Kroger Pharmacies in Delphos, OH (2025)

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Kroger Pharmacy


475 Fortman Drive

(419) 394-8930

19.38 miles


929 South 13th Street

(260) 724-9187

30.82 miles


1880 East 2nd Street

(419) 782-8079

31.04 miles


2100 West Michigan Street

(513) 498-4116

38.51 miles


101 6th Street

(419) 423-4721

38.88 miles


821 Lincoln Highway West

(260) 749-0215

39.65 miles


6310 East State Boulevard

(260) 493-1531

41.42 miles


1996 Tiffin Avenue

(419) 427-3662

41.74 miles


6002 Saint Joe Center Road

(260) 492-2054

42.75 miles


5300 Decatur Road

(260) 458-0840

43.15 miles


218 East Pettit Avenue

(260) 456-4736

43.48 miles


7008 Bluffton Road

(260) 747-4136

44.79 miles


324 East State Boulevard

(260) 426-1731

45.07 miles


4120 North Clinton Street

(260) 483-3185

45.19 miles


5110 North Clinton Street

(260) 484-9348

45.22 miles


1125 West State Boulevard

(260) 426-4487

45.95 miles


2129 South Main Street

(937) 592-3464

46.45 miles


710 East Dupont Road

(260) 489-2878

47.29 miles


601 East Dupont Road

(260) 637-6115

47.42 miles


1508 Covington Ave

(937) 615-7020

47.98 miles


5725 Coventry Lane

(260) 432-2475

49.59 miles


5725 Coventry Lane

(260) 434-0497

49.59 miles

Pharmacy Name Pharmacy Phone Pharmacy Address Range
KROGER PHARMACY (419) 394-8930 475 Fortman Drive, Saint Marys, Ohio 45885 19.38 miles
SCOTTS PHARMACY #407 (260) 724-9187 929 South 13th Street, Decatur, Indiana 46733 30.82 miles
KROGER PHARMACY (419) 782-8079 1880 East 2nd Street, Defiance, Ohio 43512 31.04 miles
KROGER PHARMACY (513) 498-4116 2100 West Michigan Street, Sidney, Ohio 45365 38.51 miles
KROGER PHARMACY (419) 423-4721 101 6th Street, Findlay, Ohio 45840 38.88 miles
KROGER PHARMACY (260) 749-0215 821 Lincoln Highway West, New Haven, Indiana 46774 39.65 miles
KROGER PHARMACY #425 (260) 493-1531 6310 East State Boulevard, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46815 41.42 miles
KROGER PHARMACY (419) 427-3662 1996 Tiffin Avenue, Findlay, Ohio 45840 41.74 miles
KROGER PHARMACY (260) 492-2054 6002 Saint Joe Center Road, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46835 42.75 miles
SCOTTS PHARMACY J 404 (260) 458-0840 5300 Decatur Road, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46806 43.15 miles
KROGER PHARMACY (260) 456-4736 218 East Pettit Avenue, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46806 43.48 miles
SCOTTS PHARMACY J 410 (260) 747-4136 7008 Bluffton Road, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46809 44.79 miles
KROGER PHARMACY (260) 426-1731 324 East State Boulevard, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46805 45.07 miles
SCOTTS PHARMACY (260) 483-3185 4120 North Clinton Street, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46805 45.19 miles
KROGER PHARMACY (260) 484-9348 5110 North Clinton Street, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46825 45.22 miles
SCOTTS PHARMACY J412 (260) 426-4487 1125 West State Boulevard, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46808 45.95 miles
KROGER PHARMACY (937) 592-3464 2129 South Main Street, Bellefontaine, Ohio 43311 46.45 miles
SCOTTS PHARMACY J403 (260) 489-2878 710 East Dupont Road, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46825 47.29 miles
KROGER PHARMACY (260) 637-6115 601 East Dupont Road, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46825 47.42 miles
KROGER PHARMACY (937) 615-7020 1508 Covington Ave, Piqua, Ohio 45356 47.98 miles
KROGER PHARMACY (260) 432-2475 5725 Coventry Lane, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46804 49.59 miles
SCOTTS PHARMACY (260) 434-0497 5725 Coventry Lane, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46804 49.59 miles

Find a pharmacy near you with our easy-to-use pharmacy locator. Our map shows thousands of pharmacies that can offer expert advice on your medications. Please let us know via the contact form if you notice any missing or incorrect information on our map.

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Pharmacies in nearest zip codes to 45833

45885 (1) 46733 (1) 43512 (1) 45365 (1) 45840 (2) 46774 (1) 46815 (1) 46835 (1) 46806 (2) 46809 (1) 46805 (2) 46825 (3) 46808 (1) 43311 (1) 45356 (1) 46804 (2)

Pharmacies in nearest cities

Saint Marys OH Decatur IN Defiance OH Sidney OH Findlay OH New Haven IN Fort Wayne IN Bellefontaine OH Piqua OH

Home » Kroger near me » Kroger in Delphos, OH » Pharmacy near 45833 » Kroger near 45833

Kroger Pharmacies in Delphos, OH (2025)


What is the Kroger Pharmacy scandal? ›

The lawsuit notes that during that time period, Kroger bought over 4 billion milligram equivalents of opioids in Kentucky—approximately 444 million doses. The company distributed nearly 194 hydrocodone pills to its pharmacies in Kentucky during that same period.

Why is Kroger leaving pharmacy Networks? ›

Kroger Contracts with Prime Therapeutics, Replacing Express Scripts. The Kroger Co. (Kroger) sent Cigna's subsidiary Express Scripts a written notice of its plan to terminate their pharmacy provider agreement for commercial customers due to an “unsustainable” pricing model, Reuters reported in September 2022.

Does Kroger pharmacy text when prescription is ready? ›

Yes, part of your Patient Profile has notification preferences that allow you to be notified by voicemail, text or email when your prescription is ready for pickup. If you are already signed up to receive refill notifications, you can manage your preferences on your Patient Profile.

How long will Kroger pharmacy hold a filled prescription? ›

Most Kroger Pharmacies will hold your prescriptions for about ten (10) days. Different Kroger Pharmacies may have varying lengths of time that they will hold a prescription before it goes back on the shelf.

Is Kroger discontinuing their pharmacy? ›

Kroger Announces Definitive Agreement for Sale of Its Specialty Pharmacy Business. CINCINNATI, March 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Kroger Co. (NYSE: KR) announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement for the sale of its specialty pharmacy business to CarelonRx, a subsidiary of Elevance Health.

Did Kroger pharmacy stop taking GoodRx? ›

But throughout much of 2022, GoodRx was embroiled in a dispute with Kroger. The dispute became public in the spring of that year when Kroger suddenly stopped accepting GoodRx discounts. Neither company elaborated on the points of the dispute.

Is Kroger declining? ›

US supermarket chain Kroger has recorded a marginal decrease in net earnings attributable to the company for the first quarter (Q1) of the fiscal year 2024 (FY24).

What is the lawsuit against Kroger pharmacy? ›

Kentucky attorney general files lawsuit alleging Kroger pharmacies contributed to the opioid crisis. FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) — Kentucky Attorney General Russell Coleman filed a lawsuit Monday against one of the nation's largest grocery chains, claiming its pharmacies helped fuel the state's deadly opioid addiction crisis.

What company did Kroger just buy out? ›

The proposed $24.6 billion purchase of Albertsons Cos. by Kroger Co.

Why is the pharmacy reviewing my prescription? ›

Reasons for a clinical safety review vary, but common reasons are to verify directions, medication strength, quantity, or formulation. To see the latest status of your prescription and next steps, visit your Pharmacy Dashboard.

How to check if a pharmacy has your medication in stock? ›

Contacting Your Pharmacy Directly

You can send them an email or call them directly to see what medication they have in stock, and you should be able to collect this the same day. For repeat prescriptions, they may take a little longer, particularly if it isn't your normal pharmacy.

Should you call pharmacy before picking up prescription? ›

You can also call the pharmacy before you pick up your prescription to make sure it's ready when you get there. Let your pharmacist know if you're taking any other medications, over-the-counter products, or supplements. These may interact with other medications you have been prescribed.

What to do if a prescription is out of stock? ›

What you can do
  1. Keep an open line of communication with your care team. ...
  2. Talk to your pharmacist. ...
  3. Try calling another chain to fill the prescription. ...
  4. Try an independent pharmacy. ...
  5. Consider a mail-order pharmacy. ...
  6. Consider the generic form of the drug. ...
  7. Try a different dosage or formulation of the same drug.
May 29, 2024

What to do when a pharmacist refuses to fill a prescription? ›

You may file a complaint with the board. The board will research the issue and let you know if pharmacy law was violated. Information on filing a complaint can be found here (link).

What's the earliest you can refill a controlled substance? ›

If you have a medication that follows the 28-day rule on a 30-day supply, it means you can get a refill no earlier than 2 days before the 30 days are up.

What is the lawsuit against Kroger Pharmacy? ›

Kentucky attorney general files lawsuit alleging Kroger pharmacies contributed to the opioid crisis. FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) — Kentucky Attorney General Russell Coleman filed a lawsuit Monday against one of the nation's largest grocery chains, claiming its pharmacies helped fuel the state's deadly opioid addiction crisis.

Why is Kroger being dropped from Express Scripts? ›

“We took the necessary step of announcing our intention to terminate our contract because the current agreement does not enable Kroger to improve health access, deliver greater pricing transparency and keep prices affordable for our more than 17 million patients,” she notes.

Why is Kroger selling specialty pharmacies? ›

The grocer is parting ways with the healthcare unit as it focuses its attention on overcoming regulatory opposition to its planned merger with Albertsons.

Why is Kroger protesting? ›

The vote follows what workers say are numerous labor violations by Kroger throughout contract negotiations. On May 22, workers filed numerous unfair labor practice charges with the National Labor Relations Board.

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.