CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15. 1960 ABT 8- PAGE 8 Rogers PTA to Hear Talk Congregations Plan Arrange Art Fair Exhibits Jhe. Country CpL on Parents' Role Today for Selihot Services North area Jewish congre NORTH MALL OLD ORCHARD 1 SHOPPER ROW GLENViEW I ill ln il iryy JL tthh" ml in mm i r'rr pnoniM wim.ymimMinwiiia I gations will usher in the com Mrs. Mary K. Satinover, director of parent education at the University of Chicago, will discuss "The Role of the Parent in Today's World" at the season's jrst meeting of Rogers PTA at 1 m.
Monday in the school audi ing high holy days by hold Ing Selihot services, prepara tory prayers for repentance, this week. Congregation Shaare Tik-vah, 5800 Kimball will hold Selihot services at mid torium, 7345 N. Washtenaw night Saturday in the syna- av. Dr. Benjamin Elkin, principal, will speak on Current Issues in Education." Room mothers of the 4th and 5th graders will be hostesses at a dessert luncheon before the meeting.
Mrs. Michael Barr, 2723 Jarlath is program st. After the meeting, there will be a gym demonstration, Blackhawk Square dancing, ballroom dancing, and a short comedy play, The Little Red Schoolhouse," are on the program for a get acquainted meeting of Black-hawk 8 p. m. Sept.
27 in the school auditorium, Illinois and Schaumburg roads, Hoffman Estates. Gale "Town Hall Tonight" will be the theme of the first fall meeting of the Gale PTA at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday in the school auditorium, 1631 Jonquil terr. Current problems facing the community, future plans' for the school and community, agencies serving the area, and social and business agencies in the neighborhood will be discussed.
Clinton Mrs. Clifton Ut-ley will be the guest speaker at the opening meeting of the Clinton PTA at 12:45 p. m. Thursday in the school. A social tea on the theme, "Exchange Student Ideas," will be held after the business meeting.
Amundsen A freshman orientation assembly and mothers tea will be sponsored by Amundsen PTA at 1 p. m. Thursday in the auditorium, 5110 Damen av. Refreshments will be served after the meeting. Garw A short play and Preparing exhibits for first Lincoln-Belmont-Ashland art fair are (from left) Melvin Klegerman, 2673 Orchard Saturday at B'nal Jacob congregation of West Rogers Park, 6200 N.
'Artesian av. A conservative service will be held in the Nortown theater, and a traditional service in the synagog sanctuary. Rosh Hashanah rites will begin at 6:15 p. m. Wednesday at B'nai Jacob.
Other high holy day services will be at 8 a. m. next Thursday and Sept. 23. The sisterhood of Congregation B'nai David, 2626 Foster will sponsor a community get together at 10:30 p.
m. Saturday prior to Selihot services. Rabbi Murry J. Peiman will discuss Understanding Selihot" at 11:45 p. m.
in the temple. Use New Sanctuary High holy day services will begin at 6:30 p. m. Wednesday at Congregation B'nai David. Rabbi Peiman will discuss The Inner Search and "The Outward March" on Rosh Hashanah; and "What Is Unity?" on Yom Kippur.
The new sanctuary and synagog of Congregation Lake-view Anshe Sholom B'nai Israel, 540 Melrose will be the scene of high holy day services which begin with Selihot Saturday evening. Cantor Hyman Mosak will be guest conductor for holiday services at Warsaw Bick-ur Cholim congregation, 3543 Peterson av. Selihot services will start at midnight Saturday in the temple. The traditional Selihot service will begin at midnight Saturday in Congregation K. I.
N. 2800 North Shore with Rabbi Moses Mesch-eloff preaching on the topic "Faith Gives Night Light." Library to Open Prior to the service, the Victor Yipp, 639 Schubert teve Coulson, 2620 Orchard and Thomas Paar, 511 Belmont av. More than 200 artists will exhibit in fair, which will be open noon to 9 p. ra. Friday; 10 a.
m. to 9 p. m. Saturday; and noon to 6 p. m.
Sunday. 1 FALL CLASSES chairman. Hibbard Room mothers of Hibbard PTA will meet at 1 Thursday in the home of Mrs. Lillian "Kohn, 5050 Troy st. Hostesses will be Mrs.
Herbert Lowenstein, 4942 Albany and Mrs. Philip Stein, 4806 Troy st. Lake View "True Understanding of Lake View High School Curriculum "will be the theme of th- Lake View PTA orientation meeting for mothers of freshman students at 1:15 p. m. Thursday in the social room of the school.
Among subjects to -be discussed are, the scholastic program, honor classes, the "100" program, the athletic program, club, and social activities. Mrs. Herbert Richter, 2148 Grace president, will introduce new officers. Jamieson New members will be guests at the first meeting of Jamieson PTA at 12:30 p. m.
Tuesday in the assembly hall, 5650 Mozart jrasnion declares an extra dividend of comfort TO START AT IRVING PARK 'Y' The fall series of adult Interest courses will next week at the Irving in practical investing will be held on Monday evenings. Figure control classes for women will meet at 1:30 and 6:30 p. m. Tuesdays. Instruction classes in playing the organ will be held on Mondays for beginners and on Wednesdays for intermediate students.
Adult dance instruction courses for beginners, intermediate, and advanced students will be held Wednesday evenings. Course, in ceramics, sculpture, oil painting, and contract bridge will meet Thursday evenings. Park Y.M.C.A., 4251 Irving Park rd. One of the things tliat malce fhse smart Bed Cross Shoes look 90 trim end beautiful on -your toot the very thing that makes then extra comfortable, too. It's a caressing elasticizing that molds them to roar foot lets the soft, supple leathet flex with every step yon taka.
Largest teUhtg brand of fine footwear ta the world, Stylet from 1029 to 1420, A personality course for career girls will be held on installation of the schools Tuesday evenings. An executive's" course and a public safety patrol are on the pro-i gram for a meeting of Garvy PTA at 1 p. m. Thursday inj the auditorium, 5225 Oak. Parkav.
speaking course will be of fered Thursday evenings. Beginning and advanced courses gog sanctuary. Cantor Murray J. Lind, 5754 Christiana a fifth generation cantor, will chant the liturgy. Rabbi Herman E.
Schaal-man will conduct services at p. m. Saturday at Emanuel 'congregation, 5959 Sheridan rd. Rosh Hashanah services twill begin at 8:30 p. m.
Wednesday at Emanuel, and continue at 10 a. m. next Thursday. 1 Temple Judea Services Holiday halls, 3812 Lawrence will be the scene 'of Temple Judea's services. The temple, 6112 Claremont will begin Rosh Hashanah celebrations at 8 p.
m. Wednesday. Day services will be at 10 a. m. next Thursday and Sept.
23. Temple Judea will have Kol Nidre services at 7 p. m. Sept. 30, and Yom Kippur services begin at 10 a.
m. Oct. 1. Officers of Congregation Beth Sholom of Rogers Park, 1233 Pratt will be installed at Selihot services at 9 p. m.
Saturday in the syna-gog. An open house and cial hour will be held after the installation ceremonies, and supper will be served in Crown hall. Rabbi William B. Gold will begin Selihot services at midnight Saturday. Sermon on Penitence Congregation Ezras Israel also will combine installation of officers and Selihot services Saturday in the synagog, 7001 California av.
Installation ceremonies will start at 8:30 p. m. and services at 11 p. m. Rabbi Benzion C.
Kaga-noff will preach on "Penitence: A Return to What?" More than 2,000 worshippers are expected to attend high holy day services of the Niles Township Jewish con- gregation in three township auditoriums. Services will be held in the Niles Township High school assembly hall, Division and Oakton streets; the Old Orchard theater, 9400 Skokie and the synagog, 4500 Dempster st. The high holy days will begin with Selihot services at 11:30 p. m. Saturday in the synagog.
Rosh Hashanah will be observed Wednesday evening, next Thursday, and Sept. 23. Yom Kippur rites will be held the evening of Sept. 30 and all day Oct. 1.
Service in Theater "In the Stillness of Night" will be the sermon topic for the midnight Selihot service congregation will officially open its new library, and the sisterhood will serve refresh- ments at 11 p. m. in the! synagog auditorium. Rabbi1 mm 4'. Mescheloff will begin New Year services at 6:30 p.
m. I NURitKi 1 oakden'shof IOULEVAR9 Wednesday. Beth Emet synagog, Evans- ton, will hold its high holy day services at the First Methodist church, 1633 Hin- ss. --a. 3 i(nwwiXvyWferiK -r 4 -jwocMhwwqWMiigfc ACROSS FROM EDENS PLAZA PAUL PISTDVAIL VALHj) man Evanston.
Rosh Hashanah services will begin at 8 p. m. Wednesday. Other rites will be at 10 a. m.
next Thursday. Yom Kippur services also will be held at the First Methodist church at 8 p. m. Sept. 30, and at 10 a.
m. Oct. 1. Four simultaneous services will be conducted on Rosh Hashanah by Anshe Emet synagog, Pine Grove avenue Do you have employes in the armed services? and Grace street. The services Fertilize novv withTHRIVE'for 3-season results will be at 8:30 p.
m. Wednesday and at 9:30 'a. m. next Thursday and Sept. 23 in the synagog, the chapel, the community hall, and the Solomon Goldman auditorium, 4040 Sheridan rd.
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