The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

10 2s f' Iff KtSJm 1 r4 it ilvii 'a 1J. ent Hunt tiUcb ft expeeted to eharaetep. of brother with hi yTL tht bos. iatwtiar0P si, issj. r'A what food for reflection is Ard IiOTD Aliljun i II ttUlINf Wl.w.

I cr pre x.ternsj that la expect to eome in Bone A 1 1 1 by bright and beantifal Cer to nothing" ii i at content with raaav things iL, jlm rearet. aa the weather i ind wpieaaant while there, 7 anVthinir. We had tfcatJ A Ti jj 3d 1st friend Mr. to form tha flahea. that he eren a is Ti i.

1 rrcelieBt euaner wbm rwL I did not wish to kbefor. I did not wish to aun "Zri. Ud ooodndinar that dia a05'bett part of Talor," rettred toth. where 1 an almost aleep wktt ffpiaee ox art toon I before we cou ihor. Tbif Ming aeeompusuwu, omce, to bm vux 2 VT BomV fooad taeni all engaged.

taeahad ether reeort 51 KfoTwbioh w. had to per the noraoat SV 155. Thtie were nre of na, Mr. andBiTwlf, and a young man by tbe whoee aeetaw we mmdm tie oat He ia a yoro ereovw trnHy and a relation of Mr. H.

mreiry. HewaTeTytleTeTfellow.andljitiU three having taken roomj noaOiop. Th two other members of our party its carriage were an Irish and an Italian ntljan tae niter wutwj ww asTjeerng the Janruage. After a miserable keafast at Crriu Veochfa, we got started at 9 o'clock, and after fatiguing ride of 12 fears. a most uninteresting country, rt anired here at 10 o'clock P.

M. Thanks the kind atteatioa of a friend we found eniartabJe apartments awaiting us. which an eserfiogly dicolt to be obtained at this Come, "owing to the great number ml iff gers that are here for the winter, i ed Ately took, possession and retired eight. I rk wakened the next morning by the streaming in at my. window, iKpreaformysInggiahiieea.

Areview e( cseeonnaodations satisfied me that we ill him tor eongratnlaUon. As it was 10. Cbristaai day, and we had spent a Tery doll ChnataasETS, I proposed to my friends that weeeeeidaafe a little house warming, and Jeaat, that it waa Vknstawa. xna was aftreou uu, ana egg nog wtt dedded to be the most palatable and ap aroprlate beTeragS we eould hare. I was ap tdited to make it I sallied forth and pro etrei the rcqsiiiU materials.

Thanks to my id fnend Col Hewlett for an insight into the Z2rj of brewing it, it waa nnanimonsly anaoraeed to be faultless. I drank a silent oast to bt friends at home. Iattendid High Christmas Ere, which his Holiness the Pop eSciitei.v.Jj all the Cardinals about 60 in WDubee. Els Holiness is a fin looking per sow, attest 60 years of age. Aa no one is esz to his preeenee except in foil drees, I Vi of ecnrje to obey the eeneral rule for drees eoatsad white kids, and all the ladies were i wear black oreesee ana long discs: tc j.

i am nraeh disappointed in the beauty ef the Eoman ladies, and hare seen Tory few some up to te standard of beauty. Uses was celebrated in the Bistme Capel, which adjoins St. Peter's. It is euite a tmall chapel, but the eeOing and wall are Kost sueerbir frescoed, and orer the altar is la celebrated picture of the "Last by Michael Angela It is 60 feet Jiigh and 30 lees nroaa a spieiMid worx, pat Tery much 'Kseeavy sge, auss was commenced ty ft Cardinals earning in one by one, followed their serrants, holding up their long robe. Each Cardinal walked an to tha altar, knalt dswa, raid a short prayer, and then took hi seat Tiiis continued until they were all as sembJsd tromd the room, then the old Pop ev, on the left ef theraltar, and after resting I Ut.

moments, rose and repeated a few worfi ia Latin, to which the choir replied by a Thia waa eontinued for about an scar, tad the ceremony closed by the Car dinsJs ascending on by on to the Pope's ckw.vherehey kissed his hand an4 receded ksbkasing. The grandest and most imposing ceremony that I kava aver witnaaaad waa tha einmncr High Mass on Christmas morning, at the free old Church of St. Peter's. After th usual serriai waa mur. tha Porta, aaalad on a platforsL was carried through the church on us moulders of about twenty men.

He was fnceoeu sy srenty two cardinal then nS hundrMa of foata i ah rrrm utA litlla boys, all Of them draaaad tha riehaat of robes, with kmgteafla. After the Pope came etmipanies of soldiers, ceiled the. Koble Guard, TheT are ail picked men and sptandid looking fellows. ery on of them sily betenge to a noble family, and it ia ordered a great honor too a member of eocy. church waa densely crowded, 9t tha Mmlll wont Vant mil'f aiaieky a double row soldiers drawn up on Wesssd th people by waTmghij hand first en en side, aad thn nn tha th rs bntl will not attempt it, for I can no adeqnau idea of ik It is the rsndest structure I hare erer seen, and it ssems wonderfnl to na luw th.

JL eaiaj af IIV1 VI nUemU On entering eoalril4 once become wous ef its immensity, and to onlT made, that th VTL ouuomg can be appre id of to edifiee, grown persons that era at 2fldVla tt oUl. look like "uuren, and there ara tan of heir waia.nrrr W1UGU ftl but when I ilir nriQ uem i round they were tigh. ETerything In toe mreh in Such nnfut TTTLSvto. S4r rerwhalma tbea not i nt thy mind. a n4 OTy fin bTUDOilalitT 7t ascended into the ban.

hut tll, fint clear day, and, as you Wo a fro tsi loflyemi MuifV "rrand doings' was 00 Christmas nightbut si tha ehurehee until o'clock to bed Vf tan determined to go horn bribt moonlight ro thV? wa7 stern old has been the in. i msny poets and no won tlSIy nd seeing it by rt111 nor impeflsiT. a it a', "aaieni 01 ancient Kome that fLP, with it. Th building is Wthato. ba Tm can atiiTee wer, the struo contained at on 1 "itnott house, mtereBtlng drlTe and toak a mmm wi nneient Be Of the Reinio.

kmt 1 I ef th and I 'TIT rt three montba to I ft Mr flies Tiw of nrerea, forrounaea oy aoout twenty pneeta, il np his skttts and assisting him In OTery tta; Lle war. He ascended to tha chair of "The SetpkM tomS eontaiaa eo aibee mv Tba very acpolsliraa Ua tenaatlen Of their beroie dwelleri." We returned by the baths of CaraeaHa and the palace of the Csesars, both of whioh structures must bar been of immense size, although there is nothing now left bat old walls to mark the sit of their former splendor. I accompanied my friend Dr. a few eveninge since on a drive to the PineUa Hill, which ie the fashionable drive and promenade of Rome. It is ascended by a zig sg road, and the top is beautifully laid oat with serpentine walks sod roads.

It is daily crowded wth people riding and walkiog. There ie also' fin band, which plays every evening at 5 o'clock. hill commands a splendid iw of Bom and th surrounding country, and is our favorite resort after dinner. I spent last evening most delightfully at the house of Dr. and witnessed some of th finest tableaux vivanta I have vr seen.

They were composed of illustrations from Lajli Bookh, principally Paradise and th Peri." Th parts of th poem illustrated were read aloud by Mrs. T. Mrs. T. is on of the finest readers I have ever heard.

I think she must hav taken lessons from her sister, Mrs. Anna Cora is also a sister of Mrs. B. Th principal performers in th tableaux were Mr Bogers, our American sculptor, a. splendid looking man his wife Mr.

Williams, an artist Mrs. and several other ladies. The representations were really splendid. There was quite a large audience present, among wfiom were Mies Charlotte Cnshman, our great actress Mr. Stockton, the American Minister, and his wifej Dr.

Tricon and wife Mise Labarr and Mr. and Jdra. Hanan, from New Orleans. After th tableaux there was an excellent supper served, after which Mrs. Hanau favored us with several of her best songs.

I attended night before last a grand party, given by our minister, Mr. Stockton. There were about 300 persons present, but dancing having been prohibited by th police, on account of the insecurity of th floors, gaiety was rather subdued. 1 devoted this morning to visiting the studio of several of our American sculptors. I first called to see Mr.

Rogers, to whom I had a let ter of introduction. showsd mo some of hie most beautiful pieces of statuary, among which was a statue of Nydia, the Blind Girl," taken from Bulwer's Last Days of Pompeii." She is represented in the act of running away from the city, with one hand to her ear, catching the sound of the tramping feet of the other fugitives. Mr. Rogers has sent a copy of this to Mr. M.

O. H. Norton, of our city, which yon will sea. In this studio is also a very beautiful state of MRuth." Mr. Rogers is how engaged in making the doors for the Capitol at Washington.

They are to east in bronze, representing, in ariens compartments, the history of the life of Columbus. It is all in bas reuef, and is a superb work of art, and one which will certainly immortalize him. I also visited the studio of Antonio Rosetti, who executed Mr. Norton's statue of the "Esmeralda" and the Female Slave." I saw a statue in Mr. Mo tier's studio of an "Indian Obi," from Bryant's Indian Girl's Lament." Mr.

Norton has also a copy of this. These artists are a jovial and happy set of fellows, and Tery polite to strangers. I promise myself many hours in their stadioe. w. From South America.

Dates of th 23d December were received at New York on th 28th, and dates from Montevideo to Dee. IS, Buenos Ayres Dee. 9, and Paraguay Nov. 30 1 In Brazil, the railroad of D. Pedro IL is open as far as Belem, although it had beea much damaged by the late heavy rain.

Th Oriental repabne remained quiet business was arriving, and the new treaty with Brazil, that had just gone into operation, was lauded by the press aa very advantageous to commerce. The ariival of more American ships, destined to Paraguay, was daily expected, and th expedition was th principal topic of diecuasioa. Private letters state that the naval expedition of the United States against Paraguay would stationed in th Roads of Buenos Ayres, and that th plenipotentiary would first proceed in a single Teasel to Asuncion, to try th effect of diplomacy upon President Lopes, The rumor of an alliance between Bnenos Ayres and th United States against Paraguay gained ground every day. Th TrdwncL, el Bnenos Ayr, announces that Gen. Urquiza had been suddenlySpros trated by a fit of apoplexy, and his lif was considered to in great danger.

Large deposit of coai haof been made at Corrientaa four league from th mouth of th Paraguay rivei" for the use of th American expedition against Paraguay. Advices from Paraguay, through sources unfriendly to th Americans, state that Lopes was actively making preparations for war, in expectation of the failure of negotiations, with Mr. Bowlin. A person (name not given) who left Asuncion on Nov. 30, reports that he saw eight or ten thousand troops in the highest state of discipline, and commanded by French and English He declare also that the Fort of Humaita was perfectly mounted with fine artillery, and the garrison was composed of the flower of the army.

President Lopes was very loud in expressing his determination not to yield to th demands of the United State. aanMvaaaaaaaBHaaBBBBBBBBBaBBBaaaaBBa Wathington Alatteri. The of the 29th, says. Prominent Republican ef th House, from various sections, have intimated to the chairman of th Committee on Ways and Means that they will not vote for any appropriation bill which may be reported, unless means be taken to provide for the pecuniary obligations which would thereby be incurred. We have had by telegraph the result of toe caucus of Democratic Senators on the 29th, in which it was determined to be inexpedient to make any change in the tariff this session.

In the U. 8. Circuit Court, two cases are set for trial on the 12th insl, of an interesting nature. The plaintiffs are Y. P.

Chap in and Aaron Van Camp, against Jonathan 8. Jenkins, all of whom have been U. 8. Consuls, or commercial agents at the Navigators' Islands in the Pacific. Plaintiffs sue defendant for the loss and destruction of more than one hundred thousand dollars' worth of property, at Apia and elsewhere, seized, taken, and disposed of by defendant or his agents, under powers of an alleged admiralty court by him established at said harbor of Apia, on the Island of Upolo, the principal one of the Navigators' group.

The Way of the Transgressor is Hard. A despatch from Bellows Falls, Vermont, of January 28, says A young man named Harrison Sanders, eloped last night with the wife of his; brother, Daniel Sanders, from Springfield, Vt, and came to this place and took a room at Bellows Falls House. Tb husband and th sheriff pursued them, and the parties, finding themselves caught, took strychnin. Th young Sanders died in twenty minutes. The woman is expected to recover.

Revival of Know Nothtngism. We overheard, a few days ago, the following interesting and important conversation between two cuUud pussons," of a complexion somewhere between that of an ace of spades and the outside of a black kettle, who were leisurely sunning themselves upon a wood pile Clem, I'se tell you, if dey gwine to deav ors to fetch dem 'ported nigg*rs ober dis way, which I hear dey be, dare '11 be a fuss in de family, sure. 'Spect dey want to wid dem nigg*rs on 'quality. Neber do it, sure." Sam, dus yon raly tink dey'll foteh dem nigg*rs her For sartin, Clem, I heard massa said dare was five tonsand 'ported in Soul Carolina, and baf of dsn now ready in dis State, I tell yon, Clem, if on of dem forin, nnat'alized nigg*rs eale'ates to 'sociat wid dis chile, he js a hoin' de wrong patch. Sonfsthin' will bit him like a mule kicked him, for sartin, and it won't be da animule, eder Her pursued our way, while Sam eontinued earnestly to exnoiutd to lAmvm the im nudene of these form nireer over saliva American ernllnd Tmaaana." tT Th Memphis and Charleston Railroad brought to.

th Memphis depot, during the montn of January, 28,775 bale eotton i larg sxeess over that previously received la any Math. i5 'Mr Jxaiva a mils. ay jambs eoaoosr BsmraTT. AaagalaalroHjaTeaaitraT, DrimiM bera awhiW And before he Yeot awJ, Ha 1 below a amila. Tba pretty littl smile was Bad, To be forgottan bare; Jt fait ao lonely aiii an bad.

1 It alsuat aaamrd a tear. It annnkt far reat on every cheek Where diaiple eootd be aeaa On raary pretty viaace, meek. Where aiaJie bad ever been. Sometimaa a frown woald aeara the mile, A ad dim IU beavaoly ray A tear woaM rriea it, aext, awhile A load laash drive tt far away, It lit spaa Cordelia's ebeek, Soft the blooailng roae "AtaeP ttaaid, "lataiaaaatseek, I Umi aai apanj It saw tweet UargaretTs faee, so ftdr, I It would no farther roam And aweetly aatd, whlla lirhtlna there, I new bava fonad aiy Bio de Jaaelr)jClieaIsuv i We are indebted to a commercial hone of this city for the following circular Bjo ns jArtiao 22, 1858. We iaat tranimltted ear nonthly advieea oo the 83d nit.

Balis eu in Coflee eontin aea ctl va up to tha and tha month. Bat little waa done in the early part of thia month, aad aupaliee baring in the meantime coma forward more freely, tba atock had accumulated to aboat 140,000 baga. Holders then becoming more anx ioaa to aell gaTO way about 40 100 arr, on 13th in at which redaction parehaaera cama forward Tery eagerly, and aboat 167,000 baga kaT changed kanda alnee that data, of whioh aboat baga for the United State. The stock has thus beea red need to 55,000 baga, cbletly Indifferent oofieea, and prioea are now asain folly aa high aa they were previoua to tha decline. Tba quality baa improved a little, bat it ia not equal to what we received in September and October, galea aince oar hut 226,000 baga, of which 142,000 to the United States.

Clearanoee laat month amounted to 250,196 begs, which had the following destinations, via United States Baltimore 22.91S Boaton 2.644 Mobile 2.0S0 New York 2S.298 New Orleans 64.711 Philadelphia 9.440 Richmond 3.498 Sarannah 3.600138.159 North of Europe 80.228 South of Europe 27.983 Elsewhere 3.826 Total bags 250.196 Xscaaaas ea London Tha tranaaotioaa for the packet of the 11th in it. bare ranged from 2827, the rate eloaieg firm at 26. Nothing has beea reported sinoe then. Import Flour has further given wsy under the heavy receipt, which have amounted to 39,029 bole, since our laat, of which 36.904 from tha United Sutee. Iaat month a cargo of Gallego and Odanee was sold at 1850017, and one of Ohio extra at 15500.

This month about 25,000 have been disposed of, aa follows: Galleco 188500, Dan lap a ax ail at 17500, Odanne 17H, McCanoa 1H, Bt.Ix.uU 15(), and Baltimore 14H bbl. The stock in first hands amounts to 45,700 bbls, and as bakers are well stocked we look forward to a pause nnleea holders should make a further reduction. Vrightt 50c for a Northern and 5Oa0c for a Southern port of the United States have been the ear rent rates. frica of Caffe onboard txfrtidht. at Superior, fiil0005H 100 10.2710.45 fb, 46.

lld47a. twL tat Good firats. 4D65O41750 4 9.649.82Tm,44a.'a44al0d.fcwt. Ordinary firata, 4300450e 4 B.OC&tt.Se 4 IB, 41s. Id.

942a. 9d. tcwt. American lota, 4650 S4U750f 9.643.82 tr 10d. ewt.

Jsjuicis Lb Bsetoi k. Co. Partk of Jeff trson. From the Journal, of yesterday, we condense the following Judge Burthe, thinking the parish prison of Jeflerson unsafe, has ordered its in ma toe to be transferred to th pariah prieon of Orleans, i in th salt of N. Commando ur v.

the Town of CarroUton, to recover the percentage on collection to which he would have been entitled bad he bean retained by the Council as town attorney, to which office he was elected last spring, the plaintiff was nonsuited. Judge Burthe na ordered to be set aside the injunction obtained some time ago by certain citizens of Kenner, to prevent the Folic Jury of Jefferson, left bank, from extending and improving Magazine and Apollo streets, from the upper limits of th City of Jefferson to the lower limits of CarroUton. Th bark Avon is lying at th head of Napoleon Avenue, taking in a cargo of 250,000 staves for Liverpool. A number of the members of Pacific Lodge, O. O.

in th City of Jefferson, have formed new Lodge, to work in th German language. Th following are the officers elect for tb current term Henry Kuntt, N. Daniel Weiener, V. G. A.

Sic singer, Sec P. Siren, Tree. Advantage of a Degree Dmnker." Th Savannah Republican has th following: A Norwegian, belonging to the ship Ann Gray, now lying across th river, was drowned on Sunday, under the following circ*mstances George, (that was his first name,) with two of his companions, came across the river in the morning, and got pretty well drunk. As they were returning to their chip, the canoe which they were in upset, and the three were thrown into the water. What is remarkable, George, who was a good swimmer, was drowned, and one of the others who eould not swim a stroke was saved.

Perhaps George was a degree drunker than his companion. The new bnildino a in Inner Temnle lana, London, a portion of which occupy the mo un vuauinn lormeriy occupies uy Or. Johnson, are now completed with the, exception of the decorations, and the benchers of th Inner, Tempi have determined npon naming them Or. Johnson's Buildings," in memory of the eminent man whose name is associated with the spot Arkaaeae River. Leaves en TUESDAY.

8th at F. M. run rum imih, An bukeh, Pgpadra. Dardaaelle, Lewiabarg, Little Rack, uaiiifa on Arkanaaa lTrr Th Siiaateamar CH ATT A. NOOUA, W.

HarSiaBon, master, will leave as above. tor freight or pasaags apply on board, or to T6 BRUCE POTNAM, Front at. Yum Klver. Xjcavesoa iuuui, aiu ir frwsa REQDLAR YAZ ei UrEa Leflore, Greenwood, aT City, SatartJa, Vicksb ou 'laliahatchie and Yaioo Rivera 7 Leaves oa TUE8DA7. sth at P.

St. UHtUUAS IA2UU rAisjsr rot ereenwood. Bid on, Tchaia, Yaxoo icuourg ana au lanaiaaa i vera The ao Deri or and a wilt running peaaenger packet eteamer LEWIS WHITEMAN, J. a Wallace, maater, will leave as above, for freight or aafaege apply an board, or to F3f A. B.

8MTTH. 4 Tcheoprtealasst. REMOVALS. IMOVAL H. B.

LATIMER, having taken i be store At formerly ocenpied by Meaara. Feppard aa Ca, He. AS eravier street, is now opening a large stock ef Seamlea Clothing, Ladiea' aad Genu Gaiters, Legaias, Ac, and will seU aa liberal terms to merchants and plan term. Jaao laf REMOVAL Meaara. FATAH a CARHART, Whole aaie and Retail Clothing Deal era, have reaaeved thew aaraniianiaeni ra vanai apeex, rust Anaonct.

all Carton (Seed. SACKS beatBdlro Sooth Carolina SEA, ISLAHD COTTOH SXItO, far sale by 65 dlT am Ma.aTCaraailaletatreefc KxcBsutare aa Saa Franc lac, Cailfevsdsu THE BAHK. OF JAMS BOBB in check aa San Fraadece ia sams ta salt parehaaera; Jal4 4f WaL MODHT. Cashier. Nlehalaa UnHi.

Waalraale aad Retail Dealer la Seeteh Vim Iran. 9 A A T0B1 lummerlee, per thip Zered. far sale by OUxJ a del tt I aft Cataaoa afaat.a Tswkssl Aaaaclatlaa anal Belize Tele NOTICE. The CeatrafTboat OtBca aad the Ballsa Telegraph OSVe Save removed ta Ha. Carendelst tract.

Jaia laa Enalleh Ca 11 Ceal, run. baaiB Lunaiira xd bexrela English Caanal tai. jb iota to salt Dercaaaera. t. JC.

tAUJWIL CO. Ja4 SS Bank Place. IiBWIS STAGGa late'' Staca; 81iay'a, STJGAR OURED tHAMS, lorxuviLLB, bt. Tae anberrlbeT ia asw ia the city aad win reaiaia for the parposa of diapoerag ef their stock ef 'fine Cam ra an Iratioaa ia rehttlea to tha aaaM, addressed ta' aae, ewe ef Miaaa. HEWITT, KOBTOH a CO, wfll restive inwapt atteatlaB.

4 'ijaje emf' LBWTS STAeo. aB ydras Btiet. will be proezptty a ml i I. BOia. MsseeaiTei ii.

j. waanaale and KetaU Dealer Orsagea, af Baaaese, Ftae Applea, LeaMaa, aad all kladaol Oraen and Dried Will, Ho Tarrant, street, be. tween Canal and Craaaaian streeta, Hew Orleans, AU srders preraotlv attenaeci to. alT a TJOB aAf. ta aa aan hm Oraara left a ana Vast I tarv.

Ha 11 Elanvra atiwa aneaerv Ca.X SB taakSeaV Caw niB vaKAPET turovou aovrt TO ALL FOISTS NOKTH AND EAST, By Tha ClBclnnatl atd New Or lean Kxpraae Ha ConsUrlng of the following auaoiara ITZSRLAWU, J. P. Seheach. OHIO BELLB. Jao, Sebaatiaa, Blaster.

MONARCH, Jna. A WillUmaou, ataetaa. TECOMBKH, F. P. Logan, Blaster.

JOUeB TORRENCB, R. M. Wads.uvtrr. i SD8Q0EHANNA.O.C. WUllamaoa, aiaatcs.

MADISON, See. D. Hoeple. aaaatec i ONIVERSE, Albert Stda, Blaster. H1CB ADuble, aiaater." i iUE OF THE WEST, J.

F. Wade, aaaatac The steaaMis of this line will leave positively as advertised, far Cmcmaati, Madiaoa, Laalevtlle, vaoevUia. Sailthlaad, Fadacaa, Cairo, Memphis, Ate, Ate, ttrkatlng aaaseagere taroagh ta all Hertheta and Fastrra dtiaa, Ckeaper tnaa any ether Reate. It a tha lnteatloata hare ana boat, at least, la pert all ttmas, aad ta maintain, aa nearly es possible a BseuiAA aae Bauaaba Lara. Far freight er pasaage appry aa board, ar ta CHAS.

F. VEBXAHDER, Agent, die tt 10 Poydias street, formerly Cera Change. a MONDAY. Tth at P. SA POR CINCINNATI The Sua eaascnaer 'ateamer a RE AT WESTERN.

Jae. Naw enmh, master, ia bow ia part and will leave Ciui'iauati. Madiaoa aad LeeisvUle. and all Intermedi ate laadlaga aa above. For freight ar paaaage apply oa eoara, er CHAS.

P. VERLANDER, 10 Feydraa street. forBwrly Cora 'Change. Fe Triron 1 a. i.

I CTKCTN ATI AN NEW ORLEANS EXPRESS LINKS. run clHClHAn XW nne pan angel packet ateamer OHIO BEULE, Ioaa 1 ill 1 Mg iKnnuui, 1 win mm mj ru freight or pasaage sppiy oa eoarn, or to CtlAa r. EJtliAII DElt, Pa 10 Pevdraa atreet. formerly Cora 'Ckanse. gar Paaseagera ticketed threagh to all Horthern aad Eaetera ciuea as reaucea ratea.

rttuvon i abb. FOR CINCINNATI The Bne regular peaaenger packet steamer J. S. PRINuLE, Wm. R.

Brirkell. maater. will leave for adlaon. Lonlarille aad aU Intermediate lead. For freight er para re apply on hoard, or to tnAB r.

viiiUiAnuas, 10 Poydraa atreet, formerly Corn 'Change. Keel Klver. I a. L. A mm mm meavea wb i r.nun vu i a mu.

AEUULAS LAAE DlBTEn EAU An If Red River Backet For Mlnden. Moacow. xandrta. and all intermediate landlnea The fine peaaenger ateamer BONIT r. a.

Alanieia, maater, John Long, clerk, will leave as above. For freight or paa aase antl oa board or to BRCCE PUTNAM, Proat street. Leaves oa TUESDAY, ftth at P. M. SHREVEfORT AND 1 EW PALURI Trl Weekly Packet Line The new and mag nitteent eeasenser Docket ateamer.

LDCY HoTXoSrBE, W. D. Batemaii, maater. wUl leave aa above, tar Skmenort. Uraad Bavoa.

CamBte. Brand Ecore. Alea andria, Nwmaa'a, Barbia'a and au way landlnga. For bi ther lnformaUon, freight er paaaage apply oa board, er te Pi 6. L.

KOUN8 a BROS. Front atreet. BaV A plan ef her caaia can be eeea aad staterooms secured, (from a dlatance by deapatch or letter,) by application at tha omce of tba agenta. lmmwmm mm Til KS A V. 8th at ft P.

M. mm ij, RED RIVER AND LA RE PACKET JeBeraoa, Southland, Benton, fort aElnaaBc Caddo, Swanaon's and Mooring's Landings, aua au landings in the Lakea, Albany, Shreveport, Grand Bayeo, Campte, 6 rand Ecore, Alexandria, Barbin'eand all Intermediate laadinga oa Red River and the Lakea The new, light draught ateamer SALL1B ROBINSON, Dyas Power, master, will leave as above. For freight er pas. mgevyo. board, or ta MUSE a Ft corner Ceanoa and Front streeta.

Leaves oa TUESDAY, Sth ate P. FOR RrrERSOH. PORT CADDO. Benton, ml bland, Shreveport Srand Bayon Grand Ecore and Alesandria The new. npuwr Usbt dranent ana awirt rnamog i aiaamai MOBNirnl LIGHT, Wm.

Diuoa will leave aa above. For freight apply oa ennnir. mJ. iP.k. an v.

POB 6RAND ECORE, HATCHTTO Bt. Manrlec. Paveron'a Landins. mim Dnrand'a and Boztaa'a Laad iiixm, Aloulh af Cane River. Cotfie, Aleaandria, Noraua'a, oorton'a Barbia'a and all ia tanned lata landings The eatlrely new, elegant, swift running ugnl ger ateamer FIOTA, Ed.

Parker, mast, clerk, will leave aa above. For freight or board. apploi Leaves oa WEDN E8DAT at IF. M. CL L.

BOONS LOW WATER THROUGH LINE. rpaww a. FOB UPPER RED BJVER ERA.NO.S, I aJl Joha Beans, maater, for Biamicbl, Bow mkrzZ. 1 i. IuiH Clarkaville.

Laneanort. Fultaa. Waah imxiun. VuoIpt's Ferry. Conway, gpnnghenk, Erwia's BlaS, Bed Bayon, Albany, Shreveport aad all plaatataoas aad way landings.

Clear bills at oar packet rates, with advUrge of transJerring to either of the Erse, Apply te Ti 9 LT BOONS a BROB, Front St. Leaves ea THURSDAY, 10th M. SHREVEPORT AND HEW OaAjATAne J' 'ifcJTri Weekly Packet Line The Bne, sopsi aEl ZZ aimrnur packet steamer NATIONAL. 1 Montgomery, master, will leave as above, for Shreve port, Brand Bayoa, Campte, Oread Ecore, Alexandria, Herauuua. Barbln's and all wav landlnga.

For farther in formation, freight or paaaage, apply ea board, ar Fs to O. L. BOONS At BROB. Front atiutt, SaT plan of her cabin caa be aeea aad ststrraares cared, (from a dkTtance by daapatca ar letter,) by appe. catlea at the eSBca of the agenta Leaves ea SATO DA tba lath met.

at r. M. tHUvarukTAnu new um.Kini iTri Weekly Packet Liaa The spleadld and swin pessi ngi i ateamer a. mm. nuuaa pert, eraad Bayon, Campte, 6 rand Ecore, Aleaandria, Norman.

Barbm's, and all way laadlaga. For farther BMormattoa, aad rreigBt or paaaage. appty oa Fft O. L. BOONS a Tn Bar A nlaa ef her cabin caa be eeea and et eared, (from a distance by deapatch or letter,) by appUoa ties at the office of the ageata.

SHREVEPOR1 AND NEW ORLEANS iTrl Weekly Pocket line For Bore report, arena naroa. campte, araaa acore. oa. Alaorlce. Lootgon tgomery'a, Darand 's and Baatoa's landings.

CalaoBB's, Barbln's aad all way tendings wuipuaed ef the ring splendid aad swift peaaenger boats, which will Hew Orleans and Shreveport alternately, en TUES. Month man's, Bi following leave Nei DAYS. TBOBSJDAYS and SATURDAYS, at F. M. TMaadavs GRAND DURE, SamL Applegate, master.

AitrCI MOLCOMBB, W. D. riateman, xaorsaays If ATIOlf AL, P. Montgomery, master. dUDAJi louso, cnaa w.

a. wing. a aiara a a B. L. BODBE, Joha Smoker, maater.

All the above mentioned splendid peaaenger packeai will leave ea their regular dave, without fail, at the boni appointed. All boalneae eatraatcd ta their care will be promptly and faithfully attended to. Btateroonia can be eecored on either of" them baste, for Bay trip, by applying at the office of the agenta e. L. BOONS Agents, dSO Front street.

New Orleana Laa vea every WXDN ESDAY and SA1DRDAY, at P. M. fpwa BBW ORLEANS, GRAND ECORX, 1pmVKt9 Wstrhlterhaa aad Aleaandria regular week mmmmmmmmamiA ly packets The new, splendid aad fast raa rung peaaenger packet RAPIDES, C. J. Rarstow, aaaatar, wiU leave for Celboaa'a Plaatarioa, Mooth at Case River, Cotile, AlexandrlajNorman'aBarbin'aand all Intermediate landlngm, every WEDNESDAY, at 6 P.

M. The aew, awganA and swift running passenger packet FEEBLE8S, John Dowty. master, will leave for Grand Ecore, Natchitoches, Tiger Island, St. Maurice, SSveroa's Leading, Montgomery, Darsnd's and Buxtoa'a Landlnga, Col boon'. Plantation, Moatb of Cane River, Cotile.

Ales aadiia, Norman 'a, Barbln's and all Intermediate landings, every SATURDAY, at P. M. Far freight ar paaaage apply on board, er ta MUSK a BRO, Agents, dS corner of Common and Front streeta. TentM River. Leaves on MONDAY.

Ttb Inst, at 5 P. M. FOR TEN SAB AND BAYOU MACON The new and light draught peaaenger packet BLUFF CITY. ft. Briaaa.

maater. will aa aoove. for Black Klver. Tenaaa end Bavoa Macon. aad all intermediate landiiura, aa high aa the water will permit.

For freight or pasaage apply on board, er to elLLlS, FB3 OSOH a Agenta, FS '44 Unioa atreet. Leaves on TOBSDAY. sth at ft P. M. FOR TEN8AB The light draught fell's nT passenger packet ateamer SALINE, avVa ii aii A XlUer, master, will leave as above, taking freight for all intermediate landings ea Teaaas, Bayoa Macon and Black rivers.

For freight or peaaage, having superior accommodations, apply on board, orto MOSE a BB.O.. Fe corner Common and Front streets. Versalllaa. Leaves on MONDAY. Tth st P.

M. FOR VERMILLION The light drangM steamer MINN ESOTA, A. H. Hay, maater. will leave ea above, taklna freieht for Vermii.

lonriue, Abbeville, rerry Bridge, Bsy, ratter onviiie, ana wnaings oa me i enninon ana AKDinajs Bayoas. For freight or paamge, apply on board, er to Ps OSBORNE a S3 end as Front street, Attakarma. Leaves en SUNDAY. Sth Inst, at IS A. M.

FOR ATTAKAFAS, BAY and Bayou Bteof The new and fact running nsawn srr steam packet T. D. HINE. D. R.

unit, master, will leave tor Aew Ioena, Jeanaeretta. Charenton. Franklin, Centreville, FatteraonvUle and all intermediate landlnss on the route. All has! new entrusted to her care will be promptly attended to. For freight or pasaage apply on board.

F8j Leaves on MONDAY. 7th init. at 3 P. FOB ATTAKAPAS The steamer E. M.

BICBNELL, will eoaUively leave as above, for i lulnf frelfffiS fine R.wnM ul. Berwick's DAT. reaersoavllle. untrevllla.

rrmnk. Mn, Charenton, Jeanereta, New Iberia. St. Martinsville, and all landlnga an the route Abe Smith, master, with ueo. js.

skenoau in tae omce. ror xreigat or pasaage apply oa board er to FS HAYS. SANDERS tt CO. Leaves on THURSDAY, loth at 1 r. M.

FOR ATTAKAPAS The fast running light draught ateamer CrOSSAMEB, Jl rrSrX master, will leave aa above, and every Thursday, at IS taking freight and passengers for Berwick end Bntahear Citira, Lower Atcbaialaya, Patter eon villa, Centreville, Fraaklla. Chareatoa, Jeannaretts New Iberia, Fanaae Pointe, StTMsitinsvlile, and all later mediate laadinga. For further Information apply te Fft BETHEL a HARE. Aft Carendelet street. Leaves everv TO ESDAY, at 1 positively.

fr ATTAKAPAS, VIA PLAViDE MTNB faJ rtf The well known Attakapae packet CERES, ST mm. i ia 1 Lsharthe, maater, wiU be ready to re. ceirt freight every Monday morning for St. Hew Town, Jeaaerettce, Charenton, Frank Un, Ceatreville. FatterseavtUe, aad aii Intermediate laadinga on the route.

AU beaineaa entrusted ta her care will be faithfully attended tn. for further particulars apply on board. SaV J. J. Lebartbe takes thia opportunity ot thanking hie nomereaa frieads for past favara, aad hopes by his cere and anertiooe to merit a coatiaweare of them.

Jala Leaves ever 8AT0RDAY. at IS M. FUnV BT. MARTTNSVIl.I. BJEW illeTBerwtcks Iberia.

Ceatreville. Pattwiian villa. Bav. PraakUa. Bavea Bamfc mmAT all lute.

mediate landiage.Tbe aew, aaht draustit ataamer E. M. ijcataa fu 1 BICRNELL. Abe Smith, maater. O.

M. BenlaU. clerk, wiQ leave aa above. For freight or ranare apply wa eoara er te OSBORNE a JaSST 5 maaetsFraatatraea' STEAMBOg MEMPmSPAOKET LINU. BBEAT 80UTHSII.N JTsAIX' ROCTX.

FOB' THIS BAST AND NORTH. 1 1 ROU(1B TICKET 9 Dlamphla and H. Faeketa tm Thence By MEMPHIS AND CHABXZSTOK BtlLBO AD. Bad contmneaa cennectint Baiiwaya "eagh East acsaee and Virgtaia, te HEW YOBS. FBT1JLDELFH1A, BALTIMORE.

ir WAsajHwroH. B1CHMOND. FETERSBtTSO, LYNCHBURH. ATLANTA, HASfrVTLLB, and the VIROINIA SPBUSBB, Su BSP Easram Mall Trains leave MemphU daily at T. IL, Biasing sere owner tlnns thraogh ta Hew York ak isat ea fease sad time than any ether route.

Memphis Packets leave Hew Orleans at T. BL Mondays BEBBASEA A.R.lrvla. Wadaesdays TOHIf BTMONDS I. P. Smith.

INOOMAB Paiia, Buetss. Fridays BL B. W. HILL H. Newefl.

sataT. BELFAST. W. Wray, maatar. Far freight or pesaege and tereagh tickets, siply ta J.

H. FBEXI0B, tteneral Agent, Memphis Packet Omce. St Charlea Hotel, brft wina. WM. INSLEE, Faasaaeer Agent.

H. Tickets by, this route good for any length a Mme. OaT Baggsgs checked through. ass tfl Leaves ea MONDAY. Tth at F.

M. aaaae MEMPHIS AND NEW ORLEANS feJU packet Line U. Mall Pot Mempbis sua atT nn m'i ff ail the Bends The Am cbMS packet steam er A B. Irvia, master, will be reedy ta receive freight on Wednesday morning st the foot of Oirod street, and leave as above. For trrisbt er passage apply en board, arte J.

H. FRELIGU. Ft Omce under the St. Charles Hotel BaT This Bne connects at Napoleon with regular packets for the White sad Arkanaaa Rivera, and at Mempbia with the Memphia and Charleston Railroads, and superior pack eta for St. Loaia and Louisville.

SaT Adams's Express carried reenlsrly by this Una Leaveson WEDNE8DAY, Uth et 6 P. M. u.a.m. Packet Line For Memohia and the Beads. The first class aaawsnjrer pecker INQOMAR.

ana. master, will be ready to receive trelcht ea Mon day morning at the foot of Qirod street, sad will leave ee above. For freight or paaaage apply oa board, or to J. H. FRELIOiA, F3 Office under the St.

Charles Hotel. Bar This Lias connect, et napoleon with regular paeketa for White and Arkansas rivers, aad a Memphia with tape nor packets for St. Louis and Louisville. Bar Adams's Ex preea carried regularly by thia Una. Leaves ea FRIDAY, 11 tb at A M.

MEMPHIS AN NEW OULEUI Packet Line Regular U. Mail Packet For Memohia and all the Bends The ftae. atramer H. B. W.

HILL, H. Newell, maater. will oe reaay receive tragus on vr eanesaay morning, at the foot of tttrod atreet. and leave aa aoove. Far freight or pesssge apply on board, or to FRELIOH, Fs Office under the St.

Charlea Hotel. Bar This Uns connects st Nspoleon with regular packet for the Arkansas snd White rivers, and at Memphis with superior packets for St. Louis snd Louisville. SaT Adams's Expreaa carried regularly by this Una. Ohio River.

Leaves oa MONDAY, Tth at P. M. FOR LOUISVILLE, EVANSV1LLE, Henderson, Shswneetown, Southland, Pe dacab. and all Intermediata landlnss The uaiiiuhceut and awlft runnlns ateamer MAQNOLIA. St Clair Tbomaason, maater, ia now receiving freight and will leave as above For freistit or paaaage apply on board, arte Mm, JAXAfB StU, r.

88 Orsvier street Leaveeen MONDAY, Tth inat at ft P. f. mm i. REOULAR CINCINN JLdSeaea5ix waJr SST. KLUULAIfc tUtinilATl rAVAET law oacset Jno.

Nawcomb. master, is bow la port end will leave for Cincinnati, Mad iaoa, lou iv ii is ana aii mcermeaiete landings as above. por ireigul ar passage apply on ooaro, or to FS JOHN K. HYDE SS Orsvier St. Leaves en TUESDAY, sth inat.

at P. M. aaj fT BOB LOUISVILLE The light racial mJZJ regular psewngtr packet JOHN BAINE, and ail Intermediate landings as above. For freight or psasge apply oa ooaro, or co Pn THOS. KEEFFE.

tS Sravier street. Sat A plan of the cabin can be seen aad staterooms eecarea oy appiyiag tne agent. Leaves on '10E8DAY. sth hub. at ft P.

M. ffo s. FOB PITT8B0BS DIRECT The fine I fc Tllht draught iwaaenger packet steamer BOOTH AMERICA. Sheppard, maater, ie now ia port receiving freight aad will leave as above. Fi freight ar passage apply on board, or to Fx JOHN E.

HYDE a SS Brevier street, rr9 h. TOa CINCINNATI, MADISON, AND I mi mmi intermeoiote landings xne regular pea iii packet ateamer J. a PRINSLE. ta. W.

Near, master, is aow ia port receiving freight, am) win wave at aoove. ror rrvigns or paamge appiy oa FS or to BRICEELL, Poydraa st qnran a a.w tn. mm HEW ORLEANS AND LOU IS VILLAS LISHTHIHS LINE. FOB LODI8VTLLE The Bne regular ATaltai a SB BO ev aaa ST. Alt.

den, mavstcr. wlll lcATe for IeOaiatrille mnd mT mmt mWmW Bt l.ha BT I mmmm mtermtsAimtm unmnn eVoorc. Jrar fraTiit or wmtmi MfdIv bosjaTrla or to BELL, BUCHANAN a CO, Ft 37 Fovdros street. Bar A plan of the cabin can be seen and staterooms so enrea oy applying to the agenta, Leaves on THOR8DAY. at ft P.

M. HEW ORLEANS AND LOUISVILLE LISHTNTNS LINB fiai FOB LOUISVILLE The flae regular la) 1 yif psmenges packet steamer DIANA, IS. T. BT ii if Sturgeon, master, will leave for Louisville aua au lacermeaiate isaaiags as aoove. ror ireigot or passage apply on ooara, or to BELL, BUCHANAN A Agenta, PS ST Povdns street.

BaV A plea ef She cabin can be eeea and staterooms secured oy applying co cue ageara, GREAT THROUGH ROUTE I TO AU. FOISTS NORTH AND BAST. THE LOUISVILLE AND NEW OR LEANS LIGHTNING LINE, composed of the following iniaiiiantnil peaaenger B. J. WARD Silas P.

Miller, master. DIANA T. 8turgeon, BALTIC H. Meekin, master. JOHN W.

Underwood, master. ANTELOPE Brawn, Blaster. PACIFIC A. McOiD, master. WOODFOBD Moses Irwin, master.

JAMES S. Montgomery, master. FANNY BCLLTTT L. Dunham, master. E.

H. FAlRCHILD 1. H. Faacett, master. EMPRESS Jno.

P. Leyden, master. Paaaeaaers caa relv ea the above boats leavms reealarrv throughout the entire season, making direct connectiaos at Louisville with the Cincinnati Mail packets JACOB 8TRADEB and TELEGRAPH Na and said pockets connecting at Cincinnati with the Little Miami Railroad and ita connectkma for all point. North and East, vis Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Saratoga, Niagara Falls, BuSaio, Erie, Cleveland aad Columbus. The above packets are well known to the public aa the ewtrteat ana nneet noota anoat, in cnarge of otneen of ex nerlence snd estsblished renutatioa.

THROUGH TICKETS good until used are sold by these boats st established and uniform rates. BAGGAGE checked through, aad no charge for hand Bng nor omnibus fare charged to or from tne depots ta the boats. For sny information or Through Tickets by packets te Aeuwviiie sna Cincinnati, ana cnence oy xne uiuc miami Railroad aad ita connections to allpointa North and East, apply to jvsru s. rAOAvii, nunArent, 61 St. Charlea atreet, cor.

Union, Fl Im one agoare above St. Charles Hotel. Uaaefeltat River. utVM an MON DAY. Tth Bt ft P.

M. Packet For Camden, Beach Hills, Miller's Binn, Lnompagnoue, wumingron, mora, iseou rliila Mane saline. Extra Landins. aiaoama Landing, Trenton, monroe, coiumua, uamaonourg. Ana Ity and all intermediate landings The splendid and fast running peaaenger par set eteamer siuttu, j.

x. mcaanao, master, will leave as above. For freight er pasaage apply an board. bar The Hero will take freight for Saline river as high as am burs Landing. FS Leaves on TUESDAY, 8th at ft P.

positively, ij. fMiJW OUACHITA RIVER Regular New Or leans, monroe ana xrenton racxst ror unOMggl mmiiw, IM tfllUl VVMJT dins. Colombia. Haniaonbars. Triiiitv.

and all inter. meaiate nmaiags oa vuecmta ana juaca ai vers ins new, msguiflcent and swift runnina poaaenser at B. W. McBAE, Jno. W.

Tobin, maater, Q. P. Work, clerk, will leave as above. Freight taken for Bayoas Bartholomew and D'Arbanne, with privilege of reshipping. For freight er pesssge apply on board, or to HD1E a IM.

Aeenta. FS corner of Common oadrroat Leaves ea TUESDA tth et ft P. M. FOR CAMDEN, BEACH HILLS, MIL pier's Bluff, CbampognoUe, Wilmington, Moro Bay, Fiseon Hills, Marie Saline. Alabama auuiiis.

Ouachita CUV. Trenton. Monroe. Pine Bluit. Columbia, Harriaonburg, Trinity, and ail intermediate landings on Ouachita and Black Rivers The fine, light draught passenger ateamer ROBERT WATSON, Mark Sterling, maatrr, will leave aa above.

For freight or psassgs apply oa board, or to Fft BRUCE FUTNAST. Front sr. Leaves oa WEDNESDAY. 9th Inst, at ft F. M.

FOR CAMDEN, DIRECT Regular Ten Day Passenger Packet For Camden, Beaeb Hilla, Miller 'a Bluft, CbaroiwsnoUe. WU BungioaTaloreaa Bay, Pigeoa HilL Marie Saline, Extra finding, Alabama Landing, Month Bartholomew, d'Ar bonae. Treaton, Monroe, Colombia, Hamaonhorg, Trinity and all wav amdinsa The fast and aolendid oocket PAUL JONES, Prank KeeUng. master, LW.ChappeL clerk, will leave as above. For freight ar paaaage apply en hoard, as ta FSW T.

B. SMITH, 4 Tcboupttoalas Leaves oa THURSDAY, loth st P. M. rfwa a. RCSUUI HAIUE UUitEA.ii I WrJTBAIabama Landins nasaenser packA: DR.

afcT JrLa.BOFriNGTON. Lea Moore, master positively leave as above, taking freight for Marie Saline, mlmmmm I mmAimm tHtW. BtSril OSt OB. d'Arboane, Trenton, Monroe Pine Bloifa, Castpr's(Coam bia, Harrisonburg, Trinity and all landings oa Black River, For freight or TJZ, SarTbe Bnthaetoa connects at Marie Seilpe with the ateamer Leuiaa. aad wul take freight for ell landings ea saline River, Leaves everv SATURDAY, at IS M.

FOR oraLOVaAS isfi A WW A FERRET, (built expressly fair the trade,) artriigii or peaaage apply en board, or to m. IU. mm msm.a Fraat Lsvae, aear Casmeaaeuas strarts STEAMBOATS. ORR AT, CRNTRAt. RODTB.

TBZ ONLY Betlable, Cheap aae! BxpedlrJoaal Reat nob t.h;and east. CM leala. Calra, New Orleauae BA1LBOAD The aniealng Hew and Bteganka PASSZHGEK PACKETS: J. SWOH A. T.

LACEY Rodney, HEW FALLS CITY. Woods, HEW UNCUS' SAM CITY OF MEMPHIS GLADIATOR Swttser, Boaata. ssastar. BQneferter, maater. MOBB1SOH CHAMPION Moore, ouster.

Passengers caa rely upoa one ef the above hosts leaving swOrieaaa Evcav Altbutavb Day, Thrangbuat the massa, and making direct counectkms at CAIRO AND ST. LOXXIS With The OHIO AND MISSISSIPPI Aad lliLIROI CENTRAL BA1LBOADS For aB Towns, Cltiee aad Watering Places la tha ttOBTH, EAST, AND WX8T, From Cairo to St. Paul, ia the North weak, aad te Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Hew York, Boston, Bare, toga, Niagara Fslla, Montreal, Quebec aad Portland, the Hertheost. The above is the only Line ef Steamera rasUng direct coanectieas with the BaOraads at CAIBO BHD ST. LOUIS.

Far a Cheap, Time aa Qaleb and with leas changes thaa by any ether route to the North. BAT THROUGH TICKETS good until oaed allowing the holder to atop at aay paint, and resume ale Joaraey at pleasure. gar BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH, and no chargs tor handling SSP For InftB noil Iiib ss Through Steamboat as Cairo er St. Louis, aad taeuce via Railroad ta all points Herta, apply at the Unlea Ticket Offlee Uader the St. Charles Hotel, Hew Orleans, The Oldest Established Office in the South, aad tha eoly one where Plans af tha Boats Cabins can be roems secured, sod THROUGH TICBETS purchased to all Northern aa Eastern Cities.

W. K. BEDDING, B8T tf eeneral Agent, Leavea on SONDAY. Sth at 10 A M. ST.

LOUIS, CAIRO AND NB ORLEANS RAILROAD LINB. THE ONLY LINE MAKING DIRECT cenneetlone for the East, North and West st Cairo and St. Louie For St. Louia aad uuininea Conneetlne at LAiro wita tne liunoia Central, and at St. Louis with the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad The new and elegant peaaenger packet GLADIATOR, Ellnefetter.

master, will leave for St. Louis and all Intermediate landings aa aoave. The Gladiator, for speed, comfort aad safety, ia aaaar paaaed by aay boat on the river. For pesssge ar through tickets to all Northeastern aad Western dues, apply to W. REDDING, General Agent, under the St.

Charles Hotel, Where a plea ef the cabin caa be eeea aad etateroome eecarea. FS Leevee en WEDNESDAY. Sth inat, at ft P. M. ST.

LOblS, CAIRO AND NEW ORLBANS RAILROAD LINB. The Only Line making Direct Connections for the East. North and West at Cairo oud Bt. Loaia. aawa.

von. BT. IXOIB AND 'WAV I.AWTV La1" iiJTrnge Connecting at Cairo with the UllnoM) pry mmm Central and at St. Louia with tha Ohio and Miasiaaippi Railroad The new and elegant passenger packet W. M.

MORRISON, Bofinger master, will leave tor St. Louis and ell intermediate landings as above. The W. M. Morrison for speed, comfort and safety is act aoraeaeed by aay boat oa the river.

For paaaage and through tickets to all Northeastera and Western dues, apply to W. E. REDDING, General Agent, under the St, Charlea Hotel, Where a piaa af tba cabin caa be eeea and staterooma secured. Fs Leaves oa TOE8DAT. 16th at ft P.

as. ST. LOUIS, CAIRO ANB NEW ORLBANS RAILROAD LINB. The only Line making through connections for toe East, Herta aad West, at Cairo aad St. Louis mm jt, POB ST.

LOUIS AND WAY LAWD laJjismgs Connecting at Cairo with the Iilinoie ar Central, and at St. Louie with the Ohio and tiissuaippi Railroad The Baa regular passenger packet IMPERIAL. Bogers, master, will leave lot SULoaisaad all Intermediata landings ss above. The Imperial for speed, comfort aad eafety la not ear. aaaaed by any boar an the river.

For paaaage and through tickets to all Northeastern aad Western ciUea, apply to rv. tm, nubuiintt, ueueiai ageas under the St. Charles He loteL Where a eiaa off the cabia caa be eecared FW Th Uavep Sllaalaalppl. Leaves on SUNDAY. 6th inat.

at 10 A. M. gf7 a. REGULAR BT. LOUIS PACKET For I JUrWv'St Louis, Cairo.

Hickman, New Madrid, i i i and aO intermediate leadings Tne elegant and fast running passengsr packet eteamer ORLEANS, Haines, master, will leave ea above. For freight or passage apply on board, or to T. B0DDECKB COn SI Common street. Ft Leaves on SUNDAY, otb at 10 A. M.

ST. LOUIS, CAIRO AND HEW ORLEANS MERCHANTS' LINE. ffss FOR 8T. LOUIS, CAIRO, HICKMAN, "rTe tJr Memphis, and all intermediate landings The eiaesnt aad swift runnina neaeenaee packet au aiaev OIH.EAN8. Haines, mooter, will leave for Bt.

Louis sna an mtermediote landings as aoove. wot freight er paamge apply oa board, or to Ol M. WHITE. 83 Front street. Leaves on SUNDAY 6th inst et 10 A.


Haines, master, will leave for the Intermediate landlnss. as above. For frehtht apply on board, or to SftLUBUUlA A SI 87 Poydraa street Leaves on SUNDAY, Sth Inst. at 10 A M. IT.

LOUIS, CAIBO AND NEW ORLEANS BAIL ROAD LINE. Il i. FOB ST. LOU 1 8 Connecting at Cairo La with tha Illinois Central, and at St. Louis WTmi aTii ifr 4 the Ohio and Miasiarlppi Railroad Tbe nne regular passenger packet steamer CLADfATORv Blinefelter, master, will leave for St.

Louia and all intermediata landings as above. For freight or pasaage, apply oa board, ar to J. F. ALLEN. Freight Agent For the above line, and tbe Illinois Central Railroad, Fa Poydraa street.

Leaves on MONDAY, Tth Inst, at ft P. M. REGULAR ST. LOUIS PACK. ET Th.

fine reeular passenger packet ateemer TWILIGHT, J. a Shaw, master. Is now in port and will leave for St. Louis, Cairo, Hickman and all Intermediate landings as above. iF or freight or passaga apply oa ihibi ii, er to JTft O.

M. WfTfTE, fa Front street, mj nv i mm FUR BT. LOUIS. CA1RU. M1CRBSAN FMemnhis.

Helena. Nanoleon and all Inter. mediate landines The new mud eleeant muaenser amer TWILIGHT, 3. Shaw, master, will leave aa above. or rreianc or pea age appiy on oeera, er co FftY DKUtE 1 U1.1AM, ft Front street.


BEGOLAB ST. LOUIS PACKET The Sne resular nassi nsi eacket ILLINOIS. Iaaec D. Pulkersen. master, will leave for aueve and all intermediate aa above.

For IRlgat or esse re. apply on board, or to BELL, BUCHANAN a Agents, FB tt Poydraa street. IT. LOUIS, CAIRO AND NEW ORLEANS RAILROAD LINE. FOB ST.

LOUIS Connecting at Cairo with the Illinois Central, aad at St. Loaia wiin tneunioanamiasis ippi Kaiiroaa too neseeneev Backet WaL M. MORRISON. H. Bofinger, maater, will leave for St.

Louis and all la termed late landings ee above. For freight or pessege apply aa ooaro. or so J. r. aAa.i, Agent.

Par the above Line and the Illinois Central Railroad. Fa as Poydraa treat Leavea on WEDNESDAY. Otb at la A. M. 8T.

LOUIS, CAIRO AND NEW ORLEANS MER CHANTS' LINE. FOB ST. LOUIS, CAIRO, HICKMAN, Memphis and all intermediate landings The eleeant and swift runnina passenger packet ateamer JOHN WARNER, Patterson, maater, wiU leave for tbe above and all intermediate landings ss above. Foe freight er paaaage apply on boera, or FS O. M.

WHITE. 69 Front street. Leaves on WEDNESDAY. Vth at P. LOUIS, CAIRO AND NEW ORLEANS MXB VACKET The Sne regnlsr rManenger packet JOHN WARNER, Fat trrao master, wiUleovo for OU Intermediate taaaiaga sage apply on board, or to de uiNAN St CO.

Agents. JT Peydfas street. CameerlaaRIvP. Leaveeen HOSDAr.nn OR NASH VlLLB DIRECT The fast snd regular paasenger pacaet ateamer T. WICHELI M.

tr. acMBa meeter, will .1 1. 1 1 1. lutMl 1 1 i L. land.

Podoeah, and aU Intermediate landings on the Conv ri Ohio snd MiasnwJprd rivers, as above. Forfreiaht mr onoiv on board, or to r4 gQRNS a ta sad tAFroat street. Leaves on MONDAY. 7th insL. at ft P.

M. rJtm nAsni xne spleadld aad fast regular jaasfngi packet steamer T. C. TWICHELL. H.

McComaa. maater. will leave lor pssbvu vtaraeviua, vaotoa. Eddyville, amlihland. Padocah.

and all Intermedial 1. rutin an the Camoerlaad. Ohio and Miaaniinil rims ee above. for freight or pesuire apply un beard, or to aaa tcx LAN Art a ST Povdrae seres. Leaves oa MONDAY, vth tn A.

P. run, rt ash all is, luailivst iii. i ru iii a i.l.t,... I Padocah. Catrn.

dalumbua. Hickmau, and MUTfiiii, JL.I.(. B1 intermediate bnidtaga Tbe Sne. light draught, regalar steamer AS. JOHNSON, fomosno, master, wiU ve aa above.

For freight or paa ase appt vsa board, er te nnpriELD. Aeent, corner Bt Charles and Perdido sts. The J. i. wfll take freight through to say pmutjm.

Klver, wita privilege er swmas an ABB ea St. Louie MebBa. ytmnii.i.1. aarmt at co. gavamp i hii aegsis, aaaaaa a tin.

M.nlu STEAM BOATS aad Lake Packets. issi FOR MOBILE DAILY O. MATY, Wj AUNE Wlat.r Arraagemeat a so i ill tajpUmdid lewsre sare packet CDlAAAHkra nnitrr. FLORIDA A P. 1 maater.

and CALIFORNIA. W. H. Hatchlnm. built eapreasly for the Lake trade, with superior annmiaal jawna One ef tbe aoove st amen will leave tbe ntchart tiB BailroadDAILY.aathe arrival of theSi, P.M.

tralaef caea Tt for Mobile direct. Retarniu. (wrataer, time, et any ether casualty shat might occur ce sveng Isndii.a, ear vtedO will MONDAYS aad TUOAaV' was a ar nay lmm, rw torwuaa aaa I ssismsia. 1 Canin Par go oa Tw fc i se Ntgrace, ia Iota of Be end mrnmr 1 SB Cai'io far frrn Pa agiia 4 jmmrk: .1.. 1 A i' CatilH fare from Bay SC Leeie aad Psaa Christ Isb se a.

Oitlflrm aai Br 1 te De ItS IA BW The Mail Baa. for Mobile anlv. wSJ, tte i office wf the agenta promptly et o'clock P. wOrleaBa. Janoary ee, iww.

a. GEDDEa, Asaot, SO OraWw LAKE SHORE PACKET CRivLH latar AfrrmnamanS For Oreee nnaA. OBilAxL mrA mi1 tTttmrmmtiimm ImJkA T5Vt2rt4A preeur U. Coast Mail packet CREOLE, Chaa Walkss. awo.

audt expressly for tends, with sp rlAr smmMawdatiocw, wiU saake trips ao4 laadlaga as foilews, ualeas prcveatad by bad weather, bug er Uw water, want ef wood, er aome accident to MM machiaery, leasing the Lake aad af the PeaarhareaMB Railroad aa tb arrTval et the Lak. of the cars. mTlmuZm? 1 Leaves Hew Orleans atebartnfa Banrsaay TUESDAY mmm.m, mmv BLmmJIm SATUKDAY SMV.Kea a Leaves Ocean Sprln aT MOBHXBaV 1 ii STTHDAY EVENING, I WEDNESDAY EVENING I I FRIO. Tbe Creole will extend her trips to Psarqgsaal ea mm mma H.IUMBV. i 1 flss Creole wui stop at BreedweU'a Wharf ea Tvilisgg uiy i aad retarning, on Friday, ouij.

Rates ef Fere by Creole i i i Cabia fereU Bay St, Louia and Pass CI cuiiarca ana ecrvsnrs ALa JB 3H. tore to Mississippi taty, BUeXt Bad Chileren and Deck iociadina Paacasoslal. tHiB tare to to PaarAxouia. 4 ftg Exprem Chest and Letter Begieaves tba eiSce oe aadTharadays, et SI A aad Baker it eSSql i ML GEDDES, Asaat, as ariwnsr m. Utbt.

Stock, aad Extra Lnssaee. aboaid alwa e. SeTaE Freisbt. Btec.aa Extra Lnssaee. be saippedeitaer tbs day previaaa er In ompie Km fat tu train preceding the one at which the bee laaewa tee rasas' Hew Orieoaa, Jaaaary ta.

law WINTER ARRANGEM E.1T O. MAIU .11 I FOB MAHD1 Rj fi PjMadiaonville, BV aaaau aadaBprings The run aa av vr ill lioidw j5r ai 1 VS le tovlneton. AV Knrinm The Ana. mat ruuioe sms a Ainiffi w. dor, will leave the Lake end ef tbe FontcAartrabi Raliread 1 daily, ea arrival of Ua eraia, as f.Uows Leavea MONDAY, for Covington oa arrival Mate TUESDAY, for Madisnville lot, WEDNESDAY.

favCovtagt on, KH mmiC, THURSDAY, for MadiMuvUia. tok FRIDAY, for Covtagtea.M..m.. UHi Ml SATURDAY, for Cr. MONDAY, from Cs rragtn Wssa gor 11M araal TUESDAY, from Covington. 114 m.

r. Djvn.veniw .1 i 111. "bynboyaijim i.nwimi.n mm wmm mm THURSDAY, from 11 4 FRIDAY, Irem Madlsonvllle SATURDAY, from The ARROW will step at ell tha route eaca way. .1 mJi Pssesse Si each way. Befresameata ta fee bad at Meg Bar.

No meals ea Board. Freight mast be sent to the Rail road bt Bate tar the 1 o'clock train, otherwise it will not be v. i For further information apply to GEO. A. FOSDICK, Agwat, Mis tfl aaNescaeseUeet, 'tar All Mils sgaiBst tka boet psU ea beard.

Sue BAV a Linavtuuv will i sams aer tnpa tm the sammer Tinanesa bob dioeontlnaed. SUNDAY tripe fca tha sea COX, a DAILY LINB. 7 Ai mvb, BVDiu, E. i ana, wrvAvrvw cry, Wetampka, aad all laadlaga ea Aia. a bama River The aanerios Lake ateoasa ai toeilS ssr asiy "or tne inne, WM.

BAGALEY, Joan a Banott, saaater. CABONPELET. Bich'd Sinnott, master. HENRY LEWIS, Shields, saaeter. One of tbe above Steamers will leave from the Lakeeag.

of tba Jeflersoa and CarroUtoa Railroad EVERY DAY. ea the arrival of tbe fco P. M. cars, eaaaacttag at Meatie srtth Cox. Bralaard A Co.

'a dally aae af megnTnceat aaa. seagev pecketa for lain a Rives. Shlppere aad paeiisgi is caa iwrp aa these aeata eeav aecting at all times with the boats on the Alnbesae ives. Freight received every day at the Depot, 21 veil Circle. For freight er peaaase apply te Fs tf J.

L. HARRIS, Agent, IT BTateaat saresC SaV The mail bag tades bed every day fram my etna for Mobile sad Alabama Biver. et fc 10 aL COX, BBAIHABD A DAILY LINB. feasSs a. FOR MOBILE, MONTSOME BT, J4 Jf Selma and all landings ea Alabama JUrcr tmmm, jciThe snperior Lake steamers John Biaaott, amtir.

Siaoott, mast sr. HEN BY Bdw'd Suielda master. Oasof tbe aaova steamers will leave from tbe Lekeea of the Jefferson and CarroUton Railroad EVERY BAY, iguudsys and Fridays excepted, on tbe arrival af the arte M. train af cars, connecting wita their daily, line eC Alabama Biver Boats, thus ensuring te both pasai mug aad shippers the wtmoet despatch aad erf sinaassaiioa. Freirht received Bt aU timet at the Depot, TiveU Urcie.

For freight ar passage apply to Fit JOHN B. HYDE aCOSSCrra deret. Tha Lower iniaalaatavl. Leavm every MONDAY at ft P. FRIDAY at te A VJ trm9 mm BEGOLAB TWICE A WEEK PACKlf aJUPor Betoa Bauge, Braly's Lsadtag, kmaa fL ItoaatosonviiTe, land tbe cCoast The episadtd psssi tm dr' ateamer METEOR.

Benjamin On asastev, Louie Boacberaad, clerkTleaves New Oriisai every MONDAY, at ft aad every FRIDAY, et 10 A M. leaves Bstoa Baage every TUESDAY, at IS aad every SATURDAI, at ISA. M. Nomina sowa tae uoaat rreae DonaldtonviUe every WEDNESDAY aad SUNDAY, aayngai, res ircigns er pamoge appiyon ooaro, or se OBSOUIE a CO, JeSS at and aft Front street. femes every WXDHISDAY at 10 at aad SAXTJXDAI swa, FOB THE COAST1, AND DOBALDS Imf A9ville The nne, fast, semuugu aackat AiL.

Jna ws i.e j. arowa, saiwsr. wul lea ew Orieaos aa above. Betarmvig tae Ceaat every MONDAY aad FRIDAY la daylight. E.

CONERYVAaaat. "i corner Common end Faitoa aajeets. Leaves every WEDNESDAY, at BP. St. rUK FORT A AM Tba msSBISIISB eteamer BATE HOWARD, BL FT use, asascer, as.

tmiiara, ciera, wiu lot AronaMlaoaviua, Bayoa trouia, Beam, Plaaaawrfaev Bayoa Sara, pvs saaport. Bed ksreg iusc. Pert Hedaon. Wateriea. Bayoa Coupee Moraanxa, Tunica, WUliaasapors, ort A asms, ana dame, aad all mtsrmedlara laudln, tha arrival af the cars from Weedvliie.

Betarning, will leave Bi A fTTTl im, A Aaasai eVCI BfeB WlaA Al a a aaaaj Weedvliie. For fzalahs aa annlv an hoard, as to E. CONEBT, dlft earner Commoa aad Pal Leavea every TUESDAY aad FRIDAY, at P. PL aS5, Returning down rUKlnStUASl AnnAlUU7l. Tbe fast manias oasaenser sac bat 1 1 a.

Am ta. x. uen, master, wtu leave aa aaove i. ns dowa tba Coast everv XaUiKBDAg aae SONDAY. ta.

daylivht For freirht er peaaage eaaly ea board. BOG ART. FOLEY A AVERY. Aerate. SOT The Vixen wul leave ea aer Sret trip aa aaasitae, December IA die Leaves every SUNDAY, at 9 AM.

end WXDHBBDAT FOB LOBD ELL'S STOBB Awn a nnw Coast Tbe Sne, new atsamsr RO! ad1 TETB. J. A Cot ten. master. wiU leave Hew eenlar tmm tmr Aha above oatntaaa iamimmwm GROSSE TETB, t.

A. Cott a. master. Sunday, A. at.

vROSSE TETK, J. A. Cottea, maater, Wedaaaday, BP. BO A Cierk always oa the Levee te receiva fretgatlwoue above boat agens, I TcboojateeJatst, das 3m O. a MAIL LINK.

FOB BAYOO SARA, BATOVJ bos id tbe Coast The eoiendid arnaiws CAPITOL and LAUREL RILL wul kaaee i for the above poiaat as Bnliowa, taking frclgbt to UUS voasc lanaraga CAPITOL, Baauv LAUREL HILL. master, Sunday, A BT. ar, maaaay, r. i CAPITOU Baranco, Wedaeaday.i lay, ar. 'P.

M. LAUR EL BILL Vincent, master. FtidaV. 10 A ST. A clerk always ea the Levee to receive frelgbll above boats.

J. A As. at. 1 Tcnoapnsajas MUSB a BRO drr tf corner of Comcaoe aad Fraas a a. WINTER ABRANwBlkHT vVICB) aJ 9 a Week Hereartar tbe O.

MaB pasaat fJZZX ELLE GATES, M. N. Biovica, Bsastav ferteiviliew Orleans every SATOR DA 7o Ji ri A. BL. for Bouse, end everv BON ESDAY, a eloaB A VL, for Potata la Bacbe amy.

Ratoi jlng, wnt bww BauteSandsvaiarnrng, arriving et Naw Orieaaa ea kaay daymmThamd. TOt ait am Ha Tepid Levoe itiiia PWnXD ITBB Jggmg mUMkm BXJTB leaves ea mmmm, Tbs wiogaidceet U. Mail poo TZ t9 irRINCEBaTWiiaoa, auster, leavm for 1 I mml lAeldaaavule, Plaqoamiae, aaaea aoaga, twrl Bam. ad Biver lirt i Matches.

Waterproof, Rodney, St. Juepa. Braad mmL Warren toe and Vtckabarg, every TUESDAY, at ft F. U. Tbs Friacess connects at Vicksbars with tae i iitt all tha laartlsgs aa nut as high Green wood.

Leaves ea THURSDAY, at P.M.' "to Tbs maaviinr.wl a Mail packet VlCmtUVX tt BL White, maater, will trace for Doaaldeoavuia. I iaa mme. aatoa Kongo, ran neaeon, nayoa Sara, nvea asvar Landing, Fort Adams, Hatches, Waterproof, tfoaepo, arena uau, warreataa, Bend, Lake Providence. Stark's lalaaa Landing, Pitcher's Point, Ashton, Grao buton, Carolina Landing aad Point tea. VkJubura.

1 Bend, Lake Providence, Stack's lslaaa Loading, Bi "aa in, Grand Lasa, Lass Wavaf i Wanaiagsoa, eaara inuuuAi, ate r. m. Th ateamer Vickaesrg wm take freight Bar Tssa VJy Leaves ea SATURDAY, at r. I i. Tae aaagnioceut Mail parses HATCrTrS.

J2 Tiemhrrs, Blaster, will leave tor i ai Joseph, Grand Golf. Wanaataa. mm. t.M.IA aWSiwsv 7 tin buarnem entrusted SB taetx ease WI WtmP4. for I .7 Ti.

aaeaev. jewelry, er ataer wTlewrresulsrbiUs of ore token, apeciryiag a riegularMUsoi ited with the cJ the freight paid aor for say va.ea. deooaited dark by tae peaeeagers, a Fw ig tsjtfiz 567" ace), unioa avow, ss Larsaasiss awwss, Blaatea aad Callaea Bwrlaure. FOR BLADON AND LLOtt ft TSprings Twice a Week The AT1V 1 Ftr V. Bunael IMai aaaa I as faavs iar iuadoa aad Couaat Springa, twice a wees, a aaV.

Les MBIaMle a rBlad a rn.i va Blsrege eadlbai Bsopous every Satorday Eve at 4 o'clock. A unrn mmointw mm m. mm mr I Wsdneaday Evening, at eavm Wadovi and Calium innn every Tsaadny aa. Tharaday tmir at 4 o'clork, amvit ia Aumuo SVorp aysdneedey and rvaop Mnrmng. aseoaw s.

iZmmznax gy xibsisWa p. H. wrT aoovs, foi Baton Rc evsay i i 4 I 'i!.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.