Veterans Benefits Network-Claim Timeline (2024)

Veterans Benefits Network-Claim Timeline (1)





    Nov 19, 2018#1

    Jul 2017, intent to file. Jul 2018 Filed. 4 total contentions 2 new, 2 increases. Week of 15 Aug multiple C&P exams, additional exam first week of September. Claim went through GOE, ROE, PDN and received my BBE the first week of Oct with the 2 new contentions approved (10% Tinnitus, 10% Hip, secondary to lower leg injury/nerve damage) (Super Quick)The 2 increases were deferred. 2 more C&P and now sitting in GOE. Last update was last weekwhen Request 5 closed out asking for Exam Request - Request for Clarification (no long needed) which to me means the doctor needed to provide more information on my claimed increase. All and all a pretty quick claim as I approach the 120 day point. One in the increases is for OSA from 30% to 50%... I received my CPAP last week and am amazed by how much better I wake up feeling. I still wake up in the middle of the night 5 or 6 times but still much better than before. If I do get approved to the 50% it would bump me from roughly 92% to 95%.

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        Nov 23, 2018#2

        23 Nov 18 - Request 6 open and closed another Exam Request - Request for Clarification (no longer needed) I hope this means they are getting close to moving it out of GOE. does anyone know if those are just for a Doctor's clarification on notes they provided to the VA? Thanks in advance.

          Dec 17, 2018#3

          13 Dec requests 7 and 8 both closed.. both no longer needed... "secondary action required" - no longer needed and exam request - no longer needed. still in GOE... another update this morning, the "!" with Requested Documents are past due... it would be a nice Christmas Present to have this wrapped "pun intended"up this week.. but at least someone is working on my claim... Merry Christmas and God Bless



          AdministratorVeterans Benefits Network-Claim Timeline (2)



            Dec 17, 2018#4

            It could be anything. I have had a claim sitting in Prep for decision since June. Estimated completion date was changed 4 times until August 12th, and has sat there since. At this point I wouldn't hold my breath that it will done before Christmas or the New Year. Hopefully it is favorable whenever it does go through.

            100% P&T

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                Dec 17, 2018#5

                agree, I know it could be anything or at anytime. Glass half full view... somebody, somewhere is working my claim, and it will be completed when it's completed...I'm 90% sure it will be a positive outcome....fingers crossed

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                    Dec 21, 2018#6

                    Update this morning Request 9 closed yesterday - 20 Dec 18 - Exam Request - No Longer needed and the "!" with Requested Documents are past due is now gone from front of claim on ebennies. Still in GOE. Merry Christmas! Happy that someone looked at my claim yesterday. 150 days since I filed.

                      Jan 28, 2019#7

                      update - 28 Jan 19 - moved to PFD - dates changed to 15 Feb 19 - 2 Mar 19 complete... awesome to see it move! nervous as all hell....





                        Jan 28, 2019#8

                        I moved to Prep for Decision 9 Days ago! still waiting for the next move. Mine shows completely date 02/09/2019 - 03/09/2019. We should be close in terms of completion.

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                            Jan 28, 2019#9

                            Marine891 wrote:I moved to Prep for Decision 9 Days ago! still waiting for the next move. Mine shows completely date 02/09/2019 - 03/09/2019. We should be close in terms of completion.

                            awesome, not that ours have anything to do with one another's but keep me updated. maybe once yours closes out, mine might not be to far behind. Good luck !





                              Jan 28, 2019#10

                              Absolutely. I know a lot of others would disagree but honestly, I'm seeing a lot of movement in this PFD phase around the 10 to 12 day mark for a lot of people this year. hopefully we are in that same category. None the less, ill definitely keep you updated.

                              NavyET3SWAW, LoadRow like this post

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                                  Jan 29, 2019#11

                                  Iknow ebennies doesn't mean a thing... but back to GOE this morning with a Apr - Jun completion date now......hopefully the Back to GOE means they needed a second sig for back pay and 100%....

                                    Jan 29, 2019#12

                                    LoadRow wrote:Iknow ebennies doesn't mean a thing... but back to GOE this morning with a Apr - Jun completion date now......hopefully the Back to GOE means they needed a second sig for back pay and 100%....

                                    My experience is that a second signature required is the PDA stage.

                                    100% P&T





                                      Jan 29, 2019#13

                                      On the bright side of things, at least someone has been in your claim. Mine is just baking waiting for the next cause of action. None the less, I hope for good fortune and even better outcome when all is said and done!!

                                      LoadRow likes this post

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                                          Jan 29, 2019#14

                                          ok Debbie had a secondary action required earlier in my claim along with 9 additional exam requests and request for clarification, that are now no longer needed... 3 C&Ps, one emergency room visit, and a APAP machine later, I guess I'm just trying to figure out what information they are in need of for a decision.I'm going to sit back, drink an adult beverage and relax....(and stop stalking ebennies...)

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                                              Jan 29, 2019#15

                                              That's what I'm having a hard time with. I;m checking ebennies about 10 times a day hoping to see some change. I have to find something to do. It would be totally different if we were given like some sort of update anytime our status changed. an email or text notification showing status change would be ideal.

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                                                  Jan 29, 2019#16

                                                  So, Jan 29, Request 10 closed - no longer needed - request for exam (Opened and Closed on the same day) Still in GOE, but good to know that the information was available to them and I didn't need another C&P.





                                                    Jan 29, 2019#17

                                                    You are going to drive yourself crazy stalking Ebenefits and trying to figure out what is going on with your claim. I will tell you this, when you do see requests that say they are no longer needed, could mean a lot of different things. My rep text me on Monday saying I am being brought in for another C&P exam (3rd one) and said to be on the look out for a call to schedule. As of today, nothing yet but I looked at Ebenefits and sure enough Request 10 closed for exam processing - no longer needed. The requests you see are internal notes made by the VA/rater. Just because you see it open/closed the same day doesn't mean they have what they need. You might still receive a C&P exam or you might not if the rater specifically asked for a medical opinion without you having to go to a C&P exam. It also might mean the rater needed clarification on the already submitted medical opinions.

                                                    Again, it could be anything.

                                                    PS, post #14 you said you were going to stop stalking Ebenefits but post #16, just two hours later you are back stalking Ebenefits....Let it go brother and just try to occupy yourself with something else Veterans Benefits Network-Claim Timeline (4)

                                                    Proud US Military Veteran! Finally 100%!!!!

                                                    LoadRow likes this post

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                                                        Jan 30, 2019#18

                                                        To cold to go Ebennies for a week....I promise...Thanks for your words!

                                                        IS1994 likes this post

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                                                          AdministratorVeterans Benefits Network-Claim Timeline (5)



                                                            Jan 30, 2019#19

                                                            LoadRow wrote:To cold to go Ebennies for a week....I promise...Thanks for your words!

                                                            Veterans Benefits Network-Claim Timeline (6) If I had a dollar for every time I said no ebennies for a week lol.....

                                                            It's ZERO degrees outside right meow.....Z E R O......... It's too cold to get out of bed lol

                                                            100% P&T

                                                            IS1994, LoadRow like this post

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                                                                Jan 30, 2019#20

                                                                in San Antonio.... it was 40 this morning....FORTY!! needed gloves, hat and winter coat!





                                                                  Jan 31, 2019#21

                                                                  Well we are heading to Vegas for Super Bowl party and fun so I will NOT be checking Ebenefits! I promise! I will confess, I checked it this morning because I couldn't figure out why I was getting calls on work phone and looked at my profile and sure enough my work phone was listed as my primary. I changed that and then I checked my claim on Ebenefits and sure enough I have another C&P exam request processing for my claim. So I am sure I will be getting the call next week to set up the exam.

                                                                  No Ebenefits for me until Wednesday.....I SWEAR!!! LOL

                                                                  Proud US Military Veteran! Finally 100%!!!!

                                                                  EastTxKen, LoadRow like this post

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                                                                      Feb 04, 2019#22

                                                                      no need to look at ebennies this week, received another C&P appointment for this week on Friday, and was surprised it is for Sleep Apnea/Asthma..again...think this is the 4th sleep apnea/Asthma appointment for this claim. and before you ask, no not overweight...moderate OSA was in service diagnosed. I use a APAP. currently 30%, received APAP in October 18after my current PC provider realized my active duty doc never completed the paperwork to get me my APAP while active duty...





                                                                        Feb 04, 2019#23

                                                                        I’m sorry to hear that brother. I checked this morning and nothing has changed. I’m still in the same mode I was before. I hate this waiting crap. I hope your stuff moves quickly.

                                                                        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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                                                                            Feb 05, 2019#24

                                                                            any clue what this is? Never seen this before?

                                                                            Veterans Benefits Network-Claim Timeline (7)





                                                                              Feb 05, 2019#25

                                                                              Yeah, it means your claim is moving faster than mine LMAO!!!! by the end of today, you should be able to see that bad boy go to closed or notification sent which mean you can then see your new rating if granted. Good luck buddy

                                                                              LoadRow likes this post

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                                                                                  Feb 05, 2019#26

                                                                                  odd thought my claim isn't closed.. this is a new claim?

                                                                                    Feb 05, 2019#27

                                                                                    even more odd, it's now closed as of today.(decision letter sent - allow 5 to 10 days)and in as closed (althought old claim is still open and in GOE) I'm seriously so confused and a C&P well at least I know my blood pressure will be low...this all happened within an hour...



                                                                                    AdministratorVeterans Benefits Network-Claim Timeline (8)



                                                                                      Feb 06, 2019#28

                                                                                      AEW is Audit Error Worksheet. That was likely an internal thing that was being tracked and ebenefits registered it as a new claim.

                                                                                      100% P&T

                                                                                      LoadRow likes this post

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                                                                                          Feb 06, 2019#29

                                                                                          Stated decision letter sent on VA.Gov so I'll wait for snail mail. Original claim still GOE.

                                                                                          Sent from my G3223 using Tapatalk

                                                                                            Feb 06, 2019#30

                                                                                            Guldolphin wrote:AEW is Audit Error Worksheet. That was likely an internal thing that was being tracked and ebenefits registered it as a new claim.

                                                                                            Looks like a small error in pay.. Just showed up to be deposited into account. 37$, yes $37.00...Veterans Benefits Network-Claim Timeline (9)

                                                                                            Sent from my G3223 using Tapatalk

                                                                                              Feb 07, 2019#31

                                                                                              C&P went well yesterday, 45 minutes, Doctor went right down the DBQ for both Asthma and Sleep Apnea. Think they were trying to decide what gives me the higher rating (but honestly who knows)? Since you can only have one of those ratings, if i remember correctly? APAP check, medicine being taken check, inhaler check, emergency room visit check, 4 doctors visits in the last 5 months for breathing issues check....I can happily say I've never had a bad C&P doctor visit.

                                                                                                Feb 12, 2019#32

                                                                                                11 Feb 19 - another C&P schedule for this week,for another PFT, this is my third PFT with the VA (VES)in the past 6 months. not including one I did at my regular docs...I just don't get it.. (Glass half full - someone is working on my claim and it'll be done sooner rather than later, hopefully last C&P)

                                                                                                Only thing i can think of is this is a tie breaker C&P PFT? First one bad - Second one good - schedule for a third to make sure we get it right? which I am thankful for.

                                                                                                  Feb 12, 2019#33

                                                                                                  12 Feb 19 - Got a call from the contracted C&P people - the PFT I did a few months ago along with the chest x-rays will work for this. C&P cancelled! I guess I had two different case numbers with them (the Contracted providers), they are now combined and file is moving back to the VA!





                                                                                                    Feb 12, 2019#34

                                                                                                    Good Luck! I'm a stalker also.... June 25 projected completion for me..

                                                                                                    Time Takes Time!

                                                                                                    LoadRow likes this post

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                                                                                                        Feb 12, 2019#35

                                                                                                        this is all Contracted NP and Dr. via e-mail... haven't looked at like a week..well 6 days... maybe 3 days... ok I looked this morning after the call...lmao (jun 24th)





                                                                                                          Feb 12, 2019#36

                                                                                                          lol!!!!!! bought to look now!!

                                                                                                          Time Takes Time!

                                                                                                          LoadRow likes this post

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                                                                                                              Feb 13, 2019#37

                                                                                                              Did my morning look.. because what else amI supposed to do while drinking my coffee.... 13 Feb 19 - Preparation for Decision!! yes!! Hopefully it moves forward from here!! fingers crossed! drum roll... and all that other crap...





                                                                                                                Feb 13, 2019#38

                                                                                                                date changed to April 2. had 3 exams last week..

                                                                                                                Time Takes Time!

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                                                                                                                    Feb 13, 2019#39

                                                                                                                    BLS1 wrote:date changed to April 2. had 3 exams last week..

                                                                                                                    Dates really don't mean crap, but whenI see Mar 6 - April 3 completion date, it does give me hope....just a little... and better than seeing XX Jul 19...

                                                                                                                    NavyET3SWAW, BLS1 like this post

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                                                                                                                        Feb 20, 2019#40

                                                                                                                        Well, moved to pending decision approval (PDA)and dates moved to1 March thru 11 Mar from 3 April last week...fingers crossed as it gets done...

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                                                                                                                          Veterans Benefits Network-Claim Timeline (2024)


                                                                                                                          How long is the VA taking to process claims right now? ›

                                                                                                                          That makes it imperative for a quick and simple service to claim for disability benefits. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. While the average time for a VA disability claim can vary, it's currently between 120-150 days and patience will be required.

                                                                                                                          How long are VA disability claims taking in 2024? ›

                                                                                                                          The average number of days it takes for the VA to process disability-related claims is 155.5 days as of April 2024.

                                                                                                                          How long does it take for VA benefits to go through? ›

                                                                                                                          On average, it takes about 11.5 months (341 days) to finalize disability-related claims. This can be longer or shorter depending on the complexity of your case.

                                                                                                                          How long does it take VA to release funds? ›

                                                                                                                          If your decision notice shows at least a 10% disability rating, you'll get your first payment within 15 days. We'll pay you either by direct deposit or check. If you don't get a payment after 15 days, please call the Veterans help line at 800-827-1000, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. ET .

                                                                                                                          How fast can a VA claim be approved? ›

                                                                                                                          The Decision Ready Claim (DRC) Program is the fastest way to get your VA claim processed. When you work with an accredited Veterans Service Organization (VSO) and follow these four simple steps, you can receive a claim decision from VA in 30 days or less.

                                                                                                                          What is the 70-40 rule for VA disability? ›

                                                                                                                          The VA 70/40 rule for TDIU requires veterans to have a combined disability rating of 70% or higher and at least one service-related disability rated at 40% or higher to be eligible for Total Disability based on Individual Unemployability (TDIU) benefits.

                                                                                                                          How long after my C&P exam will I get a decision in 2024? ›

                                                                                                                          The VA currently claims an average time of 149.4 days (around five months, in case you don't have a calculator handy) from claim filing to decision, but it often takes longer than that.

                                                                                                                          What is the largest VA back pay? ›

                                                                                                                          There is no limit to the amount of back pay a veteran can receive.

                                                                                                                          What is the most common 100% VA disability? ›

                                                                                                                          What is the most common 100% VA disability? The most common VA disability claims are awards for Tinnitus, Hearing Loss, PTSD, Lumbosacral or Cervical Strain, Paralysis of the Sciatic Nerve, Scars (General) and Limited Range of Motion for the Knee and Ankle.

                                                                                                                          How do I know if my VA claim will be approved? ›

                                                                                                                          You can check the status of your VA claim, decision review, or appeal online right now. You'll need to sign in first with,, DS Logon, or My HealtheVet. If you don't have any of these accounts, you can create a free or account now.

                                                                                                                          How can I speed up my VA disability claim? ›

                                                                                                                          There are a few ways to accelerate the process of getting a claim determination. If you can document that you meet any of the following criteria, you may be able to speed up the processing of your claim: financial hardship, homelessness, certain illnesses, former POW or award recipients, and/or advanced age.

                                                                                                                          Why are VA claims taking so long? ›

                                                                                                                          The time it takes to review your claim depends on these factors: The type of claim you filed. How many injuries or disabilities you claimed and how complex they are. How long it takes us to collect the evidence we need to decide your claim.

                                                                                                                          How far back does VA retroactive pay go? ›

                                                                                                                          Recall that effective dates are usually determined by the date of the claim. Therefore, if you find an unadjudicated claim in the file, which has remained dormant for years, maybe even decades, the entitled retroactive/back pay may reach as far back as the filing date of the unadjudicated claim.

                                                                                                                          How long does it take the VA to send a check? ›

                                                                                                                          When will I get my monthly benefit payment? For Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits: We process your benefit payment on the first day of every month. It can take up to 5 days to arrive. If you get your monthly benefit payment before verifying your enrollment, you should still verify your enrollment.

                                                                                                                          What is the VA 10 year rule? ›

                                                                                                                          10-Year Rule:

                                                                                                                          The VA's 10-year rule ensures that the VA cannot terminate service connection for a disability that has been in place for ten years. The VA may still reduce the rating for the service connected condition but the VA cannot sever service connection.

                                                                                                                          Why is my VA claim taking so long for a decision? ›

                                                                                                                          The time it takes to review your claim depends on these factors: The type of claim you filed. How many injuries or disabilities you claimed and how complex they are. How long it takes us to collect the evidence we need to decide your claim.

                                                                                                                          How long after the C&P exam will I get a decision in 2024? ›

                                                                                                                          The VA currently claims an average time of 149.4 days (around five months, in case you don't have a calculator handy) from claim filing to decision, but it often takes longer than that.

                                                                                                                          What is the VA backlog update for 2024? ›

                                                                                                                          There's positive movement in the processing of VA disability claims in all 50 states as claims adjudicators work to further decrease the backlog of claims. The number of “backlogged” claims, which reached a 10-year peak at 417,855 in January 2024, has since decreased by 36% to 267,674 as of July 2024.

                                                                                                                          Is the VA backlogged on claims? ›

                                                                                                                          Because of this record increase in applications, there has also been an anticipated increase in the number of claims applications that take longer than 125 days to process (otherwise known as the backlog), which is currently at 378,000 claims.

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                                                                                                                          Article information

                                                                                                                          Author: Prof. An Powlowski

                                                                                                                          Last Updated:

                                                                                                                          Views: 5508

                                                                                                                          Rating: 4.3 / 5 (44 voted)

                                                                                                                          Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

                                                                                                                          Author information

                                                                                                                          Name: Prof. An Powlowski

                                                                                                                          Birthday: 1992-09-29

                                                                                                                          Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

                                                                                                                          Phone: +26417467956738

                                                                                                                          Job: District Marketing Strategist

                                                                                                                          Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

                                                                                                                          Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.