THE BURLINGTON (N.C.) DAILY TIMES NEWS. THURSDAY, MARCH 17, WSJ FAMOUS STAR POHTK AYS TRUE SELF I Beta Sigma Phi Sorority To Initiate New Members Social Beta Thela Chapter of Beta PEGGY GOODMAN, Society Editor PH0NE6 4418 Slcm. Phi Rnmritv will Initiate new nlemliers and "hold Ritual of I All members of the aororfty ar. urged iu attend the Monday night jewels services Monday at C4V. Miss Caroline Gulledge Shown Bridal Courtesy In Wadesboro .111.
in way Memorial Library. meeting. The new members to be initiat Bnuil has completed its 12th arid sift far lilt bride was a knife and ed include Theresa Mgmon, Mrs. Richard Moore, Miss Jean 1'roffltt and Miss Betty King. Miss Caroline Gullt'ifer.
or Uui i fork in Iter chosen silver pattern. final airstrip of a string leading from Manaus on the Anuuon Following the. exercises, iiiem southeast of ftto de Janeiro. bci's will be assigned to coinmlt cream luaf, rolled date bars, cuf I're ami sailed nuti vas served id the gnesli uiion arrival. Later bridge was played and prices In the same Mere won by Mrs.
Joe M. Liles, high. Miss Hruokie Craft, low, and John Martin Cooke, lor bridal bingo, Guests sufficient for sis (allies bv Miss Nancy (luili'dge Mild C. Webb at iln ui Mrs. John Jones in Wadosbnro.
howls of caily mixed Spring flowers decorated the rooms. Miss fiulledge was preseincd a vorsase velluw am! Pink freesia and lal roses Ui wear with her pink and black silk prim pany drrss viiih matching pink lloiior attended the event. linn believer in making she combines script BRING YOUR FAMILY OUT FOR AN EVENING MEAL Grade A Western Sleekf Country Hani Centcr'Cut Pork Chops Calf Liver FF Onions Sen Food Platters Barbecue Brunswick Stew Southern Fried Chicken Cooked To Order Excellent Service Clean Surroundings Ample Parking Space All Around Building Thompson's Restaurant North Church Stieel at Beaumont Ave. Mr. Mrs.
V. L. Phillips Open 5:30 a. m. to 8 p.
m. Air Conditioned Closed Sunday liuf site has evolved a solution. If she itom ii slii' tie tier. IJM lpj RrjV while hrr ePfl innMnW' she tries In ralih upon tier rending center i. jf MF nvr, iHilLsIiiiifc.
and from all ir seems to he enjoying titr She loves to entertain, too. Millie she w.ilts l.r tier qurits (0 arrive. catch upon tier reining icemen. suede brushing her shoes, for instance. Min llolllday places the paper within glancing distance (above), and in this way sht i able 10 accomplish just twice ANNOUNCING Sykes Plumbing Heating Co.
Has Now Moved To 645 Webb Ave. ing. that she negieets her family lier piolnlyi Moves Kind" lelU women everywhere haw irriedishc makes best use of her time Billy IHawn ilappily or her cuilural developoieut. "Tnie beauty." says Miss Holliday, "Is learning in schedule your life so that racy day is filled with things you like to do." Judy rarely has leisure In which takes, al home in order private life. Miss llnllii point, she spends several hom every duy combitiinn her hold duties with her favorite Iraetti ricular activities.
She believes that nc woman should allow herself to be nipleie rare or lier nun apart. MU e. he.t she's in 'ew York. thus In Burlington, C. lo read.
But ihst doeso't stop qualitying her In spenk frimi e. NIC A Beauty r.dilor come so immersed in a career. a led nl 101 Kit Formerly fc. In this eeln ir.icmow Ul i ry iienrnt Home, wr.einer r. u.
.11:11113 non.o mak St. in Graham. We have We Invite mtr enst nnu moved to Hurling! her. If she is entertaining, for instance, she catches up on her reading liile she waits for her guests lo arrive. Further, she spaces some reading with her conking, too.
TMs actress Is an antique col. leclor. Her favorlle pastime Is buvinr; old furniture and then re omen and friends lo visit us here. flnishing it. Winie she sandpapers 4 The First Bloom of Spring Little Girls COATS Coals of silk and dolled swlss.
Siie 1 to 3. "6.95 0 8.95 Siie 3 To $14.95 to $19.95 nil scrapes. Wiiss iKiuiday keeps er record player nearby, and lis to her favorite music. "Antiques are more than Just in to collect," explains .1 ii y. They add charm and dignity to home, and reflnishing the pieces ives you a real persanal satis JmJ I Llil' JKf Reie7 faction." HolUdav likes to delve in to the history of the antique nl.
rid rhnrni ing Greenwich Village apartment They'll Look Cuter In Roie't Lovely Children's DRESSES Broadcloth! Taffeta Pique Organdie Dan River Plaid In Solidi, Ploids and Paitel Shades she aurt her nusuana occupy, actually has uncovered many interesting facts about early Amerl iti history the research. The hluiiric aclress makes even her routine tasks interesting, how ilien she binsnes or pol ishes her shoes, she keeps a newspaper close at hand so she can glance al il, and keep up with current events. Such reading keeps her mind active. Naturally, Judy Tinlllday'j career mates it necessary for her to spend a great deal of her lime memorizing and rehearsing. She thids il much easier to learn her lines if she doesn't over concen traie.
To keeu her mind relaxed and FABRIC AND NYLON GLOVES Size 3 To 1 $1.00 and $1.05 SLIPS OF COTTON AND NYLON Siie 1 To $1.19 to $1.98 LITTLE GIRL'S PANTIES Of 411 Descriptions. Rayon, Cotton. Nylon. Size 1 To 59c to $1.49 DRESS UP DRESSES Of Broadcloth and Organdy. Size I To 3 Priced S2.9S To $5.95.
3 To 61 $2.98 to $8.95 Shop today, while our stocks are complete. Use our lay away plan. A small deposit will hold your selection. FIVE CENfilt AT ION'S Mr. and Mrs.
N. II. Sykej of Koutc t. Kebane. crlcara'cd liielr wending rrei i'l for .1 reurron.
us llici 2.1 ami children aiiti sin uveal en were also Ifree of leusion. Miss Holliday goes bout her housework while she re present, fhe five genera iioa. aie shown lion left risht: Mrs 0. Sykes, limit ii. HUUboro; N.
tl. Sykes of Itoulc Mehanc; Mrs. Maurice Allied, Graham; Mrs. Thomas Parson, Mebane; and. Fr.
mkie Parson of Mrs. G. Sykes is 90 years old. (Photo by William Lynch) SlsftK Toddlers 1 to 3 Regular 3 tn BVi $.59 to $2 98 Brighten up the kiddies in delightful new pinaforei, sunback dresses. Large stock to select from.
hearses It's not at all uncommon to find her polishing glassware and iiutiug al itie same lime. As far as Judy is concerned, she can lie too busy. "I Hetually Miss Maurice Gray Wood And Everette Emmons, Give Plans For Their Wedding Sunday In Gibsonvitle Church feel myself getting dull whenever lacllve." says the star. "I seem to be able to find Freeman Smith, Larry Mar euuugh lo do." GinSQNVILlE Details are eomplele For liic wedding of vin Gerrlnaer. and Cecil Norm PerhaDs lhal.
Is the secret of Wyricfc, will usher with her uncle, Miss Maurice Grny Wood of Olb Miss Holiday's charm, vitality and' riage by lier ljrotlier, Fred Lamai Wood of Silver Springs, am will have Jlrs. Wood for niatroi or liounr. Bridesmaids will be Mrs. Ki Carson Edwards and Mrs. a KnacK tor gracious, comfortable living.
She has no time to he bored. orman Clyde wood. Mrs Loltie Pruitt lslev and Mrs, oiniaii Clvde Wood of Burling. simviUc, datmhter of llie lale sir. and Mrs.
Fred Lee Wood, and 50. Kvcrette Weleli Emmons, of South Portland, Maine, a Camp eeunc, of Mr. and Mrs. Everetle Welcli minis of ton will direct. Freeman Pallon, cousins tbn mm.
111 113 W. Davis Street Burlington, N. C. There be no vov i ion ant "Burlington's Most Popular Store" You might very well be influenced by the example Judy llolliday has set. Hcview your own life, and Fine oul fur yourself whether brtde, Mrs.
rjfl Looke and ivirs. Unhliie Slanfield of Burlington. the bride and aroom will greet Rose's guests in the church vestibule Im Little Cathy Anne Patton, daugh you are creating moments that ter di the P.ay Freeman Pattons mediately following the e. niany. The Norinaii Woods and Mrs.
will make yon a happier, lovelier person. As yon sec it can be done. will be flower girl, and ring near Vli: Jlilir.iv tnuriv, i South Poiiland. The wedding will iaka iilace Sun dav at 5 p.m. in Gibsouvillc's Methodist Church.
Hev. Phillip ,311010 will officiate. Miss t'essy "ay. organist. Miss Lottie Pruitt Tsley will give the 5c 10c 25c Stores of lUe bride and son of Mr.
anc Mrs. M.arvin Young. Ka uh Galloway Wood, ii cake cutting boturflay alter tne ra hearsai. The event will be at the Wood home on North Main Street, Burlington. KING'S DRESS SHOP llilder Wiiliamson of Burliiiston bride.
's imnle, will be best man and the bride's cousins, Jame: nmi iIrs. IValhice Owen will fin lsh wedding music. Miss Wnnd will be given lit Secretaries Club Hears Talk By Mr. Foley On Basic Banking MARILYN SAYS the speaker or the evening. Mr.
Foley gave a most inlerestbig talk on basic hanking. The Hosiery Town Chapter of llie National Secretaries Association held Its muntlily meeting Tuesday evening at the May Memorial Li BOKN WITH TEETH. Ibrary. CORPUS CHUISTf. Tex.
IJY Six Miss Marjorie Ball, president, presideii nvcr the business session. day old John Cox is llie juy of his, dentist dad's hearl. aster Varadin we'll The following names were pre sented bv Miss Louise Jones, Chair He was born with two (ecfh, cuspids. Navy Lt. (JG) Lee Cox said it man of Ihe nominating committee, for nomination ot officers: presi dent.
Miss Betty Hader; vice pre WITH THOUSANDS OF NEW CHILDREN'S SHOES woulfln r. lie unusual tt tue teem were lowers but he hadn't seen a case like this in 15 years ol IN SIZES 4 lo 'A to II, 12'A to 3 active. sident, Miss Mary Prilchett: treasurer, Mrs. Christine Sandidge; corresponding sccrelarv. Miss La Yrrnc May: recording secretary.
Miss Frances Butler. Miss Mini Mebane introduced H. Foley, vice president the Security National Bnnk, who was The temperature of Ihe se great depths is only two or three degrees above the freezing point of fresh water. We've a comolete stock of. suits sure to capture hearts I 9099 mdi SADDLE 0XF0.DNv 'T'? A g.d'n Whit.
4 SJSM 'J 0 White Bll'l 'l 'MUlH Tailored to perfection. Make your selection rsw. BudgOt priced. SEE The Lovely New "Tappen" and "Lampel" SUITS At Graham Dry Goods Store Also Toppers In All The New Pastel Shades Sim 19 43 $10.95 to $16.95 LAMPEL SUITS In Colors A Checks Sifts 19 To 20 $17.50 19 95 Sins 9 to 20 Vi SlticJk Potent jtoOP '3 White Leolher 1 Citsh 2 Lay Away ,1 Charge 099 DRESS SHOP OVER 75 CHILDREN'S S7HES SHOP NOW FOR EASTER! Graham Dry Goods Store Groham, N. C.
FOR BOyS, CIRLS and INFANTS Opposite Alamance Hotel.