The Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona (2024)

4 Hi i rZDlTlONS C17 The Arizona Republic Monday, January 21, 1911(1 621-Froits 601-Cats 588-Home Furn. 1 588 Home Furn. 588-Home Furn. 600-Dogs 607-Livestock Far Sale Services and $upplles CLASSIFIED TELEPHONE SMOKE glass din tbl w4 hi back uphol chrs, exc cond All Solid Wood 5 Piece bedroom set. Your Home Fur- nishina Store 2937 W.

EXTRA large fiberglass sky kennel dog cage $25 866-0456 ft. loveseat new $349. Your noma r-urnismng Store, 2937 W. Thomas Rd! Mon-Thur 10am-9pm, Fri-Sun SOFA LOVESEAT very iooo conaition TC-' 4473 wmalchlng Invest Thomas Rd. Mon-Thur iQam-ypm, Fri-Sun io-6p-m.

ALMOST new Niaj a chair was 99V Now 4 run war ranty. 279-1819. ANTIQUE Drexell Dining Tbl 6 cnairs ysmj, iotiq mano-' gany desk $220 246-8927 APT -Motel Furn: desks, mattresses, mirrors, lamps, cnesis, it rm, Dorm Turn. Bargain prices, Dlr 4075 Indian Sen, APT wshr dryr 2vrs $250-drwn velvet 8 couch 5' loveseat b6- mui ARMCHAIRS-2 $3 Sea, recliner i loung enrs stpea. Mm sew macn A Serta queen mattress-set-near new $300-patio set cheller chests $70 ea.

Wal 6 maple full sr bed, acorn headboard, DianKVi rpn sisu, siuaeni desk $40. 944-1004 ian son lovasaal sets. Your Home Furnishing Store. 2937 W. Thomas Rd! Mon-Thur 10am-9pm, Frl- aun Stanley Din Rm table chairs like new $400 OBO Brown naugahyde couch, very good cond $100.

979- Detore luam after 4om. STEREO Radio console, blk chair, wht console ach. alass top. cof fee end table, Mans valet chair 939-243 SWIvn Rocker, has high back. rusT iweea nercuion, vooa cond.

Only $60. M2-3634 pc odi Deoroom set $4uu. TV $35 978-8804 A-1 La-Z-Bov used chairs, sofas, sleepers, beds, bargain prices. La-2-Boy Shoppe. 6307 N.

in sir, zy-miy. BABY carseat. 50c up to $50. Anytime after 10 a.m. yv6-i4ue $eryket and Supplies SIAMESE mix 5 mo old male, gaccjnjhjed ft, declawed.

$25 Lovable black cats lyr old, 1 short hair, 1 long hair, spaved shots. Housetrained. Free to adult home. Week Old Kittens, free to I gooa nomes m-vmi 603-Birds, Fish and $tjpplts Beautiful Nandav, tame, hand fed. talking, $150 cage.

AFRICAN Grays Sexed Pr $695, oaov Aipino 03, rin White Doves $4 273-t $5, BABY parakeets otors ss-sis. yages i atlels 2, OCX BEEBEE parrot, hand tamed nice cage ft, stand $60. 941- BLUE front Amazon HT $265, Yellow naped Macaw HT $275. Severe Macaw $235. co*ckATIEL IN CAGE $45 995-1470 HEALTHY LESSER Sulphur Crested locxatoo.

vi fan- Vary tarn $500 firm LOVEBIRDS $20. Parakeets $6. Finches from 937- 34S MOLUCCAN co*ckatoo, male, must sacrifice $795. 846-3184. PAIR African Grey Parrots sexeo $6uo.

Love biros $20. co*ckatlets iiS 275-3350 PARAKEETS 8, FINCHES 27 QUALITY parakeet nesting poxes, i.ju eacn, yja-aww UNIQUE 45 gal aquarium made iron, sea cnest, wim woooen stand. Sf4S 839-9179 YOUNG talking Mynah bird 276-9227 10 gal aquarium, heater. cover, ngni, pump, ai ac-cess, tlsh $30 934-9655 10 Gallon aquarium complete w2 I gallon gold tisn bow is. VOU.

atl-UB4l fish tanks 55 25 gal stanas an equip pius rtsn y44n-d0lj8H Svjuu or best EAR Custombullt 8' solid wal-nut 4 matching stools quality BARGAINS bv the house full. "Co JAC "pare save, i nriny I E. Van Buren. Bar, Like New, 5X20 No Stools, $100 Firm 268-6526 BAR STOOLS, 4 good cond 8125. 996-844? BAR xlnt cond sjuu 993-9429 BEAUTIFUL NEW Living Room f-amiiv room iotas, matching love seats.

Newest Stvles Fabrics from Model Homes Interiors 277-5633 BEAUTIFUL Sof a loveseat chair, all brand new. $269. tan Oliver, contractors Furnltui Supplv. 3131 W. Lewis.

7t V577f BEAUTIFUL 2 expensive sofas i xlnt cond! $175 ft, $250 Ca oiusuym bi spamsn stsu. a. Chrome dinette $250, 2 Med. endcoffee this. SSi.

2 tbl fir lamps $25. Magnayox con 3 10 gal. Aguarlums wstand A 2-horse trailer-good floor ft, allacces. $75 Call 955-7028 Ramp load $700 978-5466 Asst. Tack Cfll Pale KEF ft.

Pork Processing. We UUt'iCla pickup, butcher, cut, wrap MiVPafcSr BNGHorNW side H2- BOARDHNGNW 978-5181ZZ 0220 BOARDING $65 mo NE Mesa MONKEYS, 265-1768 964-0321 wPjO0LE Pups yff-'i SCARLET King snake wtar- "SS, tifiJTt'rSS rarium $75. Also Python's fiffWS.V?' bMjjs wcag f'VlivMdVall, -SS: rj silver, $350. 963-2137 iKEtw FLAT -Seat English, $125 West-975oS 7MSaure Saddle US 'mnSwiv'lofiokarint FOR Rent in Scottsdale 7 stalls $450mo94KU23 HAY bv bale or Ion Ferto Feed 607-Livestock Per HORSE SHOEING AAAAAAA Cash For Horses rM 992j7340 CALL 931-7950 HORSESHOEING hotcold A buckskin gelding 4vrs 14 Richir((' hands, good iunlor horse, son 948-3084. $650 987-3264 HORSESHOEING Trimming, A good 4H ft, gymkhana mare 944-5368 S'OO, Trior gelding 4yrs $550, HORSESHOEING llmois license, trWelsh gelding good trail 10 vrs.

exp all types, 997- exc gymkhana $300 935- 0722 -22 HORSESHOEING Guar. $15. APPY Filly 2yr Old Tobv, 848-8J41. iKWild coTnma'Sche HOT walker for horse, 3 bVo MOO cSSii new, $795. Also have DOGS, aft 2 wkdvs.

day German pointer, fan ihnrt haired Wag' house ore FREE PUPPIES To good homes. 946-4786 St Bernard Australian via incl 4pm to good home, looks like Benll. Housebrqken, gd children 993-9477 FREE TO GOOD HQMEI Is space 8, A nval Wi to good home Australian Shepherd, blue ayes, tmos, V66-aJIU to good home affectionati male Terrier mix. 966-6077. la aood home.

3vr old aie irisn A Uso Samoved-Shepherd, I male spayed I VJ4-IB to good home 2vr mal piacK a. wmii "fi'P GERMAN Srwpherd-Gerrrian snormair puppies, aia. 2303 GERMAN Shepherds iance aiyjup ttoc-jio IUAN Shttohard Du itr Ai4ttaai4inn KlrvnWII rsaM xlnt ti mt temperamem. GOLDEN Retriver Pupplesl No ipers, i mate, i reman, GOiDEN Retriever-black lab ips, FR io nome. area.

GOIDEN retriever pups for snow a. ODeoience, doih pi inrs cnamptons i 146-0 I GOLDEN Retriever pups, AKC 6WKS Ota, paper trainee 3. 488-9199 Cave Creek (ftfatEAT nM A KC Duoolet. wneipea, wirrtv, snots. pei, iuv-4suu tj GREAT Dane pups, blue 7 wks, quality family or snow $100 991-3941 GREAT Dane puppies AKC S75 y8-4162 GREAT DANE PUPS.

FemaU iack akl. siw. yy GREAT DANES 3 Black AKC t-maie i-nm twk iw -2042 GREAT Danes, 7 mot to 3 vrs. nan, blue DiaCK. 934- GREAT Pyrenees, male tered, vr old, $150 offer.

991-0651 neu- Or best IRISH Setter pups, males. $25. IRISHSETTER, Female 1W vrs. nousecroken. areat kids, $25 lo good nome, ayi-iiei eves weekends snots, wns T3-yt at.

5wkds ITALIAN GREYHOUNDS Males t75-t3O0 New litter due! 846-3956. KEESHOND puppies, 10 wks akl reg. iou. 146-3226. KEESHOND pups AKC 969- 611, V4I-269, $100 or tve- gotiate.

LAB pupPies, mixed black, IttlMVt weeks old. $20 ea. I I. B4y-VZ41. LHASA APSO AKC Registered, B4e-S160 LHASA Apso, 4 0 or otter, bjb 0660gold a.

white, LOVEABLE Eskimo Spitz. Without papers $125. 6313 I. Great Dane, $75, M. Gei man Shep $25 or offer.

Fn kittens 995-1148 MINI Schanuzers, AKC, 4 CT? oio, iw, if WJ-U34T art e. OBEDIENCE. ANDERSON'S. Wkly grpslndlv VJS-vtJ6 OLD English Sneei weexs oio ak. 'edigree.

831-8! ONE pure bred German Shep. ow, no papers, gooa ntch dog $50 wnse firm, mo douob ears croooed wpapers special breed $100, whse (firm) 268-6526 PITBULLS male 8, females, 266-9987 hienzel or cole $75. 277-474 POMERANIAN AKC puppies malefemale 9: POODLE AKC FREE, 3' 1 vrs miniature male, wniteapri-cot, like a puppy, 992-8298 POODLE PUPPIES, AKC Mini-AdoroCitf. $I2 B03-434J POODLE puppies. AKC Apricot tvenmgs ana weeKenas.

276-9110 POODLE Pups. AKC fernmale 9-750, 272-4472 POODLE pups, white females. 272-7290 POODLE pups AKC apricot black great valentine snots 846-7301 POODLE Pups AKC, tiny ft. average toy, mac or wnite 278-1987 POODLES, AKC Teacups, Toys, Mini, Standards. 258- IOW.

POODLES AKC, Toys! Female a. nnaie sua eacn. can vjv- 66ZZ POODLES A TOYS-ALL BLALK $160 IALL V. 'jy-w. POODLES AKC Standard pups snowpet ajy-a POODLE standard pups AKC Lnampion neobeaence.

948-5733 P00D'-El9T-gUP AKC TINYPTYSL2E4l-0646 POODLES Toy apricots, AKC, male female. 955-1345 POODLES 2 white male adults, SIUU-SI3U. Za-ITBy PORTABLE CL dog runs, fencesaccess. 979-7138 10 PUG AKC. female, $225.

incls shots, 968-3296 3mos old, food, etc. PUPPIES! Lhasa Apso -poos $85. co*ck-a-poo mix $25, vaccf-nated. Mesa 964-8253 PUPPIES Yellow Labradors, Autralianepherd Males PURE Bred female Brindle Cyeyhound, no papers, S50. PUREBRED Springer Spaniel PUPS, $75B38-19B REGISTERED Pug male, all -0844.

Yr REG Pitbull pups, ADBA, SHELTIE puppies, 5 wks. sable, mala, 1 female. $75 962- 4B SHELTIE PUPS AKC wshets, 2n5.T6l"Ws?"'Pk'" b0J' SHELTIES "tiny Collies" all colors $100up 268-2518 siBtniAN Husky puppies 3mg AKC $70. 84096 I males 2 temaies B4y- twe. SIBERIAN Husky pups, AKC temaies, (21 6 A 3 ALL Business oppariunmes HIlTPIRIITOl? Operates from home, 1 man operation.

Low overhead. operation. Low i nets 130,900 plus per year. I terms. RLIE 266-7171 DRESSMAKING dressmaking It your thing have the shop for vou! In irfneu for aver ID vrs In same prime norm location.

Total price Great motrv -eat mother. aaugnter set- UK" 866 EA TI IVES, 841 -0456 ESTABLISHED lunch wagon route Tor saw. nnr 3iw.fwinj- bile 3770 Whltton. EXCELLENT used car lot. great jocatto.

Wsa. Jim or IXCLUSiyi, Fast Food Chain Oners toim veniurw wnw, mint wAfiiurft trt in new European style urant, limited menu. restaui mi II In Location a Investment nveslment req'd. Guaran- xim man), Will cact crinri uptbii tTR Ronald Kagan Asn 996-7540 FAST FOOD OPERATION Offering exclusive rights to AZ, ISI SVIUP IIUW III wtia tlon in xlnt regional mall. JfStV! fol Fast Food, 5l Sharon Dr, SctSdl, AZ 852M sale Ice cream store.

Mesa area, new equipment. fully installed, long or snpn larm laaui avail Tnta Dr CI $27,000. Turnkey operation. 967-7691 for information FUTURE MILLIONAIRES-How 10 expana turn your ousiness, ideas, inventions or mDossible dreams into cash. have Ihe know-how track record ft, time to coach 1 to 2.

ehtrepreneurs. Call Mr, TolTeson 263-8548 GAME Room, Principals only. For Information cair937-957B GOOD TERMS AVAILABLE On this growing business In 7th Ave thoDoina area. Owner moving, so giving It away at inventory. REALTY USA 941-8488 837-9196 HOTEL GIFT SHOP, Scolti- oaie, Lee Tjj-oyjj CREAMBAKERY.

casn dnassurne pai weasv IS. Z-43Vn IMPORT Auto Parts Store Priced right. IN-ACTIVE PARTNER For growing 40 acres Jo- Jpbi piants, Aim Muiviiiiat, stfHl 000 raouirad. Garber days. 9 J5-BJJ0, evenings 932-1245 INVESTORS iSTORS choice rental prop led R-3, wilf accotn-mo- it venture.

997-7233 zoned dai ava loint venture. JANITORIAL-Esl Z77 Ni wicnas a nial tliuin a. accts incll Make1 Wferl UBI263-8555 Janitorial Franchise 274-4485. JFWELRV STORE 5th Ave. Shop location Scotts.

By owner, Serious III ss forces saie. iportunity. owner finance. 941-9288, will train 4- Store. On i Only, 955-i LEATHER Shop, Scottsdale, partner investor, esi yrs, w- iju dih UOUOR license series "6, 254- 6U44.

MAIL Order business, $4800. MAIL Order, established 2yrs, ruueo lunneiieu iiviii Call 841-0021 noon to 7PA MANAGEMENT INVESTMENT! Arlzonas largest 8 fastest growing cppyprin? compa ny is looking Tor fwpiuc-MENT partners to join In thefr growth! Call 274-4345 or write Franchise Dept. juuuj uenirai Ave. rnx. AZ.

B50IZ Manufacturing Plant Owner yse-3Wi MEAT MARKET Sun City area-Gr Si 80.000 I nna pOwh-iXl (Vkj tin Hossack Realty 264-4861 MEAT market 971-2470, 996- ix METRO CENTER Phoenix's largest volume re gional ui 'pro 265 so. ti. ocar on LAKK TMPLEMAN, vpriitiui vice resident kak h- CRAFT, INC. (714)729-0986 MOBILE Home Park bv owner 26 spaces nouses laundromat In Buckeye area a good famih 3546 imtiy park 258-3)53 or 386- Molel-30 Units Liv Olrs Gen Business Ex 248-0102 OFFICE CLEANING BUS. $450 dn Couple Ideal 263-9163 OWN A Coin-Op Laundry- New loc f-inancing avail- La Your Mavtaa Ltistr bu- tor 24B-UBUB.

PARTIAL Machine Shop. Equip Lnevy mtrs wayr lease tett iii-vwi m-iwii. PARTNER beautl beautiful show- roomt Fantastic roduct! Unbelievable net! Million dol- lar national potential! Sacrifice Ross. 277-9920 PAYSON Niaht rlnhhr in beautiful fast growing Pavson. onr Agt, I-44-V6 PHOTOGRAPHIC Lab for sale.

Lontact teve un. or nnon. at 943-: '3333. PRINT Shop small, 2 presses. camera, composition, Bindery, good accounts 252- 1674 RECREATION Estblshd 8 yrs.

Good growth, gooo net. ivg.opo in- ciuoes c-j lang, yay-uava Reduced For Quick Sale Medical problems forces owner to sell well established Pizza ft. Italian Sandwich Den at a greatly reduced price. Good location, grow ing business and newly decorated, grossing $50,000 annually, try an asx tor at Stan or Ed C-21 ABC RLTS 942-6660 COMM DEPT (24 Hrs) RESTAURANT OPPTY No waitress service. Simple fast food menu.

Onlv 16 months old. Drive thru win dow. EXInl NYV IOC. stanoing Oiog. I ry sis dn.

or make offer. Tonv 997-0668 ves. Century JlAllied 274-7774 RESTAURANT-Est 12 yrsl Short nrsi marriaae prooiem causes sale! Good terms! Offer! UBI 263-8555 RESTAURANT for rent 335 I Maryland 266-2423 IftESTAURANT-Bar -Business selllease Cmlbk ySf-faw RYE Cafe Rest ft. Bar, liquor license, mi i ot payson on ouvti jfl frontage, 3.44 acres. All kinds of potential.

Clayton Realty 1-474-4602 SECRETARIAL SERVICE Wrkna aartner for exnanslan top sklllslnv reg 949-6819 SEWING MACHINES-Sall Si MES-Sales ft, nno nifesl loci UBI 263- service! No su Low dnl Busy I- B353 SHOE REPAIR-Ooeratlon causes sale No nitesno Sun! Sot shopping ctr loci UBI 263-8555 SHOPPING CNTR SPACE NOW AVAil ABI In NW Phx. Paradise Valley, Scoftsdale ft, Tempa. Cair95r-1041 for de ATFS tans SLUMP block machine, for sale. 986-7669 SNACK bar-ice cream parlor ft i popular snopping man. arms R.

Terhaar ft, Johi in caawen, v4-wo, ev 948-8948 siiBrokiTBArToe wanted work small ojtice, lanitui.a. route. Bob, 248-8012 TAVERN 7 Befrlaeratlon 1509 t. van puren TEMPE MOTEL 1 irea, super return, il CENTURY 21 LUXURY HOME RLTY I I tot AA 595-Nursery Plants and SudoIim AAAA Check our delivered prices on lanqscape sneei piasiic. MM-veiB.

FERTILIZER lOvds del $55. load Pickup $8. 276-7424. MATURE Naval Orange Tree 959-0833 (HUM, Peach, Apricot trees, 2- $25. planted In i your yo.

rnn. area 266-' l-WI TOPSOIL FILL DIRT. GRAN- ITE. LALL VB-UOJ. TOPSOIL lust 1 silver dollar a load, 5 mad minimum.

Call after 6pm 268-6618 LIVESTOCK and PRODUCE Claistt too Thnoeti 625 600-Dogs Services and Supplies AAA AAA Grtr. Ph ih1n Dog your Traini home. Training Academy. NANCY LS. Golds VANS KEN- LOCKers, C.

Old Eng. Sheepdog pups, Al rj, 3U on. r-ene-e eke), co*cker mix. Samoyed pups, fluffy. Purebred i uaimaiian pui TerrT-Poos.

Qthet cheao Stud service most reg. Dreeas. io-iisi AA-WANT MIXED PUPS Good homes yuar. 276-2151 Beautlfut Litter Dalmatian Lab Mixed $30 942-9679 jupptes AKt reg'd $150. ADORABLE FREE Mixed pachshunc puppies.

Beagle. B4 1 -ouju aiTer apn ADULT POODLES, small Toys, u-sw. Gemini Doo Referral Serv ice. Buying, selling, stud serv, lost, found, placement, clubs, training, specific needs or Info 978-01 18 Aklta Japanese puppies, targe preeg, Aieni imposition, MaleFemale (375 841- Brittany Spaniel puppies. imoie.

I rerri. Rnau, 111 wks. $75. 941-5717 AKC co*cker pups, buff fe- lies, wks. si, zs-jiw AKC fnrkar Soanial female tt, wkS OIO SIM) V6, 7-246 AKC Dalmatians.

9 weeks, shots, $7S. 96B-MK AKC Doberman F. 4 mo's, lars cropped, fd $jw, sei i30 aji-yg. AKC Doberman pups 6 wks old. papers weacn aog Ask no wy 934-4500.

AKC GERMAN ihnr lhair its, 9 weeks, sus, AKC Golden Retriever pups niv males tett eacn 85-8745 AKC Golden Retrievers, 1 male, 7 wks, $11 i mate mos i50. 934-8 AKC Golden Retriever 2-maJes iibo eacn. u-weettv 2bw an bi-M weexoays. AKC Keeshond puppies Cham- pion une siuu. 937-8756 AKC Keeshond Duooles.

cham pionsnip lines, wneipea ntov 6, parents on premises siuu. ucson 4-vvuo. AKCOFA yellow Lab 2'vrs V5IOS avauaoie tot sjua oner water fowl season. OF A both parentsgrandoarents. Field rhxmoion Dediaree.

xlnt Inevsr 774-8258 Fiapstan AKC Rea'd bloodhound, fe male, pranov co*kw. gooa wrinkles, 7 mos, old, good aog rnai neeas 'oprn tg run, sibu. After 6 p.m. vrv-v60 AKC registered co*cker Spaniel pyppv, nas snots. iuu.

wj- Ml. AKC She i fie trt male puppies. possible snow quality llMS. ifV-Wt AKC Yellow Lab male, lyr old nsep 1444 hsebrkn, shots 8. kids, 978- AKC lOinch Silver Male Toy Poodle, nousebroxen, sibu Vf-T3l I AMERICAN Pit BulL female Hingei-Cotbev, $30Q or best oner, wtwwo APRfCOT min poodle pups $50 2-ib4 AUSTRALIAN 2 SHI PHE lue merle pups reg shots, 8.

blk. $50. 258-2253 BASENJI BE DLINGTON uppies vtyS-SUb. BEAGLE AKC femali 13 is i6-mos. American Canadi 943-1579 idian cham BEAUTIFUL AKC Chow dud' xc pedigree, ju mnes ot BEAUTIFUL male i $255 to Pyrenees mo home 966-3409 BEAUTIFUL puppies, Freel 276 8221 BEAUTIFUL 8 week old female Keeshond ouddv.

$25. 0146 BIRDDOG Pups, beautiful. visvia, wks, reos, blks. $20986-2495 BLACK toy poodle femal spavea t'2 years oia st Z4V-U646 8. Red Tick Lion Hound Blue Tick $10 938-2279 BOSTON TERRIERS 832-8499 BOSTON TERRIER PUPS, AKT Pet A show Quality 1-442-3320 BRITTANY Spaniel AKC, V2 vr some opeqience training.

$iz y-z26a CANINE TRAINING 995-8767 CHOCOLATE Lab-AKC-female 7 weeks, $15. 963 1266, cna Chow at stud CHOW CHOW PUPS, AKC black, 6 weeks old, $200. cal yj I -BJ46, CHOW Puppies AKC Red-only ten. latuu. quality.

CHOW DUOS, red darlim mixed. i out papers, Call 939-2571 CHOW 9 mo old female- co*ck-A-POO -A-POO RU ppies. 4'a ee to good months nome. co*ckER tups, AKC, female, yV6-5BVI COLLIE Pups AKC Swks, champion bloodlines, snots $2IW 966- H4 DACHSHUND, miniature, male, fJnmoTlla0- DACHSHUNDS AKC min, champ bloodlines, females 8110, males $100 963-6483 DACHSHUND pupp'g DALMATIAN PUPS AKC $127 PAYMENT 12x65 Detrolter. 3 BR, VI bath.

Assume existing pmt of $127. A I IUNAL Lib I INUb 979-3311 247-4488 DOBERMAN AKC puppies, fe- DOBERMAN Blue male adult AKC, champion bloodlines, IIOOI 476 exc stua. $125 in-itib DOBERMAN female I'iy rurei shots. Purebred, cropped, lots. $5q.

yys-jyo DOBERMAN PUPPIES $50 272-5891 DOBERMAN PUPS, AKC, pedl- greed, black ft, rust, reds, 9 rus1 8426 iw. yj-i DOBERMAN puppies, AKC, pet or show, black or red. $125 to suu. yyt-ysa, JJ-11 DOBERMAN uds. bind rust.

First, shots, 8-weeks. irst 2480. DOBERMAN Wlnemaraner pups. 6 wks old. 4 males, 4 man 6561 Temaies, ea, tt, males, ENGLISH Springer Spaniel, FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FRfC FREE 1 and Preduce GRAPEFRUIT 4c, you pick, 3620 t.

urney PAPER Shell Pecans 5f $4.95 3604 Grand Avenue, open a- nnon i nru za pick fresh grapefruit 5c 1 d. aourn aetn 3f. di. cmoi a. Guadalupe, Tempe.

Sanders Aviation. Open 9-5. Closed sun. 625-Food and Meat ALF Beef, USDA, A Lnoica. aiso i ley Meats 9i I BUSINESS and FINANCE Classes 610 Ttirooeh 64S 630-Business CPPPOTrVnitieM ATTN: Auto mechanics related trades, oppty to go into ousiness in new auromo Ihn rntr 994-1552 tr.

yaa-zao AAA ar-70 Bmim uanri marh- mint cong-oerioys inq oniy- Anytime ry-etwy AC-HEAT-APPL Sales 8. service business for sale. Gross wen over $200 -000 yearly. Call after 6pm yvz-BZj. comp used bar all equip.

yw otter. zM-yju AHiliate EARN BIG MONEY OWN YOUR OWN Full 1 uii 1 1 me ur Part lime Business No Selling No Experience rirsj unenng' rtt In This Area We are a 46 vearpld com- oanv wit rn over jsuu uisti'D" utors. We individuals eea amonious i Phoenix and surrounding areas seeking a uw-ure. ah orof pie business and can spend I 5-10 hours per month. We I feature America's top niia- orenos.

fomoanv furnishes all ori tected top quality locations, aispensers, qispiays, supplies and training. All vou do is service inese ouneis weekly. Your success Is lust INVESTMENT FROM calITo-Mee 1-800-241-3222 A-MI KICAN Restaurant, so ou o- ing, seats. eguipment lane iin arterial. ms.

Eves. 841-7142 Am. nil tunlh I An income that grows. Free into pack. Dealer, call 274- 2621 Arizona's Oldest ft.

Largest Business aaies t-irm HARDWARE STORE for new owner. Sales near quarter million dollars for 199 8, handsome return. Trl-Clly area, $150,000 buys a wln- BUY ft, SELL Hiohlv orofitab a able long esfab. i price Includes r-3 orooprtv L-J Creek Rd. One ot the top -fna nana ous messes in the state-Priced right! WFSTSiDP PFTS Groom supplies.

$22,000. JEFFRYES 252-6736 ANYTIME 1001 N. Central Phx AZ 85004 ARTS ft, CRAFTS Estab 10 yrs-Very clean Hossack Realty 264-4861 I AVAILABLE NOW Own vour own dfso liahtei distributorships, now avail In Phx metro area. Secured investments, (be secured. Call now.

Sloan Investments Ltd BARBER 8, Styling Shop, exel nr. nnwn Trikjtn otticb rana. Mon-Frl. Low, low rent. 2 Chairs, much more.

All for Chairs, much S3500. 178-0683 BAR sale or lease, bv owner 7-Pronl problems causes sale) Low dnlWell II fit 263- Owner onxieusl Ubl 8555 BEAUTIFUL 4 station beauty salon in fast growing area, priced to sell, will take car or truck on tra. Laii Jim Kel ler 931-3761 or 97B-3763 eves BEAUTY Salon, total price Pi. Lentrai area Restaurant, 3200 sq ft, N. Central area w16 lie Printing Co, estab 8yrs, imi on uvvv Microwave service ft, repair, NE area Courtesy Realty 957-9822 BEAUTY SALONS" Al areas-choose vours PENNY Fl ALA REALTY 838-3071 (24 hrs) 265-6160 BEAUTY Salon 3 Stations $7500 252-1529 244-0642 BEAUTY SHOP NW AREA 8 station, reduced $23,000.

OWC with reasonable dn. Unique E. Solar, 939-9731. tves. 846-6504.

BEAUTY shop for sale $6000 no reasonaote oner 1 1 pe refused. Eves only 276-7781 BILLIARDS -P- duiv net a so nt Move B55S BOWLING ALLEY Excellent opportunity! Only bowling alley in area with 70,000 population. Includes lounge, restaurant and game room. Located In southeastern Arizona. Contact Mr.

Montano at (602)364-7901 for details. BUS. for saie, gd money maker to siu 9568. on. BUSINESS OPPTY Invest in this thriving garage fSFtiH iu auiu parts uusmess garage completely equipped, complete auto parts nouse Ih nuwilrtru nf annmw $85,000 and a 5-bedroom, i I oath residence in rear.

Terms available. For more I particulars call or contact us. MIKE VASQUEZ AbOLIAlt, INL 1055 G. Avenue Douglas, 5607 BY owner laundromat ft. dry cleaner nnesa ojo-uaja CASH for specialty cactus or nursery stnrk The Vendour 941-8149 riant CATERING truck 8.

route for saie, money maker 25B-9568. rant lea! isea out. booa re- turns. Fred Bomkamp. i.

242- sy4u Closed Restaurant-Mesa Fully eg' uippeo aeiuxe corree .01 erms. Eves. Tony, rvii ahi COIN I Gr DRY WOC PKUP Hossacx Keaity 4861 COMBINATION liquor store, restaurant, oar, unqer one root, nnesa's best locetton. xlnt lease, volume jareat growing, Call Bob. 838-2547.

rrooessive kiiv, Bjy-ivit CONSULTING firm looking for an This a ca reer job with tremendous opportunities tor an aggres- sive sen siarier. CONTINENTAL Raslauranl. night club gd loc, agt 277- CORPORATIONS FORMED 8195 COMPLETE 266-4733 DAIRY, owner retlrli 'Of. Red iivr.r46a-'ooirK,r VJI-4JXI. DELI SHOPPING Ronald Kagan Asn DISTRIB needed For Al Llf-M Vera health products 279-1471 i inctuoea.

nna 196,500. Ei tarn MOIIy 846-5152 West Valley RE NOW AVAILABLE In NW Phx, ParadiseVallev Call 956-1041 for details 630 la FOR i ICE I I 1 I I I REG Thpr. yearling filly $1000 941-0384 867-8441 REG White Arabian, 12yrs old, 15.2 hands, exc pleasure riding, great for teenager, 810.T96-1859 RENT a Horse-Lease hori Buy one on lime 276-2593, SHETLAND mara palomino, gentle, needs to be trained for riding $30 962-1428 SUFFOLKS Ewes, larnbs. rams. 1939, 934-3925 TOP prices paid for cattle hogs 8, killer horses 276-6062.

WEANER Feeder Pigs $30 UP WELSH mare 9vrs old, chestnut wnaxen mane tan kh Call 936-3811. LNT Show prospect. 2yr old 'j Arabian gelding. $700. See to appreciate.

Reg gelding XLNT weaned Piglets. $30ea. 4j-ayt4. Btomares. 0,5 6y Bogfish.SOOeV.aa-W Hunter, lumoer.

orosoects fhor. geldings $1000ea Vr oald $250. 2 vr Dun v. started $260, sor geld. $375, Bojy Droaowav zB-ruej.

613-Livestock Supplies and Strvtcet I760 Mix, Bermuda 978- ALFALFA AAA 3-WIRE. Clean leaty 24J-464 ALFALFA Cattle Hay $65Ton yja-4W ALFALFA choice Statewide del. irucxioaqs oniy pjj-j ALFALFA Hav $4.50 bale 40Ave IIOH KO 24J-2f. ALFALFA, Sudan, oats. Cal morns eves, wyrwi ALFALFAS4.75 Bermuda $3.75 ana mix sa.a www, AMERICAN FENCE CO.

QUALITY PORTABLE HORSE CORRAL 5' high 3 rail la'vV (IBS Other sizes available Z5Z5 N. 2tn AV 219A nar VallAV 3655 E. Main Msa 832-6381 A 2 horse trailer. Good condition. $685 Call 243-4713 Leather splint boots eicro oeii boots pr ain slickers $: t1 WTntr bUnkeli Cutter horse wormer $2.95 $6.95 Learner neaa stans Barrel shin guards WALKERS 28 1 1 Buckeye Rd 272-1205 MUST SELL! Black Sad die, $200.

Laii ill Holly, 942-9421 NEW ft. Used Saddles 279-5534, PONY SADDLE GOOD CONDITION! $95 935-0158. PORT-A-STALL fCorrnli-Fencina-Shades and Horse barns. Arenas Horse Trlrs and Livestock equipment at the best prices. 213 5.

ALMA bLHOOL KU 8-5 Mon. thru Sat 834-8812 weq. eve, in ROPING Saddle good condition SAFARI HORSE TRAILERS Special Sale til Feb 1st 2 horse tandem axle. elec. brakes, fully equipped, 2-ton taint, Ige color choice.

$1895. conomy models with elec. $1690. Weekdays 937-277 Eves ft, weekends 979-2718 SPECIAL SADDLE TACK AUCTIONMon. Jan.

21st 7:30 P.M. Selling from a larger Inventory saddles, pads, winter blankets, bridles, horse 8, pony harness, show equipment, clippers, plus ch more. Save au-su- your teck needs. Auction at Red Apple Roadway Inn, Metro Center. Peoria ft.

Black Canyon, 979-8366 Taylor's Horse Trailers New 2-horse custom tandem, elect, brake, fully equip Only $1995. Full line of horse stock trlrs on display. 4662 Grand Ave. 247-5642 TEXTAN saddle, rusted 8. suede, less than lyr old, used only 6 times, Ig seal, incl all tack $475 9W-1859 TRACER '68 2 hrs trailer.

4 whee new tires, $1150, USED 2 horse Milev trailer. Surge brakes, saddle rack, escape doors, gravel guards, new paint ft, etc. SI 150. 937-2771, 979-2718. WESTERN FENCE CO.

"n-lt-Vniirielf" nine cor rals. No welding or special toois requirea i patent peno- PLUS Bia tnwlnas on chain link fence materials, barb wire fencing, teeposts, 8 dog ken- rig, ti nels, Some used materials available. Lan tor rre ee est mata nntv nr nstallen 224 S. 23rd St.Phx. 244-0368 1541 N.

East St. Flag. 774- 4ys i WILL Pay cash for your good uo i norse trailer, yj 1616 3 rail portable corrals. 1974 Hale tani 16' stock trailer, new license, 995-1118. $1650, 1978 Imperial deluxe 2-horse tanoem axie trir, tnorouan- arety.usea ibw.

-J3 lfs8f iter, good cond, SlOi 75700h0rntfsHW after 5pm Int cond, 1-723-3319 616-Poultry BABY CHICKS Youi eU ers, rabbits tor sai Beautiful Fancy Pigeons BUNNIESRabits, Cages CHICKEN Colored egos $1.00. Also.Roo$ter$ DUTCH ft, DWARF NEW ZEALAND ft, REX 58-46! LAYING Hens. 939-8349 Closed sunqay ONE three compartment chicken brooder. I ke new $175. thermo control (firm) RABBITS ft, cages 962-0361 621-Fruits Dotes.

Kadret a YOU A DURABLE herculon bean-bag furniture, lounge cnair loveseat, $150. 947-9084 Early American Sofa, loveseat i Dies $49 ea. Your Home Furnishing Store, 2937 W. Thomas Rd. Mon-Thur 10am -9pm, Frl-Sun EARLY AMERICAN SOFA-Loveseat-chalr In durable Antron velvet.

$4(9. Many more stvles 8, fabrics available. Contractor's Furn. Syily, 3131 W. lewis.

269- EARLY American sofa, loveseat cnair in aurac-ie Amron ylon fabric $489 or best offer. Contractor's Furn. lipD4V, 3131 W. Lewis. W6V- ETHAN Allen wing-back chair Ki R3- Dresser $45.

Bed $35. 8J EVERY day bargains New i. useoauuion lock 979-25361 FXTIA I Our, MATTRFSSES. (iu nr til i iftMl Mr lized $29 GLOBE 3333 S. EXTRA thick kingslze Waterbed Matt wneaier las.

or wnoie bed for $350. rVflTIBI UIMIHV I Will W' LIm, ft cnairs cnina; pv oaH Thomas Rd. Mon-Thur 10am-9pm, Fri-5un 10-feP m. FURNITURE appliances, low rates, 2M-6I ffilUcBa nil wruui 5 Diece bed- WUMi ii iui cswi hdora, nue stano, mirrort. $449 new.

Your Home Fur- nithinn (lnr 9917 Thomas d. Mon-Thur 10am-9pm, Frl-Sun GOIO rocker, 2 vrs old. Good COnJU GORGEOUS Clyde Plerson De signer iora, Tinesi velvet on pasrei colors, new tj- ipiece bedroom t. Must sen sow or ill $600 or one 18-0612 HIDE-A-BED loveseat. $400 Tan, never used, wrougn? rnn lie rush shlon Chairs.

$75 963-9211973-6989 a'J! HIDE-A-BED newly recovered, 03, yooo congii'on. 946-8388 HIDE-A-BED SALE! 1 r- (Merest sofa's loveseats (good selection at reasonable I prices) new. Your. Home Furnishing Store. 293, trine 7917 Thomas Rd.

Mon-Thur lOam-fem, Fri-Sun IBM Executive Tvoewrlter Yiyu, coniempory aresser $32b, recliner rocner siw. Arm chair $50 sever kitrhnn rhr 410 In Misc collectibles $1 to $25 772121 Individual 5 drawer chest $39, arawer cnesr new. Your Home Furnishing Store. 2937 W. Thomas Rd Mon-Thur 10am-9pm, Fri- Sun Juit received truck load of bedroom sets.

5 piece sets from sivy new. urive a 1 IttlB- Save A Lot. Your Home Furnishing Store, 2937 W. Thomas RoT Mon-Thur luam-ypm, r-n-sun KING Madras rings. Spring Air $75 279' KING Size Simmons mattress, good cond, $75 Walnut dining set buffet $100, Call 252- S616 KING size waterbed, custom build dark wood frame, htr SJ3U rtp-ouea KINGSIZE 4 poster waterbed fully padded, new cond.

$450 Karen ai-imi KING sz round bed CaTl never used. sjw. 42-1067. KING 5 mattress, matching c' iox springs, new cona, ai vj-seo. Kitchen sets new.

Your Home I 10am-9pm, Frl-Sun LAMPS with 3 wav switch beautiful. ul, $100 for both 971- 0842 LomDs w3 way socket shades from $10. Your Home Furnishing Store, 2937 W. Thomas Rd. Mon-Thur oam-ypm, r-ri-bun io-6p m.

LARGE oak coffee table $50, 2 re nan cnairs iuu ea. 978-2002 Chair-custom cover-dwn cushions $100 )ns iu '-9236 velvet enr Mb 2y- LIGHT Blue sofa loveseat uw, room aivioer iii- 7314 LIKE new tlv rm suite $375, elec oven $15. pro reducing belt $125 Like new tailor made mens suits wj up. i-9iti MP. 938-963 MAPtE-hard rock, round table wleaves, 4 captain chairs, buffet, $625.

Also, lg 5' maple table, extends to io 996-1641. $165. MASTER BR, 5 PC. set for $174. Contractor's Furniture supply, 3131 W.

Lewis. 269-5771. UATfHlNG IfluP tPJtt A. 1 chairs $150. 2 rectlners $50 $65.

Chair ottoman $70. 96B-4V20. MATTRESSES. Torino brand: singli 1128, King il88. J68, ODI VflJ, niiAtn er's, 40 075 W.

Ii 272-6431 Chef-under warranty $300. King sz bed with Bassett Sell! 944-0118 U1NIFUINDC UD to 80 off. These are largest rasnion window treatments ordered Dy aecorators never picked 2000 blinds In all mea! cat ir or best selection be sure to bring winaow measure ments. PRICES START AT $8 PER WINDOW SALE STARTS EARLY Morning Sun, Jan 20. Jan 21, parking lot, 6232 No.

7th St. MOVING bdrm chair $55. DiK crenanza vv nai corner table $95, tufted sofa $165. antiques quality! rsnpi! W6-1641. MOVING Cherry mag.

vanity npK. mi, am rDCKer. ni- nelte, 3 bikes 6030 ISftt St Apt 1 or 995-3378 MOVINGI must sell beaut sofa loveseat in brown velvet wmatching side 8, coffee tables: mens dresser; Walnut stereo caoinei; oreai oar- gams. ss-sw yyiuzj MOVING sale must sell AFAP sota love seat kitcnen set desk many misc tl-JlOO 40-4468 MUST sell several pieces of furniture, txci tor apt rentals S15-S3O0 274-3453, 265-4396 OAK Parquet inlaid 4 cnairs, cane enrome wao After spm Provincial dining room, living room Si Deoroom sets new. Ynnr Unma Fiirnlthina I Store, 2937 W.

Thomas Rd. tMon-thur 10am-9pm, Fri- aun PROVINCIAL dresser wmlrror cnest wnutcn, wateroeo. So -S6U. 846-681 PUBLIC AUCTION TONIGHT WARES AUCTION 4025 N. 38th AVE, 7 p.m.

QUEEN Bed, Simmons-Posture TOfranCT! QUEENSIZE bed, headboard, antnxi), runie. ss. ick naugahyde bar ft, matching sioois, siyj. yj-BJJ lit hp 6 chairs2 leaves $20. 84V-i4yp Cm i ecu cm neaaprq, wuu.

Remembar tfr.LCO aALcS? i ALES? You can now find me Terrmc values at Tie terr HOME FURI NISHINO STORES. 2937 W. Thomas ri Mnn i nur luam-ypm. Fri-Sun RUST MINI BLINDS From $50-890 996-4391 SACRIFICE UNIQUE MEXICAN C.QkQ, tlVlJlG RM SET SIGNATURE, Gas Range, real nice, $110. two dr 8115, 944-8344 anytime or tserrig SINGLE box spring, mattress ft frame, $701 246-8S26 SOFA, like new, nubbvstriped, chrome edge, $300: old wood executive desk, $75; student Sk, $50; 10-spd, $25.

839- Sofa SOFA SpUD TWIN i Used I 1 13 17" 2 5 18' 8 SERVICE HOURS 7 o.m.-9 p.m. Monday-Thursday 256-9111 WWV UVIIIV SUN CITY RESTAURANT Well run very clean restau- rant in aun I.ITV snopping Uri Iran- A marl-n riaza Food. gjjL, ood. Call Chuck 941-5282 Patterson Rlty TEMPORARY HELP Office toy or owning vr own business with a nat'l namra iurwu-inH patn-up Easy terms. Call 265-8500 Tour Bike Accessories 4 vrs nlut int fast -per mo Shows $1 gross, over $3000 mo clni priced to steal great lea mo clear TRUCKERS Long-haul new era roducts carrier has need of owner- Operators ana operators tn- trmit teresfed in leasing a tractor business.

Time I money--take the time to hear what compensation we offer then you won't have anv questions of good monevi INCORPORATED -CARRIERS, Ltd. OUT OF STATE 1-800-527-9856 OR TEXAS l-iot-442-7676 (Weekdays 8am-6pm CST) TRUCKING-WILL TEACH Diesel Tra Haul, $15,0 043 USED Auto Parts ft, Dismantel- business tor wen tooo income for the right buyer. Long term tne rignt du lease, For Mariorle Eves. 945-' imurmattun toil Pelt! 994-2200. tu REALTY WANTED Interested In the, acquisition or loint venture or fchainllnk ft, cement Mock snce business.

Phoenix, Mesa area only. Have re- Suired license. Box 63-CX epubllcGaiette K0' WOMAN Partner $8500 Invest- ment m-uttj. Keep trying. WOOD MFG CO Gr On vr Hossack Realty 264-461 WORKING nvestor-Partner tor well csiaDllsneu iyrs, 12 motel.

3br home, grossing $50,000 vr wxtra land tor more, sen or iroe. Take TVs, land, houses, opats. cash or Total price euj-yBt-4t i. witn pana stano at, pane floor High growtj.aH ejaulp In A-1 pai yjy 7 Bar disco $8000 mo. gross.

W1W tms. Severs 9 DIDLO RE 9S6-0260 636-Money CAPITAL AVAILABLE We have clients interested in investments, loans i general financing. in the Phx 'area. apnai or wtkji lino arrangements arrant for certain businesses Tom Klinger.216-867-467 Immediate cash for your Accounts Receivable Riviera Finance 266-1144 IMMEDIATE ca accts receivable. 12 210: WORKING CAPITAL For the young growing business.

Immediate cash for vour receivables. Allied Dts- jnf torp. 641 -Money Real Estate Martoaee Leans lAAAAAFait Cash rer yeur cpn- rrpcr or aeea or rrust, tnaco, 263-0149 AAAAA 1ST WE BUY Cl Broker Absolutely Top Prices fnr mnrtaaaa nr rnntrarts O'BRIEN Tnv 279-6206 AVAILABLE 1st- zna-jro nomes lana, apts. We buv contracts Mtge ft. Equities 242-7358 BEST Buying Mtgs, Contracts, trust Deeds.

93I-OT63. BUYERS of mortgages, con tracts oeeas ot trust. Morlgoges Ltd. 264-9206. Eves 264-4 1 12.

FINANCING Sales Help for any business k. Mr Kltts 994-5W9. wpotential. FIRST MTG. LOANS NEW COI 'NST.

OR I INDUSTRIAL STRIP COMMEF. APARTMEN OFFICfc5 $50,000 UP SECURITY MTG. CO, INC. 3507 N. CENTRAL Call ARV ANKER 277-1416 FOR 12'2 Money 263-1111 INDIVIDUAL buying contracts ana mortgages, jack Mar- ston 23 I 95020 944- Havward.

Phx. 31 MONEY Available. Any pur aose. ist morigai Jommerclal-lndustr James Bonneau 971-4607: mortgage- ustriai. MONEY AVAILABLE.

Tal loreq loans on farms, nomas, tana, commercial ouiraings, kioco, pj-utay MTG LOANS AVAILABLE For taxes, home repair, bill consolidation, college anv Purpose. To $100,000 or more. For Information call: Valentine Finan-clnc Scottsdale ofc 941- PRIV Investor buying TD's ft. mortgs. Bert Nash, 996-3996.

STATEWIDE HOME LOANS 1st 2nd or 3rd loans. Credit B9t nec. 1 day approval, also uy contracts. 264-6122. I WE buv 1st mtgs.

ft, contracts. Fast sarvira rtty nntg Co. Paul Manley, -14I6. lit A 9nri AnrtoAtut Lnans Immed Funds-Lowest Rates We Buy Mtges ft Contracts Interstate Mfge 264-6864 645-Money IAA savaral secured 2nd TD'd I 19 or more yield 247-6333 LOAN PRESENTATIONS TO HELP RaTse.your money faster use one of our profes sionally prepareo presenia- tions. oo-yaao PARTNER WANTED Low Invhlgh ROI Tor grow-ha business.

938-5250. URE Deed of Trust. $6,000 'ays 10 mo. All. que 4-m SECURE Deed of Trust.

000 Pays ia int. mo. aii due 1 yr. ridcq 263-giw. CRTHDB naaA rA Trust of pays 11 int.

mo. Alt oua yrs. Kiucu ioj-may. SECURE Deed of Trust, leed of Trust. $16,000 Pays .8523.82 moK tl Int.

i Amort in 3 vrs. Disc. 400. Yield 18 RIDCO 263- ui4y. Wlu psv )5 on Well secured by Prescott.

445-4822 WOW 16 cal NOW 96 1ST trust deeds, $20,000 min, or any la. DroKBT, Wl- 14-100 RETURN nt ventures. Intarlm Joint ventures, Interim ft, permanent financing. All real estate secured. Aristale WesLdtV' Inc.

W7 N. 7th SI. Trundle beds new. Your Home rurnisnmg store, ivti Thomas Rd. Mon-Thur IQam-ypm, Fri-sun bed WmaMress.

side qraw cni. aonq nnapie, Antique Gold, S17S. 949-06M ma. uuailii miwi mi i tresses, frames, headboards, clean, il2Q. 996-9480 furniture e.

Your Home Furnishing Store, 2937 Vv. Thomas Rd. Mon-Thur ypm, hri-un VELVET Sofa lovasaal $235. Lhair Sil. Lnrome beigeir chair ftr lamp $100.

y93-7649 Walnut Drooleaf Dlnina Tbl seats izj tiw. Kitcnen oi Lnrs sso. yve-saaz WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE New 5 pc. dinette $59.95. 7 pc, iw.ys i 9 pc.

$129.95. New dc maole le oming to roam i set 1189 9 Hi pc aininv rooi China Cal set $299 9 New China Cabinet, $269.95. New Hideaway arawer cnesi drawer dstk fmlW Bed frame $12.95. Hf-rlser comp $129.95. Chest bed drawer desk $64.95.

Dropleaf $109,95 od bunks comp $69 95. Vvardrobe, $69.95. Re- cli $79.95. 2 pc sola cnair End table rf 95.

Table 5T9 Swivel bar stools 9 pc corner unit Bookcase $22.95. mo $11.9 stove, $49.95. Refriger-r. $79.95. tchen cabinet $69.95.

Rolltop desk $29.95. 3 pc table set $2f 95 New 3 room houseru $419.95. Brass headboard $29.95. Pole lamp $34.95. Kennedy rocker $44.95.

New Sealv Serta Sprlngair malts, discounted. New cedar chest $119.95. Over 51,000 sq ft bargains galore. 1 item or a houseful. BFLIABI 2301 Indian School, 264-4097.

Open 9-9 M-r. sat sun 9-6 WATER BEDS-new beds at used bed prices! Lompiete selection nf malrhina furniture ft. accessories. Try our ''No Motion Mattress Financing iayaways avail. Franklin waterbeds 247-4424 WHITE French Provincial makatio tab e.

oertect S7 tautitui light blue white table lamp $40. 264-4686 White French Provincial D6I $100 bed, incl hdbrd frame 993-1763 WHITE vinyl-yellow trim queen sieeper siuu. Kea-oiacK velvet sofa loveseat $300. 943- 466 eves wKenas XLNT COND 2pc sectio $400, 846-056 WfaJr v5 Van Buren 269-0358 drwr chest $69. Sing bed.

metal trm, sprgs matt, u. yB-645 16 PIECE MODULAR Plat rwan ut hrnurn wolvot custom made beaumui McDowell Upholstery 3001 toweii KO. JB-W Motorola TV stand $50 i hiexsreei sota siuu 841-0)9 twin mattresses springs, wu a set. b-yjut 2912 W. McDwII 278-1171 Mattress Spring $59.95 4PC liv rm set.

4mo old. Bas set oarm set, oinene set, oar sroois, xint cong. wo ing best offer. 971-0805 S-pc Douglas dinette set. years ota, sibu.

vaa-6star pc modern bdrm set. Twin bed, man box springs met. Show room cond $400 firm Desk wall unit, with 3x5' corner taote, oarx wainut finish $125 2-6016 ft. couch 8. matching chair ii Ke new, suu or pest oner 4V-y4U Herculon sofa, $100.

Ig solid wooa annquea oesx siuu, gold velvet side chair, $75. TJ-V4B. 590-Wanted Home Furnishings A A A A A A A AAAAAAA AA A A BIDDER A BUYER CASH For Good Furn AppH. 264-3204 AA AAA A AAAAAAAAAAA ABLE BUYERS WILL BUY FURN-APPL-IOOLS 274-8241 AAA AAA AAAAAAAAAAA AAA BEST PRICES For Furn Aopl Tools 8. Misc CALL ANYTIME 265-6034 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAA Able Able Buyer Cash" Furn.Appl.TOOiS Z4-33B4 272-0346 If I can't buy your It can't be bought.

One piece a houseful. Misc. ft, tools. 78-5147. AARON ALWAYS PAYS MUKb DON'T LOSE MONEY For best prices on furniture and miscellaneous call a licensed and bonded buyer.

266-0186 ABSOLUTELY HIGHEST Prices for fum-appl-tools 955-8850 ALWAYS CALL 264-4671 For Highest Cash Prices Paid for Appliances tq tor i-urnn ture, good ft, too its. Laii ALWAYS GET TWO OFFERS and be sura one is mine. If selling a houseful furnishings, appliances, topis, camp things, office equipment. Call MR. ARNOLD, For Quick Courteous servile.

Must be In good workln WSjm iBhe pr'c ASSOCIATED If It's an offer vou need call the rest. If it1 apuyer vou need call the best. 278-6302. DUTirw Turn, an mmu. wmii- ances, mattresses, eic.

ui- 0441, it-OOVi. Northwest 8. sunuiy. BUY Refrlg-worklng or not Anytime, yee-sw CHINA Cab, trundle bad, girls BR set wanted 992-6990 FREE We come to your home ft, make offer for working or non-working refrigerators. NO Obligation.

252-5M I. GOOD Used Bedn dining room turn needed MAPLE BR sat, dining or di- nette set needed wz-avvu SCTSDLE AUCT. BUYER lall ua-yea-uat Auction Block 979- tAtt anv dryers A AKC AKC sole color i sys. BEDROOM Suite, like Walnut, Medd Style. $300 V55-I646.

Beds all sizes-Make offer DLR. 269-5773 BEDS Box Spring Mattress FULL $52 KING $75 TWIN $50 QUEEN $69 Your Home f-urmsning vore, zv vv. i nomas ko, Thur l0am-9pm, Frl-Sun Mon- IU 6p.m. BERKUNE Wallawav Recliner brown naugahyde $75, drapes bedspread S1S-S2S 892-9356 BLACK wrought ron Spanish lamp wred gli style $75 253-2988 lass, wneei Bookcdtei from $35 new. Yi Home Furnishina Store.

2 VV. Thomas RoT Mon-Thur ioam-pm, r-n-sun BP John all wood end tables from $69 ea-new. yo Home Furnishing Store, 29 vV Thomas RrT Mon-Th l6am-9pm, Frl-Sun BUNK BED SALE Every, kind vou can think of. olain and fancv. Includ Ing ing door case wagon Wheel, Jumbos, irew ounKs, spinaie tna Panel End, etc.

with all the kinds of mattresses. Maple finish wood panel-end bunk with rails, guard and mattresses, WERE $179, NOW $128 COMPLETE, One of Arizona's Oldest and Largest, GLOBE FURNITURE S. Central, Ph. 268- Bunkbds complete wtnner- spnng KB mattresses 19. Your Home r-urmsnm Store, 2937 W.

Thomas Rt Mon-Thur 10am-9pm, Fri Sun BUNK Bed set. comDlele green floral sofa, 3 tone i stripped sofa, 8 pee dinette set, black leather bar 3 stools, light wood dresser, chest of drawers head- board 247-0579 BUNK beds, hutch top dresser, nII sArhilo Prpnrh Prnvinrial. bedspreads, curtain, viz tor an, vjy-Q46J. BUNK BEDS L-shape with built in closet, bookcase dresser. $3d0.

993-9429 BUNKBEDS, new matts, $119. frames $12 up. Carter's, 4075" w. ino'an acn, BUNK Beds, 1 nA r.nni cono. 8807 $yobest oner, in- BUNK Beds, 2 bookcase twins, 1 solid oak, 1 wdesk leaf.

955-0923 BUY NOW SAVE BIG CONTRACTOR'S FURN. ut-r-iY is selling aibuiayea but never used model names $174 $26? Turn i sn i tigs, MASTER BR SUITE KW. LIVIINO Km rvyiNbl i DINETTE KING INGSIZE BED QUEEN SIZE $12to LAWrb BUNK BEDS COMPL J139 FURN. JAKE DELIVER. Contractor's Furn Supplv "3131 W.

Lewis 269-5771 Crnr 31 av-3 blks of Thomas MasterchargeVlsa honored CALL FOR LOW PRICES Vi Off Serta Mattresses. La- Z-Bov Chairs, lowest prices in Town. zaa-u I GOBINS 1635 N. 7th St. vibrator adiust for sleeping, i reading or lifts to standing position.

$800 value $295. CHESTS S25-S45; 3 rm houseful $399; dinettes $69.50 UP; sin---gledbl matt sets rhina rahn S279-S399 rim rm set Carter's, 4075 w. ingian acn, z-64ji. COFFEE, lamp, hex tables $20- $45, metal desk $50. 942-7444 COMPLETE BR set wklng size waterbed.

rn.i SIUUU 4 Old, 841-1911 COUCH, CONTEMPORARY dAtVU LULvK, SJUU 941-8647 COUCH. 4-oiece sectional 0Oia, gooo conoinon, siuu. Couch 7' velvet. Multicolor flowers. Must see $300 or best.

955-4429 CUSTOM HUTCH all wood i 1 Ktainad alas with stereo. 2' "sneakers fL AM-FM radio. Built-in bar. I auor cabinet room for TV. Price $750.

Call M-t-, y-, 366-11 CUSTOM Shutters 30 rs J3-W0. 178-0752 OH wnne orape $45 Lamps szu ea DARK pine twin beds, night mattresses springs, excellent cond. i. DARLING twin beds complete dust ruttie: eaos bj: DESIGNER loose pi Z'amqs, cost over $340. 1 J6V5 Djdi frnm S49 new.

Vnn eg'd. fantai $650 wta kids horse. Arab Colt, nice, reg'd $5 1-388-2676 AQHA SORREL MARE 6 years old $550. VJ5-UI58. A6hA Suoar Bars arand daughter, proven brood iare.

siuw voj-ayje AQHA stud colts 8 2538. ARABIAN fillv TALAL grand sire, finest bgypna prooucer or cnampion Dam ourebred RAFFLE Size, substance, refinement add up to super show quality, Priced at V3 of appraised value. Must sell. w-iWi BARGAIN 3-reg. horses, $600 sjyuu, imo free lessons, 44aaa-w3 BAY Gelding, gd trail horse, saw 941-7283 Boy Gelding-pleasures, barrels Fast Irg Welsh-barrels IO yB-SH66 BAY Thorouohbred aeldin 15.2.

good trail horse $650 or oesi oner rt-mi BEAUTIFUL Ch estnut very en'V67 BEAUTIFUL Red Line-back Dunn Geld no. 4 vrs old. hands, very stocky. Super looks, conformation temperament. Gentle, wel broke.

Ready for pleasure or train for open snows. $495 971-6686 Big Stout Registered it Quarter Fillv 2'vrs, BLACK Mare, 10 yrs. show condition, sound $boo 991 BUCKSKIN mare 8 vrs old, gentle, sound. $650 892-4209 BUY horses saddles, tack. 9801 N.

75th Av. VV-BJ66 CALF-2Vimo Holsteln $165 7wk while face heifer $160 978- 5466 CALVES all sizes 268-5659" CALVES Crossbred bulls nereroras Hoistein in hi tereforas rncbrAii not wna. teeoer steer 963- 12 CALVES Feeders, imuci 9, nitiictayv, bred 185 lbs. $155 Call iu CHAR Steer, 3401b, $185 White- teyn H65 3233 w. Yuma FEEDER calves.

Nice Hoisteins caives. yez-uw FIVE yr xlnt all around mare 150 or best. 2 yr colt $150 or FOR Sale Bull calves 2-4 days j. sg 937-6151 FOR Sale, Thorou ihbred 6 vr 10. or best oio geioina leldlng.

SIC oner. VJ-W52 FOUNDATION Bred AQHA -xc. orooa mare oreat qisp. iond rider, $600 frm. 899- GENTLE Family horse $650 941-7283 GENTLE Pleasure Horse.

Adult or children. 8475 979-5384. GOATS-1-Nanny-stlll fresh 3 Does-just 978- S466 Asst tack iKEAT Family Thorobred Ma Horse. Re Reo. $600, 91-1543 HALF Arab Geldlnn 16 vrs unreg, gentle, reliablefamiiy pet is.

i nanqs, $5u yvz-; Home Furnishing Store, 2937 W. Thomas Rtf Mon-Thur toam-ypm, Fri-sun DESK 7 drawer, kneehole, wal- nut 30x60 matching arm Chair $150 Z65-U6I DINING Cm Suite Thl leaves, 4 chrs. 2pc China HOLSTgN C.t,. 400 $350. shots $175 terms 935-5072 M9-5848 HORSES Bought, sold, traded ft, SILKY Terrier, Male Puppy.

All tVPes of horses HLPJ' K'- S- 272-6643 W1-26T0 HORSES ft, Goats boarded near PUK, 992-6067 STANDARD Schnauiers Ctv HORSES WANTED 98M8ar Voun9-Old-Gentl. 278-2306 THPET DIRECTORY 247 ffSM Si? TxVV'fa WIRE FOX TERRIERS hana $975 971-2368 948-0464 sjisySust 2 WOLF Hybrid cubs ft, voung 243-4441 adults UKC reg res937-86To. REG AQHA rope horse 11 yr 4 YORKPPPIES lb' i9Kit 1 Harlequin Danes, female REG Arabian gelding ponv. puppies, 265-2156 B00' ome Cill rte REG'D Arab colt 9 mos. gentle, OUl-bdlS ooodilood lines.

$750oHer $ervlces and Sueollas 938-4204 Hutcn vv-6255 i DINING Table, 4 upholstered1 swivel enrs on caster hrnwn X. anlri tones tones in xln cond. mi 956-S479 ona. must sacrifice $250. DIN TBL 4 alligator naugalv laugahyde $400 $200.

swivel cnairs New After 5 979-8607 DISPLAYED but never used, klngsize beds complete $75. queen $65. Other sizes avail. No reasonable offer refused. Lontractor i-urniture aup-' ply.

3131 W. Lewis. 269-577T. DRAPERY rods installed 249 053 DRESSER 8. chest $325 1 nur aare roils id.

rirtea dates $1.60, Barhl Ti SO $3'er1' na.vab. 5 95 85th Ave Rd. deep freezer, like new. $135. COMMERCIAL DIVISION 5109 N.

44th St 952-01201.

The Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona (2024)
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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.