Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Expressi

Washington, District of Columbia

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Vo 5 pUBL for alini 10 4 to $1C5 do oct I xun UUV VI iuuu i ui iuo ocv quality oi noil uia qoir I 7 I iri fertility and productiveness to any land in Kentucky south I a11 at defi of Green river The fencing Is all substantial and in the best I nothing like it in the Ditnct and condition hardly 4n the jole country KIDWELL 'The premises will be shown by the Overseer on the place orgefoWn and corner 14th st and Penn avenue I llliV a tfotf Uohr4rtAr $1 2 'J Warrenton and intermediat odl $2 oct 1 by WashingtonBaltimore do do do i too 50 00 50 00 50 00 4 5 7 4 5 $907550 do do Elegani De Walnut I Do I Tapestr Spring I Shades Cookin Terms i A of 00 and 9C interest BY an made a lot the Court IDiUihunt Ifund of the fheradministain who ari I In obedie Uhall attendthe 30th da preferred to nd Phar fc Importers of rene lfipdow Glass No 61 Barclay street WASHINGTON BRANCH RAILROAD Change of Prices Between Washington Baitlmori Penfield Rufos Knapp CatheU Kendrick Kirby A Dayton Lewis II obtain ly in the Pronal lOn Countyaid deceithe Vouohe VofOetc Irom all bei Given ut Clay Webster Calhoun I Army and 1 enols Th andean fui successfullythat thia isieeptible of iantiquarian 1 United 8 ug I aug cowtlslNov VVjVUV $3 0 4 566 Trust i bold ltU at the lit) A I arenas bet July record Walnut Do I Rosewc By UALU I PbUMS at Auction for sale at tot No 4 i rtnia aveau 15 feet pave which are a Terms months for giren and i abeve deser near the old oylvania an BROCKETT Agent ahis I hath ountvin tbe person fimney det deceased ar era thereof lober next benefit of tGiven ui Xfe PAPER WAREHOUSE IELD A CO CHIT street Import yy and Wholesale Dealers in American rench Gor manfttold English Papers and every description of Paper Materials cheapest most comfortable and expeditious route to the White Sulphur Springs passing the Alum sa aarl filol WW UACM uliU BaUk at Aut I jeaal effects leave on th Kb aud 6th Bent of Maboga i0 Girando ine Parlor Cooking With a Also a lot 3 fine With mon enumerate Terms: A vu days for JOHN WAGNER Pennsylvania avenue opposite Kirkwood House 't eof near 12th street so 25 i 25 1 00 $100 100 100ioo T5 OR LOORS AND CHIMNEY TOPS bER COATES A YOULE No 279 Pearl jet Encaustic Tiles Garnkirk Chimney Tops Plum riab Metals Ac 624 50! 000 00 ill oo ic river as follows mins IS IX obtain pa the annexe pfashingtoi Pgainst the kame withfore the twwise by lav I Given un the Dis ieased are of Od 4 from al Given ut "SV TrMn leaving Alexandria nt I jETNA INSURANCE COMPANY THE subscriber continues to act ss the Agent of this Com psny for tho District of Columbia in the insurance of buildings and other propertv against loss by fire as here tofore rom an official statement by the Board the agent is ena bled to affirm that this Company is unembarrassed in its affairs possessing its capital entire with a large balance at their credit in bank that their investments in bonds stocks anid mortgages exceed four hundred and thirty thousand dol lars well and satisfactorily secured persons insuring in this Company have every reason to be lieve that all future losses will be as all the past have been' fully and promptly paid as they occur in tho conrjo of business Applications maybe made to tho subscriber at his office or to Mr Tnoitas Hansox at buildings corner ef Seventh street and Louisaua avenue oct Im A HALL Agent i i BJ Carkia ware shall sell Bfiae one orier one fi Also at wehssLoek Also a ch duller With Hodjebold i other Stoves nov 2 8t 1 dmin jhstrict of th 'Brown Jpprobatio ud appoi goe final jessed Ofi jfolRcted a creditors ae Orphai AroPorly yrom all hi publish Btlligenoer Tru oct On and after Monday October 2j tht between Washington and Baltimore will be one and sixty cents A commutation of ten cento will be allewM to all who procure tickets before the cars Aum dition of ten cents will also be made to all way stations un1 tickets are purchased at the office I Leave Washington for Baltimore daily except Sundsv 6 and 8) Ai and 3 and 6 1 On Sundays at 6 A and 5 I Leave Baltimore for Washington except Sunl 4i and 8 A and 6 and 8 i On Sundays at 41 A and 5 31 I By order: PARSONS Arent oct Im Star UnfonOlobe Sent! ANews Purchase and sale of real estate JO8 KENNEDY continues to purchase sell or taka charge Real Estate effect investments and negotiate loans on commission Office on street between Ninth and Tenth may tf or terms Ac apply to the undersigned near Turners ville Robertson county Tennessee oct 3m 14 A WASHINGTON AGENCY AT A TO CL A LU RANCIS A DICKINS continues! to undertake the agency of claims bofor Congress and other branches of ithe Government including commissioners under treaties and the various public offices Ho will attend to pre emption and other land claims tho procuring of patents for the public lands and the confirmation by Congress of grants and claims to lands claims for property lost in or taken for the service of the United States property destroyed by tho Indians or while in tho possession of tho United Spates invalid revolutionary navy and half pay pensions claims for Revolutionary services whether for commutation half pay or bounty lands as well those against tb Stkte of Virginians the United States all claims growing out ofecn tractswith the Government for damages sustained in ennse quence of tho action or conduct of the Government anid in deed any business before Congress or the Pnblio Offices shich may require the aid of an agent or attorney Ji is charge? will be moderate and depending upon the amount of tho flaim and tho extent of the service I Mr A Dickins is known to inostof those who have been in Congress within the last few years or who have occupied any pablio attention at Washington His office is on ifteenth street to Treasury Department and next door to the Bank of the Metropolih AllTetiers must be postpaid deb 14 dtf 1854 rotn fareryecjl Wednesday Norember odnesday NeveiHer 1 5 ij V'edncsday Dccifiuwr 'll WednesdayDecember 27 IfUBLIU SALE of valuable Kentucky By authority derived from the last will and testament of Julia A Wilson (who was one of the devisees ot Major Harrison of the county of Loudoun in Virginia) and the decree of the Circuit Court of said county the undersigned Executors of said Wilson an! Commissioners of said Court will sell at public sale before the Court house in Morganfield in the county of Union in the State of Kentucky about twelve in the day on the ninth of November next six tenths of an island lying in the Ohio river at the mouth of the Walbash in the last mentioned county and State This island wa patented to Wm Harrison on the 18th of November 1780 and the taxes have been regularly paid at the office in rankfort to this date The whole island contains between thirteen and fourteen hundred acres of land and in feTlility of soil is not exceeded by any in or on thq bordeis of the) Ohio S1'' nj The title is believed to bo perfect but selling as Executors and Commissioners as aforesaid we will convey only such title as is vested in us by the will and decree The terms of sale will bo Oue third of the purchase money in hand andthe remainder in one and two years with inter est from day of sale the deferred payment to be secured by a deed of trust or mortgage on the land or the withholding of the tide (at the option of the undersigned) until full pay ment is made BURR HARRISON it WILLIAM GRAY Leesburg Virginin A RRANGEMENTS having! baen made with the owners of rA the new and splendid steamer GE0R9S PAGE to run between Alexandria and Washington a distance of six miles in connexion with the trains! on this and the Washington Railroads the following schedule will take effect on and after Thftrsduy Juns 1 1854 A Train from Alexandria to Gordonsville ana intermediate Stations will leave the Depot corner of Duke and Henry streets1 at 7 A on the arrival of the Boat from Washington giving ample tifoo for Breakfast on board ar riving at Gordonsville at 10J o'clock connecting at that place with the trains onthe Virginia Central Railroad to Ricbnsondi Charlottesville and Staunton! I I A Train from Gordonsville to Alexandria aqd intermediate Stations will leave Gordonsville at 1 1 on the arrival of the carb on! the Virginia Central Road arriving at Afetsn dria at balf pust 2 thus allowing tinfo fo connect with the trains leaving Washington the North and for Diarurl on board the Boat i i 1 i Train from Alexandria to Warrenton and intermediate) stations will leave Alexandria! daily (Sunday exeepted) 3 arriving at Warrenton at Oi On Sunday will laave'at 7 A I Train from Warrenton to Alexandria and intermediate st tioni will leave Warrenton daily (Sunday excepted) at quarter before 7 A arriving at Alexandria at balf i past 9 o'clock A i I On Sunday will leave at a quarter post 12 JL i r' Through Tickets To Warrenton 1 Gordomtvine Charlottesville Staunton Lynchburg Luray New Market Middleburg a IVA IUDS SANORD A CO oreign Expreaa fo 36 Broadway Goods and packages forwarded toom all parts of the world Agents in Washington Alqgdt Co furnishing goods i ill HATCH A CO Oillfotn street New York Manufacturers and Import 7 Xjirs of Shirts Stock Cravats Gloves Suspenders Ho Slarfa fob ly rjq Passengers for Luray and New Market will take the I Train leaving Alexandria nt A fit on Tuesdays Thursday? and Saturdays connecting with the stages at Cui peferC i Passengers for Lynchburg take the train leaving Alexandria at 7 A on Mondays Wednesdays and ridays connecting with the stages at Charlottesville Passengers for the White Sulphur Springs will taks tha train leaving Alexandria daily connecting with the stag i at Staunton (reight Trains are running daily Sundays excepted' feroraer may tf I ACOUNTR RESl DENCE AND OR for Sale at Ellaville The subscriber ha laid aff I 12J acre of land in the neighborhood of Bladensburg depot I 9 nnrinr ika nT Ki 1 nvi 1 nnl GTtPrt fnh ssmA rnr i sale The lot consist of from three to nine acres of wood I C4c Gre 48 cent Person wishing the eoaqhes to call for jaijid each lot including a desirable site for building On two of the lots the subscriber has erected handsome re sidences with every modern contrivance for comfort One of these houses and lots is offered for sale and is now ready for inspection Connected with the house is al well of strong me dicinal water Complete hydraiflic apparatus supplies the bath room kitchen and water closet with water which is ob tained in unlimited quantity without going out of doors Ap plication tn ay be made to Messrs Ghekx A Scott Auction eers Mr Wells at tho National Hotel or to the subscriber on the premises A lithographed plan ot Ellaville will be ex hibited and terms of sale made known application as abo ve An omnibus runs three times a day between Ellaville and Washington CHARLES CALVERT aaig tf i arUmwf A V' Tlfc NEWARK vluiden Lane MIRRORS Mirrors Mirror a Portrait and Picture rames of all sixes 1 A Marble Bracket Tables Ac Alo all kinds of old workregilt with dispatch and prices toiL JOHN WAGNER VM TOYS AND ANCY GOOIW plHHLES ZINN CO Importers ef rench and tarman ancy Baskets No' 62 Maiden Lane (near Wil iVwt) New York mar 3m bi? 'tAflLBORN A CO Not? SI Maiden lane (tip fyiiairs) and 29 Liberty street Importers of Toys and Xancf ispods jan YTf riLL BROTHERS Importers of Embroideries White Good Ao 89 Liberty street ANCY GOODS AND HOSIERY 1 A CO 93 William ancy Goods i x) Buttons Cotton and Woollen Hosiery To cash buyer ofpv 7 per cent nett profit on the importing prices or your and see 28 INDIA RUBBER 1 1 ull Length Laughing ul Crying Babies JL great variety of India Rubber Doll Head and 1 Toys All of which are far more beautiful than those I of Wier materials and a hundred times more durable or the ancy Dealer throughout the country Made bfilbythe New York Rubber Company 43 Maiden Lane NJYork upstairs 13m TfirrrcnEL'fc A POTT 45 Exchange Place Im lylj portirs of British Dry Goods Scotch and Irish Linens Dirts Goods Ac ROBINSON A COj No 1ST Broadway Im Importers and Jobbers Lace Goods Silks Ed l'toOideries Hosiery Gloves Shawls Small Wares Ao I (SCV rrirNM DAVIES JONES A CO Importers oi qlwJHoslery and Gentlemen's urnishing Goods Manufac thMd of Shirts Stocks Ties Ac 104 William street: COAL The subscriber has just received a cargo of Le high Sugar Loaf Coal suitable for grates radiators Ac This coal is admitted to be the most durable and cheapest coal in ii Also on hand a large assortment of Broken Egg Stone and Nut Schuylkill Valley and other Coals which he will sell at regular market prices AH coals: carefully weighed and promptly: delivered from a quarter of a ton and upwards! Also' a large stock of Oak Pine and Hickory Wood on hand HUNSBERGER ect eo3m Corner of Mart avenue ind 7th street JOSEPH MARBLE AND BROWN STONE WORKS MARBLE MANTLES Totnba Monuments Headstones New York lagging German Tile and all kinds of Marble and Brownstone promptly executed! A large supply of Marblo Mantles always bn band Eristroet between 13th andL4th street next to National Theatre Also a 'large supply of Brown Stone comer of New York a venae and 15 th treat 4 i'mard ly TT lsiGINS A KELLOGG No 88 John streetXjJPholcsalo Booksellers and Stationers and Manufactu rers kinds of Blank Books 2 SAES PATRICK Dctiance Salamander Sates iaud GO Defiance Locks and Cross Bars t' DeporT92 Pearl street mAr 4 Iv Ot EAT 8OUTH ER Smail wice daily between Washington and the South via redericksburg Richmond Petersburg Va Weldon and Wilmington to Charleston and Augusta Ga being the only route over which the Great Southern Mail is carried The travel ling public i hereby informed that the swift and comfortable Steamers rywn iSytfSvST Baltimore and Mount Verrioii leave the Steamboat wharf al Washington daily at AM and Zj for Aqnia Creek where a connexion wd with tho trains of the Richmond redericksburg and Poto mac Railroad Company by which passengers are conveyed directly on ts their respective destinations via Richmond Virginia 1 I The following through tickets can be obtained on ho*rd: reaencKsburg va To Junction of Virginia Central Railroad Richmond Va To Norfolk Va To Petersburg Va' Tb Weldon To Wilmington 7 are on the Potom or each nassenrer Alexandria 25 cents nd baggage 12 cents 10 Marbury To Quantico Sandy Point Ac To Aquia Creek Nil oole mm a a a a or further information apply on board of the boat: onto GEOJ Agent mar 30 ly 1 in Waehingtcn GEORGETOWN EMA LE SEMINARY AMERICAN UNION I Georgetown I uai HYj TbsThlrtyAhird Annual Coarse of Leotam will Rev Wit? CUM and Mm A Cluck Principals HTJIIB AMERICAN would respectfully on the fourth MondayiuDctober coatitfoe until fTUTW duties of this Seminary will ba resumed oh riday announce to the citixens of the United States and the I March tl ACULTY '( fif 4fi I September 1st 1 Canada that for the purpose of cultivating a tasto for the Thoma Miller MD Professor of Anatomy and Pby TTlie course of studies actually parsued in this1 Institution I art throughout the country and with a view of enabling tlology embraces a higher and more thorough range than that pur I every family to become possessed of a Gallery ofEngravings I (Wm PJohnston MD Professor of Obstetrics arid Diseases seed in any other emale Seminary in the Union BY THE IRST ARTISTS THE AGE of Women and Children I 1 The location of the Seminary is remarkable forits salubrity I they have determined in order to create an extensive sale for Joshua Riley MD Professor of Materia Thera The boildings are large the rooms capacious and the grounds I their Engravings and thus not only give employmentto a I peutlcs and Hygiene yt 1 for recreation are very ample large number of artists and others but inspire among our John red May MD Professor of the Principles and1 Tehu for boarding pupils $200 per aession of tori months countrymen a taste for works of art to presentto tho pur I Practice of payable on the 1st of September an 1 1st of ebruary This chasers of their engravings when 250000 of which are sold Grafton Tyler ALD Professor of Pathology ana Practice wma aw Iwam inlllAn tn reltala A 1 XT a xna I 4 ex a A rs I rJ1 XT vsa 1 v445(uvaMuvc U14 AUaUlVHM 1 AUUjVUU UHU OI 1118 BCIUH VUl Ul IOVWV tfes room rent fuelHgbta and washing Each purchaser of a Ona Dollar Engraring therefore re Lewis Steinerl''MDf Professor of Chemistrt i jiusic rrencn opanisD irawing ana extra I coivea not only an Engraving richly worth the money but fmacy Day scholars from S5 to $10 per quarter according to the I also a ticket which entitles him to one of the Gifte when they Edward Scott MD Prosector and Demonstrator of classes which they enter I are diitributed zj kA I Anatomy Reference is made to Dr Grafton! Tyler Copt Geo ds 1 or ive Dollars a highly finished Engraving beautifully I The for the prosecution' of practical an itomy are" la Roche Ridgely Esq Hunter Esq I painted in oil and five Gift Ticket will be sent or five dol ample i Tajlor Esq rancis Dodge Esqi Robert Dodge Esq iars' worth of splendid engravings can be selected from the II I Like most similar institutions in Europe the dsks from and Dri Linthicum Georgetown and to Jos II I catalogue and sent by return mail or expreis I which the regular lectures are given andthe wardmforelini Brtdlriy' Esq Aaron Dayton Esq and Mr itabug I A copy of the catalogue together with a specimen of one cal instructions are under the same roof CoylAyashington 0 jy 3awdActfh I pf the Engravings can be seen at the office of this paper I The completion of the extensive addition to the buildings JTIlill ENT and posaeaaiou given immediately I I or Dollar sent an Engraving actually Worth that sum since the last session for tho accommodation of the sick willLthat largo Store room and Cellar (which is also fitted up nd Gifoket will immediately bo forwarded jy greatly extend the usefulness of the medical and surgieal tofos room) at the corner of Seventh street west and a a AGEN TS nn Markeii Space recently occupied by iYerby Tebbeii Yerby I The committee believing that tho success of this Great 1 for a foil course of lectures as a (ry goods store It iswell knswn as the best business National Undertaking will be materially promoted by the en Practical anatomy by the demonstrator 10 stand ta the city ergy and enterprise of intelligent nd peraevering Agents or terms apply to the subscriber on 12th street west be have resolved to treat with uch an the most liberal terms tween And streets north IT Any person wishing to become an Agent by sending (post and Surgwal dime through the qay 17 WaMtf ANNE DERMOTT id) $1 will receive by return of mail One Dollsr En TX rW vwre tt rtW T7HIK KENT tho upper or dwelling portion of that large 01ffc Prospectus a Catalogue and all PM of tho aculty Infirmary? 'JC 'building situated at tho corner of Seventh street west information autJ 19 eotNovIOdAc 7 ts mLa i vu uiu nuai comnietion 01 tn a saie tna hit tn win ne th area i auu ovmvu vu mt! vv kavtj auu 4 UHU3YIVUIHU Ii as four sterica high above tho and contains I hands of committee of the purchasers distn bcmitbUy rooms The parlors are fifty two feet long by notice of which will be given throughout the uiucivcu uqv iuu tuq tuuiug'ryum ii twent iuur leei Wiuc I by eightyjfive feetdeep private parlors and all the chambers I LIST GITS I I llfl warn mV I a 11 Minium uuow Uk vf ebbsc 1UU I 100 100 50 elegant Oil Paintings in splendid gilt I frames size 30x4 feet each 100 elegant Oil Paintings 2x3 feet 500 steel plate Engravings brilliantly color ed in oil rich gilt frames 24x30 inches each jujy eou nasni ugton TT commjrkuAalT COLLEGE' Located No 121 Baltimore areet Baltimore Md rHE ostsnsible object of this institution is to place in the JL reach of individuals proper facilities for obtaining a thorough and practical mercantile education A younji man can: here obtain a more correct knowledge of general! business matters in a few weeks than can be acquired in as miny years: in any one eountinghonse i The course of studyembraces Double entry Bookkeeping and its adaptation to various departments o'f Commerce and Trale Mercantile Calculations taught according to the most approved method Practical Penmanship crimbininr rapidity of execution with beauty of construction Lurer on Mercantile law upon various important subjects beside many other points necessary for a book keeper or buxines man to understand Thotime necessary for an student to complete the course varies from five to eight wofckjs There being no vacation applicants can enter at any time and at tend both day and evening Examinations are held fct suted periods and diplomas awarded to those who graduated terms Ac write and have a circular forwarded by triad l( lv s' CfiSTRAHLHEIM CO GO Broadway Impor i jyifvters of Lace Millinery Goods Embroideries end Trim mi CHUCHARDT ROLICH A HOLTIIAUSEN 92 and 0 4 Liberty street Importer of rench and German Silks Ribands Velvets Vestings Satins Smss A Woollens of every description pHLSAAT BROS 48 John street Importers ot Dress Trimmings Berlin Wool loss Silks tic Braids Gold and Silver ringes Gimps Tassels But tojStars Laces Ac jan 16 6m TrHN COLTS STANDARD Cotton 'Sail Duck BEA0H A CO No 71 Pine street New York 'soI lbAgents Cotton Canvass from several other mills Also Print Clothsand Copper Rollers for calico and sat 1 Saturday August 28th i PASSAGE MOXET i ipt cabin (saloon state rooms) "Do (midship do Sejfgnd cabin a fs tnselnrlas? 'A limited number of third class passengers will be taken supplied with provisions of good quality properly cooked nt 325 Carries surgeon I New York city bills or gold only received for passages pr freight or passage apply to JfcSYMONs see 12 tf I 33 Broadway New York Master do do do d4i do do George Wilson do' resumed their ship pers are notified that one of) tbejn will positively clear frets Now York on every Saturday (er oftenerif nrctJinry) nd that this punctuality may be depended upon during the yssr entil interrupted by ice 1 I i STURGES CLEARMAN CO lio wail street tori i SHINN A SON Alexandria A Al'H DODGE Georgetcrn VYTHATMAN DRAWING AKKS Warranted YV genuine bought in person from the manufacturers ii xKAAUK TAYLnR fpiilsT IA oblate Che Distz estat deoeaa are thereof IPetoberne: I I Oivenm county Kentucky situated one mile from Graysville (Ky) and thirteen miles from Clarksville (Tenn) from which I 1 1011 HBNT a large commodious three story Brick on the Cumberland river about fifty miles Below i JE OKOUX Teacher and Translator of the IIotise with back buildings on 17 th street three doors I I rench Spanish and Geman Languages! and Pro north of the Government building on Uie corner of and I I The tract orland contains 1328 acres about 900 of which i lessor of Numismatics ITth atreeisep nd in a high state of cultivation the balance in The evening clashes will be resumed on the 15lh of Sep The house will be repaired to suit tbeienanL I comfortable improvements with houses sufficient to tember at his residence Pennsylvania'avenue between fith A Apply to CII WINDER flommodate 100 negroes and barns enough to euro 150 Offl I and 7ih streets opposite Brown's Hotel aug 111 eo3m oct d8t Corner of 1 7th and street Pnd af tobacco barn and negro house new and ARTZ BH AND rentiv nnfo Vra'l 77 condition There also on the premise a fine I 8 (l ii recently purchased at TpoKTlENI a very desirable House ou Petuisyl (young apple orchard of choice and well selected fruit The A rale on GeorgetownHeights of the content of Mr X1 vante avenue opposite Jackson Hall containing fifteen is abundantly supplied with water having never failing I rUcclar cnn be bad at the Drug Stores the un rcroms The House has been thoroughly rsnovaUd To a good wjells and stock water in every field aenjgneq in Georgetown and Washington Where atonic and prompt tenant rent reasonable Inquireof Inis tract of land is of the best quality of soil and equal I to case of diseases arising from MOYLES i in fertility and productiveness to any land in Kentucky south 11? Pu II street north No 499 of Qree rfTer The fencing 1 all substantial and in the bet re PbsblJ IMthlDi it in the Diitnqt and SPLENDID ARMIN MONTGOMERY COUNTY OR SALE 2 I AM hutnorisod to offer a splendid arm containing 187 I acres more or less for sale The arm is very highly I improved atod at present in a state of high cultivation The 0of Real EaUU Broker3 New York (post paid) mnrnvf'mpl'lte noni at in Vn 1 I) wi vlmt with ffverr rAn I i I veniencei and built in the very best manner It has a Tio Switxer Barn and Stabling for 10 or 16 horses all compara I 'f lively new also: Corn house Carriaxerbouse lic Sties and I Hen boturi all complete It has also two new Log Houses I delivery irTtdtndfatl Pop nvoraAAr'i nl Hiikrtr fnr Tharea i art about 30 acres Rock Creek bottom land of the very best I IA AII Ladies and gentlemen are respectfully inform soll Theliitnbcrod land is all oak and Aickory and will cut I cd tuat Bouquets and Cutflowers of rare and fancy sorts is I may be had fresh gathered at the GrenhoniM on 5th tred I will offer a bargain in thia arm and upon easy terms I c)rner five squares north of the City Hall 4 At the solicitation of many families I Upon a portion of the purchase money t) I will give from 3 to I 01 1 12t GRIITHS Washington DC I A have made arrangements to furnish Aleuts jat private 7 year i in on of the best neighborhood in Mont I TTALUABLE AKM AND TOBACCO LAN I regularly and at all hours' Great care wilj be given gamery county having schools and postioffice very near and I tatlon for Sale I wish to sell my arm in Todd t0 preparation and cooking of the various disies and it is situated about 7 milos from Washington on the Plank Road I county Kentucky situated one mile from Graysville (Ky) WU bo found the most agreeable and cheapest way to Jive Apply to MASSEY Agent land thirteen miles from Clarksville (Tenn) from which GAUTIER i dieptf through the Post Office I place to Graysville there is a fine Macadamized road Clarks I 3taw8w Star 252 Pennsylvania javenue A GENCY AT JAMES CAUS i XX TEN (late of Baltimoro) haying made this city hi1 permanent reaiderice will undertake with his accustomed sexi and (liligence tho settlement of claims generally and mere particularly claims before Congress against th United State Or the several Departments thereof and before any Board of Comm iMionera that may bo raised for the adjustment of spo liation or other claims lie has now in charge the entire class arising out of rench spoliations prior to tho year 1800 with reference to which 'in addition to a mass of documents and proofs 1 hi possession he has Access to those in the archives of th Government Claimants and pensioner on the navy fund bounty landsj return duties Ac and those requiring life insurance can nave their business promptly attended to by letter (post paid) and thus relieve themselves from an expensive and in eon ven ient personal attendance Haying obtained a commission of Notary Stabile he is pre pared! tb furnish legalised copies of any required public docu menta or other papers He has been so long engaged in the dutieq of an agent that it ban only be necessary row to say that economy and prompt attention shall be extended to all business confided to his care and that to enable him to ren der hi services and facilities more efficacious he has become familiar with all the forms of office tAsnete3reasu Building REGULAR LINE I Naw York Alexandria Washingtonud Georgetowa AUJXL AIRAX EMPIRE STATESMAN WASHINGTON SENATOR munTAV Do ARLINGTON Do ARCTIC Tie above packets having INDIA RUBBER GOODS INULA RUBBER VUMrANx NO Lane New York Manufacturers and Whole lers in Goodyear's Patent India Rubber Boots Shoes Jlothinc Balls Toys Ac ON INDIA RUBBER COMPANY 41 John make all kinds of Rubber Clothing Cloths) DrujVits Articles A Coats from $250 to 38 each fob ly i KI NG GLASS AND PICTURE RAMES NN WHITLoCKManufacturcr No IO1 Canal JYjk street New York Gilding in all Its branches 5 I MACHINERY AND MACHINE TOOLS Machinery Depot 62 Courtland streetrabinery Machine Tools and Wood: worth's Patent Pltl'il Maehmes vy i A'REWS JERUP No 67 Pine street New rW kVork Commission Merchants for the sale of all kinds of MfStA Tool and Cotton and Woollen Machinery from oct 5 la Al "i WS' HATS URS Ac rpatMPSON A ROESLER No 14 Maiden 'Lane Im and Manufacturer of urs and wholeal Deal ers tAate Straw Good Ac HOT AR URNACES Ac DVTD CULVEfR (Inventor and Patentee) 52 '(Cliff street Manufacturer and Dealer wholesale and ro $ailurnacesRegistr Ventilator Ranges Ac qr ELASTIC SKIRTS Patent) 1 JrP iBATES 1 Barclay street opposite the Astor House NeW yrk manufacturer of the above splendid and desirable arUrisj feb 6m AGENCY AT WASHINGTON CITY Office on street near 11th street I i TO CLAIMANTS MEIERE late of the Pension Office will at tend promptly to all business entrusted to him and trill give special attention to tbe prosecution ot Claims for Pen sions Bounty Land Land Patents Scrip Back PayAc BirsiBagt Hob Lewis Cass United State Senate Hon Jaihe Cooper do do Hon fl Westbrook House of Representatives hob a lorence ao Hou Disney do Jonah Hoover Esq Washington WnlIsrK lwrs a Hob John Wilson Com General Land Office All communications must be pre paid and directed i above oct tf In ttari Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware Si in and for Newcastle County William Work and Meigs as guardiaa of Elizabeth and Mary Ann Work vs William Henry McBeath Rebecca Ellett tEllen Davis i and Henry Ellett August 25 1854 Petition for partition filed AND now to wit this 16th day of September A 1854 It appearing to the Court that the said Rebecca 0 Ellett Elfon Davis and Henry Ellett do not reside inthe State bf Delaware on motion of Victor du Pont Esqsolicitor for pctitioner3t is ordered by th court' that theaid Rebecca 0 Ellett Ellen Davis and Jlenry Ellett appear before (he said court at tho next term to wit on tho lilth day 'bf ebruary A 1855 and show cause if any they have wby partition of the premise may not bo made agreea bly to the grayer of the petitioners And it is further ordered by thb court that a copy of this order shall wijhin thfrtyday be published in the National Intelligence a newspaper pub' lished in the city of Washington and bo in said paper for tbe period of thirty day after it first publication and that a copy "of said order shall within daya be posted in the office of tho Register in Chancery for Newcastle eounty and at the Court house door in said county In testimony whereof I have hereunto tet my hand and affixed the seal of said Court at Newcastle the 23d day of September A 1854 PETER VANDEVER octi 30 1 Register In Chancery a riLOfING GLASS ANOlpICTURE RAME wfrAji manufactory Lta RANCIS LAMB' Pennvania avenue between 12th and 13th streeta i jVACTURES and keeps constantly on hand a gen JlVJL 1 tJ assortment of tho above article and solicit a call friend and the public generally before purchasing ebewbe rt a hi priees will be found upon companion to be lower I tanany similar jtablihment in thircountry Dr invtgCrVtig CORDIAL 4 henoxnenon In Medicine Health Restored and" Life Lengthened ly DR INVIGORATING ELIXttt OR CORDIAL? A nrt the properties attributed to Professor Invigorating Kiiafar or Cordial were deemed fabulous public often deceived could not believe the simple and ubllme truths announced by the discoverer But tacts un deniable facta attested by witnesse of the highest dan end character are now triumphing over all doubt Incredulity is overthrown by a mas pf testimony which is perfectly irresistible The Elixir remedies In all cased the deplorable evil aris ing from a misuse or abuse of the various organs which make ap the wonderful machine called man It restore to full vigor every delicate function connected with that mysterious compound agency of matter and mind necessary to the re erpduction of human Ufa To persons of feeble muscular frame or deficient in vital power it is recommended as tbe only means ot communicating that energy wnicn is necessa ry to tho proper enjoyment of all the natural appetites as you a tne nigner mental atrnnutos it ncucnciai cueci ire not confined to either sex or to any age1 The feeble lirl the ailing wife tho listless enervated youth the over worn man of business the victim of nefyou depression the individual suffering from general debility or from tho weak ness of a single organ will all fin1 immediate and permanent relief from tbe use of thist incomparable renovator To those who have a predisposition to paralysis it will prove a com plete and unfailing safeguard against that terrible malady There are many perhaps who have trifled with their con ititations that they think themselves beyond ithe reach of nedicine Let hot even these despair Tho Elixir deals with disease as it exists without reference to causes ahd will not only remove the disorder it elt but I REBUILD THE BROKEN CONSTITUTION The derangements of the system leading to nervous dis eases and tho form bf nervous disease itself are so humeri uus that it would require a column to 'enumerate the mala 4 3 A ta 1L 1 A A A A taive Aur umcn pcvparauuM laa zx ever may be enumerated vix: Neuralgia Tic Dplereanx Headache Incipient Paralysis Hysteria Palpitation of tho Heart Spinal Affections Mus cular Debility Tremors latulence a Pricking Sensation in the lesh Numbness Torpidity of the Liver Mental De pression Weakness of the Will Indisposition to Move aint ness after Exercise Broken Bicep and Terrifying Drnams Inability to Remain in one Place or Position Weakness ofha Procreative Organs Srixual Incompetency Melancholy tlonomania luor Albns Sinking at the Stomach emale Irregularities a Chronic Tendency to Miscarriage Emacia tion and all out of a free indulgence of the passions and all'Barrenness that does not proceed fromrganio causes beyond the reach of medicine Whenever the organs to be acted upon are free from mal formation orstrictural disease it is averred that INVIGORATING ELIXIR will replace weakness with strength incapacity with efficien cy irregularity with uniform and natural activity and this not only without hnxard of reaction but with a happy effect jn the general organisation Bear in mind that all maladies wherever they begin Inisi with the nervous system nd that the psralixation of the nerve ef motion and aeneation is physical death Bear in mind alio that for every kind of nervou disease the Elixir Cordial is ithe only reliable preparation known CURE NERVOUS DISEASES No language can convey an adequate idea of the imme diate and almost miraculous ehange which it occasion in the liieaaed debilitated and shattered nervous system whether broken down by excess weak by nature or impaired by sick aee the unstrung and relaxed organisation is at onee braced revivified and built up The mental and physical symptom st nervous disease vanish together under it influence Nor the effect temporary on febe contrary the relief is perma cent for the eordul properties of the medicine reach theonstitution itself and restore it to its normal condition Well may the preparation called MEDICINAL WONDER of the nineteenth century Lit' is a the first scientilio man in the world would have admitted tbat miracle of modicine heretofore supposed to have no existence i A STIMULANT THAT ENTAILS NO REACTION Its force is never expanded as is the case with opium ul holic preparations and all other excitants The effect of these is brief and it may wellbe said of him who take them The last state of that man is worse than the But the Elixir i an exhilarant without a single drawback safen its operation perpetual in it happy influence ujion the serves the mind and the entire organisation it will also ernovc depressions excitement a tendency to bituh sleep lessness dislike of society incapacity for study or business jEOSS MEMORY I Confusion Giddiness Rush of Blood fotheHoad Melancho ly Mental Debility Hysteria Wretchedness Thought of Self destruction ear of Insanitv Hypochondriasis Dvsnep ria General Prostration Irritability Nervousness Inability to Sleep Diseases Incident to emales Decay of the propa gating unctions Hysteria Monomania Vague Terrors Pal pitation oi the Heart LmpoCency Constipation xc irom whatever cause aruing i it iti if there is any reliance to be placed on human testimony absolutely infallible PERSONS PALE COMPLEXION or consumptive habits arc restored by the use of a bottle or two to bloom and vigor changing the skin from a pale yel low sickly olor to a beautiful florid complexion INVIGORATING ELIXIR presented as a phenomena In the materia mediea hitherto unheard of a stimulant without a reaction The herb which forms its main ingredient has 'been admit ted by all the groat medical and pharmaceutical institutions of Europe to be in this respectisuiyensns Dr Morse whose name is an undisputed authority in sciences discovers I the produetion in Arabia where his at tention was excited by the wonderfully Invigorating effects it produced upon the native In fact the wonderful power endurance the exhautle vigor exhibited by the Arab oft sexes in their desert pilgrimages is attributable to the io of this vitalising herb CAUTION DR MORSE'S INVIGORATING CORDIAL hu been ounterfeited by some unprincipled persons In future all th geuuiuo'Cordial will have the fao simile parted over the cork of eaeh bottle and the follow ing word blown in the glass INVIGORATING RING Proprietor New York I i JS The' Cordial 1 put up highly concentrated in pintbottles Price $3 per bottle two for $5 six for $12 II illING Proprietor 192 Broadway Sold by Druggist throughout the United States Canada ana nest xnaies GILMAN HANCE jan $5XO WURTH KEAL AND KRSONAL 'J Estate for the People 1 vMAQNiriCENT LIREPJLL EQUITABLE AND I CERTAIN DAGUERREOTYPE ENTERPRISE WHITEIIURST ha deeded to Trustees in trust for the benefit of the shareholder In the above enterprise $50000 worth of real and personal estate to be disposed of among the holders of shares at the earliest possible date after the sale of all the shares The shares arc $3 each which entitles the holder to an cquitablii share in tbe within named magnificent collection of real and personal property also to one of $3 air Premium Daguerreo types of self or friend at any time when the certificate i pre sented at either of hi Galleries in Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Lynchburg Wilmington and Peters burg 'ji Arrangements hare also been: made to redeem the certifi cates with the following celebrated artists: GurneyNew' Jersey City Collins Philadelphia (Pa) Springfield and Westfield (Mm) A Partridge Wheeling (Va) and Wm Porter Cincinnati Ohio) The fact that this property is deeded to trustees in trust resident of tbe District of Columbia for the benefit of the shareholders and every shareholder receiving a Daguerreo type worth $3 and of the very finest quality and elegantly cased the high character and! positionsot those trustees and tbe great and I extended reputation and business of Mr Whitehurst ho deems Sufficient guaranties that the every firomise of thia advertisem*nt wfll be promptly and faithful performed as the pictures to be taken will bo distributed among many Galleries Capable of producing 1500 daguerreo types per diem JJ Not more than fifty thousand share will be sold Persons residing iri a distance and wishing order for a Daguerreotype which will entitle them to a share in the above enterprise will pleasel enclose the amount post paid 1 to Whitehurst's Gallery Washingtoh Hi lb us A Hitz agents for the saloof orders in this city at their Music Depots south side ot Pennsylvania avenue be tween Tenth and Eleventh streeta in Georgetown at Mis book and fancy store High street near irst i July eodtf ij BAL11MOKE LIE INSURANCE COMPANY No 15 South JOHN I DONALDSON Prbshixwt THIS COMPANY propose to insure live for one bi more years or for life at the aanucau rates specified in tbs following table as low as safety to tbe assurediand to the Company would justify with these rates the assured enjoys ths benefit of an immediate1 in Jieu of prospective and uncertain bonus He risks neither his policy jtop ths prtMium that he paid is 4 fnmirauce ou Lives on every Hundred Do are Age Onei year Seven years or life 20 87 185 I I 97 jla7lfe19 35 125 137 253 4 454 185il7844 34 l3 ob Intermediate age at proportionate rates and these premi ums may be made payable annually semi annually or quar terly at the'optionof the assured'' Buys and sell Annuities Bells Endowments for children I Makes Contracts in which life or the Interest of money Is in rolved i HENRY THOMPSON Secretary i CHARLES PAIRO Agent for ths Baltimore Life In surance Company would call public attention to the reduced rates of premium now charged All Premiums or Policies' in the District to bepaid at hi office corner of and 15th streeta where application for new policies can made mar tf I the makers Evasive Agent for Machine Shop 1 al MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS MjDINAND ZOGBAUM A co No 97 Maiden Importers ofVlolin Guitar Accordeons Strings RrasiSstruments Ao jJlEDLE and TACKLE Ac rpigtiMAS BATE (late i Bate) 103 JL friiden Lane Needles ish Hooks ishingTackl As vP a i Ver tisem*nts 4 I PettengUl Advertising jBoiite ppted JNb lHtusau street Reto firt 3 1 GRATES AND ENDERS' (L" i JACKSONj (ftwmcrly A Jackson A Sons) i x'fYY Grate and ender Maker No 891 Broadway une i above Nineteenth street New York oet 14 4 CLINTON HOTEL NEW YORK Price Reduced! jJTpHE UNDERSIGNED Proprietor of the1 above nailed 1 well known and long established Hotel this me I of informing the patrons of the house a well as the pub ic generally tint he will on the first of August reduce the I if Wes of Board from Two Dollars per day to i One Dollar and ifty Cents The attention of strangers and pothers visiting the city ei 1 51 er for business ot pleasure i particularly directed to the i of the location being situated in the heart of the Quines part of the city directly opposite tho City Hall and public Offices and within a short distance of the most promi i mt places pf amusem*nt A MILLER i July dim 3 ana 6 Beekman street New York I I ibSpSTEIN A HONIG No 1OO Liberty itreet 1 Md Cedar street corner of Trinity Place Importer 1 cftLaces' EmbrelderiesSilks Ao I 1 tfej tf' 1 a 1 DRY GOODS i rtORN SCHLIEPER A HAARHAUS Importers I i CO of German and Belgian Broadcloths Bilks Horisrie No 50 Exchange Place fjJjERTRAND BERES A HENRY Importers of 4 4 Cambrics and Linen Cambrie Handkerchief! Miaou Lawn Embroideries Ao tp sro manufacture) ttl i 'a VJlHam street jan ly 4 55 A CO' Importers of rench and i JJ other European Goods No 48 Broad street Norembt oct 31 TO THE YORK AGRI CULTURAL WAREHOUSEIvj it ALLEN (late A Allen A Co) 189 and 191 Wastrbet Agricultural and Horticultural Implement and Sfyiery ield and Garden Seed and ertiliser Guano Bon" )utr Phosphate of Lime Poudrette Plaster Ao 3m 1 5 ACCORDEONS STRINGS ARLES BRUNO Importer and Wholesale VAealer in German rench and Italian Musical Instru mi nd Suing No 2 Maiden jan 16 ly DAGUERREOTYPES No 349 Broadway the oldest and 0 S' tuost extensive establishment in the United State (T ENGRAVERS "TYfelllTNEY JOCELYN A ANNIN Artists and i YH Engravers on Wood No 58 and 60 ulton street irihftand best work done here BALTIS1OKE AND OHIO RA1LROA17' or Cincinnati Louisville Indianapolis Columh ZaheavHle Cleveland Toledo Chicago and gj Iodl npELapUGH TICKETS for all the above point CM be hi i at tha Railroad Station in Washington Pirsongsrs leaving Washington st 6 A arrive fa Vtetl ing in time to connect with the splendid steamer Winch ter anft Diurnal for Wellsville forty miles from Wtafofit i thence direct by Railroad to Cleveland Toledo ChicApo ini' "Altopji thence by steamboat twenty five mile to St Luh Leaving Washington at 6 they will connect th4ML afternoon with tho splendid Union steiner for flic cinnati and Louisville and for Indianapolis by Railroad trea Lawrenceburg 7 'i 'Through Ticket told for 1 Cincinnati Louisville and Ind napolis slo for Zanesville and Columbus by National k4d Btage from Whccliug Passengers holding through ticket 1 can lie over st any point on the route or information ta tickets apply to II PARSONS Agent Washington 1 feb 8 tf DONE Master Tranfportatira TilE NLW TOlth AM) LIVEKfOU Ohiiri) I ii 41 STATES MAIL TEA(EKs Ths ships comprising thisline are the following: I The ATLANTIC JCpt West The PACIIC Cart Nye I The ARCTIC Capt Lwe 1 The BALTIC Copt Cqmitock "The Cpt These ships having been built by catri: exproiy lor uw vruuiviiiscriice every Cart has been taken in their Bon: traction uIn in their engines to enare strength an 1 speed and their a for passenger are unequalled for elegance art oomfort Price of passage from New York to Liverpool in first cabin $120 in second cabin $70 Exclusive use of extra site stat rooms $300 rom Liverpool to New York X30 and £20 An expenencea surgeen auacncu to eaca snip Ne bertha can bet secured until paid for rnoposun Data or saiuhh 1 1354 rom Nets York SaturdayOctober 28Saturday Navcmbcr 11 Saturday November Satutday December 9 Satiirdav December 23 Tor freight or passage apply to EDWARD COLLINS No 56 Wall streeta New York BROWN SHIPLEY A COJ Liverpool STEPHEN KENNARD A CO 27 Austin riar? Lcqdon MONRO A CO 25 Rue Tfotr Dame des Victoira 4 GEORGE DRAPER Hhvre owners of these ship will not be accountable fir pid silver bullion specie Jewelry precious stones or meta: nn ict bills of lading art signed therefor and th value thereof expreel therein i 74 STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN NEW 1lukk Artis lx tiA5kli TheGIasgow and New York Steamship Company's powerful new steamship Gt Afcox (1:962 tons and 400 hore nower) Itoszn Casio commander Nair Ypits (2100 tons and 500 bone power) are appointed to as under viz i ROM NEW YORK i i Saturday September 23d at 12 noon ROM GLASGOW SA UN1TEO STATES LAND in tliiTvwu of Rome In the State of New York Will! be sold at public auction on tho premises in' the town or village of Rouie on the 15th day of November next all thoeei several lots and parts bf lots which were purchased by thri United States from Dominick 'Lynch by deeds bearing date 1st March 1814 19th October 1815 and 4th July ISlfijas lots numbered 4 5 6 13 14 and 15 in block 6 with the tfcstarly half parts of Inter 7 and 12 and the easterly half parti of lots 3 and 16 in tbe frame block 6 together with lots 4 51 and 6 in block 7 the whole being known and hitherto used as the site of the United States arsenal at Rome Theilots nndliaive of lot above mentioned numbered 3 4 5 6 7 12 13 14 151 a'nd 16 fronting northerly altogether two hundred and sixty four feet on Dominick street and run ning back three hundred and twenty three feet mora tr less on the eastern boundary and four hundred and foity five feet more or less on the western boundary to the Inland Look Navigation (lanal will bo sold wjth the buildings thereon dn one parcel and lots 4 5 and fl in block 7 fronting southerly altogether one hundred and nine ty eight feet on said street and running back two hundred feet more or less with thb buildings' thereon as another parcel a The sale will bo for cash and deeds for the property will bo made by tbe Secretary of War under tho acts of Con gress of 3dtof March 1819 iind 23th of April 1823 convey ing to the purchaser and to his heirs arid assigns forever all the right title and interestof the United States in the sqmc There will be sold also at the same time and place a large quantity of store which itd not deemed advisable to remove to another arsenal among which are ten iron cannon wth gun carriages and many of tho implements for tlicijr ue heavy gins and tackles horse and hand carts fire eligne sleighs stoves ladders a quantity of lumbar brick An a quantity of flints an extensive assortment of tools some fanning utensils articles of furniture and a largo quantity of scrap iron (wrought and cast) steel brass Ac 5 HENRY CRAIG octjl3 dtd i tsji Colonel of Ordnance BLOCKS yVATCHES A ND I have ju3t received and opened a great variety Eof Clocks Watches and Jewelry which will be sold a little cheaper than they can be bought in the city elsewhere Call at 'i oet 3 Imd Opposite Ifotell Ran away on the2lth September a ipiVVU negro boyt 18 year old of copper color) large head thick lips small dimple or dent on one of his on hi left arm there is a largo lump in hi elbow (He is about 5 feet 4 'or 5 inches high One hundred dollars fryill be paid if caught in the District and two hundred dollar if tar ken out of the District and lodged in jail or returned to Ito subscriber Washington (D Cj No 590 12th street Inland oct eo3t 7: ANDREW MABTiyK' sep te Qi T7IURNITURE VARNISHING Repairing andI Jobbing Shop Pennsylvania avenue one door west of Apollo Hall between 13th and 13 streets Cabinet urniture of all descriptions repaired and varnish ed and put in eoniplete order by experienced and practicalworkmen 'Chair painted and re caned prompt attention work done as it ought to be and mode rate) charges may be confidently relied upon A call is re spectfully solicited eolm i i ROBT WALMSLEY' KENTUCKY SCHOOL MEDICI nIe is milJE Viltli Session of thia Iiiailtntimi will btvrin I I on Tuesday October 31st and continue until the enW of I ebruary wjth the following faculty i $10006 Benjamin Dudley MD Emeritus Professor nfAfia 10000 tomy and Surgery 10000 I Joshua lint MD Professor of the' Prinei lies and 10000 Practice pf Surgery t'si Henry Bullitt MD Professor of Physiolpgy and 5006 Pathology 5000 Robert Breckinridge Professor of Materia Medion I and Clinical Surgery 7 3 I Thomas Cqleseott MD Professor of Anatomy 5000 I Joseph Norwood MD Professor of Chemistry' I John Hardin MD Professor of Obstetric' and Diseases 6f Women and Children 40000 La won MD Professor of Theory and Practice tf I Medicine and Clinical Medicine 1 dfi David Cummins MD Demonstrator of Anatomyj "I Clinical Lectures at the Hospital I a week I A oourso of Preliminary Lectures the School and 1 Jlospital during the month of October free of ehargp 3 I Material for Practical Anatomy abundant The dissecting: 1 rooms will be opened on the let of October 22000 I 1 fie fees for the full course of lecture amount to $165 I Matriculation fee (to once only) $5 Dissect ng ticket urauuauon lee I BRECKINRIDGE Dean pf the aculty STATE MUTUAL IRE AND MAHINE INSU1U 5000 1 ANCE COMPANY PENNSYLVl NI A 7 Harrisburg Pennsylvania 5000 I Capital '35()Q0 Dollars Charter perpetual I Insure Buildings perpetually Merchandise urniturdi5000 1 Vessel in port and their cargoes and other property against I IDfUt hv TlA I i i 500Q JOHN RUTHERORD President I A Gillett Secretary I RITTENHQUSE Bank of Commerce Georgetown! Agent for the District of Columbia 11 0 I 4 LU) WOU Schr Dor Do llfo Do I Do Do TjUfrR SALE a twoHtory mid basem*nt Dwelling rendition 4 JL nouse situatea on street recently bunt Anomertarycan with little expense be put on ita" The lot is 24 by 154 rind no sitnation in Washington is more desirable or term and other particular inquire of ij x' POK MOUNT VEKNUN KOKT ASIlliVllw Real Estate Agent over Selden Withers A Co are round trip rom Alexandria 75 tf 'v sawn Tho THOMAS COLLYER wih moke two trips a week on Tuesdays and ridays leav ing Wathingtr at 9 A and Alexandria at' Coaches leave the Capitol for the Boat at 6J A iem will leave their names with Geo A Thos Parker A Co tefreshment to be had on beard the boat bet tf GEDNEY Captain eu in oil Of the Washington Monument Inches each 237000 steel plate Engravings from 100 dif lerenv piaies now in possession 01 and owned by Union of the mar ket value of from 50 cents to $1 each 1 first class Dwelling in 31st street New York city 22 Building Lots in 100 and 101st street New York city each 25x100 feet doki at 1000: 100 Villa Sites containing each 10000 square feet in the suburb of New Y6rk city and commanding a magnificent view of the Hudson River and Long Island Sound at' 500 20 perpetual cash without interest or security of $250 eaeh 50 perpetual loops of cash without interest or security of $100 each be bad in a few days Apply to McKELDEN No 416 100 perpetual Ioan of cash Without interest' 'lStreet fe oet eodtf I or security of $50 each I pu perpetual loan 01 casbs without interest or security or 520 each 000 perpetual loans of cnh without interest or security of $5 each 10 000 Reference in regard to the Real Estate Visscheii With money enclosed to be addressed HOLBROOKE Secretary JUST OPEXI NEW MILLI NEI 505 Broadway New York YISS MORLEY ha just returned from New Ybrk with i SIS' Th Engraving in tho Catalogue are now readv for I If I new ml tanatilirnl nsnvtment 1 oci so uom 1 to wqicn sue respectiuny invite th attention oi tne ladies She desires to employ several young ladies in thd millinerybusiness Immediate application is requested oct 9 eotf avenue nearcorner ofjlOth st It a four stories high above tho stores and contains nineteen feet wide the dining roomts twentv four feet wide 1 are of fine size well lighted airy and nearly all front rooms being extensive corner building The location being cen tral and fronting on a highly improved public square formed by the intersection of Louisiana and Pennsylvania avenues it ia one Of the most pleasant convenient and desirable for a hotal or boarding house in the city The building is well arranged and has all tho modern improvements of gas tanks batS rooms hot and cold water convoyed through it and a dumb waiter from tho kitchen to each story in the home sTAiwifi iin1 A aa 6 a 4 wt 4 wa4Mnl lAKAn 19 suss ss a a a za tsvue tuvuEiaiv atm uiiuiu! kriiwuta i given immediately or terms apply to the subscriber on 12th I JftOOO Wgnt steel plate Engravings color 1 a I Iwa z11 xll I I street west tietween and it streets north' June 12 3tMWtf ANNE DERMOTT 1OK: RENT two Rooms handsomely furnished and in a respectable neighborhood will bo rented either singly or together on accommodating terms )i On II street between 9th and 10th streets No 474 octi eotf I PUSES AND LOTS OR SAL Several 00m 11 fortablo and pleasantly situated Dwellings and a num ber of welljlocated building Lota Great bargains may be had by early annlication to DEALE I Corner of 7th and streets No 526 2d story 1 Ji Measurer of Buildings DEALE offers hi services to builder and other a stuurer of all work connected with the erection of building I A fi orders left at the corner of 7th and street Na 5261 i story will be promptly attended! to oct 21 eotf I fj TO 'LET a comfortable three Btory brick Dwelling on I Si street between 13th and 14th street Possession may I oet 26 eodtf 5 fi li.

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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.