The Daily Herald from Provo, Utah (2025)

PROVO, UTAH COUNTY, UTAH, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1944 Editorial The 1-ONOTLE Batt DROVE ill LIE COUNTY Herald The Washington Me Merry-Go-Round Round A Daily Picture of What's By Drew Pearson (Col. Robert Allen on Going On in National Affairs active duty) FDR fighting mad campaign, he tells rise in minimum curity; slow-release many paratroopers in trapped because of new harness. over GOP's "unfair" cabinet; reveals he favors wage, broader social separachutes fatal to Normandy; hundreds army delay in ordering WASHINGTON President Roosevelt's first cabinet meeting after election day found him fighting mad. Cabinet members who have sat in these semi-weekly meetings for twelve long years said they had never seen "the Boss" so grim. "In thirty years of political life," he said, "I have never seen such a dirty, unfair, below-thebelt campaign.

"During the last two weeks," the president continued, "I got mad. And I stayed mad. I could bite some of those so-and-sos." He said he had not even received the traditional telegram or letter of congratulation from Gov. Dewey which a defeated candidate always sends to the victor. Aside from this, cabinet members remarked among themselves that the president had never looked better, that it had done him good to get out and do campaigning instead of begin surrounded with generals and admirals in Washington.

He himself indicated that he had enjoyed getting the feel of the people. MORE SOCIAL SECURITY During the first cabinet session, the president gave his okay to two important projects which will come before the next Congress. (1) Change in the minimum wage from 40 to 60 cents an hour; and (2) revision of the social security act. This came up when Secretary of Labor Perkins asked about certain revisions in the WageHour act, and the president, not quite catching what she said, remarked that he was in favor of giving farm hands and domestic servants the benefit of unemployment and old-age insurance. This comes under the social security act, and Federal Security Administrator Paul McNutt spoke up to ask whether the president was in favor of presenting new social security legislation at the next session of congress in January or at the present closing session.

Social Security chairman Arthur Altmeyer has drafted some detailed revisions of the law, broadening it to include workers and servants, including new health insurance other benefits. The president made it clear that these revisions of the act were to be introduced at the January session. He also indicated favored changing the minimum wage from 40 cents to 60 cents an hour. which will give an automatic boost to wages all along the line. THE CARLETON HOTEL'S HAMLET The Scene: Washington's swank Carleton Hotel, main dining room.

time: Almost any lunch hour. soThe music plays while the nation's -notch "thinkers" and lobbyists digest their mid-day meal. The music stops. The waiting crowd at the door parts. Eyes turn toward the center aisle.

In walks hulking, bushy-browed, greying man. He struts ponderously, looking neither left nor right. John L. Lewis has come to lunch. Lewis eats alone.

He takes the same table every, day that at the a extreme newcomer rear to of the Washington dining is room, as excited at secing him as if at he seeing FDR. His menu roast same day, can get -rare beef -preceded by a wee snifter sherry. When his coffee is served, Lewis reaches into a pocket. takes out a long black cigar Out of another pocket he takes a detective story magazine. He relaxes for fifteen minutes, then struts out the way came.

Shakespeare's Hamlet, invisible robe over his shoulders. dagger at his side. PARACHUTE TRAGEDY IN NORMANDY On March 9, the Washington Merry-Go-Round revealed an army parachute scandal. It stated that the Army had failed to supply U. S.

airmen and paratroopers with the quick-release parachuter harness despite the fact that General Newton Longfellow of the U. S. Eighth Air Force in England had warned Washington that "anything but the quick-release harness is murderous." The Army, on that same day, issued a series of denials, but one week later ordered 100,000 of harness. the single-point quick release parachute About three weeks later. it ordered 300,000, and orders have increased since then.

Unfortunate inside fact. however, is that these orders did not come soon enough to save hundreds of lives in the Normandy invasion. General Longfellow had written his report to the war department on June 1. 1943. This column published the above except from his report on March 9.

1944. Between June 1 and March 9 the war department had ordered only a scanty handful of 2.500 quick- -release harnesses for experimental purposes and none of them had been delivered. So. despite the heavy orders placed in March, a very large proportion of the U. S.

paratroopers who came down over Normandy had to use the old. -release harness which tediously unbuckles in three different places. TRAPPED BY HARNESS Detailed reports of what happened as a result were hushed up at the time, but it is now possible to reveal that many U. S. paratroopers were shot down by German snipers before they were able to get out of their harnesses.

Brig Gen. Anthony C. McAuliffe. artillery commander of the 101st Airborne Division. later awarded the silver star for gallantry in parachuting over Normandy.

had to cut his harness off with a knife. A Time Magazine correspondent got hung up in a tree head down. nearly choked to death on his parachute harness before someone climbed up and cut him free. It was especially bad when men landed in trees. There they had little chance to unsnap the three cumbersome buckles before German snipers shot them down.

Dead bodies in the trees of Normandy gave mute, gruesome testimony to U. S. army bungling on the home front. It was after this that Army paratroop chiefs really, were galvanized into action. An American parachute rigger was immediately rushed back to England with a crew to convert U.

S. parachutes to the quick-release harness. Not even by this time had any of the new harnesses, ordered this column's March expose, arrived in England, so British harnesses were purchased. The British, incidentally, refused to sell their quick-release box alone, insisted on selling entire harness at a a very high price, charged up on the books as reverse lend-lease. American parachute riggers worked day and night converting our to this harness.

Finally, by the time spectacular paratroop parachutes, landing at Arnhem, about fifty percent had been converted. Arnhem, unfortunately, was not a success. But at least. there were many fewer lualties from men being fouled in their harnesses at Arnhem. (Copyright, 1944 by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) 'This Pattern Fitted Your Friend Very VERALL SERIAL AIRINGS 16109 Yank Barnstormer in Peru Operates World's Only Subsidy-free Air Line By ANN STEVICK NEA Staff Correspondent WASHINGTON, Nov.

16 "Slim" Faucett (Elmer but not out loud), one-man air-peddler to Peru, is in Washington on a trouble-shooting errand vital to the future of his airline. This 53-year-old, six-foot Irishman has built out of troubles the only subsidy-free airline business in the Western Hemisphere, maybe in the world. It takes all comes in the way of cargo--prize bull calves done up burlap, rubber and monkeys from the jungle. Slim Faucett has been a good thing out of troubles since he left his farm home in Savona, N. to get into the aircraft business with Curtis Aviation.

Promoted to chief service man for Curtis in Peru, he started in the airline business when an American engineer approached him one day, with an urgent try errand and cash to pay for it. In Business No flier was around to do the job, so Slim, now a veteran of less than six hours solo flying, took it over. He put his passenger down at the destination in an old training ship, and put himself in business as a charter pilot doing odd-jobs for cash flying customers. Slim got into some real trouble the next year because he couldn't pass up the chance to make the first flight across the four Andean ranges from Lima to Iquitos in his Curtis Oriole, and collect the $4000 prize offered by the Peruvian government. Without air maps or instruments Slim found his way through the Andean passes, and steered himself by the Maranon River almost to Iquitos He was downed within 40 minutes of his final stop by a tropical storm which masked the countryside.

The soft sandbar he landed on toppled the plane. The propeller broke and it was eight months before he finished the final lap to Iquitos. Slim came out of that with loads of prestige, hailed as King of the Air by the Peruvians, but his prize money was tied up for years, He returned to Lima, famous but penniless. With Lt. Gen.

Jimmy hero of the Tokyo air-raids, in those days a Curtis demonstrator pilot, as an intrepid passenger. Slim tried a night-flight that NEA "Slim" Faucett. Peruvian King of the Air. ended up with his being groundlooped by a burro on a dark landing field. That was in 1928.

It was his last flight in the Oriole, and it put him out business as a barnstormer. But within four months he'd gathered the cash $40,000 worth of Peruvian money), and the momentum to, start the airline which took where llama trains, burros and horses left off, carrying passengers and freight to keep Peru's mines, cattleranches and rubber projects going. Fought Rate WarSlim fought his way through a deadly ten year rate war against foreign and U. S. competitors, kept in the air his small special-built for altitude flying.

He came out winner, and found that even this major struggle turned into a good break. The Peruvian populace had become air-minded during the cut-rate days, and customers had multiplied many times. Before the war Faucett airlines, now 60 per cent Peruvian, 40 per cent U. S. owned, had' ten planes with U.

S. pilots on daily flights up and down the 1400- mile Peruvian coast and over the mountains. His planes made spe- -Why do bomber crews have to eat warmed food instead of fresh-cooked meals when on a high-altitude mission? takes too long at great heights. For instance, it takes two hours to boil potatocs at 10,000 feet. Q-What is another name for Salonika (prewar pop Greece's first A-Thessalonike.

Q-What is the name of our newest all-purpose bomber? A--The A-26 Invader. Maw Makes Plea For Unity Among Western States LOS ANGELES, Nov. 17 (U.P.)Gov. Herbert B. Maw of today said that the Western States must stick together and perhaps align themselves with the agricultural south if they are to achieve economic maturity and equality.

"Once we get political recognition, western the industries, economic recognition-; rates, and so on-will come as a matter of course," said Maw who called a conference of the 12 western governors last year at Salt Lake City, Utah which resulted in the formation of a regional governors' association. "Our weight lies the senate, we have 24 votes there, can cooperate with the south which has long suffered from the dominance of the industrial Maw said that Utah to the Orient, just as does California for trade, "development of trade with the Orient and Latin America is what we all must work for west of the Rockies." The Utah chief executive, who is also chairman of the National Governors association, is visiting here for a lew O's and A's cial trips on hundreds of miles of other air-routes. Wartime scarcities have cut his planes to seven, and brought in Peruvian pilots to replace U. S. fliers now doing war jobs.

He expects some post-war expansion, but does not predict clear sailing ahead for South American aviation. There'll, still be ups and downs, and Slim will probably still be making the most of them. Allies Have Liberated Dozen European Capitals Miles FINLAND Sept. 19th 200 NORWAY HELSINKI Russo-Finn Armistice TALLINN Leningrad Sept. 23rd EST.



11th Poltava FRANCE SWITZ. AUSTRIA HUNGARY. Odessa Milan BELGRADE ROMANIA Ravenne Oct. 21 st BUCHAREST Nice Aug. 30th SPAIN Toulon Black Sea CORSICA Adriatic Sept.

SOFIA BULGARIA ROME 1 June 4th 3 BALEARIC IS. (GREECE TURKEY ALGERIA SICILY Oct. ATHENS 14th I Tunis Map above shows where, in 140 days of fighting--June 4 to Oct. 21-Allied armies have liberated an even dozen European capitals from the Nazi yoke. Peace Plan Shuns Internal By PETER EDSON Daily Herald Washington Correspondent The principles of the United Nations organization agreed to by representatives of the United States, Great Britain.

Soviet Russia, and China meeting at Dumbarton Oaks are set forth in Chapter II of the proposals for a United Nations charter. The first principle is that all sovereign equality equality in loving, states have the conduct of their own affairs and equality as members of an organization charged with keeping world peace. This does mean that every nation would assume equal responsibility in enforcing peace. nor an equal share of the in men or money, since some nations are obviously richer and bigger than others. cache nation specific obligations expected which to assume are not spelled out in detail in the proposed charter.

That is one of the phases of organization left to be worked out in special agreements, thus keeping the charter free from being cluttered up with too many tight limitations which might restrict its activities. In general, however, nations agreeing to a United Nations charter would bind themselves to settle their disputes with other. nations by peaceful means and to refrain from threat or use of force in settling international re- lations. Internal Affairs Wouldn't Be Policed- An important point here is that the nation would be restrained from using force in its relations with other nations only not in policing internal affairs. If a 'home rule' movement shou'd break out in India or beria or even in one section of the United States for that matter, governing wou'd be permitted and exnected cope with the uprising, as there is no intention to interfere with the internal police powers of a sovereien state.

To anv action taken by the United Nations organization. however. the member nations would be expected to assume the oblication of giving their subnort. This would annlv even to using their armed forces to put down threats to peace outside their own borders. This of course micht lead to complications.

but nations in this proposed charter would be setting a new course of action for their future conduct. and they would be expected to behave differently than they have behaved in the past. Take a hypothetical case for an example. Suppose trouble should break out between Argentina and Brazil. Sunpose further that the United Nations organization should consider this a threat to! the peace of the world and should decide that outside interference was necessary to restore peace.

Suppose Uruguay and Praaguay. two small nations caught between these two major powers, should have voted against United Nations interference. Would Uruguay and Paraguay then be asked to intervene? Some Members Might Be Excused From ActionNo one can now give an arbitrary answer to that question. All states would be bound to give assistance to the organization in any action undertaken by it, but in actual the organization would have the discretion of calling on all members or only some of them. All nations would, however, be obligated to take no aiding the country against which enforcement action was taken.

If Uruguay were to go to the assistance of Brazil and Paraguay were to go to the assistance of the Argentine. without in either case acting under the authority of the world organization, they would be contributing to a breach of the peace and as such they would 'have to be dealt with just as though they themselves were warring countries. Principles down in the proposed charter go even beyond that in suggesting that states which are not members of the United Nations organizations neutral countries 5 and enemy countries not now listed as belonging to the United Nations should be to live by the same that govern members. This leads to a discussion of conditions of membership in the proposed United Nations organmI of the Dumbarton Oaks which makes up chapter! ument. It will be discussed in this space in the next issue.

The biggest crop of tree nuts in history, about 15 per cent above last year, is indicated by Septem- ber estimates of the U. S. agriculture department. Desk Chat For the congregation of hypocrites shall be desolate, and fire shall consume the tabernacles of -Job 15:34. He was a man who stole the livery of the court of heaven to serve the devil Congress On the Air Senator Claude Pepper of Florida has introduced a resolution in the Senate (S.

J. Res. 145) to put the sessions of Congress on the radio. Congress would have its own station, for it is manifestly impossible that the big networks would surrender hours of costly time. Broadcasting the proceedings of both houses would certainly put our public servants on their toes.

For it would give the voting public, as no newspaper possibly can do, a complete picture of what goes on with the legislators they have voted for or against. It would let us know what debate is, and what it isn't. It would almost certainly shorten speeches. It would multiply immeasurably public indignation and enthusiasm. People would get mad enough about things like the poll-tax, for example, 1 to do something about it.

They might take the trouble to encourage their senators or rep; resentatives when they say or do something that they In New Zealand the legislative proceedings have been broadcast to the people for years, with great beneficial effect to the public and the law-makers. And when somebody says "write to your congressman," you won't have to look up in the almanac to find out who he is. You'll know him. One year of such broadcasts would increase the voting at the polls by millions. Write your senator or representative about the Pepper resolution.

Reparations Booby Trap There is increasing talk, in certain circles, of the necessity of compelling Germany to pay huge reparations for a period of five years or eight or ten after she has been defeated. Astronomical sums are suggested. That sounds good and tough. But is it; If we accept the idea of collecting enormous reparations from Germany the question then arises, how does she pay? She has no gold. She has no money worth a bent nickel ouside her "She could pay only in manufactured goods.

The only way she could manufacture enough goods to pay large reparations would be through the speedy recovery (with our blessing and assistance) of German industry, both light and heavy. So, when the five years were up or eight or ten Germany would be in the enviable position of owing nothing to anybody, and in possession of the most modern, the best equipped, and the most highly organized industrial set-up on the continent of Europe. In short, in the best possible condition to start another war. The reparations talk is a booby trap. Certainly the Germans should be forced to return their loot to the countries they have plundered.

Certainly German hands should help to rebuild the cities they have wantonly destroyed. But any attempt to collect large reparations, which could be paid only in manufactured goods, would be right up their alley; and the whole world knows now where their alley leads to, always and inevitably; the field of battle. Sweet Home? Regimentation is an overworked bogey, but a situation has come up in which it seems proper to rear regimentation's ugly head and scare the daylights out of everybody while there is yet time. In the latest issue of "Tomorrow's Town," put out by the National Committee on Housing, there is the suggestion by a California architect that the planning of a house is not the business of an amateur (meaning the unimportant creature who is merely going to build, pay for and live in the dwelling) but of a professional. There is the further suggestion that the FHA give preference tc professionally designed houses in insuring home loans.

We hope this idea doesn't make any head-! way. Planning one's own house is, like parenthood, one of the chief reasons for and joys of domesticity--though fewer people achieve it. Those who do usually employ professional help. But certain creative artists can do their own planning, enjoy it, and do it well. For them we speak.

Can it be that we are coming to the point where a man's home is not his castle unless the turrets and battlements bear the professional's stamp and the Federal Housing Administration's OK? Will the desire for an enclosed back porch become a matter of bureaucratic concern? If so, let us raise a howl before a new generation comes along to whom the strains of "home, Sweet Home" will be as meaningless as a jungle chant. Through lend-lease we have made certain that every man in the forces of the United Nations who goes into battle besides an American fighting man has what he needs to hit the common enemy as hard as possible. -President Roosevelt. In the long course democracy has proven social arrangement spects the richness of -Supreme Court Justice RIGHT THINKING Over my shoulder as I write this an electric light back of that light is a powerhouse that uses fuel to drive the generators that makes the current. Without sustained electric impulses, the filament in the light globe would be static, without energy and without illumination -the bulb would not glow.

Sometimes, something goes wrong at the powerhouse and temporarily the light as it just did. Electricity, some scientists contend, is life. When the current ceases, the light goes out. We cannot see the electric current as directed from the generating plant the powerhouse but we know it is there. We have faith.

We believe it is there and to be put to work by us as needed. Each of us possess that something which personalitycharacter -individuality. What is back of it? It seems to me that the 'spark' that energizes each individual is THOUGHT. each of us control the powerhouse that keeps us going. We possess the power to control our thinking whether we use this power for right thinkingcreative and constructive thought upon ourselves.

If we think good thoughts, we not only help the people around us but what is eauallv important, we heln OURSELVES. Back of YOUR personality is a powerhouse. Do use the enyour ergy it creates for a worthy purpose. for worthwile things? It is just as easy to think beneficial, wholesome, constructive thoughts as it is to think harmful and destructive thoughts. See to YOUR ideas and ideals.

the thoughts your powerhouse generates. are the kind that GLOW. -000- GOOD CONDUCT OR ELSE At a Texas airfield recently a list of names was posted on the bulletin board with this notice: "The following enlisted men will pick up their good conduct medals at the supply room this afternoon. Failure to comply with this order will result in disciplinary action." -000- It is easier to make good without a formal college education than it is to keen still about it. -000- One thing this war has shown us is that after all, elbow grease is still the essential oil of industry.

EA Service. -000 UNVEILING I was like a nun Who walked the cloistered corridors Of -innocent of loveUntil you came, A knight in captivating armor To rend with ruthless sword My veil of ignorance. Now--after I have known This strange, new gloryTouched it. Embraced it, Savored it, And found it realityHow can you consign me again To my cloister? -Kay Murphy Ration Calendar Meats, Fats, Oils, Butter and Chrese- A8 through Z8 and A5 through P5, 10 points each, good indefinitely. Only meats requiring points a are beef steaks, roasts and choice pork and lamb cuts.

Processed Foods Blue A8 through Z8 and A5 through R5, 10 points each, good indefinitely. Blue tokens are no longer valid. Your butcher pays 4 cents, two red tokens for each pound salvaged kitchen fats. Shoes Book 3, "Airplane" 1, 2, and 3, good indefinitely. -Stamps 30, 31, 32 and 33, Book 4, 5 pounds, good indefinitely; stamp 40, Book 4, 5 pounds for home canning, expires Feb.

29, Liquor--No. 5 for one fifth or one quart, if quarts are available, expires Nov. 30. No. two fifths or one-half gallon wine.

Certain imported wines and rum and brandy unrationed. Stamp No. 15 good for a bonus of one or two pints of liquor until Nov. 15. No.

good for a monus of one or two fifths of domestic sweet wine, expires Nov. 30. Gasoline-A No. 13, four gallons each, expire Dec. 21.

For answers to rationing questions, telephone 764. DRIVE ENLISTS HORSE MARYSVILLE, Mo. (U.P.) A long-gone era returned to 1 rural area near Maryville during the war fund drive. When muddy roads made automobile travel impractical, Jewel Birkholtz toured the district on horseback to solicit funds. What Should I Do? Help, Must Sell, Want to Buy, Need Repairs, Must Rent, Need a Job.

Countless are my need and wants I don't know to do. Use The Daily Herald's Ads People have and are receiv. ing quick and efficient results through the Herald' Want Ads. Here's the right place for You. You can buy and sell, rent and trade anything through the Herald's Classified Ads.

Go there today! of human experience, itself the only form of which adequately rehuman diversity. Felix Frankfurter.

The Daily Herald from Provo, Utah (2025)


Where is the Daily Herald in Provo? ›

THE DAILY HERALD - Updated June 2024 - 86 N. University Ave., Provo, Utah - Print Media - Phone Number - Yelp. Today is a holiday! Tap here to call and confirm hours.

What is the circulation of the Daily Herald in Provo? ›

Much of the coverage focuses on the Provo-Orem metropolitan area in Utah Valley. The Daily Herald is owned by Ogden Newspapers. The paper has a daily circulation of 32,000, with a Thursday circulation of 42,000 and a Sunday circulation of 36,000.

How do I submit an obituary to the Provo Daily Herald? ›

Mail or bring in your obituary to our office Monday-Friday 8 AM – 3 PM): ATTN: Obituaries Desk, 86 N. University Ave. #300, Provo, UT, 84601.

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Where is the Daily Herald from? ›

Paddock Publications, based out of the Chicago suburb of Arlington Heights, is home to the Daily Herald – the third largest newspaper in Illinois and in the top 80 in the country.

Is the Herald a daily newspaper? ›

The Herald is one of South Africa's oldest newspapers, first published on 7 May 1845. The newspaper is aimed at the people of Nelson Mandela Bay and is published daily from Monday to Friday, and is published in the form of "The Weekend Post" on Saturday. Online it is known as HeraldLIVE.

What is the major newspaper in Utah? ›

Top 10 Utah Newspapers by Circulation
  • Standard-Examiner. ...
  • West Jordan Journal. ...
  • West Valley City Journal. ...
  • The Salt Lake Tribune. ...
  • Salt Lake City Weekly. ...
  • Deseret News. ...
  • The Daily Herald. ...
  • The Spectrum.

Is Provo walkable? ›

Provo has an average Walk Score of 45 with 112,488 residents. Provo has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

Where does the Provo River flow into? ›

The Provo River (Ute: Timpanoquint, “Rock River) is located in Utah County and Wasatch County, Utah, in the United States. It rises in the Uinta Mountains at Wall Lake and flows about 71 miles (114 km) southwest to Utah Lake at the city of Provo, Utah.

How much does it cost to put an obituary in the local newspaper? ›

Several factors affect the cost of publishing an obituary. On average, it will cost anywhere between $100-$1,000. Publishing it in local or smaller metropolitan newspapers costs around $60 to start. Large metropolitan newspapers charge anywhere from $263 to several thousands of dollars.

How to find an obituary in Utah? ›

To find other indexes or obituary clippings from the newspapers, do a Place-name search (state, county, and town levels) of the FamilySearch Catalog and select the topic Obituaries. If you find a reference to an obituary, look at Utah Newspapers for information on obtaining a copy the newspaper.

When did the Daily Herald stop publishing? ›

The Daily Herald was a British newspaper founded in 1912 that published daily in London. The newspaper ceased publication in 1964 and supported the Labour Party throughout its existence.

How many readers does the Daily Herald have? ›

Daily Herald Newspaper Print

More than 1.1 million adults in the Chicago market read the Daily Herald in print or digital versions, or read Reflejos[1].

Who owned the Daily Herald? ›

Launched in 1911 as a strike sheet, the Daily Herald became the first newspaper in the UK to sell more than 2 million daily copies. Despite its popularity, the paper struggled financially. In 1964 it relaunched as The Sun before finally being sold to Rupert Murdoch in 1969.

Where is the Sun Herald newspaper located? ›

The Sun Herald is a U.S. newspaper based in Biloxi, Mississippi, that serves readers along the Mississippi Gulf Coast. The paper's current executive editor and general manager is Blake Kaplan and its headquarters is in the city of Gulfport.

Where is the chronicle Herald located? ›

Halifax, Nova Scotia

Where are the Provo Predators located? ›

The Provo Predators call Peaks Arena their home. Nestled at the base of the breathtaking Wasatch Mountain range in Provo, Utah, this remarkable facility, known as the Peaks Ice Arena, came into existence in 1998. It proudly stood as an esteemed venue during the illustrious 2002 Salt Lake Winter Olympics.

Where is the fall river herald news located? ›

THE HERALD NEWS - Updated June 2024 - 207 Pocasset St, Fall River, Massachusetts - Print Media - Phone Number - Yelp. Today is a holiday!

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.