Caroline Stanbury has revealed she splashed out £27,000 on a facelift after realising that she 'couldn't go any further' with fillers alone.
The Real Housewives of Dubai star, 47, underwent the procedure in November and has now told The Sun she has no regrets.
Caroline admitted she considered a facelift,which helps improve the definition of the jawline as well as reducing the appearance of jowls and loose skin around the neck area, after realising she'd reached a limit with just fillers.
She said: 'They are great when you are young, but you get to a certain point and can't go further.
'I should have dissolved them after a period of time, then started over again, because after a while, your face starts to look incredibly round. That's why I started to wonder if there is something else out there.'
Caroline Stanbury has revealed she splashed out £27,000 on a facelift after realising that she 'couldn't go any further' with fillers alone (left after her surgery in November, and right in June)
After liking a pal's facelift, Caroline took the plunge with a surgeon, but did fear that her children wouldn't recognise her new face.
She added: 'I wanted my kids to recognise me, not go: ''Mummy, what have you done?'''
Caroline previously offered insight into her experience having a facelift, admitting it left her looking like she'd 'been in a car crash'
The TV personality was left covered in bandages following the cosmetic procedure, but she insisted the decision to go under the knife had nothing to do with her marriage to 29-year old Sergio Carrallo, who is 18-years her junior.
Asked why she had the faceliftif she was confident in her husband, she said: 'This had zero to do with @sergiocarallo he begged me not to do it! I don't worry about my relationship with him one minute of the day.'
In November Stanbury revealed that she had undergone her facelift inLos Angeles'with no information whatsoever'.
Since returning back to the UK she has appeared on her podcastUncut and Uncensored with her Spanish husband.
Footage shared from the podcast on their Instagram shows her covering up her face with huge sunglasses as she has her hood up and microphone in front of her.
Caroline admitted she considered a facelift, which helps improve the definition of the jawline, after realising she'd reached a limit with just fillers
The socialite admitted on the podcast: 'I decided to have a face-lift with no information whatsoever.I skipped into that surgery like I was having a mole removed.
'This is LA – so, unlike other places where you're sort of taken to hospital and feel like you're having a medical experience, here you're taken to a back room of an office just as if you're having a filler. They put you to sleep and remove your face.
'I looked like I'd been in a car crash and the car definitely didn't win.'
Stanbury said of the ordeal: 'He managed to cut off three inches on my neck and then the full width of my ear from my face.
'The shape of my face is completely wrong for a human: the top half is wider than the bottom half, and my neck is too thick. I have stitches at the front and back of my ear and on my eyelids.'
She explained why she went under the knife: 'I wanted to look exactly like me but fresh.
'I did my upper lip, my eyelids, where they take off the excess skin because I'm 47. I did lower neck, and my neck is so tight right now.
'I really thought it was a half face-lift and I only had one appointment and paid the money.'
She said of the results: 'There is no sign of my face in that face – which is petrifying. I wanted to sue my doctor because when you slightly look at your face everything is in the wrong place.
'Obviously after surgery, things swell differently, on each side, nothing looks even, and my neck doesn't move so it's like a tree trunk.'
In November, Stanbury revealed she'd undergone a facelift at the age of 47 that left her looking like she'd 'been in a car crash'
In December she shared a glimpse of her healing scars- 23 days after undergoing surgery that left her looking like she'd 'been in a car crash'
Meanwhile Carrallo admitted he'd been left distraught after her surgery.
'There are two wives – the one last week and the wife this week – I don't recognise her,' he said.
'It was the worst experience of my life. I was crying; I was trying to look for her and find my wife.'
He added: 'Mentally and emotionally, I've been on the floor. No words can describe how much I'm suffering looking at my wife.I don't want my wife to look fake, I want her to look natural.'
Stanbury, who was previously married to Turkish businessman Cem Habib, said she was also moved to tears.
'When he was crying, I started crying, but my tears were blood,' she said. 'It's the hardest thing I've ever done and no one prepares you for it.'