The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

3 SPORTS THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1948 SPORTS Lemieux Gets. Hat Trick As Indians Beat Bears Springfield Left Winger Paces Mates in 5-2 Win Over Hershey; French Line Has Good Night By LES STEARNS Hershey's Bears took a beating last night from the Indians at the Eastern States Coliseum and the interclub series for the moment now stands all even. The French line, A modern reminder perhaps of another French line of pre-Eddie Shore days, which has Paul Courteau centering for Armand Lemieux and Vic Auger, took command where the chips were down and as result Springfield came up with a 5 to 2 victory. It was one of the best scoring efforts Indians have produced against the Bears in some time and gave crowd of about 3000 plenty to yell about. Lemieux Sets Pace From an even brOk in the first the second Lemieux setting the period the Indians, moved ahead in pace, Leading into the third period by a single goal Springfield then clinched matters when Lemieux completed a hat trick and Ralph Hosking added one more for good measure.

Leo Curick celebrated the occasion by getting his first goal of the season and the same WAS true for Ralph Hosking. As for Lemieux he boosted his season's production to six goals in eight games, which comes pretty near being par for the course. The Indians outskated their rivals most of the time and with two newcomers, "Red" Dunn and "Red" Reynolds, graduates from the United States Hockey League, blowing the whistle and inclined to let things ride, it was pretty much a case of give and take all the throu The clubs. broke even in the fast skating period, Leo Curick getting an unassisted goal for the dians and Arnold Kullman coming up with the Hershey equalizer, 45 seconds later. goals came after the halfway of the period had been passed.

Tottle was in penalty box for high sticking when a faceoft was called in the Springfield defense zone. breakaway, Curick got his stick the puck and moved in to beat Henry at 10.10. Not a little assistance came from Vern Kaiser, who blocked' 9 Hershey defense man about to cut oft. Curick's surge into payoff territory. Gang Up On MaAtee Tottle was not back on the ice by the time Hershey got' the tying goal and a scrimmage in front of the net finally resulted in Kullman poking the puck past MeAtee.

In the breakdown of the scoring process, Dive Creighton and Pete Durham were given assists, but it well might have been the entire Hershey club on the ice at times with the exception of Goalie Henry, Pressure as applied by the Indians was plenty in the second period and Henry had -5 stops as against the 12 recorded for McAtee. The Indians had plenty of chances as they moved out in front but most of the shots either hit the pipes or were wide until Armand Lemniux moved in on 2 pretty pass play at 8.50 to beat Curick And Allen receivea the assists. It was a case or where everything worked right. After that the Hershey defense was something, for despite the fact that they had two men in the penalty box at one time, the: Indians couldn't score. They had chances enough, Jones and Gooden coming close at the 17 minute mark and then Curick, Red Wings Spot Blue Shirts Pair, Rally to Win League-Leading Detroit Club Turn New York Team, 3-2 5 New.

York, Oct. 27 (A)-The firstplace Detroit Red Wings came from behind tonight to edge out the New York Rangers, a hard fought National: Hockey fans at League Madison game Square beGarden. The Rangers took an early two goal lead. DETROIT NEW YORK (2) Lumley, g. Rayner Stewart, rd rd, Colville Quackenbush, ld ld, Moe McNab, Laprade Lindsay, rw rw, Leswich Howe, lw lw, Kullman First Period 1-New York, Kullman (Mod, Leswick) 0:40 Penalties, Horeck, Kaleta, Lindaay, Second Period York.

Fisher Kaleta) 8:48 5-Detroit, Lindsay (Foile) 11:16 11:27 Poile. Penalties, Moe. Fisher, Reise. Third. Period 5-Detroit.

Abel Lindsay) 7:37 Penalties, Lindsay, Fisher. Detroit spares, Reige, Horeck. Abel. Gauthier, McFadden, Morrison, Couture, Pavelich. Kelly, Gee, Poile.

York spares, Shero, Stanowski, Raleigh. Morris, Lund, Mickoski, Fisher, Albright, Kaleta. Referee. King Clancy: Imesman, Ernie Mundey And Sihhy Mundey. Kaiser and Courteau a moment later.

Break Game Wide Oven With the third period came Springfield surge that broke the game wide open. Lemieux got his second bal 2.45 as 'Auger down side and relayed the puck to him in front of the Hershey net. Dave Creighton came up with Hershey counter at 7.05 on a corner shot, rafter Toppazzini and Kullman had set up the play. Two minutes later the Indians put a pair of goals in 10 seconds. Ralph Hosking got his about 30 feet out on assists from Courteau and Auger and completed the hat trick on a play set up by Auger and Courteau.

The French line through this period was lat its best, sharing in all three Springfield goals. Summary: SPRINGEIELD (5) HERSHEY (2) MicA tee, Henry Hosking. rd rd. A. Jones Tottle, Id ld, Durham Burns, Maloney V.

Jones, rw rw, Marquess Gooden, lw. Cain First Period Curick (unassisted) 10:10 2-Hershey, Kullman (Coeighton, Durham) 10:55 Penalties, Tottle (high stick). Branigan (high stick), Auger (high stick), Tottle (tripping). Second Perind 3-Springfield. Lemieux (Curick, Allen) 8:30 Penalties, Jones (roughing).

Gonden Troughing). Bruce. (slashing and 10 minute misconduct), Allen (roughing). Third Period -Springfeld. Lemieux (Auger) 2:43 3-Hershey.

Creighton (Toppazzini, Kullman) 1:16 6-Springfield. Hosking (Courteau, Auger) 9:10 -Springfieid, Lemieux (Auger, Courtean) 9:20 Penalties, Maloney (hooking), A. Jones (interference). Hershey spares, Branigan, Mario, Bruce, Kullman, Larson, Brown, Creighton, Toppazzini, Low. Springfield spares, Allen, Me.Andrew, Courteau, Curick, Auger, Summerhill, Lemieux.

Mutcheson, Kaiser, Referees, Dunn and Reynolds. NEW FALL BRITISH IMPORTS 7 AN EXTRAORDINARY BUY AT 0 ONLY $095 A 1P 3 Wing- tip In Scotch grain by Martin of Glasgow. five other smart styles, Including brown suede 6 LEATHER: tanned by the Scots 1 SHOES: built, by the British SOLD: at your Regal store 3 WHEN they're gone, they're gone, at $895 A 0 We thought it couldn't happen, but but it did! Just received a big new selection of imported British similar to Regal's spring shipment that stirred connoisseurs of fine footwear from Coast to Coast. American men who appreciate the unusual quality of British craftsmanship and Scotch tanning are accustomed to pay $15 to $25 for shoes like these. If you've never experienced the comfort of English lasts, this is your golden chance.

For coupled with Regal's famous patented fitting system, you've a rge buy, but hurry! '1 REGAL SHOES YOUR REGAL STORE IS LOCATED AT 1614 MAIN STREET Other Regal Stores In Boston, Worcester, Hartford, Providence order from entalag. Write Mail Order Regal Shoe Whitman, Mass, i I 58 50 52 63 55 61 60 54 62 56 51 53 READY FOR ORANGE Amherst High has a home game tomorrow with Orange High providing the opposition on the Amherst gridiron. This is one game in which the collegetown schoolboys expect to do well and here is what they have to call on to do just that: Front row, left to right--George William Joy, Stanley Kielbasa, Louis Jacque, Peter French, Robert Daley, Edmund Waskiewicr and Walter Kinder. Back row--Manager Harvey Allen, Philip Jacque, John Mannheim, Thomas Eddy, Henry Matuszko, Nichols Roco, Coach Wilbur Shumway, Hornets Register Fourth Straight On Home Ice, 7-1 Pittsburgh Club Scores All Goals in First and Last Periods in Trouncing Philly Rockets Two for Fort Worth Springfeld's hockey squad was reduced by two last night. prior to their rise to Second place in the Eastern Division of the ican Hockey League.

Len Mutchewinger, and Jack Nixon, defensem*n, were sent to Fort of the United States league for further experience. The Indiang are now down to 16 men, but hare prospects of hav. ing two more reporting before many more weeks have passed. Riebe's Basket Wins for Celtics Fitchburg, Oct. 27 (AP)-Mel Riebe, game's leading scorer with 23 points, tonight sank a layup shot in the final minute to fashion a 66-64 victory for the Boston Celtics over the Providence Steamrollers in a Basketball Association of America exhibition game saw the Rollers lead throughout until A crowd of 150 in the sports ur arena the Rostonians put on a.

final period drive which was capped by Riebe'8 winning basket. Brennan Is Out Of Saturday Tilt South Bend, Oct. 27 (AP)-Bill Gay and Ernie Zalejski were named today to share the left halfback position for Notre Dame in its game with Navy Saturday. Jack Landry, sophom*ore, also maya he shifted from right halfback. to bolster left.

half. Terry Brennan, three-year veteran, is out with a knee injury. Los Angeles, Oct. 27 (AP)-A squad of 37 UCLA football players will fly tomorrow to Lincoln for Saturday's game with the University of ka. Coach Bert La Brucherie said if the team arrives early enough tomorrow, a workout will be held on the Cornhuskers' Field.

UCLA Squad to Fly To Lincoln, Today He Loses Binder Worcester, (frt. 27 Ringer, regular halfback, has been lost to Holy Cross for Saturday's football game with Harvard, it annonneed today. Binder fered a severe leg wrench in day's scrimmage. The Crusaders also only limited service, if any, from Jim Deffley, their regulan, center, who an injury during pass defense drill today. Bobby Farrell ran at Binder's right half position as the Crusad.

ers polished their attack In. another. scrimmage against the freshmen today. Ed Jurglewiez, third striniger, WAS at center. BIll the Purple's other center, Also is hobbled by injuries is expected to face Harvard.

Pittsburgh, Oct. 27 -Scoring all their goals, in the first and last po. riods, the Pittsburgh Hornets plastered a 7-1 defeat on the Philadelphia Rockets before 3687 fans at the Gardens tonight. Take Third Place It was the Wasps'. fourth victory in a row on the home ice and gave them undisputed possession of third place.

in the hot Western' Division race. The jumped into the scorling column at 6.43 of the first period. The line broke down the left side ofo the ice and Syd Smith tallied, batting the puck between goalie Harvey Jessiman's legs after feinting him out of position. At 13.17 Tom Sloan slapped the rubber in from the right red circle, the disc bounding in off Jessiman's skates. Captain Pete Langelle made it three for Pittsburgh by scorting his first goal of the Be a season on at 13.52.

He beat the Rocket goalie to the punch with a high shot at pointblank range. Mike Narduzzi scored for the Rockets at 2.06 of the second period. It WAS screened shot from 20 feet straight out. In the final period, the Wasps flashed the four times niore. Smith made his second goal.

this time unassisted, at 0.21 and Peanuts O'Flaherty also was unaided on final goal at 19.43. In between Ray Ceresino took the puck at the blue line and pushed it through Jessiman's legs at 4.51 and Pete Backor scored one of his 'characteristic slap shots from 25 feet. out at 8.28. PHILADELPHIA (1) Rackor, Bastein, 1d 1d. Waldriff Jessiman Kemp.

rd rd, Drummond Langelle. Stefaniw Smith, lw Narduzzt Sloan, rw rw, Hergersheimer First P'eriod 1-Pittsburgh, Smith. (Langelle, 3:43 Sloan) 2-Pittsburgh, Sloan (Smith, Lengelle) 13:17 3-Pittaburgh. Langelle (Smith) 13:52 Penalty, Poutka. Second Period -Philadelphia Narduzzi (Stefaniw, No penalties.

Third Period -Pittsburgh, Smith (unassisted) 0:21 4:61 Rackor (O' Flaherty) 8:28 6-Pittsburgh, Ceresino (Migay) Nebras-7-Pittsburgh, O'Flaherty (unassisted) 19:43 Penalties, Wochy, Juzda, Hergesheimer, Pittsburgh spares. Samis, Psutka, Juzda, Taylor. Ceresino, Benson, Kobussen, Taylor, Trudell, O'Flaherty. Migay. Philadelphia spares, Bush.

Wochy, Mulholland. DeFelice, Pidhirny, Kraiger. Yale Tops Wesleyan In Soccer Contest, 2-1 Middletown. Oct. 27 Yale defeated Wesleyan at soccer this afternoon.

2-1. It was the third victory for the Blue and the third loss in five games for. Wesleyan. Summary: TALE WESLEYAN Syminfron R. Jones Keating, lb Ih, Armstrong Obhillips, rb rh, Forbes (Capt.) Lilly, ch ch, Bauer Dunne, Th 1h, D.

Jones Kahilt, rh rh, Gazigalis Ford, or or, Zujse Irwin, ir ir, cf. Towel Lambert. ct Taylor Funner, il 11, Salaun (Capt.) Johne, ol ol, O' Brien Score, Tale 2. Wesleyan 1: goals. Joline, Urwine, Saluan: substitutes.

Yale, W. Clemenshaw, J. Clemenshaw. Mott. Mathieson, Reeve, Schelpert, Campbell, Griggs, Stoltz, Schaughnessy, Hoy; Wesleyan, Menin, Stimson, Fox.

Holyoke Sports Shorts By JiM REGAN Holyoke, Oct. 27-Another application for the use of the City Hall basketball court was received today by City Clerk Joseph J. Jubinville. The petitioner WAS Peter Kingsley, adjutant American Legion port A 23. who seeks four Sundays in March for the annual American Legion tournament.

This application conflicts with those mer circuit 17 Sunday dates starting League and the Intercity League. The forpreviously submitted by the Holyoke City Dec. 5. while the latter league Asks for 17 Sunday dater beginning Nov. 28.

Manager Leon Roy of the Adaskin-Tilley Allies, one of the teams to be tepresented In the Interciyt League, said tonight that he will have his aquad out for prantice for the first time next Monday. The Allies will be defending champions in the league. LAst season the Allies had A SPARON record of 27 victories and nine defeats. Manager Roy named the following players A8 performers who will he with the club again this. year: Earl and Harold Lyons, Don Day, Joe Walt Hickson, Tom O'Connor.

Homer Guenette and Buck Grumoli. Ed Superson and Rich Moynihan. who played. with local high School terns last season, will also be with the Allies. Grumoli is now visiting in.

Italy, but it expested back 'before the basketball SPARON reaches the halfway mark. The: Holyoke, High School soccer team will seek to win the Hampshire Leazue crown tomorrow when it meets Smith School. The team membera will be dressed for the occasion, for new blue. Jerseys with white trimmings Arrived- today, The -Holyoke trade school intramural basketball league got under WAY in the Holyoke High gym last week, 'The league iR aupervised by John O'Connor, printing department insrtuctor: The Holyoke High School-Holyoke Catholic came last Saturday did live up to expectationg by drawing the largest crowd of the season Mackenzie Stadium. The number of fane who paid into the ball park was 1500, or 1100 more than the next highest paid crowd this year.

The largest paid crowd aver to watch a Ten Tiger Ball Players Are Made Free Agents Commissioner Chandler Orders Drastic Cut in Detroit Club's Farm Rosters 3 Cincinnati, Oct. 27 (AP)-Baseball Commissioner A. R. Chandler today wiped 10 ball players off the Detroit American League baseball team's farm rosters and said "Beyond any doubt these. players were covered, and handled contrary to baseball law and procedure." The club was not fined.

Second Time It was the second time in eight years the Detroit club felt the wrath of the Baseball Commissioner's office for its farm club operations. In 1940, the late K. M. Landis, then baseball's boss, delved into the operations 8t the Tiger system and declared 91 players free agents. At that time the team also had to pay $47,250 damages to 11 other players.

That group freed included Roy Cullenbine, long a major leaguer and Benny McCoy, who later sold himself to the Philadelphia Athletics for a fancy price--and then never lived up to advance notices. This also was the time in Chandler's regime that he had cracked down hard on major league owners. On Sept. 1 he levied a $2000 fine against Pittsburgh of the, National League, for hung violat'ng a $500 the punishment bonus rule. on Ray Kennedy, the Pirate farm direc- tor.

Oral Agreements The players freed by Chandler today ing Detroit five days in which to buy his contract. Later, George Trautman, now head of the minor leagues, took over at Detroit and during 1946 all of the freed players except MacDonald were signed by Detroit scouts to either Dallas or Lubbock contracts. Then, in 1917, Billy Evans succeeded Trautman troit's general manager and stacDonald was signed to a Lubbock contract by Tiger scouts. Both Dallas and Detroit had agreed! are: Clem Cola, James A. Moran and Donald T.

Myers, all now with Little Rock although Myer's is on the voluntary retired list; Paul E. Hinrichs and William R. Serena. now with Buffalo; "Clifford Dooley, Paul G. Ahrens, William P.

MacDonald, and Ernest J. Wilemon, now with Flint and Oswald. B. Kolwe, a pitcher was transferred from Little Rock to the last Sept. 1.

Chandler said the free-agency will not become effective for 10 days and no club will be permitted to contract them or accept 'terms during that time. The Detroit club, of course, was banned from re-signing. the players. The Detroit club was punished for making oral agreements governing the rights to contracts of players who had been recommended and signed by Detroit scouts to Dallas and Lubbock (Tex.) Chronoligically, contracts. Commissioner made this report: The Detroit club entered into A working agreement with the Dallas team of the Texas League in 1945 whereby Dallas.

gave Detroit the right to select two players on before Sept. of each 1946, 1947 and 1948 for whom $8000 each was to be paid Dallas, That agreement was made by Jack Zellerna then Detroit's general manager, George Schepps, then Dallas' president. The Dallas team also agreed not to assign any player to a team of Class A-1 without first giv. Toronto Rallies In Final Period To Top Montreal 1. Maple Leafs Are First to Beat Canadiens This Season; Score, 3-2 Toronto, Oct.

27 (P)-The Toronto Leafs scored two goals in the staple period tonight 10 hand Montreal's Canadiens their firat setback in National Hockey League, 3-2. It was the second victory for the defendchampions against three TORONTO (3) MONTREAL (2) Broada, Durnan Thomson, rd rd, Bouchard Mortson, 1d id, Reardon Ready Mackell, rw, Carveth Costello, lw lw, Dussault First Period No sroring. l'enalties, Ezinicki. Harpy, Lach. Second Period 1-Montreal, Richard (Robertson) 2:29 2-Toronto, Watson (Klukay) 12:15 Penalties, Mosdell, Gardner, Riopelle, Barilko.

Third Period 3-Montreal, Robertson (Richard. Lach) Meeker (Kennedy, Mortson) 3:21 5-Toronto, Bentley (Mortson) 5:23 Penalties, Dorohoy, Meeker, Ezinicki. Montreal spares. Harvey, Harmon, RiopelLach. Richard.

Robertson, Filion, hoy, Moedell Chamberlain. Toronto spares, Boesch, Barilko, Bathers, Kennedy, Meeker, Lynn. Klukay, Ezinicki, Watson. Dawes. Gardner.

Referee, Rill Chadwick; linesmen, Sammy Babco*ck, George Hayes. that if their working arrangement should he terminated notice should be given during the month of December. That working agreement was terminated orally in December, 1347, Chandler said Evans and George and Julius Schepps underank thomake an oral agreement respecting player contracts. (D "Clearly, under baseball law wand under the decision of the commissioner's office, this goral agreement was not valid," Chandler said. Zeller received a clean bill of health since "He did not operate under this working agreement." Complete Surprise Detroit, Oct.

27 (AP)-The Detroit Tigers, deprived of 10 minor league farm hands today when Baseball Commissioner A (Happy) Chandler clared them free agents as a result tracts, weren't exactly expecting alleged mishandling any of their condrastic action. "The decision of Chandler comes as complete surprise to me." Detroit General Manager Billy Evans declared. "And while the Detroit baseball company accepts decision as final we thoroughly disagree. with it. "All the players in final ruling had been placed with the Dallas club prior to my.

coming to Detroit," Evans said. COLLEGE CROSS, COUNTRY Randolph -Macon 36, William Mary 20. SOCCER Clark 2. Fort Devens 1, U. HOCKEY LEAGUE Minneapolis 6, Dallas 4 Bostonians Scotch Grain lively styling braw leathers extra long wear Skirl the bagpipes for a winner.

Down to earth economy in the long, long real satisfying comfort in the perfect fit $1395 and rally leathers. sturdy, foot Bostonians, -adapting Hay.nes 1502 Main St. MEN'- SHOE SHOP STREET FLOOR Te Last Night's Results AMERICAN LEAGUE Pittsburgh Springfield 5, Hershey Philadelphia 2 1' NATIONAL LEAGUE Toronto 3. Montreal 2 Detroit 3, New York 2 Standings AMERICAN LEAGCE (Eastern Division) Proridence can 1 12 36 Pts 23 Hersher 2 A 18 New Washington Haven 3. 25 Philadelphia 2 12 ADO (Western Division) Pts' St.

Louis 11 29 Pland 10 31 18 Pittsburgh 10 33 15 Indianapolis 8 22 8 Buffalo 5 28 "NATIONAL LEAGUE Pt. Detroit 15 Boston 16 Montreal 2 A 16 Toronto 11 New York 15 Chicago 0 25 Games Tonight AMERICAN LEAGUE St. Louis New Haven (leeland nt Indianapolis NATIONAL LEAGUE Boston at Chicago Curry Is Winner On Arena Mat Blames Pep, Viscusi Hartford, Oct. 27 (AP)Clarence Kantrowitz of Hartford charged in Superior Court today that he WAS not the "real promoter" of the featherweight championship Aght at Miami, last February between ('ham. pion Willie Pep and Humberto Sierra of Havana, Cuba.

Kantrowitz said In a claim Aled in answer A snit brought against him parlier by Pep and his manager, Louis cusi, that Pep and Viscusi were the actual promoters. Kantrowitz In his claim. Asks damages of $50,000 from Pep and Viscusi. lexing he spent at least $39,000 In staging the bout which was Anancial loss to all concerned. Tommy Yarosz Takes Decision White Plains, N.

Oct. 27 (AP)Tommy Yarosz, 165, of Pittsburgh ssion Richie Dallas, of won a unanimous round Louis tonight before as crowd of 5000. West Side Jayvees Lose To Wilbraham Gridmen Wilbraham, 27-The Wilbraham Academy Jayvees defeated the West Springfield High Jayvees in a football game here this afternoon, the game in the' first quarter, Stan Wilbraham ham scored the only points of Moore going over for. the touchdown and Ken Abbott accounting for the point after. Summary: WILBRAHAM JATVEES Ends--Paul, Kossick.

Tackles- Gerrish, Akin, Cushing, Bromage. Guards. Stephenson, Joslin, Taloumis, Bastian, Brandt. Backs-Abbott, Welling "a Moore, Miller. Centers--Bateman.

DiFairclough. Phillip. WEST SPRINGFIELD JATVERS Ends Marshman. Tackles-Bienia, Page. Massey.

Guards- Healy, Lombard. Centers--Simco*ck, Orlosk. Backs--Della, Guistina, Bartier, Bloze, Krokowski, Fontana, Plazzi, Blais, Barber, LaBranche. Wilbraham 7 0 4 A Abbott; Touchdown. referee.

Moore: Callahan. point after Time, touchdown, 9-minute periods. None in Sight Atlanta, Oct. not decent young heavyweight in sight," Joe Louls, the most decent of them all, said today. Charles, Wood.

co*ck, Mills and Raksi. They aren't young." remarked the Brown Bomber, who is scheduled to fight An exhibition tomorrow night. "As for the kids. who ought to be starting up right well, there just aren't AnJ." Louis. accompanied by Manager Marshall Miles is trying to tain, good physical condition for possible challenge hy' touring the south: After tomorrow night's short show with Hoe Garner.

local army hope, the champ will make New Orleans, Memphis, and Nashville on the Southern barnstorm. TIRES. BATTERIES WASHING and POLISHING Lubrication Expert Service On All Makes j. C. Byrnes Co.

Studebaker Sales- Service- Part 34 Sumner Ave. Tel: 6.7233 Near Longhill St. SHOE TROUBLES often cause FOOT TROUBLES avoid them with correct correctly fitted Corns, callouses, bunions, weak arches, weak ankles these are only a few foot troubles that dre often caused by poorly constructed, improperly fitted shoes! Be sure that the shoes you wear are anatomically correct -that they fit your feet exactly, not only in size and width, but also in the shape of the shoe. Dr. Scholl's Shoes are crafted in his own factories of finest quality leathers in a wide range of.

sizes, widths, and scientifically designed shapes to assure proper fit for all types of feet! Women's, $12.50 up; Men's from $13.95. FOOT SHOP 353 BRIDGE STREET TEL. 4-0545 AND OPERATED ty WILLIAM LESLIE A Holyoke, Oct. 27-Wild Bull of defeated Flash Gordon in the feature match on the Valley Arena wrestling program here to. night.

Curry won the first fall at 14.32 with A right 10 the chin, and body press. Gordon took the second fall at 9.54 with a neck. scissors. Cur. ry captured the deciding toss HOve minutes with A body press.

Bob Herman of New York took two straight falls from Jack Marshall of Colorado in the semifinal match. Charles Diamond and Herb Larson wrestled to a draw in the 30-minute opener. Century Hospitality included the blended Scotch Whisky of the WHITE HORSE CELLAR- -aS W. now, a mark of truly gracious living. Century Hospitality at its finest, still in- cludes WHITE HORSEtoday enhanced and perfected from genera ation to generation.

Grateful guests, and gracious hosts, know that the favor. ite whisky of any century. is 2214422 terse The Cellar BLENDED Whisky! Original A WHITE HORSE WHITE HORSE of (ELLAR BLENDED SCOTCH WHISKY. 86.8 Proof. Browne -Vintners Ins New York, N.

Y. Sole Distributors a game At Mackenzie Stadium Is believed to exceed 8000. Holyoke And Springfield Technical drew this number. in 1941 ON Thanksgiving-Day morning. Other large crowds attended the Holyoke-Chicopee game in 1946 And the service game between the Air Transport Command and the First Army Air Force in 1945.

The Westover Field Flyers will be seeking their seventh straight victory of the aeason Sunday R.t Mackenzie Stadium when they meet the Bennington (Vt.) Shamrocks. Te 1 t..

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.