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- Publication:
- Fort Wayne Daily Newsi
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- Fort Wayne, Indiana
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- 11
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PffpteplS jw fJOV SEPTEMBER 3R5 RAfe tKiTs 11 3 yjiJ HiH a i LOCAL MARKETS WHEAT CLIMBS HIGHER CEREAL ADVANCES TO D7 CENTS ON LOCAL MARKET Cood Receipts Tr 1 1 Morning With Large Amount 6f Potatoes on SleVffd a Ftlr Demand Tin pilcr of wheat adwineed to ccrts im the luoiil rrajket Hill tnokniiig for the pni or ten day fiie eereal lis It ei quoted tit 15 cents a bushel Vut accordance with the rise whlch1 gvneial nl oier th irwtuitr the Uo oeut rase went Into eect T4il market lil motnng was qule brisk tn Uej it we the lvelest of Uie week id far All Hi receipt wcte fair An espeelall hvge quantity of pntatie were leeelvwj lh a fair demand for them Some jlie pcortr fluatlej of ltiT ill us tow uS fifteen1 ier nts a IMund Ucal Quotations Flour ychwi wheat straight 1l40f 480 Ha Wni1ii0tori Wheat 7c bu Rye 72C iw VOts4Siriebu Barlej i ua Timothy Jlm8irU0 bu Boltd erst A nbolied Cwn Meal tI8 I SOpei cr Corn MS87e lu Honey Mils iv ib Ftato 7iKrTSc bu Apples 6if iil4c till Onlon ec i i GishamrWi i4b04MbM Bra 124 ion Short-114 ken MH4llr i ton Chop Feed J33 ton Produce TralEgirr IS21c dox 1 -Candled Eggs iiiodoz Httar Qovntr IRfirSc lb ChlckM AHT Italic lb Turkey llV Ho ib Dueks8e rd Geese Alliv pound Hides Green Stride 18 Corealitt Creen Clf 13e lb Cured Calf vHc Itv Horse Hldeii t2T5 to SSOQ Cloverseed AUIkfe 70Hf760 Red Clover 14X084 71 bn City Scale Report Twenty tw limd of hay five loads of at and five iiwdsof p*rn were handle at the city scnli today The liny brought J7 to 10 a toil wit 9 toBioenta abuilMl o1J torn 8J iwt Ijushil and nf com MM 83 centra lsh TVVWiia lil JUt ORE THE FLOOD GENERAL MARKETS New York Stocks NKW yOItk Stut i3The itotkrnar opWivd lrtrgnlar with most of the ItniVortant ralJrwkd ftck ehowlng fral tlonjil iioai6t ciii ilrat salei riUonPaciflb wai ap eijlia Hint stock showing ttpnitthnd adviiriclng over point At ir ftftwn minutes trading a Wrong tone JrwluJed all aiouiid lh room and atocka rcnywed thflr Ions artd In apme cases nvne soorndi 11 a iriTirtwVaaiiabaenecofXif titHcant tiadltiff yurlrtff tlie Hrat hour SUUidmd Oil oldf i i not bflng in Evidence and Ix eaus tliln the Bpwulatlvc ee mnt on the aHif4d BtocW on ildsnOL inil1 In thflrtt tew pnutf causlur a iidraterailn Thriii aiutct de tnupa hoyteVifHna hffor th enil the litiiT a flrtit twnh Itiid livihitifd Wfatlng liin wa frtitui1 advancing 4 points vfintnPntvlijindMiichanjed other Arm Koun rAtiailb flirt hour the trad nj jvMa ol a 1VirHv IiufrfMsltina churacer i itti BtnJ rlWutelV6 number olteilng lilta down at thneo ilh a group of hertradpt fjpiigbt lWlna andbli piV ea up at InVerraW fusing many iarr riiw iallf and rvnitlQTiH i lit Itloit wel freely Circulated tlla afternoiH nntiw fticrof the excKanjc hat Slayer have lirranged to a vwnre Wirt the Rock Island om liiy totiikf aye of ttae frly matured illlatlcm tlw PtAHilsnd San Pin ilst Tbt rfporu were accOmpanleJ liy Jivy Jrayt irdra Mix the Rock Iain ad and Buii Vranelwwi Issues and at the nine lime waui preiIithdrawnl wllliijt prdet iii th stocks and bpndH of Uitli vomiaii i Tim market cloel firm tvIUi a lumber of nillnad and other Issues at tlii hlshwti New YorK Money 4f NKW VORK 0pt 25 IToney on call I time jtioney 3 ttH Mercantlje pw li nt fjuoied Bar silver London 2 lfel TOrk 51 Demandstetl ln 1SII40 No Jortl New York Stock Exchange QtiotationW ttriiished dally by Kluiilw ommjwlun hi 6kf American building OlTU 7SV Amer Sugar lAiner Iinj Arrter 8itiell Ainal Coiifi jMelitm AluicnndA IJIstllers HT a it Iii Cftn Pno Erie Nor 1iic High Low 1303 12SU Mb vi 4W uiiji Hft 184 Jrenl Nnitltern 1Si Kansas A Texa lvli tk1 S6 74 S8 44 48i 97s 41 i4 304 ISSi Sl 3 73 87 31 47i 96 6 40 it 33 172 29U 133 123 30i 104 Ckae 8J 14 Tt f3 i W3 tt raii Us 53 3H Sli 19Ti 44 ljtt ItiMi fi2 38 14 103 121 31 12S J8ji 35 13314 111 103 158 44 31 18 9P4 mj 40 31 1734 lJ i 131Ji 31 10Sli 8t 53 SUV 104 1211 JHi 17 I 74 3J4 13Ji i 4M It Nntlonal I 1 I Car foundry lnnna I 8 rtsflding nock Islard Rock Island ltd 35 St Paul 144 Southern Ky St Southern reno IM 1Uhionrart3rUvi Walwsh Ifd 25 25U Eait fluffed Uye Stock nAST1CFfAtiOX Yi Befit JCattioRftfpi ywrmay Calyes i nruJfpta tfctiye C4ioicei fiheep and UUnbaIIeuelpfa JBOO Wby irw mblll576 tnlael thetKMtt mil rl latRWr4f1 JJWHWillW teIW rfo 1 1 i mb 4 TftiUera 6irt76 pigf trewnfli7 7iWff7l31cVghSl755 EitUrtyitlVeSHJc TtTTSniTRfli Sept JSCifltln pta llbtjiMUkttiaUadi cholca UWHiH 2i4 i51 1 te 4 1 i 1 1 1 11 i Ji i I it mi Situations Wanted VV KTEOUrositioW a elci iti ioutl WANTEDrrpsltlohbr a cometent irejj JHteicd druggist best lot reference Ad i dresi jlj A liiV care Xewii bfflce JemaleHelplWantd 111 11 I I I IL tw1 rijj MftifiM I i 1 JNH irl to aMat In houiwrk Call on lia ii Djet Wdjlaker St WANf ED iTiuaat upd jjartleularJn at Irnctjve oriwrtunJty for JaW to earn CljlWin moneys JJd Indrihfipflla ji vVNTKnwSefc lng gii IV xptjrli on rower rtiachlmia ahlrt walatei tradj i rhjyjint Gem Ckiiment td Itidiv aiiujiolls iiid UiAKTKplhimptlutly a woman be itwetn Si am 3i for character worlf tor a tiaiiiatln piodtctoit AtWrena tc tui this oiHce piw 1 1 Male Solp Wanted wlreiijenf I WANTKUr SIx Ittdd Arnold phone 31 1 AVAfifTKD A boyrat Iraitttianiiarriincy ftwher Lafaj Wleand Lewla atrieli ttATlOJfor Ariny ibl 1 Jnmairled infnikitrcjnisritvf 1M Mlieits United State rla racier and teinperrtc JwWts whv i anenk lead anJ wiH fcntfMi Vi lufoiwatlon 4iply nechtttinj OfTlcer rTbcuii rtieetJFortayue lul VVANTKDIIoiieat mniu wltti good refer pnees to liaul atule of Indiana for 1 known Boston wholialf llrm ejtper leiice npt nrresanty tf wlillitg tii iiu ftle Iermanent pusltlon 0Q a rnonth an epenses good opportunity for promo foil Addrexg JML Co 304 Pittknaiq llldg lioaton Mass Agents Wanted One of the hottest of all pcrhlttorlc events without doubt was the campaign rjliy prime W8W90 good 3Jffl 561 tidy butchera 84t05J0 6ullB8i00filJ5j hlf eHiiUiglfii fat cowli t0W40 jjo4 freali cbw and fpHtirs IAQkO eiieep and lUmliHf RfrJ5lUteh market alow ipilrae wetlKra 441fli good mixed 35P385 flpped LktuUt iiMtf 4S0 sprfng lanihs l4fl0fiB85 yils cnlveji 4J1 tfcjt VAWAV llogSTillewlpis SScaja rnSiklt Jowpi prlme llerivy 7 287it0 liieaiunt J70r JW hiiry Torkers M75ff7fl0 Hthi Vwkera tVTt 573 pigiUXiiMi rongli V0W fy stags 450523 New Vork Produce KEV VOniC Sept li rurk Wrni mess 11723 miM inrd uQu1etj middle west spot llOBOfi ia65 euEar Raw ijufet centrifugla1li98 Ooffeer Opened steridy unchanged TrlHrmi frll6t country 6 Dressed and Live foulti rnchiiiged Cutter Receipts S028 packages firm waiiiery extu 24i2Hj HiestJ22J Kggs rteeelpls 7105 piictages flim neftiby white fancy JJtiiHi rresli firs i 2J CheeKeRerelpts JStriyiMclcage i firm Tull cream aieelutiU 8 14i skims specials 10 Clivfrsed Cah 1855 October 557 tveembet 5G7V4 March 577H Ailkpr Prime September and October ft Timothy Pilmeil0 Oil Ircimnged Butterreamery 25254idulry2 Egjs Fresh2iJ Indianapolis Live Stock INDIANA POMS Sept 25 Ilog Re celpts TO0O iilrong test twgs 77pB Cattle Hecelrts 1500 steady jlheep receipts 69 steaiy E0W imm S0JTGHT B1 I The Manner In Which the Kepubll can Candidate Was Called to1 1 Xarjjep Sphere oi Action One ntteriKiou wirlv In IlKXL wfcfti Juito Wllliiiw 11 Tiift wift liictaliijt a diHliiion oT Hit United rjlittca Cojajrt i Chicago Gral and Prtyialon ACIUOAgO ScpK 23 XVIieat agin madB a good showing today adviknelng steady Biilllsh development weie aiitllclently lin pbrtiint to create uneasIhtSu among the larger aborts Corn showed a firmer toiw uitlniiitely nithough Ihere waa aunje weakness eath September wheal iild betweeji J1004 rind L014 opening at 10t and closing lit 1190 December between 110114 and tJ02 opening 101 and closing at J19H4May between tlMM and 1105 opening at 11 04 and Hoalng at 1104 September corn aold lietween 81fcand SO opening at 79 and closing at 79 Pe ccmber between 115 and 664 opening at 00 anil closlngat60Hi Ma between 61 and Sik opening nnd closing at 65 Scritember oats sold between 48 and 48 opening at 48 and closing it 48 December between 49 4 and 49 opening at 49 and closing at 4 Sliiybe twecs 51 and J174 oiWnlig at 51 and closing at 51 October pork sold between life 5 aid 51527 opeplng at 11515 und closing at 11525 January between 11675 and 11185 opening at 1168iaud closing at 11682 October hid sold between 1012 and JtOJfl opening at 1 ml2and xloalng at ilu17 January between 1980 a lid 7 npehhig at 1982 and cKistms at 1 85 October ilba spld between 1975 and 18J opeiilug at 1976 and closing at 1 82 pecemberbelween 1875 and 1885 opening at 18 80and Closing at 1892 4 1 Chlcapo Live Stock IKlON STOCK YARDS 111 Sept 23 Cattle Receipts 2501 cstlmutd forSnf ilrday 390 maiAetiiteailv prime beeves 10ifl7C0 poer to medium U70flS at ackers and feeder Istofticos cows and heifers IJiJ75i cahners 1175f2 65 Texlins 160852i I logs Receipts li00 estiraled for to nicirow 8000 market ateudy light 16 SlieepRecflilfei JO SOO estimated for Saturday 2000 marketteiidy native aid western alveep lilSWSII atlv and western Umlw J4555j63 1 Chicago Produce ClilCACO St 25 rEggs Rxtias iS prime Srtts 28 UrsUJJiaecondsllfti nutter TCxtfT creamery 24 flista 21 deconili 19 dairy 19v Cheese twint iffi3 TeunK Amfll as Sii SwhH 10013 Urn Tout tfyTtu keys 18 Hilckens Hi Jucks 0 piln chickens lijifill gwie per dottiitflWipo jipyXIeveUnd LlyjEtoekV eivVKrvJyt sicpt iiog peptsl4cns mnlkt1iwv Ye 16 6S i673 iiflxlandjia I7flrt7f74ii bet 50J3 stags 4ird diilgliV 13 06 644 Cjilves RdCeirW 40lli tdy fUMiini ferelpts para Trie OrJIn anftrWoni TPtKprt Scft lSirVh 4Masli an Mf fi va4i ptepti4wr WvtrkaJniiewi Oi ril ifil SopKrtW 50j ISceMnV New models pf exclusive Styles in fall millinery now Jt mm in tlift 1Vrtornl jlulldlns ICIndniijul CT tUSpiay iXKLrSy Key 0 Mcsrajii vyii iiic lights liiji holds 126 Wayne 1 street I i I He tfOH the eureoio anil xa ur prlwd io fiinj tilegviiiii from Ifeul dilt WlllitUiVlcKliileivrcuilliig 1 Mliair taie iVasa ttirat favor if jou will call pa neikie time next weelc Judte Toft riessPtl at the nieniklun of iii auinmmi3 niid tftiessed wrong Ie AViMit t6 Vktiihiiixtoiiniu was shown Into rui atthe 1ilte House wlieri he met tlve President and Secretary iiiB of lie Xnty Later Kllliti Root tlie KwTttirjr Wur ciiine in Then tp use 7Ir Tn ns own words Mr Jlckinjey sbM tiathn wanted 10 send mcto lie lliitippines to help in the work it eslabtiahing civil govern Brent as tlie arny niuveil oq I thonRJit of my place on the lietirh anij jiesllated IJe faidea I Wleved and esid we could get along without the Philrppines But wc have them and mitat take care of tliehi the President replied Yon nre at the funituj of the ways in your lifevMr Hoot then obserrwh Tlie bench is ilre easy road You an atav there and he coiliforloble Ou ihe contrary I lie PJiiliipihes will demana ier sosal tjerlGcmi anil risks and mtiph iiard work hut yon will have au opportunity of doing your cpuntry a very great aer vlt I VMit liouie and argued tiie matter for two weeks Tne telejrrani Ciilflnhatl operjit tludoot if American hlnlory to WII liainU tnft dinl made liltii the Beptil Jicatk cniulidiite for President of the Uullfti StitifS OlillcaU vt Civil War Monej iuiWilNlurHs Is not the only lfiHtaUiui wi liicyrml and naavimeil io Hn srint Vlyll war Tlkere tfatj sllir Breitfer dcl*t an ererlaiitlng obti ittlon that toW never be paid in full But Jn flie years that iiv fallowed 1h Itepntillrtrn imrty has Iniugiirntrd diveliwd ixHislwr ian tinder wltlch pvT three and oue lialf iilllan lolljifN Jkavc 1M jwlld to dlsiiWed trternnn lle nrrinira of tlne iviift fit tteir Itvea fir thHr wtntry thcr ig Thla penshiu jyatem a prtM iif jwiilfy of the JtepuUlcau puily iiaarkii iiriVodcnt 1 11 ii1toriil Do 4qni Hu itwilci and irenerwiitj tiwmt the iiaiiniis of th eitrtUv Hoa Jntuea 8 Srimi iWmieJ Prvitti iaraeuts he dlaTinef tmiim ikfl iiiltt hmv Kl ot iigatwt the farjwer i Uytias so fisriljlarf of jhe fc ii ti ViKte iiid ihe 8ea je iutlroWliaiieayJiiOTvetiilg rr1 1 Jj ri ksik 4iiifiMf VMkllTfli 4na i rr wpg av ttftiin jffloiiffe of L1mplNbvIi49i nft KSAim fltel ls i iilni trtlie MT MSejJm Jkoflf jilhpikC tttfa For Sale Grpod small hand power tolevator for sale cheap liu43 Main street See the new Sheath Hats at MALLOYS 12 and 14 Arcade ij i Vi i THERE IS NO PLACE kfnHOMe Tlierf is no place in thecJlty where joji gftt a meal for il cents lite you do at the Home Restaurant flood service bc6urfeoul af tendinis Try News Want Ads Tot SalB liscelaneous FOjt SAU5 JoCbr ycie st a bargain 205 lirund Btreet FOR SATR A good work borrt Call at 1235 Swlnrtej aenue FOR RAIK IVur burner jtas rare njirj KlX weplta i06 Culhpiui street FOR SAIE 12 shoals inqulrp Stop 70 Ilnui Inleiurlaii 1 mile cHSf of city POR SALKflae hLkoiy wood al ready for the stove Fort Wayne llandj Co Phone 2444 FOR fiAfjK A good horse and two delivery wagons at good bargain Call at once 1226 Calboun street i i i i i FOR SA1K Cood organ Vheap on eay paiTJienls WtHtkeJb5ii wheel for part puyment 924 Cottage avenue FOR SALtf IIouBiio1d furniture kitchen lange Wllsoh heater couch etc Inquire at 1109 FalrlieM avenue phone 6008 FOR 8ALB Two almost new Ingrain carpets pne containing 18 yards the other 13 yards Inquire 113 Dougla ae riue FOR BAMSStore itxturesi morey drawers cash registers rcfikgel a tors safes scales show cases snd trucks Euislay Co FOR SALK Cheap a eiulck meal steI rtkige with warrntpg clo ift ard rer volr etoye gbijia flfnewVllilS West Jef feisoh street FOR SALE BICyblef an Tire prlcei you will aipifcia9 baljy bugglea re tired repairing iJimiS by erpert I Wilkinscn f17 Clintoo street phote 2450 FOR SALiSSeciindihantf ateel ranges One Reg il American 6 hole good coivdUMi 11700 One Cann nifco hte ironl I 1 cbiidltloife rv6lr 1 1100 One Heine rn ce Khni Sn rendition J434o One jriniet raugeni liile gtnid wudi tori rj 1 143 00 Que diU steel ranse Tiole gboiUcbn ditlon 1H80 Oue Jewel steel range good condi tion iAvtia5J On Chfimpon steeh range 8 hme geod condition i2jno One Horn tel range i hote good coRdl tlnn 12i60 1 One RrtJaWe atee range 6rhpie good eondllkm i 13610 On Modern KIW range 6 hola good ron dllon 2iIO Two New WiUard ranges 6 hole gopd condition eaelr 13200 Cii New Wlllitrd rnnge holes good con dition Wf rv 127110 One Jlobn Vati stel hptei jrange hole costt5 ti4fiei650 Jhese arfe bargains1 Buy now glvp atai eBirj evenings IJBRINO kXX Kaat Malt St Business Chance rcprr rfv MUfti MMiHlU FOR SAW3 Ratanrnt and obn Uiisei fine location Jonly 1300 aaQCgiRtr oWUWiihed flne locittao a fine chance 1 get Mylng rl lee 1 wLcisBtx TwiiAmiS WANTEU A large and progressive Ac ciuept Insurance company Is Uea ous of securing a young ambitious man to act as agent In Fort Vayne EUie bank clerks or achnol leikchers whrJ ciJi iare a pOrtlikn of iher tlme SnJv a nd commission or ommiajkn exc IktlV Cbminuiilcatlons pbnlidontsl Address Porter General Agolit Indlrtnapolls Ind Miscellaneous Wants WANTKD To bu secondhand furniture at H10 Calliowq treet Tel titt WANTED To bay mens eecond luuid clothing 1227 Calhoun street WlK WANTEDr To rent modern 6 or room house In god location Addics itente care Xcww WANTED Wasiilngs will cull for and lb liver Mrs Hechtol 2027 Is fuyetle street WANTKO Sewlng tp do shirt waats an I all plain ewtnghatly done cheap 116 Jbiiitsoit atreet IA VE your watches and Jewelry repaired Eecka Jewelry store 824 Calhoun atreeiaelibJiy Mock WAfTmtiillvup637 for prices foi cteahlngfraiatforcall at U4 Monro JkttWCmrtles Poberts tANTli50 Tb buy emina hand lard jpreasi of 4 or 15 qt she must be cheap Address Press liox 1 News office WAJNTICD rCJstcrns to cleaft a spccaity SfovfiVcpalrlng1 chimney cleaning and other we 111 Bakef street phonb 67 ANTEO lf ou want your well cleaned call at 432 Dawson street or telephone 6571 Rcaspoable price Jhn Koenemann YANtliaAWell improved 80 acre farm henr mterurban within ten miles of Fort WewBltllngerit Jlouk Plxle lngBidjiiitAVSTre Ind lANTFDMifihnnyrSwfepliig ciiiinn ihinawhltii waaljlnjri cl ftenr Oanetf cariftirrcnoatc4Jld kid Cail rl 4wj John reen215 Orahd slrtM BCtiboniowcuTTwo and press riliVlriglipep fall term Sept 15 pai tejrs cut to measure Call or uddie A Freeman Ui Uarrlsoii atrcet Telephone MARTINS PLUMB1NO 411QP for a numbed Eleclrldfin or Oas Utter SO ieaia nt the bus res Either phone Manna and Buchanan streets WANTKD Scwera to put inv cisterns cleaned but ete If your BKWER 1 STOPPKD UP send for KM MKTT MARTIN licensed sewer builder 710 Buchanan street Both phoiica I inako a dandy cistern liter Lost lOST AgoUI locket with Inillrtla Iliider return to 1208 Erie street and riyelse reward HAVE your watches and Jewelry repaired at lacks Jewelry store 924 Culhoun Villeet Schmlta block LOST Alligator skin purge presumably In Uiiox 10c store containing key and sbnie small change Reward If returned to News office JIST Thursday evening ori WiiKhl gton strei bitwccn ilarmcr and Iliy gen tlemuns closed fare gold watch and chiiJii iMiiin to News officer and rceiye reward moneoe fitch sons realty bul LETIN WF SKLL THE KARTil AND INSURE KVERVTIUNO 22icrea well located rlytng dbstance from Fort wsync i uvme wna summer kitchen two bams all In rlnia shape mice 85 per acre We offer Within mile of Coegln Luthenni aehool and churclk miles from court house a well Improved cr farm irlc right Nvw double house two blocks from Electric works price 13500 8 acres black sand garden soli on Sand Point road room nouse small bait price 12700 Mgtu Real tyttle lft MSSk AjuwJBil Write HALL ON Buckley Mich for list of best Farnv bargalos In the keaJthlfst and most prospetotis portion 1 of all rny poaiefj Hem FelfseltieaVorty lfr Spi Market AH Conyenlences lind equal In productycne8ti to at nail trkf uricQ 01 in AUiiilkpAii wsMJaiijipfl gfp anfl tip fntU kwdlfiplfflaiid Ciijr Prdporty A bupeibuitduiir it lx rtfpttt flit tViivK hartviMil i waier VlexUio igius tndgas located pvd jndcar Jincin souihweatpmtof city i be sold at a bargain Ani eight eoorh home on th eouth aide hard and inn uioiiir ljih eUotllc tfshl 0oI eihr rjria sewerageoi i rayeci and cr lins 4 orgvo jn fce fifveh rnn iioulse loralea fn iiJi de Jrrd and brt wstejf bi ih elt ic hghte tmd good eellar Wtn ICtJl or pared atrect hd car line A bar-in-y- Kmill cotur flty ot vatt Wrd ffljf jina mali Ur It 0rxlW rpmer MMjiverrieri tv ei ri A bafr gain A Tme ten room rldene Vlinudr nV with goj tami comer tot lotel rru sium side ciiivJet teno Manit derot A Ave rboii tpttage ioth ni of tc pye 4 ttieer on tho soiiiri eJd arfafn Aaniali cottage on the south sjdePre ilMl Saburban 4 aWw1tiigoodlJt rooiii liM both lilnd of waterjlirhi coiVnlem tatflifwAt balMbk prlce with mair rukymeat dn Wkkaikce la rasy paymenta 3 trci Jot aVed oti the nbith lle with WwavifiioomhOwft ilWald th cwvenlefcoesiA baigslowlth Mait pajirViit dowiu luWvikiiui rfli A nUm iVtfrfraint WMiiMgWg tt Oft om hlf tv teivacrsi cai belbought with 4 i tiall priymentd iwnirbalanc easy term located iioi lb and west of ihecltv Farmlands cca iini sandy juasivailt fwllhln firee mlleof the crigool lkil0ng arid other jnipiovrnnts tbikVenlenl 1 0 ra Cli 1VIU bu wiW a it biPi 47 re il9ng tbs JBputbwilerntrKif Itm JSne cnoveplent to Cltivlia Mt tuprovetheit 6a black JpainaoL1 ltUeKSOtt located near iil cUV oh pm nonel tnterurban line with i anUU ttgc liam 04 other convenience AVeteetlent poultry br Irjick fr Pile only 110M ii wew Gregg Davis treiii 3 Ofticd Qtfon 1 wenlngt Xocmi15O ir 1firi9aiid20Pidcy For SaleReai Estate FOR BALK Ktght room iiouse 1241 Kiiat 7r street wilier Ohio inul ext a hit lights and water 124J9 Inquire Within OR SALW A Very ditilratle modern I room house corner 1ot 45x150 usphilt atrcet cetucnl walks fhear If taken at once no agent 846 lake avenue OR SALE Nine room huuao and vacant lot at 2tr South Calboun street a sacrifice part cnslu balairce lmymentsS house practically new Forwent iOR rtRNT 1 room hou1 at 22 Ksmond street with born Phone Jit KOlt RUNl Two furnished room for light housekeeping 1319 Burr street TJlt HKNT Tiirec nice fur nMinl i rooms for light hoiWekecpiilg 606 West Main street FOR RUNT Five room Coitugf t2 Ttride iveiiue luitulre 635 Rlyei aide avenue FOR flFNT Tlirce pfllce roonia also one furnished nxint Inquire ilfiirpi 12Swln ney block TOR nFNT 7 room housa at 634 AYet WashJiirton etreet at 703 JVest Betfyjtreet FOR RKNT Hve mini fuinsbcd flat InquireInquire 849 Colunibl avenue yotmjf cki ple pieferrod TOR nKNT N6wly furnished front room aofe wale butlijlall wodcrtV Unpruer meats 1123 Clinton vstreet FOli UiONT Nlce unilshod room Jor one or two gentlemeii ciulet jilace a 1150 a efc316 Mudlsioik street FOR ft KNT Two or three fuiitraluvl or uitfiirnisheil i oums suitable for iijlhl hMiKkeiijigjio7 jUiirr Miret TOR ItKNT Teii Monk huuse 2635 Fox avenue could riit for IwttdHtcrenj ties liMuirt lt25 IViit If FOR RKNT Suite of nicely iirtiialied room four blinks fromi ouit house AT moilmn cunvenUMicca Address llox 63 care NVw FOR tt I INT 1Jouftp Jl PriyiH ct akeiiUe fbytile light gardtii HpOt 111 ter luonlli Call t337 WVsl Lewis li after sfxWlf FR UINT 8ix rloiji twaafory cottage ncaV City ind TirtcUmi Klectrjc planis and Pry ttun enr line II Freeman FliKt tlWual bank FOR RKNT To poimanciit roomeri de slreWe furnlhid front room niodem conVnCiK sehtlcwun preferred 210 VCt Jeffersun aliett FOdt RFAr Iiirge nic fprnished 1 otrn modern ciinveiileiii sullqiile fur one oriwo ucntieniehi rent renxofnble 305 Kms Wanliliigtoiyatrcot FOR RKNT8 rewm lioufle 2707 South nlhouii street alf modern conveniences i pef month Inquire Wm Seldil 720 CflilKkun ltciince No 2 FoivltlCNT Two large rooms on lilhoun itht 1imiihed fot light liousekeeplng Inquire a rihuloKiaph gullet corner CaUioiin ainl Columbia atreetB FOlT UFNT Furnished roomB for light hoysrktephigt nisi four furnished rooms Inquire 215 Kast Wayne street one looceast of Flschery Bath hquae FOR RKNT 0o two xtory alk room hbac With hard a iid isoft Water one Llock from street cars east end Inrtulra Ilooelcr Mtg Co 130 East Perry 8t FOR RJCNT We keep a rent Hat and sfso have seVeiai new houses ti sell for small eiuTi payments Ijnlance monthly VV Doud over Old National bunk T6l lliNT TV Mt iiaW of Rouble house six iooini liicludlrs lialh cisterii ter In bouse rtectile lights good well 416 at 132 Yest Jcffejaoti street In iuhe st Neii office Financial For Sale Real Estate i BY DOUD New room cottage East Lelth atmt 4Xiv cash or paments A 6 room house one acre iind Jllver iiaeaidltlon 116DQ A pleasant home on Holman street west of Monroe street 1178 A modern house on Washington Blvd eiist of Broadway 14000 A nice residence on Broadway near De Wald nji latest Imprpvementspak finlsit at hot water heat A bargain 14001 No 452 Hast Lelth street neaHnaw pleaeant home very dealrable 12100Tlni granu a Cottages housea Vacant lots and bul nesrs projiertlea for sale throughout the ciry A new hous with every Improvement haid wood floors and finish TVct Wsjm street 4500 A reaaonriWe caaltipaynieBt balance monthly DOUD Over Old National Bank FOR SALE We Are Ottering 3300cres of Black Texas Gotland at Eagle Lake Texas in ljaere plats 1 mile from tho tbwu ftud 40 mllesfrom Huston 25 down and 10 per tnonth Pdsaesiloa uportflrst payment Send for Dobklet glying rull particulars Cpperatiya Real EUt tbcUtlrV toraAreadeBldg sofas yaejiiij For Saler Real Estate 1 rooh dwelling bath electiie light oh West JfffcrSon atrcet near Brbadwar price13830 7 iootd dwelling 10 ft lot ori Thoropriri street near Calhoun 1340 1 room modern residence In Soaih Wjnecan be had at your price 8 ribin modern residence nepr IteferrVdr par kowner leaving city prlcariigit Call and see bur list of FARMS for iale LENNART 1 ORTtieof mpalhounSt 2nd Wwr MONEY TO LOAN We wlIL lend you nioney on yoiir furniture piano home Vutgoii cow Mid other personal prop tily of value and leave It lit you p0i etlon Also advance moi ypn j0ui alaiy watches or aiamotias Heady cash is often worth more thaii a tortun In ptospect You ait ipay us bAcft In small weekly monthly liistaMisjents It Is ii trouble to tcllyou of our easy 1 iid conVerrietit pJnn Liberal tefuntf glvehJfpaM before due ITe trust the poor reepi Stlletly conflttentlal 011 iw talk it nver with Fiirt Wayne tfdt Co 1221 Calhoun street phone IlopieWS MUSTr BE SOLD AT ONCE On sotilb side fliei elRW joom all mbdi houos with linlh furriaco manr Jels uas ami ceelrlc Hjihte fine home1 jtieet pnved Owner svjhjr city 4 PAIL NKUOEg ROOM ARCADE For Sale J5 Kasf Washington 7room llghtiijhnf Saulh Wayne jkveirtie rooms aiidbiitV 11659 1J Fkx avenue 10 rooms lights lot Miilft rhenptodilv Mssterinrii venue Trooiwv llghti jolv btb 12IP0 MaumK avenue 5 rbom eottage rnls mi prne i iim St Maryir avenue 4 roomst cplner lot 50x15ft 11700 Mniys avenue rooms two toy house 11680 Wabashr avenue 8 rooms bifrn lot tioxljfl liHOO Ilolinnn street 6 rooms lights bath furnace 12200 Mctleilan street 8 rooms lot 45x150 Ijrlce 12200 Fast Wayne street 4 rooms lot 45x111 pi ice 11301 Fast Wayne street 1 rooms Ughta balh iot45li6 12eq Kat Wwla street 5 room light lot TSxi7b 12300 Mast Washington 6 rooms lot JsJtlSO 12190 Fast lVnshlngton 9 rooms light and bnth 129IM Lafayette street 8 room lights and lmth25O0 THIS DAGFR BEALTY CCL Room 6 Arcade Real Estate Eight room houae on Lake avenufl neie St Joe noul electric lights batWrirfl nac6 and large barn ah deal home tow price for quick aale 296 acre farm TH miles north off Fwt Wayne tlos UInterurban Jlneji Wel drained and finely fenced two houses and othejr boiWlngs cpnslrtent with Ihtiwlai the faisms well adapted for stock rising or general farmlBg Owner 1 retiring and IR consider fort Wayae residence in trade easy tettaa Let us put you In toach with a real oppwtimUy A postal request will lirtc togetber 1UTTINGEQ ft nOUat 23 PCx ley IiongTOdic Ft Wayne ltd Trati Jk iTMri1 4rvsrv rvii Fine iBcrtetiiifcriiiiiointii 715 WSERliT SRECtAI INPUCEMENT8 Monroe VtsFiicti Jhe Earth UoricoMe Opp PiiO Both Phorlea TO BUIIltfCItESt PARil iRRES OfflCEf 3 kfAHim VHpNC62t jii ii ii ssmisi iiilfcwMlisMs Sir lSWsW SjpSJseBS BBSfSSSBSfr yj 4 hJW KLrl.
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