The Greenville News from Greenville, South Carolina (2024)


Grumbles, R. F. Mitchell. W. T.

Moon. N. S. Pitts, Frank Davis, P. S.

Nelson, Claude Gilstrap', J. C. Bankhead Bill Passage By Senate Sends Cotton Up WHAT STOCKS DID Krl. Thu Training Unit Of Scouts Will Meet Members of the Blue Ridge Bof Scout leadership training committer will meet tonight at 7:30 o'clock at Chandler's cafeteria. Charles Smith, assistant national director of education of the Boy Scouts, will be a special guest.

mm I (IK Advance! 4H Decline 3Ji Inrhanged S.VI High Low Close 2H. 2K 2H'a I I 4H'4l 47al 47- I I I Mrs. Inez South Dupree. Charlie Denton, T. B.

Bar-den, Dr. J. W. Clatworthy, Joe Acuff. S.

B. Francis, Wade Ridge- HONEA PATH, Feb. 26. Mrs. Total IlKUfl (Mil way, Houston Moore, Furman Neal, C.

A. Tribble and E. L. Craigo. Inez South, 34, died at an Anderson hospital last night after an illness of several days.

She is survived by Bv THE ASNOOIAVKI) PRKSS At One Time Quotations 14 14'. HI 31 High Low Clone 1.1 31 H'l Penn Prop Gat Chi Pftro Corp Phillips Pet Pierre Pet Prarle Pipe Prod and Gamb Pub Serv Pullman Pure Oil Radio Rad-Keilh Orph Rem Rand Repub Steel Reynold! Tab Rry Toh Flower girls will be Misses Polly 14'4 Morrow, Margaret Morrow, Louise I I her husband, W. R. soutn; iour daughters, Misses Nina, Ethel, Barbara and Nancy South, and by a 4 IH! 4.11. 44Mi .1 l'a I I l'r I.VIi.

1.V1 1 1. VI son, Billy. South; two sisters, Mrs. Vt Vt 7'4 -Vv ft', 13 13 I Ifl'jl I I 27. 27' 27 Stocks Go Down On Profit Taking Decline Is Slight, However Advances Scored At Start R.

L. Watt and Mrs. Roy Silvers; three brothers, C. Guy and Le- Wl'l 79'! 7II'4 l'i .1 I S'al .1 Mitchell, Margaret McAbee, Inez Frair, Phyllis Barden, Marian Younge, Nell Edwards, Geraldine Foster and Hazel Skelton. The death of Mrs.

Lanford occurred at a local hospital at 7:45 o'clock Thursday mornkig following several days of illness. She was a member of the Emma Gray Memorial Methodist church News-Piedmont "LOW-COST'' WANT AD RATES Mmimam 12 Vfrdt 4c Per Word roy Pace, and by her parents, Mr. 57 85'. 'i H'i H' W'al 14 Si'ii fit, I and Mrs, J. B.

Pacp. Funeral rites will be held from 3'l 3H's' 31 ...1 ll I'll l'i l'i 1.1-161 l'i '-'II I III', 211 A', Bt'il i "a Adam. Imprest Adami-Milllt Air Redur Alaska Jun Allrihanr Al Hi and Dye Am (an Am and lor Pow Am Home Prod Am Internall Am Mrh and My Am Pow and Lite Am Kad St Man Am Knll Mill Am Smelt Am and Am lob Am Toh Am Wat Worka Am Wool Pf Anaconda Auhinson All (l Line Atl Ref Auburn Auto Chiquola Baptist church Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, conducted I i IS I 41 1-J' li3 40', bv Rev O. Griggs and Rev. H.

O. Walker. Interment will be in Eastview cemetery. Pallbearers: J. STOCK AVERAGES (Compiled bv The Associated Piess 3 TIMES FOR THE PRICE OF 30 Ind.

1 Krs. la 1 ts. imo- Safewav Stores 1 1, Han Fran Seaboard Air Seaboard Oil Sears Roebuck Servel Shell Inion Simmons Soconv Vac Sou Calif Ed Southern Pae Southern Ry Southern Ry Pf Stonriard Brands St (i and El St Oil Calif St Oil Stewart Warn Stone Webb Studebaker B. Harvey, R. L.

Mattlson, 'I nomas Johnson. Robert Meeks, James Thompson and E. D. Duckett. Flow 7 4 TIMES FOR THE PRICE OF 12: 21 i 20l 21 2li 20' al 21 IH: 23', I 23l 23 I8 1g 22! 22', I S2aj 40'V 30 40 5 I IS 1I ll 3.1 34'i S4- 31 I 30 8I' b'ii i a It's! 8'i I 47 I 4K4, 4H Up More Than $1.25 Per Bale NEW YORK, Feb; passage of the Bankhead bill to eliminate inclusion of benefits and other payments in calculating farm commodity ceilings continued today to stimulate buying in cotton futures.

Closing prices were 15 to 90 cents a bale higher. Demand came from commission house buying and trade price fixing. Values were up more than $1.25 a bale at one time. Open High Low Close Mch. 39 20 41 20 34 20.35 3 Way .20 16 20 29 20.13 20.14-18 4 10 July .19.92 20 07 19.90 19 13 Oct.

.19.63 19 81 19 62 19 70-72 IB-Pee. .19 60 19 80 19.60 19 69 18 Jan. .19 68 19 69 19.68 19 64n 17 Spot middling 21.98n, up 12. n-noininRl. NEW ORLEANS COTTON NEW ORLEANS.

Feb. 26. 'i Cotton futures closed steady 30 cents to tl.05 a bale higher. Open Hish Low Close Mch. .20.67 20.69 20.61 20 61-63 6 May .20.45 20.55 20.41 20 43 12 July .20.23 20.34 20.17 20.23 17 Oct, .19 90 20 07 19.87 19.95-96 19 Jan.

.1982 19.82 19 82 19.88b Mch. 1944 19 76 19 96 19.74 19.82b b-bid. Spot cotton closed stcadv, 55 cents a tisle higher. Sales. 416; low middling.

17.03; middling, 2103; Rood middling. er girls: Misses Mildred MeeKS, Alice Meeks, Margaret Bollinger, Edith Whitfield, Nell Morrts and Dorothy Nelson and Mrs, Ruth Armstrong. at Woodruff. Further announcements will be made by R. D.

Jones and Sons and pending the hour of the service the body is at the home, 2 Smith street. Alva C. Hall Alva Charles Ball, 32, died at a local hospital last night at 9:45. o'clock following an illness of several weeks. He is survived by his wife.

Mrs. Willie Virginia Langston Ball; one daughter, Virginia Sue, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Ball.

He was a native of Gray Court in Laurens county. Funeral announcements will be made later by Jones mortuary. Net rbg .1 Inch. Friday 6.VS 2. xM.I Pre, dar 2'-' 4fi.l Week ain 6:1.8 19.9 44.

Month ago KM 19 4 Year aft-o 17.1 hiih K.V4 III. 4 (ti low 46.0 14.4 SI. I 1041 hirh S-VS 4.V0 1941 low 1.1.4 H.1.4 BO-STOCK RANGE SINCE l'irtH-40 IfWVM Hih 51.1 7V 137.7 Low :I3.7 16.9 61. i :il.4 new III I'M;) high. 14 I i I4 -f 4i 4-H Mil! f)H'4 27'a! S74i 27' 4H'4 8H! HI ZW 41: I I It'll II I ll' f- uy iiv ('i b', IIH'n H.H'h,.

HI I 6IH 47's; 4' 47' 4'4 2I'. 24-4 2'ai 2454' 21', I'll I'll 1'4 n. iiv: 11, 1 No tTant Ad Accepted For Leia Than 12 Words MINIMUM CHARGE 50c John J. Black LIBERTY. Feb.

26 Funeral serv ices for John J. Black, who died at Raid. In Loco Rait and Ohio Rarnsdnll A Rending Hem Rendu Avial Reth Steel Hohn Alum Rnrden Borg Warner Brifjs Mfg Rklyn-Man Tr Rur Add Mch Byers Co I 31 4 I I 3'sl K'ii H' I 1', 12 I 4H 4.1 I 4.1 his home near here Wednesday afternoon, will be held at the First Baptist church Sunday afternoon at K'41 HH NEW YORK, Feb. 26 P)-It was 3'i oclock, conducted by Kev. vohti I Henry Cobb EASLEY, Feb.

26. Funeral services for Henry Cobb, who died at a Greenville hospital at 6 o'clock Thursday morning, will be held Saturday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock at the Ariall Union church. Services will be conducted by Rev. Preston Garrett, assisted by Rev. H.

L. Vass and Rev. O. B. Stewart.

Interment will be held at the West View cemetery. The body is at the home. John G. Zorn LIBERTY, Feb. 26.

John G. Zorn, 62, a highly respected citizen of Liberty, died here this afternoon at his home after a sudden illness. Mr. Zorn is the son of the late Brooker and Elizabeth Lee Zorn. Before coming to Liberty forty years ago, Mr.

Zorn lived in Barnwell county. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Addie Hawkins Zorn; three sons, J. Cecil B. and Charles Zorn; one daughter, Miss Betsil Zorn; and two sisters, Mrs.

Sue Timpleton and Mrs. Nettie Hall. Funeral services are incomplete. Further announcements will made by the Ganjt funeral home. Mrs.

Robert Herron WESTMINSTER, Feb. Cornelia E. Herron, 35, wife of Robert Herron, died late last night, at her home near Walhalla. Surviving besides her husband arc the following children: Robert Walter Nelson, Annie Louise, Frances, Ansel, Valus and Clyde William Herron. She is also survived by her mother, Mrs.

Elizabeth Collins; five brothers, Ansel Adam, Elfree, Dalus, and Woodrow Collins; and three sisters, Mrs. Mamie Reid, Mrs. Eula Woods, Mrs. Ruby Simmes. Funeral services will be held at the Flat Shoals Baptist church Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by Rev.

Henry Pelfrey. Mrs. Annie S. Smith LIBERTY, Feb. 26.

Mrs Annie Stephens Smith died at her home today after a long illness. She is survived by her husband, Nort H. Smith; her father, Tom Stephens; two sisters, Mrs. James Ellison and Mrs. Clate Rice, and two brothers, Sam and John Stephens.

Funeral rites will be held from the Abbott Funeral home Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Claude Scarborough and Term Rates On Request COVERAGE Tbta Low-eost coma Inier' tioni In both the. Greenville Newt jtwl GreenYllla piedmont, which ilvos jrou Xam plete. coverage of mora than 390.000 reacU era Id the protperoui Piedmont taction, South Carolina'! Rlchett Market. PAYMENT Want Adt are PAYABLE IH ADVANCE But will be charged at a eon vemence lt you art lilted In the tele i phone directory Payment mutt be mad upon presentation ot bill.

KEYED AD3 Keyed Adt are atrlctlj sfjiw tidenttal No information will be given outw Reach the party advertising by letter CARD OP THANKS Tnbutej, In profit taking time in today's stock market and. while relatively light offerings were fairly well absorbed, irregularly lower tendencies prevailed after a fast opening in which Taylor, Rev. C. E. Scarborough, Rev.

C. M. Johnson, Rev. E. H.

Sargent and Rev. John Tollison. 17'j! 17'i 17, Can 1) tiin Ale 2 82l g2'i 17'al I7 17 S3 92'sl B24 3l'i lll'i! 31 l'! I'di l' 2'i! "Hi 4 Can Pac 7'ii 7'i- Teias Corp Trs Gulf Sul Tex Pac Land Tr Tide Water A Tim Roll Rearing Transamerica Trl Cont Cnlon (arb Inion Oil Cal I nion Tac I nit Aircraft (nit Corp I nit Corp rr I nit Gas Imp Ind Al I Tipe 1 Rral 1m I' Rubber Steel CHI and LI A Vanadium Mose Kennemore Funeral services for Mose Ken Active pallbearers will be Joel All- Cannon Mill, numerous recovery highs were good. George McCravey, Ellis Smith. nemore, 77, for most of his life a scored.

ai's 30'. 37 1 Furtnan GelUsoie, J. E. Skinner and fase I i Si's Caterpil Tr I M-V V' Cerro de Pa I a'u Certain-teed Prod 4't( I'll hes and Ohio I 39V 1 Although Activity tapered after RalDh Stewart. resident of Anderson county in the Siloam Baptist church community.

the start, volume totaled 1.438.370 The honorary escort will be com moriuma, Employment Wanted Ads. 'He, .1 3.1',! 3.1 I 3.1', 32 32 I H2 2 I 2' 32' 3II 32's S3'i! .13 113' illS win oe neld irom Judson Baptist I. Chfs lorp accepted at a minimum charge of 2c pel word church at 4:30 o'clock Saturdav 'ii l'ii'4 afternoon, conducted by Rev. C. F.

Candler and Rev. S. J. Gardner. HOW TO FIGURE TOUR AD Count the actual number ot wordt Jtn 2(1 19' l's I eluding nam and addreie.

Far eitisfleS Interment will be on the lami I plot In Springwood Cemetery. Warner Pift I 9i 's Chic and Chic Ct Tf Chi StP and StP and Pf Chi Rk Is and Chrysler Cora Cola Colum and Col urn (arb Coml Credit Coml Solt Si. 48; receipts, stocks, 299.146. New Gains Made By Bond Issues Trading Remains Exceptionally Active Despite Profit Sales it you bay 13 words In your Want AS. the one-time eott would be 12c: three con-, ecutlva davt would coat SxSSa er ll.Mll 14 74 1(H) 3' 1'4 tm 73'! lflil 1100 S'il 3Vk posed of Dr.

E. J. Brvson, Dr. P. E.

Swords, Dr. J. W. Kitchen, Dr. J.

C. Hunter, J. A. Allgood, E. T.

Can-frell, Ralph Nalley, E. E. Chestain, L. T. Bryant, J.

L. Cantrell, J. W. Callaham, Robert Callaham, David McDaniel, Robert Fineley, Elijah Sanders. R.

Sarlen, Parker Tinelev, T. R. Odcll, William Long, W. S. Richburg, E.

O. Mauldin, Joe Jennings. Roy Farr, Floyd Hunt. J. W.

Julian, J. J. Fineley, A. F. Hedge- Leo Chlldres.

Edgar Murohv. 4 West Mary 7 eontecutlv davt would coat 4x12, oil 3'al 3 I 32 (tt4! gnu 33l 34 I 32' .1 K7 .1 34 13.08. sml 30'. 134' 13', Clarence Barr, Paul Barr, Raymond Bridges and Martin James will be pall bearers. They are asked to meet at the residence of James Kennemore, 8 Georgia avenue, at 4 o'clock.

mi West Inion West El and Mfg Wnol worth Worth and Wrigley Yellow and 3fl, 13 13-16 IS't Kg 4-8 TO PLACE A WANT PHONE SWt ASK FOR AN AD-TAKER 4 i I 16l 164.1 'i Storks In blank indicate no trading for path, Ralph Hunter, W. J. Whipple and W. B. Catrell.

C. P. Sorbet, Thad Palmer, Nor-rls Newton, James Verdin, Ostcll Barker. Ed Moore, Arnold Lesley. Further announcements will be ANNOUNCEMENTS BOND AVERAGES (Compiled br The Associated Pressl 0 Rn.

in Ind. 10 Itl. 10 For. made by the Gantt funeral home of Liberty. Clifford Reese, John Nickles.

Dr. the day in those particular shares. Total sales: Total sales today 1. 438.3711 Previous dav Week a no Tear ago Two vears ago 111.1,880 Jan. 1 to date shares compared with 1.777.290 Thursday.

It was the fourth successive million-share session this week and the fifteenth for 1943. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks was off .1 of a point at 46. This was the first decline since last Friday. Again it was one of the broadest markets for more than a year, 936 individual issues being traded. Of these, 534 were down or unchanged against 402 advances.

Bonds were steady on another heavy turnover. Fireworks developed in staples in the wake of senate passage of the Bankhead bill permitting rising farm prices. At Chicago wheat jumped the limit of 5 cents a bushel and finished up 3 to 3 1-2 cents. Corn was unchanged at the ceiling. Hogs advanced 10 to 20 cents.

Cotton gained 15 cents to 90 cents a bale. Market Mews (By HARRIS, LTHAM CO.) NEW YORK. Feb. 26. Rails.

January net income: Pennsylvania 17,225,000 vs 3, 687,514. New York Central $4,683 297 vs $409,904. Atchison $4,985,742 vs Rock Island January net vs $1,652,001, largest in company's history. Common.lth Sou Congoleum Na Cn so I (iaj Conn Edison Conll Can Contl Ins Cnntl Oil Del Corn Prod Curtis Wriuhl Dome Mines Dupont de N'em Eastman Kod Eire and Mus Eire Auto It Elec Pow and Lt 1 1 111; III IH Sl'i 30l 31 43-MI 43'i '4 3I'S! 31 31', 1 3 57! 'i 8'i I I 1H': I'a 4 H.V? 1 1t ,1114 IS I 152 lis I ilil'i 2'li Vl 'l S.i 31 3h 3 3- A-6. Monuments, Burial Lots WOODLAWN MEMORIAL Greenville's finest non-monume al cemetery.

Moderately priced. Terms. Perpetual care. Phones 1079-5258. A.

R. Owens Funeral services for A. R. Owens. Year ago Two years ago 22,26.1,873 A-7.

Lost Found 65, of 26 Third street, Woodside Mill, will be held Saturdav afternoon at 3 o'clock at Woodside Bap tist cnurch ot which he was a Net cbg. 4 Inch. .1 .4 Friday 70.4 I04.R 1H1.7 x.17.3 Prev. day IfilK 101.8 MM Week ago .7 104.7 101.3 Month ago 67.9 1114. 5 100..1 M.I Tear ago S.VS 1IKI.I 9.1.5 44.8 1942-4S high 70.4 104.8 lot.

8 57.1 3042-43 low R9.4 1IW.B RH.fl 41.5 high 66.5 105.4 51.4 1911 low 58.3 103.9 98.9 38.0 10 LOW-YIELD BONDS Friday HUD Previous day 113.8 Week ago 113.7 1 Month ago 1I3.A Year ago 1 13.2 1942-43 high 1942-43 low .111.7 1911 high 115.1 1911 low 1111 New 1912-43 highs. member, conducted by the pa.stor, LOST Shoat, solid black, weigh. 50-60 lbs. Between Piedmont and Pelzer. Reward.

C. W. Robertsfn, Pelzer, S. C. Box 271.

Foster Wheel It's! 13's 14 Fo Film A I Ereeport Tei I Kev. j. j. bparKs. interment will be made on the family plot in Grace-land cemetery.

fl'a ADDITIONAL STOCKS (By Harris, t'pham and Co.) Allied Stores Amn Chain and Cable Amn locomotive Amn Sugar Reig Amn Viscose Armour and Co Aviation Corp Rath Iron Works Rncing Airplane Budd Mfg Co 7 3ti'i 3K Pallbearers will be Dock Gillespie. SS'a! 37' 37'. Rev. C. M.

Johnson. Interment will John B. Hill and Dr. F. C.

Ledbetter will compose the honorary escort, meeting at the church at 4:20 p. m. Mr. Kennemore's death followed a long period of declining health and four weeks of serious illness, occurring at the home of his daughter, Mrs. S.

M. Finley, on the Fork Shoals road, at 8 o'clock Thursday night. He was a farmer. His wife, Mrs. Mary O'Neal Kennemore, survives, with one son, James Kennemore and three daughters, Mrs.

J. D. Looper, Mrs. S. M.

Finley and Mrs. William C. Murray. Also surviving are six grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Pending the hour of the service, the body will be at the residence of his son at 8 Georgia avenue.


Louis Manley of this city announce the birth of a son, Ray Oliver, on February 15. Gen Asphalt Oen Elec (ien Food, (en (. and El A (ien Motors Courtney Heath, Claude Dunn, J. L. be in Westview cemetery.

Pallbear lll'i 21 34'i 4 4'3 "..1 17's 1 uomar, James Tucker and Fred ers: John F. Nalley, Waldo Hunter, Gillette FOUND Pig. Get same by paying for ad, feed. D. A.

Finlay, Easley, Route 3. LOST Small black brief case, containing notes and papers, tween Poinsett Hotel and Clemen. Reward. Greenville News-Piedmont Office. L.

T. Bryant and Claude Crane 2'il 2 I 2'ii IH'j 4SV 4H'j i fin i K8 30 I 234 ...1 SUV 30' Jones. They are asked to meet at the residence at 2:30 o'clock. The body will be at the funeral The following composing the Ickes may act coal authority similar to home pending the hour of the iu neral. escort of honor, are asked to meet the powers he has over oil productipn.

2.V Nash Kelvinator declared dividend 12'a Celanese Corp 30' Consolidated Aircraft 10 Consolidated Edison Ill's Contl Motors Container Corp 2P, at the church at 2:45: the Men's Bible class, with Oscar Collins, H. H. Epting. Joe H. Mullinix.

J. T. Brav. cents payable March 26, record March 8. 6: 6'i! 6 .1.

Lois Payne Funeral services for Lois Payne. 3 Frank Jamison, George Davenport, Ninety cents dividend Consolidated Gas 7 1- .1 7 I 1 1 1 I I ol Baltimore payable April 1, record March 15. Gold Dust Goodrich Goodrear Tire Gt Nor Ry Pf llershey hoc Houston Oil Houston Oil New Hudson Motors Hupp Motor Ill Cent Int Bus Mch Int Harvest lilt Hvdro El A Int Nick Can Int Shoe Int and Johns Manville daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Payne of the Aucusta road in the 23 sm 12 I 10 East Gantt section, will be held at Ten cent dividend Packard Motor Car payable April 5, record March 6 rvi.

u. Alexander, a. f. Hunt, u. S.

Jones and F. B. Christopher. Flower girls will be Mesdames Meg Galloway, Jewell Curry, and Margaret Collins, and Misses Grace Thompson, Meg Warlick and Sarah Stansell. 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon at An .1 Ill's' '4 .11.14 'Ml 11.14 .1 62: 6.C.

1'4 I' li 1 33 33 .1 32 I 32', FUNERAL INVITATIONS Curliss Wright A Deere and Co Elect Boat Lice Bond and Shr Erie Ctfc General Baking General Theatres Equip Glidden and Co (irant (W and Co Grevhound tioch Christian church on the Fors Twenty-five cent dividend Ford Motor Shoals Road, conducted by Rev. of Canada, payable March 27, record March o. The relatives and friends of Mr. and '4l T.S '4 John Wrenn and Rev. Thomas P.

Inabinctt. Interment will be in the Mr. Owens had lived at Woodside 17 31 FOUND Pig Owner can get same by identifying, paying for ad. 2 Chappell Street. LOST Pair New slippers, Iv Keith package.

Vicinity Main Street. No questions. Reward. News-Pied tnont. LOST Solid black co*cker spaniel last week about three fourths grown.

Reward. Telephone 2593-W. STRAYED from Oregon StreifC Small female Setter. Solid blaclt head and shoulder. Black and whit hips.

Answers name "Polly." $25 reward. Telephone 18. J. W. Bolt, STRAYED Near Union Bleach-ery, one red and black pig, weighing about 65 pounds.

M. E. Robr-son, 19 Latimer Street, Unicra Bleachery. for the past 17 years. He died at 78 78 1 .1 78 church cemetery.

Seventy-five cent dividend Colts Patent Fire Arm payable March 31, record March 15. I his home at 3:40 o'clock Thursday The child death occurred at aiternoon louowing a sudden Illness. 10:45 o'clock Friday morning follow Kelvinator Rennecott Krene (SS Pending the hour of the service Mrs. A. R.

Owens, W. D. Owens, Mrs. Will Smith, Mrs. C.

W. Dodd. Mrs. J. D.

Nix. Mrs. C. A. Chapman, Miss Edwina Owens and Mrs.

J. L. Gable are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services of A. R. Owens on Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Woodside Baptist church.

Interment will be made In Graceland cemetery. James F. Mackey and Sons, morticians. 1 32 31 21: 2i 31 21 ing a brief illness. Ten cents dividend Ashland Oil and Refining payable March 31, record March 8.

the body is at the residence. Mr. and Mrs. Payne have made Harbison Walker 17 Hecker Products 1(1 Houd llersbey 12 Industrial Raton 31 Inspiration Copper 12' i Intrrlake Iron 7', International Paper HI1? their home in the East Gantt sec tion for several years. $125 dividend Gillette Safety Razor preferred payable May 1, record April 1.

fambert Ligg and yers Ligg and Myeri Loew'i I I I I Wi 2lf'j 20' 6.1 6,1 I 6.1 I '3' 66 an i 47' 4 7 2 1 4'n, -i- 4.1' 4.1', 41', I E. V. Brazie E. V. Brazie.

68. resident of In addition to her parents the to Standard facts says we continue advise the purchase of good stocks. Loft Lorillard I NEW YORK, Feb. 26. The bond market kept its sights pointed higher all along the line today and, except for profit taking in spots, posted -new gains of fractions to a point or so among leaders.

Trading remained exceptionally active, although slightly under the tremendous Thursday volume, the third largest in the history of the stock exchange. Sales totaled $18, 010,800, par value, against tthe day before. Rails, low-yields and foreign issues in the Associated Press averages touched new peaks for 1942-43 or longer. Other groups were only slightly changed. U.

S. governments and the majority of foreign dollar bonds held within a restricted range but retained a steady undertone. Wheat Shoots Up 5 Cents Bushel Aggressive Buying Sends Prices Soaring On Chicago Board CHICAGO. TCo. 26.

(-Legislative developments in Washington provided the wheat pit today with its strongest and most active session in many months, prices rising to new highs since 1928-29 on all deliveries under aggressive buying by mills, commission houses end professional traders. I 1'i child is survived by one brother, James Preston Payne; her paternal grandmother, Mrs. Eva Payne and Greenville several years, died Friday morning at 11 o'clock at the Lehigh Val Coal Pfd Lima Locomotive 13 30 nome of his dauehter. Mrs. R.

H. her maternal grandlather, John H. -M- Patterson. 204 E. Augusta Place.

He Link Belt has speculative appeal. Timken Rollar Bearing Is attractive at current levels. Earnings last year estimated at U.30 vs $3 82. Carter. I 32 32'ii 32 I 24 I 24 21 I II I II I II i 4'ti! 4 I 4 I 23 1 22'il 22 Mark Truck Maey (RHl Man Ry Mod Gtd Marine Midi Mid-cont Pet EMPLOYMENT B-l.

Help Wanted had been in declining health some The body will be carried to the The relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Mose Kennemore, James Kennemore, Mrs. J. D.

Looper. Mrs. S. M. Finley, Mrs.

William C. Murray and of their families are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services of Mose Kennemore Saturday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock at Judson Baptist church. Interment will be In Springwood cemetery. James F. Mackey and Sons, morticians.

LEGAL NOTICES tune. home Saturday afternoon and fur 3 Mr. Brazie was born April 9. 1874. ther announcements will be made by Crucible Steel chances for Increased dividends this year are bright.

Mo Kan Tex I 3 Mo Par I Mnntgom Ward 3')', Murray Corp 7's Martin (Glenn L) 2I! Natl Acme 16'i, Natl Gypsum 7 Newport Industries Shipbuilding 21' i Paramount Pictures 1(1' i Pepsi-Cola yfc Phelps Dodge Plymouth Oil 18 Pressed Steel Car ') in Marian, lowa, a son ot the late Peter Brazie and Georgianna Ellison Brazie, both of whom were na 3.T, 3.1' 7'k' 7'i I it. u. Jones ana bons, morticians, Ernest Barton tives of New York. A num'oer of Union Oil of California have above average appeal. It looked on as a soundly placed Investment Issue In war or peace.

years ago he moved to Greenville Funeral services for Ernest Bar and lived for some years in the Monaghan mill community, being engaged in textile work there. He Nash Motors Nat Rlsruit Nat (ash Reg A Nat Dairy Nat Pow and Lt Nat Steel Cent NY Nil and II NY tint and 18 18 18 i- 22" i 22' 22' .1 l'i' 1lt' 16" .1 i 3 57 i i II' 13! 11 1, l'i 1'- i I 13-16 I ton. 53, will be held at Gap Creek Baptist church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Rev. J.

L. Hadawav will officiate and interment will be in Savage Arms was forced to retire about six years ago. Standard Facts says there Is every indication that consumers are repenting the unsocial practice of hoarding. This time 11 is in apparel field. Customers with available cash are placing large orders, even buying dresses by the dozen.

Thirty-five cent dividend General Electric payable April 26, record March 12. 11 31 63 23 46 1.1 the church cemetery. Palearers will be Posey Tank' ersley, B. Jones, Broadus Mc Sperry Corp Sterling Products Sunshine Mining Sulfl and Co Tlmken-Detrolt Ale 1 wen ent-Kox Noranda Mines Nor Am Aviat 12 I2'i North American ...1 13 i I2l 13 Northern Pac. 111 10 1H Carson, R.

L. Pool, Willie Johnson and Melvin Jarrard. 1.1 I 1.1 I Ohio Oil I II' I Fiftv cent dividend Montgomery Ward payable April 15, record March 15. The death of Mr. Barton followed a few weeks of illness and occurred at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon at Pacific and 27 Pacific Mills i 2." Packard Mot 4 261-1 27 22 '1 -3 4 I niled Drug g'4 Wesson Oil 22'i Westinghouse Airbrake 20 Wheeling 2(l's Yoiingstnwn Sheet and Tube 33 the Veterans hospital in Colum Twenty-five cent dividend National Sugar Refinery payable April 19, record March 15.

bia. Param Pub I Penny (JC) 1 81 81 At one time wheat was up 5 cents a bushel, the limit pcrmited in a single session, and the close showed gains of 3-3 1-2 cents. Mav $1.46 3-8 to 1-2. July $1.47 to $1.46 7-8. Corn held unchanged at ceilings, Mav $1.00.

Oats advanced 1-2 to 1 cent and rye gained 1 1-8 to 1 3-8 cents. Twenty-five rent dividend Crown Zeller-back payable April 1, record March 13. He was a member of Eastlan Baptist church. He Is survived by his wife, Mrs. Nellie Ezell Brazie; three daughters, Mrs.

E. N. Robbins, Mrs. C. H.

Hill aand Mrs. Patterson; two sons, L. W. Brazie and Pvt. P.

E. Brazie; four sisters, Mrs. B. E. Bicaise, Mrs.

Mable Smith, Mrs. Ollie McQueen and Mrs. Nettie Overholdt. Eleven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren also survive. Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock at the chapel of the Thomas McAfee funeral home.

Services will be conducted ty Rev. G. B. Lee, his pastor. Interment will be in Graceland cemetery.

Until the hour of the service the body will remain at the funeral home. Mr Barton had been a lifelong resident of River Falls and was a brick ma.son by trade. He was the son of S. A. Barton and the IMPORTANT NOTICE T1 Workers Engaged In i Critical War Industries! The War Manpower Commission requests that no worker chang from one plant to another if ht Is NOW engaged in war production.

Employers are requested il to hire presently employed war workers, thereby disrupting th labor market, and impeding th war effort. WANTED Efficient stenographer. Good salary and future for right one. Give experience. R-f't News-Piedmont.

WANTED Waitresses. Experience unnecessary. Hotel Greenville. Aslt for Manager WANTED Bookkeeper-Accountant, $150. Three stenographers, Salesman, $130.

Of: Man, $110. Shipping Clerk. $110. Cooks, $5 $10. Free enrollment.

Scott's Employment Bureau, Blu Buildjng. WANTED At once, experienced all 'round beauty operator. Salary and commission. "FC," News-Pir4 mont. WANTED Good man for insid and outside work.

Do not apply it eligible for immediate draft. Writt News-Piedmont. WANTED Immediately Linotype operator: knowledge of cylin press and make-up preferred. Good salary, permanent, weekly, job work, only paper and shop in county. Good future for good man.

Th News-Journal, Raeford, N. C. LEGAL NOTICES Thirty rrnt dividend General Relracto- i ries payable JO. payable March 10. late Mrs.

Victoria Barton. WHEAT: Open Hich Low Close He was a veteran of the World May Fifty cent dividend E. R. Squibb payable March 15. record March 6.

war, having spent nine months in 14.5 1.48', 1 46'a 1 441, 14H7 1.44', 147 1.46' a 1.50'j 1 46'j 148'. service. His wife survives him together Cham Belt 12 months ending January ne: 1 78 vs (2.27. with three daughters, four sons, father, one sister and two brothers on 1 0(1 1 00 1.00 1.00 1 00 1.00 1.00 One doiiar dividend on International ant! Chemicals preferred payable On The Curb Alum Co Am ll.l'i Am van It Am (ias and LI 23 Am Sup Power 7-16 Ark Nat Gas Pf Blue Ridte l'i Blue Kidne Cr Pf 41 Bunk lllll and II Cities Service 11 Crown Intl A 7 1.1 Bond anil Sh 4 Ford Mot l.ld 3 Gulf Oil 43 Incs Co Am 71 Lone Star Gas 7'i Nlag Hud Pow 2 Penn road 4 Seial Lock 1 I nltrd Gas 1 -j Awaiting the hour of the service the body will remain at the Thomas Most NEW YORK. Feb.

Sales, closing price and net change of the Iliteen active slocks today: Scab. Air 4 95. find l't Aviation 21,600 4- Conso! Oil, 21.000 9 Gen. Meal and Ut 20.000 1 Erie R.H. 19.90(1 10 no Radio 19,000 7 no Sou.

Am G. and P. 15,700 3 no Packard. 15.109 4 no Mo. Kan.

Pt 14 500 7. Y. Central, 13 600 14 no Canad. 13.300 7'a Mo. Kan 12 900 3 Armour 111..

12.800 4 i Unit, and Oh 12.600 5 Pepsi Oi. 12 500 36 2 Int Met. Mar. 12,500 12 Equit. Oil.

12.500 1.1-16,- I March 30, July Be p. CORN May Julv Sep. Dec. OATS; Mav July 6ep. RYE: May July Sep.

Dec. record 22. 60 McAlee luneral nome. Regular 40 cent dividend Bond Stores payable March lj, record March .58 .67 9'i .60 92 George W. McAbee 5H oft' M- fill .91 i 89 91 .93 Filtern cent dividend Alliee Stoles April 20, record March 31.

Funeral services for George McAbee, 77, widely known Piedmont resident, whose death occurred at Tuemy-Iive edit dividend Intirslatc Ui'partmrnl Stores common pavunlc April 15. record March 17. the home of his daughter, Mrs. Exiicr View Sales today 319,11111 Year ago O. Jones, at 55 Main street Friday morning at 5 o'clock, will be held at the residence Sunday afternoon 1.

iSOifiS CoHoii Mnvt ft PORT Ml) YF MINT I New Orleans: 21.03: receipts, 2. :t.Y". slnrlia "H'l I 111 at 4 clock, conducted by Rev GO VI.HN MINT BONDS Smith. Interment will be on the Net Open High low lose Change ,11,113 1 211. 20 129.71 11.3.1 family plot in Rose cemetery.

Mr. McAbee, a native of Spartan 3," loo '(I II3.M I Hi. 'i Storks ltd I ii 211 Kails 1.1 I tils. 32 Galvestnn: Middling, 20 HO; receipts, sales, storks. 1.IMI21I6.

Houston: Middling. 20.78; receipts, Mild: sales, 2.999; stocks, 923.31.!. Mobile: Slocks, 66.88,1. Savannah: Middling. 21 19; sales, NOTICE OF TAX SALE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF GREENVILLE.

By virtue and under authority of certain Tax Executions issued by tlie Treasurer of Greenville county, I have levied upon and taken exclusive possession of the following property and will sell the same to the highest bidder at public auction within the legal hours of sale at the Greenville County Court House on Monday, March 1st, 1943. Terms of sale: Cash. Greenville Township 17 School District. All that lot af land located in the City of Greenville off Bums street and shown on the City Plat Book as lot 8-A of block 7, page 95. For a better description see deed of J.

S. Edens to La Virle Edens as recorded in the R. M. C. office for Greenville County in Vol.

175, page 220. 4 Now or formerly charged for taxes in the name of La Virle Edens. Amount of taxes due $8.04 for the years 1936, 1937 and 1941. All those, lots or parcels of land located on Railroad street in the City of Greenville and shown on the City Plat Book as lotsS number 36 and 37 of block 8, page 39. For a better description see deed of City of Greenville to A.

Q. Green as recorded in the R. M. C. office Job Greenville County in Vol.

186, page 351. Now or formerly charged for taxes in the name of A. Q. Green. Amount of taxes due $3.35 for the year 1936.

All that lot of land located on Sullivan Street in the City of Greenville and shown on the City Plat Book as lot number 8 of block 3 on page 95. For a better description see deed of Felicia Brockman Stew, art to Fred Hadden et al as recorded in the R. M. c. office for Greenville County in Vol.

230, page 326, Now or formerly charged for taxes in the name of Fred and Geneva Hadden. Amount of taxes due $8.77 for the year 1937. All that lot of land located on Sullivan Street in the City of Orecnvllle and shown on the City Plat Book us lot number 5 of block 3, page 95. For a better description see deed of A. C.

Davis to Nannie O. Morgan as recorded In the R. M. C. Office for Greenville County in Vol.

49, page 492. Now or formerly charged, for taxes in the name of Nan O. Morgan, Amount of taxes due $57.19 for the years 1937 through 1941. M. L.

ASIIMORE, Delinquent Tax Collector, burg county, had made his home in Piedmont for 65 years, having 3 1. .1.1 17.30 13.83 31.811 17 1.1 11.17 31.83 17 12 11112 tin; linn 108.21 17.. 12 11.28 40; (Ry HARRIS, I PIIAM 0.) NEW YORK. Feb 26. Cotton markcl ctive and arivannng points nd closed 6-18 hlkher The trade were good buyers and general eommisMon buying whs tally heavy.

There was some profit taking on tlie advance. Trading was Influenced by the Senates approval ef the Bankhrad bill and further action today In Cnngtcs on price rai-ing (arm bloc measures. Believe market a purchase on moderate setbacks. Iiu.1,1 loi. Bond' SCW-J37S Treasury Department, Bureau of In u-rnal Revenue.

Alcohol Tax Unit, Offle of District Supervisor. Atlanta, Georgia, Dnto of first publication. February 37, 1943. Notice Is herevy Riven that on February 19. 1H43 one 19.17 ford Coach, Motor No.

5604012, with accessories, Ji aeired in York county. South Carolina Kt Violation of Section 1.121 Inlp mat Ritvonil- been associated with the Piedmont manufacturing company over a long period of years, later conducting a I 111 Mocks. 82,903. Charleston: Middling, 21.39; slocks. ",8 Norfolk: Stocks.

12.11911 New York: Middling, 21.98; sales, BOO; grocery business. His death followed a sudden ill ness, storks, 8,110, 411 Bonds 77 ftll'l HI 1st Hails 98.2.1 0 113 III Kails ,19.31 II II Ml I tllilles .1 111.36 II .113 III Industrials 1117.16 HOI Transactions In stocks used in averages toda Industrials 68,11011 Hails 12.1,6.1(1 Itililies 41.6.111 23 Mr. McAbee was a member of the Boston: Receipts, 120: storks. (1,1112, Corpus Christl: Receipts, 82,837. Minor Ports: Receipts, 361; stocks, Baptist church of Piedmont.

Code. Any person claiming an interest in said property must appear at the nfflm of (he Investlaatnr In Charge, Alcohol Tax Unit, 10B S. Court House. Columbia, South Carolina, and file claim antt cost bond as provided by Section 3724. Internal Revenue Code, on or before Mai 29, 1043, Otherwise nrnn.rtv will 781.

He was twice married, his first Tntii for (odav: Receipts. 6 (31: sales. wife, Mrs. Annie Buckheister Mc 3x I7-I3 l'i 3s 2 'is 2 2'; DOMKsllc A and SF li III, A Line tan Pac Is I'rrl and (Ill and i. Ill In, tr, In (.1 Hest ri and Kf Is .11 I Irv In I to li and It (, WrM .1, lla I a-t Is Mud na Muo and Man Is Ill ent I 'i lift hit Gt AJ lis and 1 1 i Mo Par Gen Is 7.1 nvi hi Noil and Is IMi i Nor I'ae is (' Penn Hit Gen I (il Phil Kd and I 4.1 I Seah Al.

(a 4.1 So Par Rig 4s So Hv 9 So K.v I West Mil Is .12 KlHIK.S Australia ,11 stocks. 2,766,80,1. Abee, having riled many years ago, 'total today From that union one son, Louie disposed Of according to law, W. Hear- Ington, District Supervisor. Henry McAbee, and Mrs.

Jones sur vlve. i i lli 12'j 97 i 11 no' 126 It'll UN, Total for week: Rerelpls, Total lor season: Reeeipls, 2,11.19,871. INTFRIOR MOVEMENT Memphis: Middling, 21 sales, 6,342. Augusta: Middling. 21.

rerelpls, shipments, sales, 619; storks, 178.611, Little Rock' Middling, 21.0.1; sales, 366t Mrs. Sudie Burns Tucker SENECA, Feb. 26. Mrs. Sudie Burns Tucker, 48, of near Town-ville, died last night at 11:13 o'clock at the Oconee county hospital after an illness of three weeks.

Mrs. Tucker was the daughter of the late J. Y. (Bud) and Cornelia Thrasker Burns Tucker. She was a beloved Christian and member of the Townville Baptist church.

Besides her husband. Mrs. Tucker is survived bv the following children: Mrs. Norris Swafford, Mrs. Clyde Grant, Mrs.

Kendrick Lollis. Devilla Tucker, Boyce Tucker, and SRt. Thad Tucker. She Is also survived by the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. Nettle Tucker.

Mrs. Paul Treartaway. Mrs. Lizzie Simmons. W.

J. D. C. and J. T.

Burns, and one half-brother, Melvin Burns. The followinc nieces will act as flower Rirls: Johnnie, Lcssle, and Evelyn Treadaway, Dorothy, and Fiances Simmons, and Elizabeth Ruth Tucker. Acting as active pallbearers will be her nephews: William. Robert, Harvey, and Joe Rlchey, Whit Simmons, and Robert and George Tucker. Funeral services will be held Saturdav morning at 11 o'clock from the Townville Baptist church with Rev.

Rufus Mitchell officiatlne, assisted bv Rev. Elmo Bowens. Interment will follow in the adjoining cemetery. Mrs. Byrd M.

Lanford Funeral services Mrs, Byrd McAbee Lanford. 49, wife of M. L. Lanford Rnd well known resident of this city for 20 years, will be held at Brandon Baptist church at 3:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev. C.

L. Bovter, J. E. Willis and Rev. Boyd Turner.

Interment will be in Bethel cemetery at Woodruff. Pallbearers will be F.d Morris, Charlie Rogers, Luther Alton, Clyde Jones, Ray Carter and John Barden. The following are asked to meet at the church at 3:20 o'clock to compose the honorary escort; J. His second wife, Mrs. Minnie Langford McAbee, died several years 1 ago.

ttorks. 108. 12H. He is survived by two half-bro thers, Bob and Deck Gossett by one 11 811 Dallas; Middling 20.8.1; sales, 1.376. Montgomery: Middling, 21 Hi), tales, 467, Total today: Receipts, shipments, sales, 9.201; storks, 287.010.

half-sister, by 10 grandchildren and by five great-grandchildren. III! 'AGO I.IM.STOt Feb. 26 hogs, total, 13.500; active, 10-20 hither than Thursday's averages; closed al lull advance; top, 15 60; bulk 180-330 lbs, 15 30-55, most good and choice 150-180 lbs, 14 bulk good 300-550 lls. sous, 14 90-15 25; few choice to 15 40; 5 000. Salablo cattle, 1.500, salable calves.

500; led sleets and yrarllngs 1 inn medium weighls predominated III crop, sprinkling good grades, 15 25-50; bulk, 14.00-15 25; extreme top good to choice I.3oo lbs, averages, 16 40; hellers aearce, till steady; mostly 12 cows fairly active, fully steady; cutters 10 00 down; medium to good beef mws. 1 1 00: light canners dull al 8 00 down; bulls and vealers steady: practical top weighty tattsage NOTICE Bids will be received at this office up to 12 o'clock Noon, Monday, March 1st, for supplies for the month of March at the County Jail and the T. B. Hospital. Requirements on request at this office.

COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. Alter li clock Saturday morn ing the body will be at the resi 97 71 112 89 42 23 deuce. James F. Mackey fii Sons, morticians, Brarll Klo Do Sul 6s lis Stock Letter (Bv HARRIS, miAM A II I HEW YORK Feb, 26. Alter Hs vigor ef the preceding lour davs the market did the commendable thing of slowing, clown today, absorbing profit taking and reacting in (he industrials.

Volume dropped about 15 per cent initialise 111 the general market Is rcwnded with a good deal of trneral tnvor and If lt were to extend for another two nr three days It would probably lake the place of a greater reaction. There Is quite a hopeful feeling In the Street that, the coming Monday lll see Ihu long awaited decision in the St. Paul case. Spot Averages NEW ORLEANS. Feb, 56 ifi-The average price of middling cotton today at ten designated southern spot markets at, 50 cents a bale higher at 31.13 cents a pound inew season highl; verage for the past 30 market rlny.

10 56; middling th-iinh aierage, 20.21. CASH GRAIN CHICAGO, Feb. 26 4. Cash wheal, 1 red, 1.64; No. 3, 1 62', Corn No, 2 yellow 1 00.

1 02; No 3. 10: No. 4, 93. 97: No. H9-BJ (ample grade yellow, 71-81.

Oats, No. I mixed. 61 No. 2 while, No. .1.

61; sample giade white, 49. Barley, malting, 68 1 06 ferd. 72-(4 mini feield need per hundredweight Tiniothv, 4.1H-B00; alMke, 21 fan-ev red mp. 12.1-75: red clover, 20 00; (atatt emir. 7.M'K 10.

aifalfa, il 50-39 00. i MARKETS AT A GLANCE mill SAl.t.s (In Dollars Total tmlay 18. mil. goo Previous day 21. lllll.

loo Week ago i.ihi NEW YOHK. Feb. 36. iA-8tocks Jl Mixed: profit-chasing items advance. Bonds: Steady; alow rally.

tea IMIh.KlMI bulls. 13 75; outside. 14 00; vealers, 18 00- 17.50. Cotton; Firm; price-fixing and rotnmls Two years agn A 7,171.100 ,,..11,788,100 31 turn 3.11. 73.1.

87.1 Jan I lo date Year ago Ian years agn NOTICE lion home buying. Htnrka, 1,438.170 Bonds. 116. 010 800 Curb storks, .1.19 640. Curb bonds, 1769, ooo.

DRY GOODS NEW YOHK. Feb. 28. ,) Print cloths and sheetings In small Sol a were sold today, but otherwise the market was quiet. Improvement In civilian supply it expected shortly, as first steps have been taken by the WPB to simplify production.

Little activity was reported for rayona. Pol LTR NEW YORK, Feb, 28 Live piful-try firm. Klrade unless otherwise speclfiedi by freight: Roasters coloied, 5t Ins. and up. 36; lbs J4.

Fowls, colored, 4 lbs. and up, Old roosters, n' lbs. and up, ai' Turkeys, hens and turns, under 18 iH'j. INVESTMENT TRI KH NEW YORK Feb 36 trust securities lover (he counter market I Hid A.vkrd Diversified Tru.l No Diversified Trii'l I) 8 10 It 7J Ma'S. Invest Trust 18 69 20 10 Mass.

Inv. Tr. 3d fund Inc. 1 99 9 67 RI Tl NtW YOHK 1-eb. 859 476 scarce, i Maximum prices set by OPA lor hulk butter in cartons delivered New Yorki.

Creamery, higher than 92 score and premium marks iAAi, 48' 4: 92 score 1A1, 46'; 90 score. 1B1, 49'iii 89 score 1C1, 46. RICHMOND 1,1 VMTOf. PKKK INDIA NLW YORK Feb 26 itll'i Hun and Hrarist reel's dally weighted price index of 30 basic commodities compilrd for United Press (1930-32 avetsge equals KiOi: RICHMOND, Va. Feb.

29 Hogs. 14 good and choice 160. ,100 14 6.1; 100-130 1.1. Ill; 120-140 I40O; 140-160 and butchers over .700 I will receive bids till 13 o'clock, Monday, March 1st, on supplies needed for th Clialngang and the Countv Home for the month of March. A list can bo had at the supervisor's office.

J. P. ASHMORK. County Supervisor. Today mew highl 171 01 170 211 14 40; sows under 3,10 13.90 I.GG NKW York.

20, itv-Lggs. 17. 662; over 3.10 1.1 AS. Blags 10 Medium Yesterday Week ago Month aito Year ago Previous high I Feb, 24) firm. Mixed colors; Fancy to exlia fancy.

169 98 169 26 155 0.1 170 20 10 good steers I3.M-I4 10 choire hlghe Pal enws, 10 00-10 50; canners and cutler 1 00-9 00; sausage hulls. 1160-13 00, Vea 39-40; extras, 38 1 graded firsts, current receipts, ION; mediums, 34''s dirties No, 1, average checks, 33', 104 low (Jan. 2 Greenville County, S. C. I 166 61 ni 18.S0, lew cholra higher..

The Greenville News from Greenville, South Carolina (2024)
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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.