Chris Confided To Gail Borah That He Was Close To One Member Of His Family. Who Is That? (2024)

English High School


Answer 1

According to the book "Into the Wild" by Jon Krakauer, Chris McCandless confided to Gail Borah that he was close to his sister, Carine.

Chris and Carine had a tumultuous childhood, with their parents' marriage being strained and eventually ending in divorce. Despite this, the two siblings were very close and relied on each other for emotional support.

After Chris graduated from college and decided to embark on his journey to Alaska, he gave Carine his savings account, which he no longer needed, and asked her to keep it safe for him. Chris also wrote letters to Carine throughout his travels, revealing his innermost thoughts and feelings.

When Chris died in Alaska, Carine was devastated, but she took it upon herself to understand her brother's motivations and the reasons behind his actions. She eventually wrote her own book, "The Wild Truth," which explores her family's dysfunctional past and sheds light on Chris's character and motivations.

To learn more about Jon Krakauer


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The job outlook is a kind of statement that transmit the decline or growth in employment mostly in an occupation that will span over the next 10 years.

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Read the excerpt from “Choose a Sunscreen Right for Reefs.”

Why should you choose to wear reef-safe sunscreen? First, because reef-safe sunscreen does not contain two chemicals: oxybenzone and octinoxate. In many sunscreens, these chemicals help to filter out or block the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. However, when they wash off in the ocean, they can be carried by the water to nearby coral reefs. Once there, these chemicals can damage the coral polyps. They can make it so the polyps cannot reproduce. They can also kill the algae on the reef. That then triggers a chain reaction. The polyps die, and animals such as parrot fish, which feed on the polyps, have nothing to eat. So they die, as well. Then those fish that eat parrot fish are robbed of their food, too. And once the food chain is broken in this way, it can spell disaster for the reef as a whole.

Question 1
Part A

What is the author’s purpose in the excerpt?


to describe the relationship between species in the coral reef food chain

to explain how the chemicals in regular sunscreen are destroying living things in coral reefs

to describe the diverse animals living in coral reefs to convince readers to visit them

to list the health benefits of wearing sunscreen at the beach

Question 2
Part B

Which sentence from the excerpt best supports the answer to Part A?


"However, when they wash off in the ocean, they can be carried by the water to nearby coral reefs."


"And once the food chain is broken in this way, it can spell disaster for the reef as a whole."

"First, because reef-safe sunscreen does not contain two chemicals: oxybenzone and octinoxate."

"In many sunscreens, these chemicals help to filter out or block the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays."


A. The author's purpose in the excerpt is to explain how the chemicals in regular sunscreen are destroying living things in coral reefs. B. The sentence that best supports the answer to is, "However, when they wash off in the ocean, they can be carried by the water to nearby coral reefs."

A. The author explains the harmful effects of the chemicals oxybenzone and octinoxate found in many sunscreens on coral reefs. The author provides information on how these chemicals damage coral polyps and trigger a chain reaction, causing harm to different species in the coral reef food chain. The purpose of the excerpt is to educate readers about the impact of regular sunscreen on coral reefs and to encourage them to choose reef-safe sunscreen instead.

B. This sentence provides a clear explanation of how the chemicals in regular sunscreen can harm coral reefs. It establishes a cause-and-effect relationship between the use of sunscreen and the damage caused to the coral polyps and the reef's food chain.

To know more about coral reefs, click here.


In stanza 12, the narrator sits down in front of the raven, what is the narrator thinking as he looks at the bird?


In stanza 12 of "The Raven," the narrator is filled with a sense of dread as he sits down in front of the raven. He is captivated by the bird's unblinking stare and begins to wonder if the bird is a sign of something ominous or if it is simply a figment of his imagination.

As he looks at the raven, the narrator's mind is consumed with thoughts of his lost love Lenore. He begins to ask the bird if there is any hope of him being reunited with her in the afterlife, but the raven only responds with its haunting refrain of "Nevermore." Despite the narrator's attempts to reason with the bird, it becomes clear that the raven is a harbinger of doom and despair. The narrator's thoughts and emotions are expertly conveyed through the use of imagery and language, creating a sense of foreboding and unease that permeates the entire poem. The raven's constant refrain of "Nevermore" adds to the narrator's emotional turmoil, causing him to question the meaning behind the cryptic word and its relevance to his own life and experiences. Overall, the narrator's thoughts in Stanza 12 revolve around the raven's perplexing nature, and how it relates to his own feelings of grief and longing for Lenore.

To know more about Narrator's refer :


What is the creature's reaction to Paradise Lost? According to the creature, how is he both similar to and dissimilar from Adam?


The creature in Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein" is deeply affected by John Milton's epic poem "Paradise Lost". He describes his reaction to the poem in Chapter 15, saying that he is moved by the story of Adam and Eve and their fall from grace.

He sees similarities between himself and Adam, both of whom were created innocent and were corrupted by the society around them. The creature sees himself as a fallen angel, cast out from the company of humanity due to his physical appearance.

At the same time, the creature recognizes that he is not like Adam in some crucial ways. Adam had a creator who loved him and cared for him, while the creature was abandoned and rejected by his own creator. Adam had Eve as a companion, while the creature is utterly alone in the world. Despite these differences, the creature still sees himself as a kind of Adam figure, struggling to find his place in a hostile world.

Learn more about Frankenstein


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Overall, the story presents a picture of a family that has been shaped by the effects of war, even if they have not directly experienced combat themselves.

Learn more about Charming Billy


Complete Question:

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..must stand by and see one white son tie up his brother, of but a few shades darker complexion than himself' What does this passage means?


The passage highlights the need to address the issue of racial discrimination and to promote equality and justice for all, regardless of skin color or other superficial differences.

The passage describes a situation where a white person observes a scenario where one white son ties up his brother, who has a slightly darker complexion than himself. The meaning of this passage can be interpreted in several ways, but one possible interpretation is that it highlights the issue of racial discrimination and the unequal treatment of people based on their skin color.

The phrase "but a few shades darker complexion" suggests that the two brothers are not significantly different in their skin color, yet one is still subjected to mistreatment by the other. This implies that even slight variations in skin tone can result in unequal treatment and discrimination, which is a pervasive issue in many societies.

The use of the phrase "must stand by and see" indicates that the observer is powerless to intervene or prevent the mistreatment. This suggests that the observer may be complicit in perpetuating the injustice by remaining silent and not taking action to address it.

To learn more about racial discrimination


What changes Holden's mind about going west?


Holden changes his mind about going west after spending time with his little sister, Phoebe.

In the novel "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger, Holden initially plans to run away and start a new life out west. However, his plans change after spending time with his little sister, Phoebe. Holden is questioned by Phoebe about his plans for the future and what he intends to accomplish with his life. Holden realizes that he does not have any concrete plans or goals, and that he cannot leave his family and friends behind.

He understands that he cannot run away from his problems, and that he needs to face them and take responsibility for his own life. This realization causes Holden to abandon his plans to go west and return home to his family. Through his interactions with Phoebe, Holden comes to understand the importance of family, responsibility, and the need to face one's problems head-on. His experience teaches him that true growth and maturity come from facing and overcoming challenges, rather than running away from them.

To know more about Phoebe visit :


Layout refers toa. the publication history of a poem. b. the publication date of a poem. c. the way a poem looks on the page. d. the poet's handwriting.


Layout refers toa the way a poem looks on the age. Option C

The poet may use various techniques, such as line breaks, stanzas, indentation, spacing, and punctuation, to create a particular effect. For example, a long, unbroken line can convey a sense of continuity or fluidity, while a short line can create a sense of abruptness or emphasis. Stanzas can create a sense of structure or formality, while indentation can indicate a change in speaker or tone. Overall, the layout of a poem can enhance its meaning and impact on the reader.

Learn more about poem


For their part, more and more women were rejecting bloomers for cycling. Instead, they wore shorter skirts. According to an 1896 article in the magazine Harper's Bazar, women in New York and the East were taking the lead in this fashion trend and for a very clear reason. "Women are too anxious about their personal appearance to be willing to wear what their own eyes tell them is ugly," the article said.

–Wheels of Change,
Sue Macy

What changed about women’s dress as a result of bloomers’ failed popularity?

Women realized that it was more important to be comfortable than to look fashionable.
Clothing options for women had to be both practical and fashionable.
Clothing options for women became limited to only shorter skirts.
New York and the East became the center of fashion.


The option that changed about women’s dress as a result of bloomers’ failed popularity is Clothing options for women had to be both practical and fashionable.

What is Wheels of Change?

Based on the given passage, the words "Ladies realized that it was more imperative to be comfortable than to see elegant".

The passage proposes that ladies rejected drawers for cycling and picked for shorter skirts since they needed to preserve their individual appearance and maintain a strategic distance from wearing something that they considered revolting.

Learn more about Wheels of Change, from


Who are NOT some people who are 'catchers' for Holden?


Stradlater, Sally Hayes, and Holden's parents are not "catchers" for Holden.

In J.D. Salinger's novel "The Catcher in the Rye," the protagonist Holden Caulfield often uses the term "catcher" to describe people who protect innocence and prevent children from falling into the corrupt adult world. However, there are several characters in the book who cannot be considered "catchers" for Holden.

For example, Holden's roommate, Stradlater, is depicted as a womanizer and does not seem to care about protecting anyone's innocence. Similarly, Holden's former classmate, Sally Hayes, is preoccupied with social status and material wealth, which are not qualities that align with Holden's idea of a "catcher." Furthermore, Holden's own parents, who are mostly absent from the novel, do not appear to provide any guidance or protection for their son.

In summary, characters such as Stradlater, Sally Hayes, and Holden's parents are not "catchers" for Holden because they do not embody the qualities of innocence, compassion, and protection that he values.

To know more about not catchers visit :


What is his next guess as to why the Raven is saying "Nevermore" ?


In Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven," the narrator's curiosity is piqued by the Raven's repeated utterance of "Nevermore." He begins to question why the Raven is saying this and what it could possibly mean.

As the poem progresses, the narrator speculates that the Raven is simply repeating this phrase because it is the only word it knows, or perhaps it learned it from a previous owner. However, he also considers the possibility that the Raven is intentionally taunting him, as it only says "Nevermore" in response to his queries about his lost love Lenore. The narrator begins to feel a sense of despair and hopelessness as the Raven's repeated answer reinforces the idea that he will never be reunited with Lenore. Overall, the Raven's eerie repetition of "Nevermore" serves to heighten the poem's ominous tone and contributes to its enduring popularity as a classic work of American literature.

To know more about narrator refer :


What is Krakauer's obvious purpose of including the information in Chapter 9?


Krakauer's obvious purpose of including the information is to show that Chris wasn't crazy.

Chris McCandless's past and his motivations for embarking on his journey into the wilderness of Alaska. One of the purposes of this information is to show that Chris wasn't crazy, as some people had suggested after his tragic death.

Krakauer argues that Chris was a complex and deeply thoughtful person who was driven by a desire for adventure and a quest for self-discovery. He was inspired by the works of writers like Jack London and Henry David Thoreau, and he was determined to live a life of simplicity and self-reliance.

By providing this context, Krakauer aims to show that Chris's decision to venture into the wilderness was not the result of mental illness or delusion. Rather, it was a conscious choice made by a young man who was seeking a deeper understanding of himself and the world around him.

Despite the risks involved in his journey, Chris was not reckless or foolish. He had taken careful precautions and had studied the wilderness in order to increase his chances of survival. Ultimately, however, he was unable to overcome the harsh conditions he faced, and he died of starvation in the wilderness.

Through his book, Krakauer seeks to honor Chris's memory and to provide a deeper understanding of the motivations that drove him to embark on his fateful journey.

To know more about Krakauer's Purpose visit:


which of the following describes shifts in writing?
A.The verb for that shows the manner in which the verb expresses an idea in a sentence X
B.unnecessary changes in form of the verbs within a sentence X
C.the relationship between the subject of the sentence and the verb X
D.changes in the person who is doing the action in a sentence+


The following covers shifts in writing: unneeded changes in the form of the verbs inside a phrase X. Option B is Correct.

Changes in verb tenses alter the temporal period inside a text. For instance, a writer may begin an essay with present tense verbs to establish the definition of a topic before switching to past tense verbs to describe solely past events or things that occurred in the past.

Voice shifts are the blending of active and passive voice. The active voice should be used throughout the whole sentence. The topic is active if it takes some action. The topic is passive if it is being acted upon. Option B is Correct.

Learn more about verbs Visit:


being a perfectionist, having unrealistic expectations and engaging in negative self-talk, all fall under which of the following categories discussed in the textbook?


Being a perfectionist, having unrealistic expectations, and engaging in negative self-talk all fall under the category of cognitive distortions discussed in the textbook.
Based on the terms provided - being a perfectionist, having unrealistic expectations, and engaging in negative self-talk - these behaviors all fall under the category of "cognitive distortions" discussed in the textbook. Cognitive distortions are irrational or exaggerated thought patterns that can negatively influence one's emotions and actions.

Cognitive biases are negatively biased thinking errors that are said to increase susceptibility to depression (Dozois & Beck, 2008). Individuals experience automatic thoughts in response to events that lead to emotional and behavioral reactions.

To know more about cognitive distortions visit:


If a source used in a speech requires credit in written form, it also:.



First of all, You did not tell that much wheater it's fill-in-the-blank or something else. any these would be the answer


If a source used in a speech requires credit in written form, it also: requires credit through oral citation or attribution during the speech. This means that the speaker must verbally acknowledge the source of the information or idea they are presenting, usually by stating the author's name, the title of the work, and other relevant information, such as the date or publisher.

Proper oral citation is important because it helps the audience understand the source of the information and demonstrates that the speaker has done their research and is using credible sources to support their argument. It also helps to avoid accusations of plagiarism or intellectual dishonesty, which can have serious consequences in academic and professional settings.

Jack finds another reason: “Weather, like rain or snow.” Where should this reason go in his graphic organizer?

A. as his opinion statement

B. with the topic information

C. in the “Arguments For” column

D. in the “Arguments Against” column
(I'm in a rush!)


The reason should go in his graphic organizer as option C. in the "Arguments For" column.

What is the reason?

An Arguments could be a articulation or bunch of explanations called premises expecting to decide the degree of truth or adequacy of another explanation called a conclusion. Contentions can be examined from three fundamental viewpoints.

Most conclusions drawn in overviews and carefully controlled tests are contentions by case and generalization. Jack is showing an argument in support of the idea, and the reason he found (weather) is a supporting argument for that of his opinion.

Learn more about Arguments from


Which of these kpis demonstrate engagement? choose all that apply.


There are several KPIs that can demonstrate engagement, includinG Time on site,Pages per session,Bounce rate, Social media shares and likes,Comments and feedback,Conversion rate.

A. Time on site: This measures how long users stay on your website or app, indicating their level of interest and engagement with your content.
B. Pages per session: This metric shows how many pages users view during a single visit, giving you an idea of their level of engagement with your site.
C. Bounce rate: This measures the percentage of users who leave your site after viewing only one page, which can indicate a lack of engagement or interest in your content.
D. Social media shares and likes: These metrics track how often your content is shared and liked on social media, indicating the level of engagement and interest from your audience.
E. Comments and feedback: These metrics show how often users leave comments and feedback on your content, indicating their level of engagement and interest in your brand or product.
F. Conversion rate: This measures the percentage of users who take a desired action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter, indicating their level of engagement and interest in your brand or product.

To know more about kpis demonstrate engagement ,visit:


T/F: With the exception of Judas, who betrayed Christ, and John who endured imprisonment, each of Jesus' disciples died for the belief that Jesus was Lord (God) and that He died on the cross, was buried, and resurrected three days later.


The given statement " With the exception of Judas, who betrayed Christ, and John who endured imprisonment, each of Jesus' disciples died for the belief that Jesus was Lord (God) and that He died on the cross, was buried, and resurrected three days later" is True (because according to historical records and Christian tradition, all of Jesus' disciples except for Judas and John were martyred for their belief in Jesus as Lord and Savior).

Peter was crucified upside down, Andrew was crucified on an X-shaped cross, James (son of Zebedee) was beheaded, James (son of Alphaeus) was stoned and clubbed to death, Bartholomew was flayed alive, Thomas was stabbed with a spear, Matthew was killed by a sword, Simon the Zealot was crucified, and Matthias (who replaced Judas) was stoned and beheaded.

These disciples were willing to suffer and die for their faith because they witnessed Jesus' miracles, heard His teachings, and experienced His resurrection. Their testimonies continue to inspire and strengthen believers today.

For more question on imprisonment


T/F: If someone rejects the deity of Jesus Christ, he/she rejects a required teaching for true Christianity.


The correct answer to the given question is True.

The deity of Jesus Christ is a foundational belief in Christianity, and it is essential to the Christian faith. Christians believe that Jesus is not just a prophet or a good moral teacher, but that He is the Son of God and is equal with God the Father. The Bible teaches that Jesus is the second person of the Trinity, the three persons in one Godhead, and that He became human in order to save humanity from sin and death. In fact, the Nicene Creed, a statement of faith that is widely accepted by many Christian denominations, specifically affirms the belief in "one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds, God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father." Therefore, to deny the deity of Jesus Christ is to deny a fundamental belief of Christianity.

To know more about christianity please visit:


What did Chris and Ruess each do shortly before their deaths?


Chris and Ruess each do shortly Wrote Letters before their deaths.

Although no human remains have ever been found, it is widely believed that Ruess died after falling while scaling the region's brittle canyon walls. Others contend that cattle rustlers murdered Ruess for his possessions, while some think he continued to live covertly under a different name. Ruess may have perished while attempting to swim across a river, according to a local river guide.

Krakauer is reminded of the study about prehistoric Irish monks who sailed to a desolate island off the coast of Iceland in quest of peace and isolation by Ruess and McCandless' lives, deaths, and "hunger of the spirit." Ruess changes his name multiple times while travelling until he stumbles into Davis Gulch and writes "Nemo," which is Latin for "nobody," in a rock.

To know more about Ruess and Chris visit:


what are dialects according to the film? what area of linguistics studies dialects? (research online, use the ppt. or your textbook)


In the context of film, dialects refer to different types of languages ​​spoken in different regions and communities.

The field of linguistics that deals with dialects is called sociolinguistics. Sociolinguistics studies how languages ​​change according to factors such as geography, social class, ethnicity, and gender. This area also examines how dialects are perceived by different groups of people and how dialects affect social interactions. For example, in the movie My Fair Lady, the protagonist's co*ckney dialect contrasts with the sophisticated standard English spoken by the upper classes.

To find out more about dialects and sociolinguistics, you can use online resources such as scholarly articles, research papers, and textbooks. In addition, you can use lecture slides and materials from linguistics courses.

To know more about dialects visit:


The evidence in the story reveals that eveline’s father often treats members of his family with ________.


The evidence in the story reveals that Eveline’s father often treats members of his family with violence and neglect.

The father of Eveline is presented as a violent and uncaring parent. His wife is claimed to have been "incapacitated for life" and his daughter "burdened with labours not fit for her years." It is said that Eveline "knew the stifling of her child's life among the quarrels of her father and mother" and that he was a "strong hard man."

Additionally, he is alleged to have "beaten her on the slightest provocation" and to have threatened Eveline with violence. Eveline experiences a great deal of dread and trauma as a result of his aggressive and inattentive behavior, which probably influenced her decision to remain in Ireland rather than pursue her ambitions of starting over in Argentina.

To learn more about Eveline link is here


Select two ways in which the speaker in passage 1 develops the central idea that the honey program costs more than it is worth


The context clues are important to know the ways in which the speaker in passage 1 develops the central idea that the honey program costs more than it is worth

What are context clues?

The key concept is the story's central, unifying theme, which connects all of the other parts of fiction employed by the author to create the story. The central notion is best described as the story's prevailing impression or the universal, general truth.

Also called visual indices, these words are described or defined by other words that appear in the same sentence.

An overview was given based on incomplete information.

Learn more about clues on


in the odyssey 8) in book 16 odysseus tells telemachus his revenge plan; the arms present in the hall of the palace should be removed from the walls with the exception of two sets, which will be used by father and son for killing the suitors. at the beginning of book 19, this plan seems to be different. why?


At the start of Book 19, Odysseus informs Telemachus that his plan has changed.

Rather than arming himself and Telemachus with two sets of weapons, Odysseus desires to arm himself and twelve of his devoted companions. He believes that doing so will greatly improve their chances of defeating the suitors.

After hearing the Oracle of Zeus in Book 16, Odysseus came to this conclusion. When Odysseus asked the Oracle who would win the war between the suitors and his allies, the Oracle said Odysseus and his allies would win if they outnumbered the suitors by one.

Odysseus plans to overcome the suitors and restore his home by arming himself and twelve comrades with weapons.

To learn more about Odysseus link is here


what elements of irony are present and how might this influence the definition of a good country person?


The elements of irony present in "A Good Man is Hard to Find" by Flannery O'Connor relate to the characterization of the protagonist, Mrs. Turpin, as a "good country person." Despite her belief that she is superior to those around her, her interactions with other characters reveal her flaws and contradictions. For example, she prides herself on being a devout Christian and charitable towards those less fortunate, yet she is judgmental and dismissive of people she considers beneath her. She also expresses racist and classist attitudes towards those she perceives as different from herself.

This irony highlights the discrepancy between Mrs. Turpin's self-image and her actions, ultimately challenging the reader's understanding of what it means to be a "good country person." Rather than embodying a set of virtuous qualities, Mrs. Turpin's character is complex and flawed, and her interactions with other characters demonstrate the ways in which she falls short of her own ideals.

Overall, the irony in the story serves to complicate the notion of what it means to be a "good country person," highlighting the contradictions and flaws present in individuals who may believe themselves to be virtuous. By challenging the reader's assumptions about morality and goodness, the story forces us to consider the complexity of human behavior and the limitations of our own understanding.

Know more about Irony here:


What aspect of Robert Frost's poetry is traditional?



His use of meter/structure


Robert Frost was an American poet mainly known by the use of rural life and rural settings to explore social themes from life in New England, the U.S. by the beginning of the 20th century, also, Frost use of colloquial speech and colloquial features in writing are especially recognized, as this aspect was different from the traditional style in poetry. However, regarding meter which is the way poems are constructed by following a specific structures of certain number of syllables in each verse and a combination of stressed and unstressed syllables, Frost was mainly traditional, because of this most of Frost poems have a iambic metric (combination of one stressed syllable and one unstressed syllable) using three, four or five of this combinations in each verse as Frost believe this gave a natural rhythm to his poems and because of this he always followed a strict pattern which was also a traditional view of metric in poems. Thus, the aspect that is traditional in Robert Frost's poetry is his use of meter.

______ aims to explain the types of messages that people exchange in groups and the ways these messages shape the roles of group members.


Small group communication aims to explain the types of messages that people exchange in groups and the ways these messages shape the roles of group members.

It involves the study of verbal and nonverbal communication processes that occur within groups of people, including communication patterns, decision-making processes, and leadership styles. Small group communication is a critical aspect of interpersonal communication and is essential for successful collaboration and problem-solving in a variety of contexts, including work teams, community organizations, and social clubs.

There are many different theories and approaches to studying small-group communication, each with its own set of assumptions and research questions.

To learn more about small group communications, visit here


Which rupert brooke poem opens if i should die, think only this of me?.


The poem that opens with the line "If I should die, think only this of me" is Rupert Brooke's "The Soldier".

The Rupert Brooke poem that opens with the line "If I should die, think only this of me" is titled "The Soldier." This poem is part of a collection called 1914, which consists of five sonnets that Brooke wrote during World War I.In this sonnet, the speaker laments all the small joys of life that the dead have to leave behind, but finds solace in the idea that death also provides a "shining peace" to rest those who have fallen. . Brooke published this poem he published in 1914 and in 1915 in Miscellaneous Poems. The 'richer dust' are the 'richer' dead soldiers that matter more than just land. Another view is that the dead soldier is "richer dust" because he is British, and thus may be superior or "richer" than the country in which he is buried.

To know more about Rupert Brooke's "The Soldier". visit:


Chris Confided To Gail Borah That He Was Close To One Member Of His Family. Who Is That? (2024)
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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.