Top Posts Tagged with #fnaf security breach sun and moon | Tumlook (2024)


Feb 29

♡ with all these hearts it must be love ♡

based on this :•]

#self ship#self insert#undertale#deltarune#fnaf security breach#undertale papyrus#undertale sans#deltarune jevil#deltarune spamton#fnaf security breach sun and moon#GOD THIS TOOK SO LONG A-#but i'm happy how this came out#everyone came out so cute A-#but comet looks different now#there a reason#and i'm updating their design so expect that [and others] soon#anyway hope y'all enjoyed :•]#clown arts


Jan 15, 2022

Sun and Moon x Reader Chapter Two

After he said that, it sent shivers down my spine. I thought about what could happen if I stayed again, and to be honest, it would be better here than if I went back home. Still in Sun's arms, I pout looking up at Moon who is clearly not happy by my presence in this area at this hour. Sun sets me on his shoulders gently as he starts to run with me on them while making zoomy noises. I wrap my arms around his neck to make sure I don't fall off. I laugh as he is running around with me then I look over and see Moon staring at us with a smirk on his face. Moon notices me and looks away with a pouty face. I start to enjoy myself more as Sun keeps zooming in the daycare as the place still has an hour before opening completely. I smile, noticing that Sun is having the time of his life trying to make me happy for once in my life. I blush when Sun grabs me off his shoulders to look me in the face to see if I was smiling enough for his satisfaction.

"Did ya have fun, sunshine?" He asks me, waiting patiently for a response.

"I had lots of fun!" I say cheerfully.

As soon as he sets me down, I hug him and nuzzle into him whispering,

"Thank you."

It was the next night as I was hiding inside one of the play structures while they were cleaning up the room. As I lay there waiting for the night to end, I hear Moon say to Sun,

"Hey, I'm going to check around and see if anything is out of place."

I look over to where they were and see that Moon is walking over to the play structure I was hiding in. As soon as he enters the play structure I start to move around to make sure I stay out of his sight. I am starting to get tired from all the crawling around so I sit down in one of the corners of the play structures and take a breather. No more than a second later my ankle gets grabbed and I get dragged out of the structure I was once residing in. Hanging upside down I look at the angry android that has a hold of me. He speaks to me in a calm yet annoyed voice,

"I told you not to hang around here at night."

hearing his tone I respond,

"can you let go of me please?"

as I say this, he drops me. Landing on my head I glare at him as he starts to chuckle. I get up from where I was and start to run from Moon. Moon was shocked as soon as I took off running but soon after he started running after me. I look back for a second and have noticed that his eyes have turned a dark shade of red. The next thing I hear is Moon starting to growl and he lunges towards me, missing me in the process. I sprint while in a mid panic of what is going on. I ran over to a place where I could possibly hide. I ended up behind some sort of security desk while I was hiding from him. I could hear Moon getting close to the area I was in.

"I need to think of something quick." I whispered to myself so I wouldn't get caught.

But as I say these words I could feel a presence from above looking down at me. I am grabbed by my hair and pulled up. He looked at my face to make sure he had his prey. I kick him in the face in an attempt to get away,He drops me as he short circuits. taking the chance, I run from him while he is distracted trying to get himself back after short circuiting. I go into the ball pit and try to duck down deep and make sure I am not moving so he can't hear. After a bit I hear him walk away from the area and turn to go in another direction. I soon pop out of the ball pit but as I hop out, I feel a sharp pain in my chest. I look down and see blood start to spill out of the wound. I look to see what happened and I see Moon in front of me with blood on his hand, licking it.

"Naughty naughty, I told you not to be here." he pauses for a second, "now it's time for your punishment." he says as he tries to slash again.

This time I manage to dodge him and make a run for it. Holding my wound, I feel my energy start to drain and my head begin to spin.

'I can't let him get me. No, no, no, no, no, no ,NO, NO, No, no...' My thoughts trail off as I collapse and my vision goes dark.

While my vision fades, I hear laughter in the distance.

Moons P.O.V

'I told them, I f*cking told them not to come back. Why did they have to disobey me? I tried warning them.' I say as I look down at my hand, seeing blood dripping off my fingers.

I start to freak out mentally but my body doesn't seem to be in my control at the moment. I need to get a grip, I need to get that kid out of here or at least safe for the time being.

'I need to lead myself away from the kid at the moment.' I think to myself.

My body soon starts to go in the opposite direction of where the kid went. I sigh in relief from this.

'I feel so helpless at the moment, why can't I get a grip?'

My body then starts to laugh at the pain that I am having in my mind. After the twisted laughter, I regain control over my body and I sprint over to where the kid was. I look at them to make sure they don't have any bad injuries, but unfortunately I look down at their chest and see that blood is seeping through their clothes.

'I did this..?' Thoughts racing through my mind.

"It's ok kid, we're gonna get you fixed up.. I promise."

I lift them up gently and take them to my room.

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Apr 11, 2022

"Night And Day"☀️ 🌙

"Lets Have Fun Together!"

#fnaf#fnaf security breach#FNAF fanart#fnaf security breach sun and moon#sun#moon#drawing#art#artwork#Illustration#artists on tumblr#digital#animatronics


Jan 14, 2022

Sun and Moon x Reader Chapter One

It was the day of my interview for the job I've been trying to get for quite some time. I walk up to the building, eager and nervous for the process I was about to be put through. I opened the doors to the place revealing a huge colorful place that smelled of pizza. Looking around, I walk up to one of the staff standing by the door.

"Hey, how may I help you today?"

The staff turns to look at me.

"Yeah, I have an interview, can you lead me to where I need to go?"

The person then takes my hand and leads me to an office area with some people sitting around. I was there waiting for the manager to come into the office, I saw them walk into the office and sit down in front of me. They look me up and down and comment,

"aren't you a little young to be working here? ''

They wait for my response as I collect my thoughts of how to respond to their comment.

"Actually I am 22" I say, handing them my ID.

They stare at my ID for a second and place it back onto the table.

“Alright, let’s begin the interview then.”

- Skipping the rest of the interview process. -

I am walking around the pizzaplex when I walk into the daycare area, I look around and see a slide. I lean into it and accidentally slip and start to slide into the daycare. The daycare attendant looks up from where he was from and comes over to me.

"Hello new friend, what would you like to do today? we have finger painting, tag, ooooo and we have one of my favorite things, glitter glue!" He says with enthusiasm that I can't keep up with.

I look up at him confused for a moment. Then I realize I look like a child and I should probably play the part of I didn't want to get kicked out. He is waiting for a response just staring at me with his golden eyes. I blush for the amount of time he is staring at me. I then respond

"Can we do some arts and crafts'' I say with a smile but sounding unsure of myself.

He picks me up and brings me over to the area of the arts and crafts table. I look over in the corner and see another staff just standing there spacing out. The person who just carried me starts speaking

"oh, I see you've spotted my colleague over there, that's Moon. He's charging at the moment so you most likely won't see him until nap time."

I look up at the smiling person and respond,

"Okay I'm looking forward to meeting him" I say with a smile on my face.

The person looks at me surprised then smiles gently at me.

"I think he would be happy to hear that, but just be careful he can get a little scared when you don't nap during nap time"

I stare at him confused but then shrug it off like it was nothing.

We spend the next couple of hours playing twister and tag. After we played all of these games it was soon nap time. I look up and see that the lights have gone out and see the bright and cheery looking person go over to charge themselves and then see the other staff member standing in front of me. I stare up at him amazed at what I am seeing.

"Naughty naughty you should be asleep like the others"

I then look around and see all the kids are sleeping. I then ask,

"Could I get a blanket and a pillow please if it's not too much trouble?"

He sighs then gets the things and hands them to me. I grab the things,

"Before I sleep, am I able to ask you one thing?" I ask curiously.

he hums in response, " oh, his name is Sun. Now that I have answered your question you should go to sleep."

He wraps me in the blanket and lays me down gently. I snuggle up into the blanket and fall asleep for my well needed nap.

I wake up a few hours later and notice all the kids are playing around me. I get up from where I was at and look around confused. I see Sun standing in front of me.

"How long was I asleep for?" I ask him, seeing him turn around.

"Oh, you were asleep for a good three hours. you must have been super duper tired to have slept that long."

I stare at him surprised for a moment then hug him gently and get up with the blanket and pillow and go into a secluded area and fall asleep again, hearing all the noise fading out in the distance. I wake up and don't hear anything. I look around and see that the children have left. I poke my head around to scan the area to see the new things I haven't gotten to explore yet. I went over to the cubby area to see what all was over there. Peering my head over the cubbies, I see sun over at his charging station. I made my way over to him and lay down against him since he seemed to be the safest to be around after hours. I fall asleep next to him and hope for the best when I wake up.

- Next morning -

It was the next morning when I see Sun start to boot up. He looks down at me confused and picks me up

" Little friend, how are you here so early? we haven't even opened yet." he says in a confused tone.

I look at him for a second and reply,

"I never went home last night, I wanted to stay here with you." I say as innocently as I can. He looks at you surprised then replies,

"That was very sweet of you but that was very dangerous. You have no idea what kind of things could have happened to you if you stayed here again."

He walks over to Moon and says,

"Hey, Moon, did you know that this child was here last night?"

Moon looks down at me and replies,

"Yeah, I knew they were here. they didn't look like they were doing any harm so I just let them stay after figuring that out."

He pauses for a second,

"But, if the child decides to stay again, things won't go so well next time.”

#sunnydrop#moondrop#moondrop x reader#sunnydrop x reader#fnaf sundrop#fnaf security breach#fnaf security breach sun and moon#fnaf moondrop#fnaf moon x reader#fnaf sun x reader


Jan 17, 2022

Sun and Moon x Reader Chapter Four

I try to get up but Dusk stops us,

"What do you think you're doing? I just told you you can't get up." I look at him with a glare.

"Well I was going to tell Moon that I was up and running, but if you don't wanna help your brother feel better, I guess that's fine." I sass him with a smirk. He glares at me then picks me up.

"What are you doing? Put me down!" I tried to wiggle free but realized this man was super tall and I would hurt myself, so I stopped squirming and started pouting. He takes us over to Moon and sets me down next to him. I hesitantly touch his shoulder awkwardly.

"Heey..'' I say, catching his attention. He turns to look at me, tears making his face damp. I rub his shoulder to reassure him that I am alright. I decided to speak up.

"It wasn't your fault, you only gave me a few scratches. The rest is from some… unpleasant… people from my past" I say looking away from the teary eyed man. Moon then looks at me making eye contact.

"You mean I didn't do all that?... '' His voice cracked.

I nod in response not wanting to push the subject any further. I reach up for dusk to carry me, so he grabs me and holds me in his arms. I take out my phone to check if anyone has texted me or called me. I look at the screen and see that there have been forty missed calls and seventy texts from my "parents." I then get a text from an unfamiliar number.

"Just so you know, Y/n, you are now in the system and you will be starting work today in the daycare. I hope everything is well and that you will have a great time working at the Freddy Fazzbear mega pizzaplex.

-Fazbear Family"

I smile at my phone and turn to look at the boys.

"So, uh, just so you all know I'll be seeing you guys a lot more often. I'll be stopping in for daily visits!” I say excitedly doing a little leg flail. Dusk soon stops us by saying;

"Stop with the flailing, you're going to pop a stitch at this rate. I know you're excited but calm down, please." He holds our legs in place so they are not moving as violently. He walks across the room and sets us down in the bed.

"Hey, Dusk? Can you get me a sweater please? I'm cold.... Pleeaaaasssseee?" I say wanting to wear something more comfortable and warm.He soon comes back with a sweater that's clearly way too big for me and helps me put it on. I flap my arms around with the long sleeves making them flop up and down.

"So, Y/n, I just have to ask, are you a missing child?" he asks with concern. My arms fall to my side and my smile quickly leaves my face.

"No, I'm actually an adult." I say.

"Being a teenager is not an adult." he shoots back.

"Excuse me? I am not a teen, I am twenty two years old, for your information.” He looks at me, shocked by my age.

"If you need proof, I got you." I show him my ID and prove my age. He feels around at my ID to make sure that it is real and then hands it back to me. Dusk mumbles something under his breath.

"What did you say?"

He looks up at me and replies;

"Oh, it's nothing. Just talking to myself but I have one thing to say: you're short, like, short enough everyone will think you are a child." He says as I give an unimpressed expression at his comment.

“Yeah, I know that already. You all thought I was a child. You don't need to tell me that." I say with a tired voice. I get myself into a comfortable position as my eyes start to get heavy.

"Wake me up when the place opens, please. I don't want to clock in late." I say to him just before I sleep.

I am soon awoken by Dusk gently shaking me. I wake up, feeling the weight of my body, groggy from the moondrops they gave me. I look over at the clock, it reads “8:50.” I look down at myself and see that I am wearing clothes already so I get up gently and try to find my way out of their room. I get up to the balcony and see the view of the whole daycare but no way down. Dusk then scoops me up and brings me down so I wouldn't hurt myself. He brings me to the security desk so I can check in and make a password for myself. As I go about my day checking kids in and out of the daycare, I see Sun approach me.

"So, Y/n, I just got some information that you are not a kid and that you work here now? Congrats but why didn't you just tell us from the start?" He asks in a curious tone. I stare at him for a second.

"I didn't tell you because I thought you would kick me out." he looked hurt by this comment.

"Y/n. There's no need to worry! You can stay here for however long you want and I won't kick you out." he says in a reassuring voice. I smile and blush at him as he says that.

"Th-thanks for that I-I appreciate it." I go over to him and hug him tight. He hugs me back feeling the warmth radiate off him. I feel him start to pat my head and I relax into it. I then let go of him and see some of the parents for the remaining kids here, I check their passes and make sure that they are in the system as the kids' real parents and give them their kids, waving them off. I look over at sun and blush to see him still looking at me. He walks over to me and puts his hand on my forehead.

"You don't seem to have a fever, are you alright? You're looking a little red." He picked me up holding me in his arms like a child.

"H-hey, Sun, could y-you put me down please? I-I-I need to do some paperwork." he places me back in my chair.

"Sorry about that, Y/n." I just look away and start into the paperwork. After about an hour I fight to keep my eyes open but I'm defeated by drowsiness and fall asleep at my desk.

Moons P.O.V

I've been watching Y/n all day to make sure that nothing bad happens to them. I notice that Y/n has fallen asleep while doing some of the paperwork they were doing. I walk up to them quietly lifting them up, making sure not to wake them. While holding them, I take a blanket and wrap them into a burrito to make sure they are nice and warm. I begin to hear muffled weeping soon after. I take a look and see they are crying in their sleep. I speed walk over to Sun in a panic.

"Sun what do I do? They are crying in their sleep but I don't want to wake them." I say panicked. Sun looks over at me holding the crying burrito.

"Maybe you should wake them up, it won't get better unless they are able to talk about it?" I stare at him shocked.

"I can't wake them up." I say thinking about what I did to them last night.

"Well, why can't you? You never seemed to have a problem doing it before." Sun asks me confused.

"It's because they will be scared of me." Sun looks at me, shocked.

"Why would they be scared of you? They seemed to have gotten along with you before." Sun says in a hopeful tone.

" I can't tell you.." Sun looks appalled at my response.

"Well, why won't you tell me?" he says in an anxious tone. I look away and walk away from him.

"I'm gonna ask Dusk what I should do then." I leave him behind to look for Dusk.

I get to our room, look over at Dusk and walk over to him asking;

"Dusk, this burrito is crying and I don't know what to do. Can you help me please?" Dusk turns to me and sees me holding Y/n.

"Moon, why did you refer to them as a burrito?" he asks giggling.

"Cuz they look like one…Can you just help please??" Dusk takes Y/n from me and holds them gently. He pokes them on the nose to wake them up. Soon after doing so they wake up in a cold sweat and stare up at him with wide, glossy eyes. Y/n then began to sob, watching this made me feel really awful for them but I don't know how I'm supposed to approach them. I tried shuffling over to see if I could do anything. As soon as they see me they hide their face in Dusk's chest while covering their head with their hands. Under their breath I could hear them in a panic repeating the phrase:


Dusk shoos me away from them so they can calm down and collect themselves enough to talk to him. I slowly walk out of the room and go out to the daycare, sit on top of one of the play structures, and ponder what to do, not knowing what to do.

#sunnydrop#sundrop and moondrop#moondrop#fnaf sun and moon#fnaf moondrop#moondrop x reader#fnaf sundrop#sunnydrop x reader#fnaf security breach#fnaf security breach sun and moon#fnaf


May 29, 2022

Sun and Moon x Reader Chapter Thirty

Y/n P.O.V

I get up slowly with what little strength I have. While in the process of standing I throw up everything that just happened.

'Why... why did this happen.. hurts..'

I silently start crying as I make my way toward the gift shop. I make it to the shop and get some moon themed pants and a sun themed hoodie along with the two plushies of them. After I take the items I head over to Monty's room and knock on the door. He opens the door and looks down to see me.

"Hey Monty, can you do something for me?"

"What's in it for me?" He snarls.

"You get to shred something up." he stares at me intrigued.

"Here. Can you shred this up for me please? And let me watch."

"Sure." Before I know it, he's already ripping the dress to shreds with his hands and teeth. I put my hand on him.

"Thanks bud, you're a real help."

"Any time." he says as he turns back into his room. I start to head back to the worker dorm so I can take a shower and have some damn peace and quiet. When I get there I turn the shower on and don't test the water and sit in it so I can wash away the disgusting feeling off of me . I take some soap and scrub everywhere making sure I was thorough in the process. I get out of the shower and put my clothes back on and head back to the daycare "sliding into fun" slide and hit the ball pit. But being too sore and exhausted from what just happened, I lay in the pit and give up.

Moon P.O.V

"We've checked everywhere for them- where are they!" I yell. "Have you checked the ball pit??"


"The play structures?"


"Have you checked the cast-"

"Yes, I've checked everywhere!"

"Well let's go through that list again. Just to be sure." I look around me, stress sinking in more and more.

"check the ball pit again." Eclipse tells me.

"Ughhhh, fine. I doubt they'll be there." I get inside the ball pit and feel around. It only takes a few minutes before I feel something hit my hand.

"Eclipse I found them!!" I yell over to them, hugging Y/n close.

"Thank god I found you. I was so worried."

'I'm so glad this is all that happened, and not something...


"dude- they're not even awake."

"Did I ask you?" I say sternly. I hear silence in response.

"I bet Sun was worried too, maybe let him out and see them."

"How about no." He replies coldly.

"Why no?" I ask him, purely just for understanding.

"Ask Dusk. I got permission to do this from him."

"Ugh.. why is it always Dusk with all the information?" I say rolling my eyes. "Alright let's get them up to my room and have them sleep in a proper bed." I get up, grabbing my hook line, making my way to the room and lay them onto the bed as I scootch in to cuddle them.

– A Bit Later –

I wake up before Y/n does and look down to see them cuddled up to me tightly. They have a look of pain and fear. I look closer at them and see tears streaming down their face. I start to panic seeing them like this.

'What do I do? What do I do??" I gently shake Y/n awake but the first thing they do is push me away and run. I look at what just happened in shock. I go after them, attaching the wire to myself, and look around the area only to end up finding them huddled up on top of one of the castles. I gently head down and sit next to them.

"Hey.. shhhhhh shh, it's alright." I coo, trying to help them.

"No no- leave me alone! Go away! Please!" I try to get closer to them but as soon as I get close to them they back away as far as they can go and mutter under their breath.

"Get away get away get away get away-" repeatedly. Then I hear them scream.

"MO*hic*HOO-ON!!! PLEASE- HELP M-EHE! LET THIS EN-HE-HEND!! I-I - *hic*- I – AAHAHAAA!!!" I watch them curl into a ball and cry harder than I've ever seen. So much so, they fall silent. I call for Dusk and Eclipse over the system.

"I need you in the daycare right now- it's an emergency! Please, I don't know what to do!" I see Dusk fall from the ceiling immediately.

"Moon is everything alright you never ask for help like that-"

"-Does this look alright???!!" I say, in panic. Then Eclipse makes himself known.

"What's going on? I just woke up to the panic message??" Eclipse runs out, slightly dazed

"They don't seem to recognize me and they were screaming for my help when I am just right here with them but when I get close to them they try to avoid me at all cost. I just don't know what to do- I'm afraid to touch them because it may send them into a panic-" I then watch as Dusk picks them up while the are completely fighting against him as much as they can.

"What-" I look at him, confused.

Dusk holds them in a firm but gentle manner. I watch as their thrashing calms and they sleep once again after which Dusk hands them back to me. I hold onto them tightly.

"Shhhhhhhhh it's alright- I'm here for you.. Moonie's here. I got you. Hey Eclipse I know you scanned them... what are your readings?"

"I can't scan completely but what I got was an elevated heart rate and what I think is night terrors." I nod, lightly rocking Y/N like a child. I then get up and put the wire back on my hook and head back to my room holding them and observing them while they sleep. I only barely catch them whisper for me to help them again. My heart breaks from the thought of not being able to help with whatever they are going through. Tears escape from my eyes as I pet their head gently.

"I'll always be there to help you no matter what.." I whisper to them.

'I can't believe I can't help them, I don't know how. Why is this happening? I need to know. They are clearly going through something.' I place my head in my hands.

'I need to help them one way or another.' I rub circles on their back.

"Love.. you'll get through this one way or another." I kiss their cheek and rest my head down onto the bed.

Morning soon arrives and Y/n begins to stir. I wait for them to wake up.

"Good morning sleepy head." I say in a cheerful voice. I then hear them croak back.


"Hey Y/n are you alright?"

"yeah....yeah. Everything's fine, I'm gonna get the daycare set up." They say sitting up and leaving the bed.

"I can always help you Y/n if you need anything." I offer.

"No- it's fine- it's fine, really. I'll just see you and Sunny down there." They make their way to the door, slipping out.

"Oh.. Ok." I say sadly.

'Did I do something wrong? If so, I need to apologize but I don't remember doing anything to them. Now that I think of it, they were calling for me to help so that most likely means I didn't do anything wrong to them.'

After a while of watching Eclipse running around the daycare with the children and Y/n just sitting at the security desk, my duty is called upon, for it was nap time.

#fnaf moondrop#fnaf security breach#fnaf sundrop#moondrop#fnaf sun and moon#moondrop x reader#sundrop and moondrop#sunnydrop#sunnydrop x reader#fnaf security breach sun and moon#fnaf moon x reader#fnaf#fnaf sun x reader#fnaf moon#fnaf sun#moon x reader


Feb 1, 2022

Sun and Moon x Reader Chapter Sixteen

I rub circles on his back, trying to ground him from where his mind was at. I yell out to Moon.

"MOON I NEED YOU NOW!" I practically screamed for him. As soon as I screamed his name he came to me in a panic. He then got a look at Sun.

"What is going on?" He asks with a shortness of breath.

"Sun is having a breakdown." I immediately responded.

"How did this happen?" Moon asks me.

"He was upset that no one was telling him anything and he figured out the cuts were done by me and now he is blaming himself." I say, glancing back and forth from Moon to Sun.

"Well he's not wrong to, but we need to calm him down." He replies.

"Come on Sun, breathe. Please, take deep breaths." I say as I start taking deep breaths, trying to lead him into doing it.

"Come on Sun, you got this." I inhale deeply.

"Moon this isn't working." The next thing I know, Moon slaps Sun.

"Sun, calm your ass down!" Moon says.

"Hey, the f*ck was that for?!" Sun yells at Moon. I walk up to Sun.

"Are you doing better? Can you breathe?" I ask with concern, holding his face in my hands.

"My face is a little sore but I guess I can breathe." I hugged Sun close.

"I'm so sorry, Sunny, I didn't mean for you to feel this way." I try to say, explaining myself.

"What are you talking about, Sunflower? I did this to myself. If I'm being completely honest, I'm no better than your father.." I look at him shocked by what he just said. I then slap him.

"DON'T YOU DARE COMPARE YOURSELF TO THAT THING! You are nothing like him and never will be anything like him!" I yell at him with tears in my eyes. He grabs onto my face.

"I f*cking hurt you! I f*cking made your stitches, that I had no idea you even had, pop out all because I was blind with my own rage, Sunflower! I hurt you and I never want that to happen again. You don't deserve pain and I don't deserve you." I hug Sunny tightly.

"Sunny, don't say those things. We deserve each other. If you didn't deserve me, then I wouldn't have fallen for you." I pull away from the hug making eye contact with him.

"Sunny, I love you so much, you could never imagine." I say with a smile on my face and kiss him. He smiles at me and wraps his arms around me holding me close to him.

"I love you too, Y/n. You're so important to me, I never want to lose you." He says in a whisper so that only I could hear him. He pulls me in for a passionate kiss.

"The thought of losing you pains me the most." Moon pushes us apart.

"That's enough. Sun, you should know better than to do PDA." Moon says, annoyed.

"You're one to talk, you break the rules all the time. I should be able to break them at least every once in a while." Moon blushes and storms off in another direction. I cuddle Sun while in his lap.

"What's up with him?" I asked, playing koi.

"Moon totally has, like, a major crush on you." he says in a teasing way. Moon stops in his tracks.

"He does? Then why hasn't he told me?'' Moon turns around and starts yelling at Sun.

"You moTHER f*ckER!" he screams. I crawl out of Sun's lap quickly, grabbing a blanket to cover myself with.

"Why would you tell them that?! They weren't supposed to know! I was going to tell them!" Sun looks at Moon with a smug smile.

"When it didn't seem like you were going to do it, I did instead. Just gave you a little push."

"T-t-t-that didn't help, you just made it worse!" he jumps off the balcony and crawls into a play structure. Sun notices I left his lap.

"It's alright Sunflower, you can come back now. The loud sounds are gone." He says in a calming voice. I go back over and lean on him.

"Should we check on him?" I say shyly.

"He's going to be fine, he's just embarrassed." He says, like it's no big deal.

"Can I check on him?" I ask.

"You can check if you want, I'm going to stay here." I nod and leave heading out to check on him.

"I hope he's alright..' I whisper to myself. I head over to one of the foam castles and see Moon inside of it.

"Hey, Moonie. Are you alright? I came to check on you." I say to him.

"Go away and hang out with Sun, you don't need to worry about me." He replies to me.

"Moon, I want to make sure you're alright. So, I'm just going to sit my little butt here until you tell me what made you so upset." I say, sitting down next to him.

It's been about two hours since I sat down waiting for Moon to talk to me. I start to nod off as Moon turns around to see that I never left.

"You're still here? I thought you left. You need sleep." He says with concern.

"Noooo...not until you are ready to talk." I say tired as all hell.

"Fine but you have to go to bed right after." he says sternly.

"Only on one more condition," I say. "Only if I get to sleep in your arms. You're very comfy." I say, doing the grabby hands through muscle memory. Moon blushes.

"F-fine." he says, grabbing me and putting me in his lap. Re-wrapping the blanket around me.

"Now speak, love." I say, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Alright, so- wait- what did you just call me?" he asks me.

"Nothing, nothing, just continue." I say sleepily.

"S-s-so the reason why it was so upsetting was because I really, really, t-t-truly love you but I messed it all up when I attacked you that night.... You were afraid of me so I tried to keep my distance from you to make sure you were comfortable in your own time. But deep down, I know you'll never really love me.."

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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.