is full of foods and drinks like soda, white bread, white rice, and cake. The sugar and carbohydrates in these foods tend to get into your blood really quickly. That means they are high on the glycemic index, a measure of how foods affect blood sugar.

What diseases cause acne? ›

Acne may be a feature in many endocrine disorders, including polycystic ovary disease, Cushing syndrome, CAH, androgen-secreting tumors, and acromegaly. Other nonendocrine diseases associated with acne include Apert syndrome, SAPHO syndrome, Behçet syndrome and PAPA syndrome.

Why won't my acne go away? ›

Unexplained medical issues are sometimes the root cause of persistent acne. Conditions that affect hormone levels and medicines taken for other illnesses may cause acne or prolong acne healing in patients. Additionally, anxiety and stress also play a major role in acne's ability to stay.

What skin allergy looks like acne? ›

Skin conditions that can cause a rash that looks like acne on the face include rosacea, keratosis pilaris, eczema (atopic dermatitis), folliculitis, hives, milia, perioral dermatitis, and hidradenitis suppurativa (HS). Skin rashes are abnormal changes in skin color, texture, or appearance.

Is acne a histamine response? ›

Typical skin reactions caused by histamines

Menopause symptoms such as formication (a feeling like ants walking under the skin), can be worse for consuming foods containing histamines. Flares in eczema, rosacea and acne can sometimes be explained by histamine intolerance.

Can seasonal allergies affect skin? ›

Those with seasonal allergies are likely to experience an increase in dry, itchy, and irritated skin. If your skin is dry, use a hydrating cream that contains glycerin to rehydrate the areas of dry skin. Whenyou have severe dryness, hives and scaly patches may appear as well.

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